.. bpo: 9670 .. date: 8461 .. nonce: D4p50W .. release date: 2011-05-29 .. section: Core and Builtins Increase the default stack size for secondary threads on Mac OS X and FreeBSD to reduce the chances of a crash instead of a "maximum recursion depth" RuntimeError exception. (patch by Ronald Oussoren) .. .. bpo: 0 .. date: 8460 .. nonce: w122h9 .. section: Core and Builtins Correct lookup of __dir__ on objects. This allows old-style classes to have __dir__. It also causes errors besides AttributeError found on lookup to be propagated. .. .. bpo: 1195 .. date: 8459 .. nonce: rUvlec .. section: Core and Builtins Fix input() if it is interrupted by CTRL+d and then CTRL+c, clear the end-of-file indicator after CTRL+d. .. .. bpo: 8651 .. date: 8458 .. nonce: KT0VWy .. section: Core and Builtins PyArg_Parse*() functions raise an OverflowError if the file doesn't have PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN define and the size doesn't fit in an int (length bigger than 2^31-1 bytes). .. .. bpo: 8651 .. date: 8457 .. nonce: d-KV9c .. section: Core and Builtins Fix "z#" format of PyArg_Parse*() function: the size was not written if PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN is defined. .. .. bpo: 9756 .. date: 8456 .. nonce: L962XN .. section: Core and Builtins When calling a method descriptor or a slot wrapper descriptor, the check of the object type doesn't read the __class__ attribute anymore. Fix a crash if a class override its __class__ attribute (e.g. a proxy of the str type). Patch written by Andreas Stührk. .. .. bpo: 10517 .. date: 8455 .. nonce: eHRgPe .. section: Core and Builtins After fork(), reinitialize the TLS used by the PyGILState_* APIs, to avoid a crash with the pthread implementation in RHEL 5. Patch by Charles-François Natali. .. .. bpo: 6780 .. date: 8454 .. nonce: MS1yFK .. section: Core and Builtins fix starts/endswith error message to mention that tuples are accepted too. .. .. bpo: 5057 .. date: 8453 .. nonce: BMmS2n .. section: Core and Builtins fix a bug in the peepholer that led to non-portable pyc files between narrow and wide builds while optimizing BINARY_SUBSCR on non-BMP chars (e.g. u"\U00012345"[0]). .. .. bpo: 11650 .. date: 8452 .. nonce: r47Jvk .. section: Core and Builtins PyOS_StdioReadline() retries fgets() if it was interrupted (EINTR), for example if the program is stopped with CTRL+z on Mac OS X. Patch written by Charles-Francois Natali. .. .. bpo: 11144 .. date: 8451 .. nonce: FE1cYC .. section: Core and Builtins Ensure that int(a_float) returns an int whenever possible. Previously, there were some corner cases where a long was returned even though the result was within the range of an int. .. .. bpo: 11450 .. date: 8450 .. nonce: ulI9xJ .. section: Core and Builtins Don't truncate hg version info in Py_GetBuildInfo() when there are many tags (e.g. when using mq). Patch by Nadeem Vawda. .. .. bpo: 10451 .. date: 8449 .. nonce: wlYiI8 .. section: Core and Builtins memoryview objects could allow mutating a readable buffer. Initial patch by Ross Lagerwall. .. .. bpo: 10892 .. date: 8448 .. nonce: ATjwD_ .. section: Core and Builtins Don't segfault when trying to delete __abstractmethods__ from a class. .. .. bpo: 8020 .. date: 8447 .. nonce: aERuZE .. section: Core and Builtins Avoid a crash where the small objects allocator would read non-Python managed memory while it is being modified by another thread. Patch by Matt Bandy. .. .. bpo: 11004 .. date: 8446 .. nonce: 2Wj4t8 .. section: Core and Builtins Repaired edge case in deque.count(). .. .. bpo: 8278 .. date: 8445 .. nonce: 8P-kMi .. section: Core and Builtins On Windows and with a NTFS filesystem, os.stat() and os.utime() can now handle dates after 2038. .. .. bpo: 4236 .. date: 8444 .. nonce: kMjQK6 .. section: Core and Builtins Py_InitModule4 now checks the import machinery directly rather than the Py_IsInitialized flag, avoiding a Fatal Python error in certain circumstances when an import is done in __del__. .. .. bpo: 11828 .. date: 8443 .. nonce: nBlnst .. section: Core and Builtins startswith and endswith don't accept None as slice index. Patch by Torsten Becker. .. .. bpo: 10674 .. date: 8442 .. nonce: ZNFQ1f .. section: Core and Builtins Remove unused 'dictmaker' rule from grammar. .. .. bpo: 10596 .. date: 8441 .. nonce: r05xzm .. section: Core and Builtins Fix float.__mod__ to have the same behaviour as float.__divmod__ with respect to signed zeros. -4.0 % 4.0 should be 0.0, not -0.0. .. .. bpo: 11386 .. date: 8440 .. nonce: wrrB8K .. section: Core and Builtins bytearray.pop() now throws IndexError when the bytearray is empty, instead of OverflowError. .. .. bpo: 12161 .. date: 8439 .. nonce: CmDpNV .. section: Library Cause StringIO.getvalue() to raise a ValueError when used on a closed StringIO instance. .. .. bpo: 12182 .. date: 8438 .. nonce: IWruZQ .. section: Library Fix pydoc.HTMLDoc.multicolumn() if Python uses the new (true) division (python -Qnew). Patch written by Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve. .. .. bpo: 12175 .. date: 8437 .. nonce: 9M55CV .. section: Library RawIOBase.readall() now returns None if read() returns None. .. .. bpo: 12175 .. date: 8436 .. nonce: U3k4iw .. section: Library FileIO.readall() now raises a ValueError instead of an IOError if the file is closed. .. .. bpo: 1441530 .. date: 8435 .. nonce: pSlnFk .. section: Library In imaplib, use makefile() to wrap the SSL socket to avoid heap fragmentation and MemoryError with some malloc implementations. .. .. bpo: 12100 .. date: 8434 .. nonce: 4sb-gJ .. section: Library Don't reset incremental encoders of CJK codecs at each call to their encode() method anymore, but continue to call the reset() method if the final argument is True. .. .. bpo: 12124 .. date: 8433 .. nonce: qpMI7g .. section: Library zipimport doesn't keep a reference to zlib.decompress() anymore to be able to unload the module. .. .. bpo: 10154 .. date: 8432 .. nonce: 4iPVr8 .. section: Library change the normalization of UTF-8 to "UTF-8" instead of "UTF8" in the locale module as the latter is not supported MacOSX and OpenBSD. (See also: bpo-10090) .. .. bpo: 9516 .. date: 8431 .. nonce: WLkxuC .. section: Library avoid errors in sysconfig when MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET is set in shell. .. .. bpo: 12050 .. date: 8430 .. nonce: v6HF9i .. section: Library zlib.decompressobj().decompress() now clears the unconsumed_tail attribute when called without a max_length argument. .. .. bpo: 12062 .. date: 8429 .. nonce: fUVuyO .. section: Library In the `io` module, fix a flushing bug when doing a certain type of I/O sequence on a file opened in read+write mode (namely: reading, seeking a bit forward, writing, then seeking before the previous write but still within buffered data, and writing again). .. .. bpo: 8498 .. date: 8428 .. nonce: XooGVI .. section: Library In socket.accept(), allow specifying 0 as a backlog value in order to accept exactly one connection. Patch by Daniel Evers. .. .. bpo: 12012 .. date: 8427 .. nonce: raFUoR .. section: Library ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv2 becomes optional. .. .. bpo: 11927 .. date: 8426 .. nonce: UqvRAV .. section: Library SMTP_SSL now uses port 465 by default as documented. Patch by Kasun Herath. .. .. bpo: 11999 .. date: 8425 .. nonce: aLa-HD .. section: Library fixed sporadic sync failure mailbox.Maildir due to its trying to detect mtime changes by comparing to the system clock instead of to the previous value of the mtime. .. .. bpo: 10684 .. date: 8424 .. nonce: Ctye6o .. section: Library shutil.move used to delete a folder on case insensitive filesystems when the source and destination name where the same except for the case. .. .. bpo: 11982 .. date: 8423 .. nonce: 4CiHRO .. section: Library fix json.loads('""') to return u'' rather than ''. .. .. bpo: 11277 .. date: 8422 .. nonce: 4nCUxv .. section: Library mmap.mmap() calls fcntl(fd, F_FULLFSYNC) on Mac OS X to get around a mmap bug with sparse files. Patch written by Steffen Daode Nurpmeso. .. .. bpo: 10761 .. date: 8421 .. nonce: rwSQE7 .. section: Library Fix tarfile.extractall failure when symlinked files are present. Initial patch by Scott Leerssen. .. .. bpo: 11763 .. date: 8420 .. nonce: LPGrnG .. section: Library don't use difflib in TestCase.assertMultiLineEqual if the strings are too long. .. .. bpo: 11236 .. date: 8419 .. nonce: DyWdnL .. section: Library getpass.getpass responds to ctrl-c or ctrl-z on terminal. .. .. bpo: 11768 .. date: 8418 .. nonce: HRg5Hy .. section: Library The signal handler of the signal module only calls Py_AddPendingCall() for the first signal to fix a deadlock on reentrant or parallel calls. PyErr_SetInterrupt() writes also into the wake up file. .. .. bpo: 11875 .. date: 8417 .. nonce: xFn-yD .. section: Library collections.OrderedDict's __reduce__ was temporarily mutating the object instead of just working on a copy. .. .. bpo: 11442 .. date: 8416 .. nonce: Jta8go .. section: Library Add a charset parameter to the Content-type in SimpleHTTPServer to avoid XSS attacks. .. .. bpo: 11467 .. date: 8415 .. nonce: th8B0N .. section: Library Fix urlparse behavior when handling urls which contains scheme specific part only digits. Patch by Santoso Wijaya. .. .. bpo: 0 .. date: 8414 .. nonce: MOd782 .. section: Library collections.Counter().copy() now works correctly for subclasses. .. .. bpo: 11474 .. date: 8413 .. nonce: UKTAWA .. section: Library Fix the bug with url2pathname() handling of '/C|/' on Windows. Patch by Santoso Wijaya. .. .. bpo: 9233 .. date: 8412 .. nonce: AIRcqi .. section: Library Fix json.loads('{}') to return a dict (instead of a list), when _json is not available. .. .. bpo: 11703 .. date: 8411 .. nonce: hwI5Mw .. section: Library urllib2.geturl() does not return correct url when the original url contains #fragment. .. .. bpo: 10019 .. date: 8410 .. nonce: J7QVFU .. section: Library Fixed regression in json module where an indent of 0 stopped adding newlines and acted instead like 'None'. .. .. bpo: 5162 .. date: 8409 .. nonce: UYJrO- .. section: Library Treat services like frozen executables to allow child spawning from multiprocessing.forking on Windows. .. .. bpo: 4877 .. date: 8408 .. nonce: 4B7uDJ .. section: Library Fix a segfault in xml.parsers.expat while attempting to parse a closed file. .. .. bpo: 11830 .. date: 8407 .. nonce: tFEtWl .. section: Library Remove unnecessary introspection code in the decimal module. It was causing a failed import in the Turkish locale where the locale sensitive str.upper() method caused a name mismatch. .. .. bpo: 8428 .. date: 8406 .. nonce: vVu7J6 .. section: Library Fix a race condition in multiprocessing.Pool when terminating worker processes: new processes would be spawned while the pool is being shut down. Patch by Charles-François Natali. .. .. bpo: 7311 .. date: 8405 .. nonce: lRokCQ .. section: Library Fix HTMLParser to accept non-ASCII attribute values. .. .. bpo: 10963 .. date: 8404 .. nonce: _J-MW9 .. section: Library Ensure that subprocess.communicate() never raises EPIPE. .. .. bpo: 11662 .. date: 8403 .. nonce: GpHbgk .. section: Library Make urllib and urllib2 ignore redirections if the scheme is not HTTP, HTTPS or FTP (CVE-2011-1521). .. .. bpo: 11256 .. date: 8402 .. nonce: AVqrHZ .. section: Library Fix inspect.getcallargs on functions that take only keyword arguments. .. .. bpo: 11696 .. date: 8401 .. nonce: dzz7nM .. section: Library Fix ID generation in msilib. .. .. bpo: 9696 .. date: 8400 .. nonce: Nh0u8J .. section: Library Fix exception incorrectly raised by xdrlib.Packer.pack_int when trying to pack a negative (in-range) integer. .. .. bpo: 11675 .. date: 8399 .. nonce: qFfmkU .. section: Library multiprocessing.[Raw]Array objects created from an integer size are now zeroed on creation. This matches the behaviour specified by the documentation. .. .. bpo: 7639 .. date: 8398 .. nonce: PKfmwz .. section: Library Fix short file name generation in bdist_msi. .. .. bpo: 11666 .. date: 8397 .. nonce: Hni56e .. section: Library let help() display named tuple attributes and methods that start with a leading underscore. .. .. bpo: 11673 .. date: 8396 .. nonce: uXlx4W .. section: Library Fix multiprocessing Array and RawArray constructors to accept a size of type 'long', rather than only accepting 'int'. .. .. bpo: 10042 .. date: 8395 .. nonce: SCtRiD .. section: Library Fixed the total_ordering decorator to handle cross-type comparisons that could lead to infinite recursion. .. .. bpo: 10979 .. date: 8394 .. nonce: FjyVrT .. section: Library unittest stdout buffering now works with class and module setup and teardown. .. .. bpo: 11569 .. date: 8393 .. nonce: fp461F .. section: Library use absolute path to the sysctl command in multiprocessing to ensure that it will be found regardless of the shell PATH. This ensures that multiprocessing.cpu_count works on default installs of MacOSX. .. .. bpo: 11500 .. date: 8392 .. nonce: SOGd4Y .. section: Library Fixed a bug in the os x proxy bypass code for fully qualified IP addresses in the proxy exception list. .. .. bpo: 11131 .. date: 8391 .. nonce: PnmRwo .. section: Library Fix sign of zero in plus and minus operations when the context rounding mode is ROUND_FLOOR. .. .. bpo: 5622 .. date: 8390 .. nonce: dM7tnW .. section: Library Fix curses.wrapper to raise correct exception if curses initialization fails. .. .. bpo: 11391 .. date: 8389 .. nonce: hdoRPe .. section: Library Writing to a mmap object created with ``mmap.PROT_READ|mmap.PROT_EXEC`` would segfault instead of raising a TypeError. Patch by Charles-François Natali. .. .. bpo: 11306 .. date: 8388 .. nonce: 2rXDt4 .. section: Library mailbox in certain cases adapts to an inability to open certain files in read-write mode. Previously it detected this by checking for EACCES, now it also checks for EROFS. .. .. bpo: 11265 .. date: 8387 .. nonce: Y51oyn .. section: Library asyncore now correctly handles EPIPE, EBADF and EAGAIN errors on accept(), send() and recv(). .. .. bpo: 11326 .. date: 8386 .. nonce: 2GUPyU .. section: Library Add the missing connect_ex() implementation for SSL sockets, and make it work for non-blocking connects. .. .. bpo: 10956 .. date: 8385 .. nonce: ArNOt6 .. section: Library Buffered I/O classes retry reading or writing after a signal has arrived and the handler returned successfully. .. .. bpo: 10680 .. date: 8384 .. nonce: pAmFnC .. section: Library Fix mutually exclusive arguments for argument groups in argparse. .. .. bpo: 4681 .. date: 8383 .. nonce: I20jgq .. section: Library Allow mmap() to work on file sizes and offsets larger than 4GB, even on 32-bit builds. Initial patch by Ross Lagerwall, adapted for 32-bit Windows. .. .. bpo: 10360 .. date: 8382 .. nonce: JAYw4l .. section: Library In WeakSet, do not raise TypeErrors when testing for membership of non-weakrefable objects. .. .. bpo: 10549 .. date: 8381 .. nonce: 15cASW .. section: Library Fix pydoc traceback when text-documenting certain classes. .. .. bpo: 940286 .. date: 8380 .. nonce: cPglIg .. section: Library pydoc.Helper.help() ignores input/output init parameters. .. .. bpo: 11171 .. date: 8379 .. nonce: ZXEFXT .. section: Library Fix detection of config/Makefile when --prefix != --exec-prefix, which caused Python to not start. .. .. bpo: 11116 .. date: 8378 .. nonce: J0xgWH .. section: Library any error during addition of a message to a mailbox now causes a rollback, instead of leaving the mailbox partially modified. .. .. bpo: 8275 .. date: 8377 .. nonce: -TRADs .. section: Library Fix passing of callback arguments with ctypes under Win64. Patch by Stan Mihai. .. .. bpo: 10949 .. date: 8376 .. nonce: sknBTt .. section: Library Improved robustness of rotating file handlers. .. .. bpo: 10955 .. date: 8375 .. nonce: RSqPRN .. section: Library Fix a potential crash when trying to mmap() a file past its length. Initial patch by Ross Lagerwall. .. .. bpo: 10898 .. date: 8374 .. nonce: 2VhVxS .. section: Library Allow compiling the posix module when the C library defines a symbol named FSTAT. .. .. bpo: 10916 .. date: 8373 .. nonce: xpdEg8 .. section: Library mmap should not segfault when a file is mapped using 0 as length and a non-zero offset, and an attempt to read past the end of file is made (IndexError is raised instead). Patch by Ross Lagerwall. .. .. bpo: 10875 .. date: 8372 .. nonce: RSNYLS .. section: Library Update Regular Expression HOWTO; patch by 'SilentGhost'. .. .. bpo: 10827 .. date: 8371 .. nonce: vjZCZr .. section: Library Changed the rules for 2-digit years. The time.asctime function will now format any year when ``time.accept2dyear`` is false and will accept years >= 1000 otherwise. The year range accepted by ``time.mktime`` and ``time.strftime`` is still system dependent, but ``time.mktime`` will now accept full range supported by the OS. Conversion of 2-digit years to 4-digit is deprecated. .. .. bpo: 10869 .. date: 8370 .. nonce: 3xBkWx .. section: Library Fixed bug where ast.increment_lineno modified the root node twice. .. .. bpo: 7858 .. date: 8369 .. nonce: DKZMOA .. section: Library Raise an error properly when os.utime() fails under Windows on an existing file. .. .. bpo: 3839 .. date: 8368 .. nonce: zMNSit .. section: Library wsgiref should not override a Content-Length header set by the application. Initial patch by Clovis Fabricio. .. .. bpo: 10806 .. date: 8367 .. nonce: dEztuB .. section: Library Fix subprocess pipes when some of the standard file descriptors (0, 1, 2) are closed in the parent process. Initial patch by Ross Lagerwall. (See also: bpo-9905) .. .. bpo: 4662 .. date: 8366 .. nonce: m3fHnI .. section: Library os.tempnam(), os.tmpfile() and os.tmpnam() now raise a py3k DeprecationWarning. .. .. bpo: 0 .. date: 8365 .. nonce: t8RJ2P .. section: Library Subclasses of collections.OrderedDict now work correctly with __missing__. .. .. bpo: 10753 .. date: 8364 .. nonce: pjcQCT .. section: Library Characters ';', '=' and ',' in the PATH_INFO environment variable won't be quoted when the URI is constructed by the wsgiref.util 's request_uri method. According to RFC 3986, these characters can be a part of params in PATH component of URI and need not be quoted. .. .. bpo: 10738 .. date: 8363 .. nonce: GT7QZa .. section: Library Fix webbrowser.Opera.raise_opts .. .. bpo: 9824 .. date: 8362 .. nonce: vJBIAh .. section: Library SimpleCookie now encodes , and ; in values to cater to how browsers actually parse cookies. .. .. bpo: 1379416 .. date: 8361 .. nonce: fpWgER .. section: Library eliminated a source of accidental unicode promotion in email.header.Header.encode. .. .. bpo: 5258 .. date: 8360 .. nonce: fNenmJ .. section: Library if site.py encounters a .pth file that generates an error, it now prints the filename, line number, and traceback to stderr and skips the rest of that individual file, instead of stopping processing entirely. (See also: bpo-10642) .. .. bpo: 10750 .. date: 8359 .. nonce: o-KFTn .. section: Library The ``raw`` attribute of buffered IO objects is now read-only. .. .. bpo: 10242 .. date: 8358 .. nonce: uwgK8s .. section: Library unittest.TestCase.assertItemsEqual makes too many assumptions about input. .. .. bpo: 10611 .. date: 8357 .. nonce: y67Wpv .. section: Library SystemExit should not cause a unittest test run to exit. .. .. bpo: 6791 .. date: 8356 .. nonce: b5b4M7 .. section: Library Limit header line length (to 65535 bytes) in http.client, to avoid denial of services from the other party. .. .. bpo: 9907 .. date: 8355 .. nonce: EC_Wry .. section: Library Fix tab handling on OSX when using editline by calling rl_initialize first, then setting our custom defaults, then reading .editrc. .. .. bpo: 4188 .. date: 8354 .. nonce: nIr5eF .. section: Library Avoid creating dummy thread objects when logging operations from the threading module (with the internal verbose flag activated). .. .. bpo: 9721 .. date: 8353 .. nonce: G8i-SO .. section: Library Fix the behavior of urljoin when the relative url starts with a ';' character. Patch by Wes Chow. .. .. bpo: 10714 .. date: 8352 .. nonce: 2ytXWI .. section: Library Limit length of incoming request in http.server to 65536 bytes for security reasons. Initial patch by Ross Lagerwall. .. .. bpo: 9558 .. date: 8351 .. nonce: Zu3z6Q .. section: Library Fix distutils.command.build_ext with VS 8.0. .. .. bpo: 10695 .. date: 8350 .. nonce: 9PoZLI .. section: Library passing the port as a string value to telnetlib no longer causes debug mode to fail. .. .. bpo: 10478 .. date: 8349 .. nonce: 3rusTg .. section: Library Reentrant calls inside buffered IO objects (for example by way of a signal handler) now raise a RuntimeError instead of freezing the current process. .. .. bpo: 10497 .. date: 8348 .. nonce: KCVp0v .. section: Library Fix incorrect use of gettext in argparse. .. .. bpo: 10464 .. date: 8347 .. nonce: oT76Cm .. section: Library netrc now correctly handles lines with embedded '#' characters. .. .. bpo: 1731717 .. date: 8346 .. nonce: 1WiN2u .. section: Library Fixed the problem where subprocess.wait() could cause an OSError exception when The OS had been told to ignore SIGCLD in our process or otherwise not wait for exiting child processes. .. .. bpo: 9509 .. date: 8345 .. nonce: Oh-iMy .. section: Library argparse now properly handles IOErrors raised by argparse.FileType. .. .. bpo: 9348 .. date: 8344 .. nonce: zsJPPj .. section: Library Raise an early error if argparse nargs and metavar don't match. .. .. bpo: 8982 .. date: 8343 .. nonce: fTONNH .. section: Library Improve the documentation for the argparse Namespace object. .. .. bpo: 9343 .. date: 8342 .. nonce: 9T-Qyz .. section: Library Document that argparse parent parsers must be configured before their children. .. .. bpo: 9026 .. date: 8341 .. nonce: 2xqEFT .. section: Library Fix order of argparse sub-commands in help messages. .. .. bpo: 9347 .. date: 8340 .. nonce: R8xBsQ .. section: Library Fix formatting for tuples in argparse type= error messages. .. .. bpo: 0 .. date: 8339 .. nonce: qXxXWp .. section: Library Stop using the old interface for providing methods and attributes in the _sre module. Among other things, this gives these classes ``__class__`` attributes. (See #12099) .. .. bpo: 10169 .. date: 8338 .. nonce: OXJ9Nh .. section: Library Fix argument parsing in socket.sendto() to avoid error masking. .. .. bpo: 12051 .. date: 8337 .. nonce: 7HjY_U .. section: Library Fix segfault in json.dumps() while encoding highly-nested objects using the C accelerations. .. .. bpo: 12017 .. date: 8336 .. nonce: w25YNq .. section: Library Fix segfault in json.loads() while decoding highly-nested objects using the C accelerations. .. .. bpo: 1838 .. date: 8335 .. nonce: EzKU3z .. section: Library Prevent segfault in ctypes, when _as_parameter_ on a class is set to an instance of the class. .. .. bpo: 678250 .. date: 8334 .. nonce: a5vtlO .. section: Library Make mmap flush a noop on ACCESS_READ and ACCESS_COPY. .. .. bpo: 11718 .. date: 8333 .. nonce: giS1iY .. section: IDLE IDLE's open module dialog couldn't find the __init__.py file in a package. .. .. bpo: 12590 .. date: 8332 .. nonce: dcDjo7 .. section: IDLE IDLE editor window now always displays the first line when opening a long file. With Tk 8.5, the first line was hidden. .. .. bpo: 11088 .. date: 8331 .. nonce: 08NI5v .. section: IDLE don't crash when using F5 to run a script in IDLE on MacOSX with Tk 8.5. .. .. bpo: 10940 .. date: 8330 .. nonce: qwi3cm .. section: IDLE Workaround an IDLE hang on Mac OS X 10.6 when using the menu accelerators for Open Module, Go to Line, and New Indent Width. The accelerators still work but no longer appear in the menu items. .. .. bpo: 10907 .. date: 8329 .. nonce: BHHc_r .. section: IDLE Warn OS X 10.6 IDLE users to use ActiveState Tcl/Tk 8.5, rather than the currently problematic Apple-supplied one, when running with the 64-/32-bit installer variant. .. .. bpo: 11052 .. date: 8328 .. nonce: avmtSQ .. section: IDLE Correct IDLE menu accelerators on Mac OS X for Save commands. .. .. bpo: 6075 .. date: 8327 .. nonce: AHKNEZ .. section: IDLE IDLE on Mac OS X now works with both Carbon AquaTk and Cocoa AquaTk. .. .. bpo: 10404 .. date: 8326 .. nonce: CBzs_G .. section: IDLE Use ctl-button-1 on OSX for the context menu in Idle. .. .. bpo: 10107 .. date: 8325 .. nonce: Bsx-F4 .. section: IDLE Warn about unsaved files in IDLE on OSX. .. .. bpo: 10406 .. date: 8324 .. nonce: HKSefS .. section: IDLE Enable Rstrip IDLE extension on OSX (just like on other platforms). .. .. bpo: 6378 .. date: 8323 .. nonce: Vr_x3W .. section: IDLE Further adjust idle.bat to start associated Python .. .. bpo: 11896 .. date: 8322 .. nonce: XPwdkw .. section: IDLE Save on Close failed despite selecting "Yes" in dialog. .. .. bpo: 4676 .. date: 8321 .. nonce: qQkued .. section: IDLE toggle failing on Tk 8.5, causing IDLE exits and strange selection behavior. Improve selection extension behaviour. .. .. bpo: 3851 .. date: 8320 .. nonce: iy6ENX .. section: IDLE toggle non-functional when NumLock set on Windows. .. .. bpo: 11217 .. date: 8319 .. nonce: mIEwfc .. section: Build For 64-bit/32-bit Mac OS X universal framework builds, ensure "make install" creates symlinks in --prefix bin for the "-32" files in the framework bin directory like the installer does. .. .. bpo: 11411 .. date: 8318 .. nonce: 1m9fjv .. section: Build Fix 'make DESTDIR=' with a relative destination. .. .. bpo: 10709 .. date: 8317 .. nonce: QpLCFk .. section: Build Add updated AIX notes in Misc/README.AIX. .. .. bpo: 11184 .. date: 8316 .. nonce: sGfAXw .. section: Build Fix large-file support on AIX. .. .. bpo: 941346 .. date: 8315 .. nonce: heMADD .. section: Build Fix broken shared library build on AIX. .. .. bpo: 11268 .. date: 8314 .. nonce: Lgcka6 .. section: Build Prevent Mac OS X Installer failure if Documentation package had previously been installed. .. .. bpo: 11079 .. date: 8313 .. nonce: Y0Hh5V .. section: Build The /Applications/Python x.x folder created by the Mac OS X installers now includes a link to the installed documentation. .. .. bpo: 11054 .. date: 8312 .. nonce: BN3sYU .. section: Build Allow Mac OS X installer builds to again work on 10.5 with the system-provided Python. .. .. bpo: 10843 .. date: 8311 .. nonce: EdyFR6 .. section: Build Update third-party library versions used in OS X 32-bit installer builds: bzip2 1.0.6, readline 6.1.2, SQLite 3.7.4 (with FTS3/FTS4 and RTREE enabled), and ncursesw 5.5 (wide-char support enabled). .. .. bpo: 0 .. date: 8310 .. nonce: nsY3xU .. section: Build Don't run pgen twice when using make -j. .. .. bpo: 7716 .. date: 8309 .. nonce: KkZ-2b .. section: Build Under Solaris, don't assume existence of /usr/xpg4/bin/grep in the configure script but use $GREP instead. Patch by Fabian Groffen. .. .. bpo: 10475 .. date: 8308 .. nonce: LVKSbB .. section: Build Don't hardcode compilers for LDSHARED/LDCXXSHARED on NetBSD and DragonFly BSD. Patch by Nicolas Joly. .. .. bpo: 10655 .. date: 8307 .. nonce: WauLJp .. section: Build Fix the build on PowerPC on Linux with GCC when building with timestamp profiling (--with-tsc): the preprocessor test for the PowerPC support now looks for "__powerpc__" as well as "__ppc__": the latter seems to only be present on OS X; the former is the correct one for Linux with GCC. .. .. bpo: 1099 .. date: 8306 .. nonce: KikOsu .. section: Build Fix the build on MacOSX when building a framework with pydebug using GCC 4.0. .. .. bpo: 11164 .. date: 8305 .. nonce: w2nrYU .. section: Tests Remove obsolete allnodes test from minidom test. .. .. bpo: 12205 .. date: 8304 .. nonce: gVhWmC .. section: Tests Fix test_subprocess failure due to uninstalled test data. .. .. bpo: 5723 .. date: 8303 .. nonce: Lfg1OX .. section: Tests Improve json tests to be executed with and without accelerations. .. .. bpo: 11910 .. date: 8302 .. nonce: HhQx49 .. section: Tests Fix test_heapq to skip the C tests when _heapq is missing. .. .. bpo: 0 .. date: 8301 .. nonce: i8QOXe .. section: Tests Fix test_startfile to wait for child process to terminate before finishing. .. .. bpo: 11719 .. date: 8300 .. nonce: ojamUL .. section: Tests Fix message about unexpected test_msilib skip on non-Windows platforms. Patch by Nadeem Vawda. .. .. bpo: 7108 .. date: 8299 .. nonce: xaF3OE .. section: Tests Fix test_commands to not fail when special attributes ('@' or '.') appear in 'ls -l' output. .. .. bpo: 11490 .. date: 8298 .. nonce: I86Gxz .. section: Tests test_subprocess:test_leaking_fds_on_error no longer gives a false positive if the last directory in the path is inaccessible. .. .. bpo: 10822 .. date: 8297 .. nonce: P0VrIZ .. section: Tests Fix test_posix:test_getgroups failure under Solaris. Patch by Ross Lagerwall. .. .. bpo: 6293 .. date: 8296 .. nonce: J7ur1U .. section: Tests Have regrtest.py echo back sys.flags. This is done by default in whole runs and enabled selectively using ``--header`` when running an explicit list of tests. Original patch by Collin Winter. .. .. bpo: 775964 .. date: 8295 .. nonce: 7a2XLN .. section: Tests test_grp now skips YP/NIS entries instead of failing when encountering them. .. .. bpo: 7110 .. date: 8294 .. nonce: SyQreJ .. section: Tests regrtest now sends test failure reports and single-failure tracebacks to stderr rather than stdout.