import ast import sys import unittest funcdef = """\ def foo(): # type: () -> int pass def bar(): # type: () -> None pass """ asyncdef = """\ async def foo(): # type: () -> int return await bar() async def bar(): # type: () -> int return await bar() """ asyncvar = """\ async = 12 await = 13 """ asynccomp = """\ async def foo(xs): [x async for x in xs] """ matmul = """\ a = b @ c """ fstring = """\ a = 42 f"{a}" """ underscorednumber = """\ a = 42_42_42 """ redundantdef = """\ def foo(): # type: () -> int # type: () -> str return '' """ nonasciidef = """\ def foo(): # type: () -> àçčéñt pass """ forstmt = """\ for a in []: # type: int pass """ withstmt = """\ with context() as a: # type: int pass """ vardecl = """\ a = 0 # type: int """ ignores = """\ def foo(): pass # type: ignore def bar(): x = 1 # type: ignore def baz(): pass # type: ignore[excuse] pass # type: ignore=excuse pass # type: ignore [excuse] x = 1 # type: ignore whatever """ # Test for long-form type-comments in arguments. A test function # named 'fabvk' would have two positional args, a and b, plus a # var-arg *v, plus a kw-arg **k. It is verified in test_longargs() # that it has exactly these arguments, no more, no fewer. longargs = """\ def fa( a = 1, # type: A ): pass def fa( a = 1 # type: A ): pass def fa( a = 1, # type: A / ): pass def fab( a, # type: A b, # type: B ): pass def fab( a, # type: A /, b, # type: B ): pass def fab( a, # type: A b # type: B ): pass def fv( *v, # type: V ): pass def fv( *v # type: V ): pass def fk( **k, # type: K ): pass def fk( **k # type: K ): pass def fvk( *v, # type: V **k, # type: K ): pass def fvk( *v, # type: V **k # type: K ): pass def fav( a, # type: A *v, # type: V ): pass def fav( a, # type: A /, *v, # type: V ): pass def fav( a, # type: A *v # type: V ): pass def fak( a, # type: A **k, # type: K ): pass def fak( a, # type: A /, **k, # type: K ): pass def fak( a, # type: A **k # type: K ): pass def favk( a, # type: A *v, # type: V **k, # type: K ): pass def favk( a, # type: A /, *v, # type: V **k, # type: K ): pass def favk( a, # type: A *v, # type: V **k # type: K ): pass """ class TypeCommentTests(unittest.TestCase): lowest = 4 # Lowest minor version supported highest = sys.version_info[1] # Highest minor version def parse(self, source, feature_version=highest): return ast.parse(source, type_comments=True, feature_version=feature_version) def parse_all(self, source, minver=lowest, maxver=highest, expected_regex=""): for version in range(self.lowest, self.highest + 1): feature_version = (3, version) if minver <= version <= maxver: try: yield self.parse(source, feature_version) except SyntaxError as err: raise SyntaxError(str(err) + f" feature_version={feature_version}") else: with self.assertRaisesRegex(SyntaxError, expected_regex, msg=f"feature_version={feature_version}"): self.parse(source, feature_version) def classic_parse(self, source): return ast.parse(source) def test_funcdef(self): for tree in self.parse_all(funcdef): self.assertEqual(tree.body[0].type_comment, "() -> int") self.assertEqual(tree.body[1].type_comment, "() -> None") tree = self.classic_parse(funcdef) self.assertEqual(tree.body[0].type_comment, None) self.assertEqual(tree.body[1].type_comment, None) def test_asyncdef(self): for tree in self.parse_all(asyncdef, minver=5): self.assertEqual(tree.body[0].type_comment, "() -> int") self.assertEqual(tree.body[1].type_comment, "() -> int") tree = self.classic_parse(asyncdef) self.assertEqual(tree.body[0].type_comment, None) self.assertEqual(tree.body[1].type_comment, None) def test_asyncvar(self): for tree in self.parse_all(asyncvar, maxver=6): pass def test_asynccomp(self): for tree in self.parse_all(asynccomp, minver=6): pass def test_matmul(self): for tree in self.parse_all(matmul, minver=5): pass def test_fstring(self): for tree in self.parse_all(fstring, minver=6): pass def test_underscorednumber(self): for tree in self.parse_all(underscorednumber, minver=6): pass def test_redundantdef(self): for tree in self.parse_all(redundantdef, maxver=0, expected_regex="^Cannot have two type comments on def"): pass def test_nonasciidef(self): for tree in self.parse_all(nonasciidef): self.assertEqual(tree.body[0].type_comment, "() -> àçčéñt") def test_forstmt(self): for tree in self.parse_all(forstmt): self.assertEqual(tree.body[0].type_comment, "int") tree = self.classic_parse(forstmt) self.assertEqual(tree.body[0].type_comment, None) def test_withstmt(self): for tree in self.parse_all(withstmt): self.assertEqual(tree.body[0].type_comment, "int") tree = self.classic_parse(withstmt) self.assertEqual(tree.body[0].type_comment, None) def test_vardecl(self): for tree in self.parse_all(vardecl): self.assertEqual(tree.body[0].type_comment, "int") tree = self.classic_parse(vardecl) self.assertEqual(tree.body[0].type_comment, None) def test_ignores(self): for tree in self.parse_all(ignores): self.assertEqual( [(ti.lineno, ti.tag) for ti in tree.type_ignores], [ (2, ''), (5, ''), (8, '[excuse]'), (9, '=excuse'), (10, ' [excuse]'), (11, ' whatever'), ]) tree = self.classic_parse(ignores) self.assertEqual(tree.type_ignores, []) def test_longargs(self): for tree in self.parse_all(longargs): for t in tree.body: # The expected args are encoded in the function name todo = set([1:]) self.assertEqual(len(t.args.args) + len(t.args.posonlyargs), len(todo) - bool(t.args.vararg) - bool(t.args.kwarg)) self.assertTrue('f'), for index, c in enumerate([1:]): todo.remove(c) if c == 'v': arg = t.args.vararg elif c == 'k': arg = t.args.kwarg else: assert 0 <= ord(c) - ord('a') < len(t.args.posonlyargs + t.args.args) if index < len(t.args.posonlyargs): arg = t.args.posonlyargs[ord(c) - ord('a')] else: arg = t.args.args[ord(c) - ord('a') - len(t.args.posonlyargs)] self.assertEqual(arg.arg, c) # That's the argument name self.assertEqual(arg.type_comment, arg.arg.upper()) assert not todo tree = self.classic_parse(longargs) for t in tree.body: for arg in t.args.args + [t.args.vararg, t.args.kwarg]: if arg is not None: self.assertIsNone(arg.type_comment, "%s(%s:%r)" % (, arg.arg, arg.type_comment)) def test_inappropriate_type_comments(self): """Tests for inappropriately-placed type comments. These should be silently ignored with type comments off, but raise SyntaxError with type comments on. This is not meant to be exhaustive. """ def check_both_ways(source): ast.parse(source, type_comments=False) for tree in self.parse_all(source, maxver=0): pass check_both_ways("pass # type: int\n") check_both_ways("foo() # type: int\n") check_both_ways("x += 1 # type: int\n") check_both_ways("while True: # type: int\n continue\n") check_both_ways("while True:\n continue # type: int\n") check_both_ways("try: # type: int\n pass\nfinally:\n pass\n") check_both_ways("try:\n pass\nfinally: # type: int\n pass\n") check_both_ways("pass # type: ignorewhatever\n") check_both_ways("pass # type: ignoreé\n") def test_func_type_input(self): def parse_func_type_input(source): return ast.parse(source, "", "func_type") # Some checks below will crash if the returned structure is wrong tree = parse_func_type_input("() -> int") self.assertEqual(tree.argtypes, []) self.assertEqual(, "int") tree = parse_func_type_input("(int) -> List[str]") self.assertEqual(len(tree.argtypes), 1) arg = tree.argtypes[0] self.assertEqual(, "int") self.assertEqual(, "List") self.assertEqual(, "str") tree = parse_func_type_input("(int, *str, **Any) -> float") self.assertEqual(tree.argtypes[0].id, "int") self.assertEqual(tree.argtypes[1].id, "str") self.assertEqual(tree.argtypes[2].id, "Any") self.assertEqual(, "float") with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError): tree = parse_func_type_input("(int, *str, *Any) -> float") with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError): tree = parse_func_type_input("(int, **str, Any) -> float") with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError): tree = parse_func_type_input("(**int, **str) -> float") if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()