# A test suite for pdb; not very comprehensive at the moment. import doctest import os import pdb import sys import types import unittest import subprocess import textwrap from contextlib import ExitStack from io import StringIO from test import support # This little helper class is essential for testing pdb under doctest. from test.test_doctest import _FakeInput from unittest.mock import patch class PdbTestInput(object): """Context manager that makes testing Pdb in doctests easier.""" def __init__(self, input): self.input = input def __enter__(self): self.real_stdin = sys.stdin sys.stdin = _FakeInput(self.input) self.orig_trace = sys.gettrace() if hasattr(sys, 'gettrace') else None def __exit__(self, *exc): sys.stdin = self.real_stdin if self.orig_trace: sys.settrace(self.orig_trace) def test_pdb_displayhook(): """This tests the custom displayhook for pdb. >>> def test_function(foo, bar): ... import pdb; pdb.Pdb(nosigint=True, readrc=False).set_trace() ... pass >>> with PdbTestInput([ ... 'foo', ... 'bar', ... 'for i in range(5): print(i)', ... 'continue', ... ]): ... test_function(1, None) > (3)test_function() -> pass (Pdb) foo 1 (Pdb) bar (Pdb) for i in range(5): print(i) 0 1 2 3 4 (Pdb) continue """ def test_pdb_basic_commands(): """Test the basic commands of pdb. >>> def test_function_2(foo, bar='default'): ... print(foo) ... for i in range(5): ... print(i) ... print(bar) ... for i in range(10): ... never_executed ... print('after for') ... print('...') ... return foo.upper() >>> def test_function3(arg=None, *, kwonly=None): ... pass >>> def test_function4(a, b, c, /): ... pass >>> def test_function(): ... import pdb; pdb.Pdb(nosigint=True, readrc=False).set_trace() ... ret = test_function_2('baz') ... test_function3(kwonly=True) ... test_function4(1, 2, 3) ... print(ret) >>> with PdbTestInput([ # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ... 'step', # entering the function call ... 'args', # display function args ... 'list', # list function source ... 'bt', # display backtrace ... 'up', # step up to test_function() ... 'down', # step down to test_function_2() again ... 'next', # stepping to print(foo) ... 'next', # stepping to the for loop ... 'step', # stepping into the for loop ... 'until', # continuing until out of the for loop ... 'next', # executing the print(bar) ... 'jump 8', # jump over second for loop ... 'return', # return out of function ... 'retval', # display return value ... 'next', # step to test_function3() ... 'step', # stepping into test_function3() ... 'args', # display function args ... 'return', # return out of function ... 'next', # step to test_function4() ... 'step', # stepping to test_function4() ... 'args', # display function args ... 'continue', ... ]): ... test_function() > (3)test_function() -> ret = test_function_2('baz') (Pdb) step --Call-- > (1)test_function_2() -> def test_function_2(foo, bar='default'): (Pdb) args foo = 'baz' bar = 'default' (Pdb) list 1 -> def test_function_2(foo, bar='default'): 2 print(foo) 3 for i in range(5): 4 print(i) 5 print(bar) 6 for i in range(10): 7 never_executed 8 print('after for') 9 print('...') 10 return foo.upper() [EOF] (Pdb) bt ... (25)() -> test_function() (3)test_function() -> ret = test_function_2('baz') > (1)test_function_2() -> def test_function_2(foo, bar='default'): (Pdb) up > (3)test_function() -> ret = test_function_2('baz') (Pdb) down > (1)test_function_2() -> def test_function_2(foo, bar='default'): (Pdb) next > (2)test_function_2() -> print(foo) (Pdb) next baz > (3)test_function_2() -> for i in range(5): (Pdb) step > (4)test_function_2() -> print(i) (Pdb) until 0 1 2 3 4 > (5)test_function_2() -> print(bar) (Pdb) next default > (6)test_function_2() -> for i in range(10): (Pdb) jump 8 > (8)test_function_2() -> print('after for') (Pdb) return after for ... --Return-- > (10)test_function_2()->'BAZ' -> return foo.upper() (Pdb) retval 'BAZ' (Pdb) next > (4)test_function() -> test_function3(kwonly=True) (Pdb) step --Call-- > (1)test_function3() -> def test_function3(arg=None, *, kwonly=None): (Pdb) args arg = None kwonly = True (Pdb) return --Return-- > (2)test_function3()->None -> pass (Pdb) next > (5)test_function() -> test_function4(1, 2, 3) (Pdb) step --Call-- > (1)test_function4() -> def test_function4(a, b, c, /): (Pdb) args a = 1 b = 2 c = 3 (Pdb) continue BAZ """ def test_pdb_breakpoint_commands(): """Test basic commands related to breakpoints. >>> def test_function(): ... import pdb; pdb.Pdb(nosigint=True, readrc=False).set_trace() ... print(1) ... print(2) ... print(3) ... print(4) First, need to clear bdb state that might be left over from previous tests. Otherwise, the new breakpoints might get assigned different numbers. >>> from bdb import Breakpoint >>> Breakpoint.next = 1 >>> Breakpoint.bplist = {} >>> Breakpoint.bpbynumber = [None] Now test the breakpoint commands. NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE is needed because the breakpoint list outputs a tab for the "stop only" and "ignore next" lines, which we don't want to put in here. >>> with PdbTestInput([ # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ... 'break 3', ... 'disable 1', ... 'ignore 1 10', ... 'condition 1 1 < 2', ... 'break 4', ... 'break 4', ... 'break', ... 'clear 3', ... 'break', ... 'condition 1', ... 'enable 1', ... 'clear 1', ... 'commands 2', ... 'p "42"', ... 'print("42", 7*6)', # Issue 18764 (not about breakpoints) ... 'end', ... 'continue', # will stop at breakpoint 2 (line 4) ... 'clear', # clear all! ... 'y', ... 'tbreak 5', ... 'continue', # will stop at temporary breakpoint ... 'break', # make sure breakpoint is gone ... 'continue', ... ]): ... test_function() > (3)test_function() -> print(1) (Pdb) break 3 Breakpoint 1 at :3 (Pdb) disable 1 Disabled breakpoint 1 at :3 (Pdb) ignore 1 10 Will ignore next 10 crossings of breakpoint 1. (Pdb) condition 1 1 < 2 New condition set for breakpoint 1. (Pdb) break 4 Breakpoint 2 at :4 (Pdb) break 4 Breakpoint 3 at :4 (Pdb) break Num Type Disp Enb Where 1 breakpoint keep no at :3 stop only if 1 < 2 ignore next 10 hits 2 breakpoint keep yes at :4 3 breakpoint keep yes at :4 (Pdb) clear 3 Deleted breakpoint 3 at :4 (Pdb) break Num Type Disp Enb Where 1 breakpoint keep no at :3 stop only if 1 < 2 ignore next 10 hits 2 breakpoint keep yes at :4 (Pdb) condition 1 Breakpoint 1 is now unconditional. (Pdb) enable 1 Enabled breakpoint 1 at :3 (Pdb) clear 1 Deleted breakpoint 1 at :3 (Pdb) commands 2 (com) p "42" (com) print("42", 7*6) (com) end (Pdb) continue 1 '42' 42 42 > (4)test_function() -> print(2) (Pdb) clear Clear all breaks? y Deleted breakpoint 2 at :4 (Pdb) tbreak 5 Breakpoint 4 at :5 (Pdb) continue 2 Deleted breakpoint 4 at :5 > (5)test_function() -> print(3) (Pdb) break (Pdb) continue 3 4 """ def do_nothing(): pass def do_something(): print(42) def test_list_commands(): """Test the list and source commands of pdb. >>> def test_function_2(foo): ... import test.test_pdb ... test.test_pdb.do_nothing() ... 'some...' ... 'more...' ... 'code...' ... 'to...' ... 'make...' ... 'a...' ... 'long...' ... 'listing...' ... 'useful...' ... '...' ... '...' ... return foo >>> def test_function(): ... import pdb; pdb.Pdb(nosigint=True, readrc=False).set_trace() ... ret = test_function_2('baz') >>> with PdbTestInput([ # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ... 'list', # list first function ... 'step', # step into second function ... 'list', # list second function ... 'list', # continue listing to EOF ... 'list 1,3', # list specific lines ... 'list x', # invalid argument ... 'next', # step to import ... 'next', # step over import ... 'step', # step into do_nothing ... 'longlist', # list all lines ... 'source do_something', # list all lines of function ... 'source fooxxx', # something that doesn't exit ... 'continue', ... ]): ... test_function() > (3)test_function() -> ret = test_function_2('baz') (Pdb) list 1 def test_function(): 2 import pdb; pdb.Pdb(nosigint=True, readrc=False).set_trace() 3 -> ret = test_function_2('baz') [EOF] (Pdb) step --Call-- > (1)test_function_2() -> def test_function_2(foo): (Pdb) list 1 -> def test_function_2(foo): 2 import test.test_pdb 3 test.test_pdb.do_nothing() 4 'some...' 5 'more...' 6 'code...' 7 'to...' 8 'make...' 9 'a...' 10 'long...' 11 'listing...' (Pdb) list 12 'useful...' 13 '...' 14 '...' 15 return foo [EOF] (Pdb) list 1,3 1 -> def test_function_2(foo): 2 import test.test_pdb 3 test.test_pdb.do_nothing() (Pdb) list x *** ... (Pdb) next > (2)test_function_2() -> import test.test_pdb (Pdb) next > (3)test_function_2() -> test.test_pdb.do_nothing() (Pdb) step --Call-- > ...test_pdb.py(...)do_nothing() -> def do_nothing(): (Pdb) longlist ... -> def do_nothing(): ... pass (Pdb) source do_something ... def do_something(): ... print(42) (Pdb) source fooxxx *** ... (Pdb) continue """ def test_post_mortem(): """Test post mortem traceback debugging. >>> def test_function_2(): ... try: ... 1/0 ... finally: ... print('Exception!') >>> def test_function(): ... import pdb; pdb.Pdb(nosigint=True, readrc=False).set_trace() ... test_function_2() ... print('Not reached.') >>> with PdbTestInput([ # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ... 'next', # step over exception-raising call ... 'bt', # get a backtrace ... 'list', # list code of test_function() ... 'down', # step into test_function_2() ... 'list', # list code of test_function_2() ... 'continue', ... ]): ... try: ... test_function() ... except ZeroDivisionError: ... print('Correctly reraised.') > (3)test_function() -> test_function_2() (Pdb) next Exception! ZeroDivisionError: division by zero > (3)test_function() -> test_function_2() (Pdb) bt ... (10)() -> test_function() > (3)test_function() -> test_function_2() (3)test_function_2() -> 1/0 (Pdb) list 1 def test_function(): 2 import pdb; pdb.Pdb(nosigint=True, readrc=False).set_trace() 3 -> test_function_2() 4 print('Not reached.') [EOF] (Pdb) down > (3)test_function_2() -> 1/0 (Pdb) list 1 def test_function_2(): 2 try: 3 >> 1/0 4 finally: 5 -> print('Exception!') [EOF] (Pdb) continue Correctly reraised. """ def test_pdb_skip_modules(): """This illustrates the simple case of module skipping. >>> def skip_module(): ... import string ... import pdb; pdb.Pdb(skip=['stri*'], nosigint=True, readrc=False).set_trace() ... string.capwords('FOO') >>> with PdbTestInput([ ... 'step', ... 'continue', ... ]): ... skip_module() > (4)skip_module() -> string.capwords('FOO') (Pdb) step --Return-- > (4)skip_module()->None -> string.capwords('FOO') (Pdb) continue """ # Module for testing skipping of module that makes a callback mod = types.ModuleType('module_to_skip') exec('def foo_pony(callback): x = 1; callback(); return None', mod.__dict__) def test_pdb_skip_modules_with_callback(): """This illustrates skipping of modules that call into other code. >>> def skip_module(): ... def callback(): ... return None ... import pdb; pdb.Pdb(skip=['module_to_skip*'], nosigint=True, readrc=False).set_trace() ... mod.foo_pony(callback) >>> with PdbTestInput([ ... 'step', ... 'step', ... 'step', ... 'step', ... 'step', ... 'continue', ... ]): ... skip_module() ... pass # provides something to "step" to > (5)skip_module() -> mod.foo_pony(callback) (Pdb) step --Call-- > (2)callback() -> def callback(): (Pdb) step > (3)callback() -> return None (Pdb) step --Return-- > (3)callback()->None -> return None (Pdb) step --Return-- > (5)skip_module()->None -> mod.foo_pony(callback) (Pdb) step > (10)() -> pass # provides something to "step" to (Pdb) continue """ def test_pdb_continue_in_bottomframe(): """Test that "continue" and "next" work properly in bottom frame (issue #5294). >>> def test_function(): ... import pdb, sys; inst = pdb.Pdb(nosigint=True, readrc=False) ... inst.set_trace() ... inst.botframe = sys._getframe() # hackery to get the right botframe ... print(1) ... print(2) ... print(3) ... print(4) >>> with PdbTestInput([ # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ... 'next', ... 'break 7', ... 'continue', ... 'next', ... 'continue', ... 'continue', ... ]): ... test_function() > (4)test_function() -> inst.botframe = sys._getframe() # hackery to get the right botframe (Pdb) next > (5)test_function() -> print(1) (Pdb) break 7 Breakpoint ... at :7 (Pdb) continue 1 2 > (7)test_function() -> print(3) (Pdb) next 3 > (8)test_function() -> print(4) (Pdb) continue 4 """ def pdb_invoke(method, arg): """Run pdb.method(arg).""" getattr(pdb.Pdb(nosigint=True, readrc=False), method)(arg) def test_pdb_run_with_incorrect_argument(): """Testing run and runeval with incorrect first argument. >>> pti = PdbTestInput(['continue',]) >>> with pti: ... pdb_invoke('run', lambda x: x) Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: exec() arg 1 must be a string, bytes or code object >>> with pti: ... pdb_invoke('runeval', lambda x: x) Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: eval() arg 1 must be a string, bytes or code object """ def test_pdb_run_with_code_object(): """Testing run and runeval with code object as a first argument. >>> with PdbTestInput(['step','x', 'continue']): # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ... pdb_invoke('run', compile('x=1', '', 'exec')) > (1)()... (Pdb) step --Return-- > (1)()->None (Pdb) x 1 (Pdb) continue >>> with PdbTestInput(['x', 'continue']): ... x=0 ... pdb_invoke('runeval', compile('x+1', '', 'eval')) > (1)()->None (Pdb) x 1 (Pdb) continue """ def test_next_until_return_at_return_event(): """Test that pdb stops after a next/until/return issued at a return debug event. >>> def test_function_2(): ... x = 1 ... x = 2 >>> def test_function(): ... import pdb; pdb.Pdb(nosigint=True, readrc=False).set_trace() ... test_function_2() ... test_function_2() ... test_function_2() ... end = 1 >>> from bdb import Breakpoint >>> Breakpoint.next = 1 >>> with PdbTestInput(['break test_function_2', ... 'continue', ... 'return', ... 'next', ... 'continue', ... 'return', ... 'until', ... 'continue', ... 'return', ... 'return', ... 'continue']): ... test_function() > (3)test_function() -> test_function_2() (Pdb) break test_function_2 Breakpoint 1 at :1 (Pdb) continue > (2)test_function_2() -> x = 1 (Pdb) return --Return-- > (3)test_function_2()->None -> x = 2 (Pdb) next > (4)test_function() -> test_function_2() (Pdb) continue > (2)test_function_2() -> x = 1 (Pdb) return --Return-- > (3)test_function_2()->None -> x = 2 (Pdb) until > (5)test_function() -> test_function_2() (Pdb) continue > (2)test_function_2() -> x = 1 (Pdb) return --Return-- > (3)test_function_2()->None -> x = 2 (Pdb) return > (6)test_function() -> end = 1 (Pdb) continue """ def test_pdb_next_command_for_generator(): """Testing skip unwindng stack on yield for generators for "next" command >>> def test_gen(): ... yield 0 ... return 1 ... yield 2 >>> def test_function(): ... import pdb; pdb.Pdb(nosigint=True, readrc=False).set_trace() ... it = test_gen() ... try: ... if next(it) != 0: ... raise AssertionError ... next(it) ... except StopIteration as ex: ... if ex.value != 1: ... raise AssertionError ... print("finished") >>> with PdbTestInput(['step', ... 'step', ... 'step', ... 'next', ... 'next', ... 'step', ... 'step', ... 'continue']): ... test_function() > (3)test_function() -> it = test_gen() (Pdb) step > (4)test_function() -> try: (Pdb) step > (5)test_function() -> if next(it) != 0: (Pdb) step --Call-- > (1)test_gen() -> def test_gen(): (Pdb) next > (2)test_gen() -> yield 0 (Pdb) next > (3)test_gen() -> return 1 (Pdb) step --Return-- > (3)test_gen()->1 -> return 1 (Pdb) step StopIteration: 1 > (7)test_function() -> next(it) (Pdb) continue finished """ def test_pdb_next_command_for_coroutine(): """Testing skip unwindng stack on yield for coroutines for "next" command >>> import asyncio >>> async def test_coro(): ... await asyncio.sleep(0) ... await asyncio.sleep(0) ... await asyncio.sleep(0) >>> async def test_main(): ... import pdb; pdb.Pdb(nosigint=True, readrc=False).set_trace() ... await test_coro() >>> def test_function(): ... loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() ... loop.run_until_complete(test_main()) ... loop.close() ... asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(None) ... print("finished") >>> with PdbTestInput(['step', ... 'step', ... 'next', ... 'next', ... 'next', ... 'step', ... 'continue']): ... test_function() > (3)test_main() -> await test_coro() (Pdb) step --Call-- > (1)test_coro() -> async def test_coro(): (Pdb) step > (2)test_coro() -> await asyncio.sleep(0) (Pdb) next > (3)test_coro() -> await asyncio.sleep(0) (Pdb) next > (4)test_coro() -> await asyncio.sleep(0) (Pdb) next Internal StopIteration > (3)test_main() -> await test_coro() (Pdb) step --Return-- > (3)test_main()->None -> await test_coro() (Pdb) continue finished """ def test_pdb_next_command_for_asyncgen(): """Testing skip unwindng stack on yield for coroutines for "next" command >>> import asyncio >>> async def agen(): ... yield 1 ... await asyncio.sleep(0) ... yield 2 >>> async def test_coro(): ... async for x in agen(): ... print(x) >>> async def test_main(): ... import pdb; pdb.Pdb(nosigint=True, readrc=False).set_trace() ... await test_coro() >>> def test_function(): ... loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() ... loop.run_until_complete(test_main()) ... loop.close() ... asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(None) ... print("finished") >>> with PdbTestInput(['step', ... 'step', ... 'next', ... 'next', ... 'step', ... 'next', ... 'continue']): ... test_function() > (3)test_main() -> await test_coro() (Pdb) step --Call-- > (1)test_coro() -> async def test_coro(): (Pdb) step > (2)test_coro() -> async for x in agen(): (Pdb) next > (3)test_coro() -> print(x) (Pdb) next 1 > (2)test_coro() -> async for x in agen(): (Pdb) step --Call-- > (2)agen() -> yield 1 (Pdb) next > (3)agen() -> await asyncio.sleep(0) (Pdb) continue 2 finished """ def test_pdb_return_command_for_generator(): """Testing no unwindng stack on yield for generators for "return" command >>> def test_gen(): ... yield 0 ... return 1 ... yield 2 >>> def test_function(): ... import pdb; pdb.Pdb(nosigint=True, readrc=False).set_trace() ... it = test_gen() ... try: ... if next(it) != 0: ... raise AssertionError ... next(it) ... except StopIteration as ex: ... if ex.value != 1: ... raise AssertionError ... print("finished") >>> with PdbTestInput(['step', ... 'step', ... 'step', ... 'return', ... 'step', ... 'step', ... 'continue']): ... test_function() > (3)test_function() -> it = test_gen() (Pdb) step > (4)test_function() -> try: (Pdb) step > (5)test_function() -> if next(it) != 0: (Pdb) step --Call-- > (1)test_gen() -> def test_gen(): (Pdb) return StopIteration: 1 > (7)test_function() -> next(it) (Pdb) step > (8)test_function() -> except StopIteration as ex: (Pdb) step > (9)test_function() -> if ex.value != 1: (Pdb) continue finished """ def test_pdb_return_command_for_coroutine(): """Testing no unwindng stack on yield for coroutines for "return" command >>> import asyncio >>> async def test_coro(): ... await asyncio.sleep(0) ... await asyncio.sleep(0) ... await asyncio.sleep(0) >>> async def test_main(): ... import pdb; pdb.Pdb(nosigint=True, readrc=False).set_trace() ... await test_coro() >>> def test_function(): ... loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() ... loop.run_until_complete(test_main()) ... loop.close() ... asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(None) ... print("finished") >>> with PdbTestInput(['step', ... 'step', ... 'next', ... 'continue']): ... test_function() > (3)test_main() -> await test_coro() (Pdb) step --Call-- > (1)test_coro() -> async def test_coro(): (Pdb) step > (2)test_coro() -> await asyncio.sleep(0) (Pdb) next > (3)test_coro() -> await asyncio.sleep(0) (Pdb) continue finished """ def test_pdb_until_command_for_generator(): """Testing no unwindng stack on yield for generators for "until" command if target breakpoing is not reached >>> def test_gen(): ... yield 0 ... yield 1 ... yield 2 >>> def test_function(): ... import pdb; pdb.Pdb(nosigint=True, readrc=False).set_trace() ... for i in test_gen(): ... print(i) ... print("finished") >>> with PdbTestInput(['step', ... 'until 4', ... 'step', ... 'step', ... 'continue']): ... test_function() > (3)test_function() -> for i in test_gen(): (Pdb) step --Call-- > (1)test_gen() -> def test_gen(): (Pdb) until 4 0 1 > (4)test_gen() -> yield 2 (Pdb) step --Return-- > (4)test_gen()->2 -> yield 2 (Pdb) step > (4)test_function() -> print(i) (Pdb) continue 2 finished """ def test_pdb_until_command_for_coroutine(): """Testing no unwindng stack for coroutines for "until" command if target breakpoing is not reached >>> import asyncio >>> async def test_coro(): ... print(0) ... await asyncio.sleep(0) ... print(1) ... await asyncio.sleep(0) ... print(2) ... await asyncio.sleep(0) ... print(3) >>> async def test_main(): ... import pdb; pdb.Pdb(nosigint=True, readrc=False).set_trace() ... await test_coro() >>> def test_function(): ... loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() ... loop.run_until_complete(test_main()) ... loop.close() ... asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(None) ... print("finished") >>> with PdbTestInput(['step', ... 'until 8', ... 'continue']): ... test_function() > (3)test_main() -> await test_coro() (Pdb) step --Call-- > (1)test_coro() -> async def test_coro(): (Pdb) until 8 0 1 2 > (8)test_coro() -> print(3) (Pdb) continue 3 finished """ def test_pdb_next_command_in_generator_for_loop(): """The next command on returning from a generator controlled by a for loop. >>> def test_gen(): ... yield 0 ... return 1 >>> def test_function(): ... import pdb; pdb.Pdb(nosigint=True, readrc=False).set_trace() ... for i in test_gen(): ... print('value', i) ... x = 123 >>> with PdbTestInput(['break test_gen', ... 'continue', ... 'next', ... 'next', ... 'next', ... 'continue']): ... test_function() > (3)test_function() -> for i in test_gen(): (Pdb) break test_gen Breakpoint 6 at :1 (Pdb) continue > (2)test_gen() -> yield 0 (Pdb) next value 0 > (3)test_gen() -> return 1 (Pdb) next Internal StopIteration: 1 > (3)test_function() -> for i in test_gen(): (Pdb) next > (5)test_function() -> x = 123 (Pdb) continue """ def test_pdb_next_command_subiterator(): """The next command in a generator with a subiterator. >>> def test_subgenerator(): ... yield 0 ... return 1 >>> def test_gen(): ... x = yield from test_subgenerator() ... return x >>> def test_function(): ... import pdb; pdb.Pdb(nosigint=True, readrc=False).set_trace() ... for i in test_gen(): ... print('value', i) ... x = 123 >>> with PdbTestInput(['step', ... 'step', ... 'next', ... 'next', ... 'next', ... 'continue']): ... test_function() > (3)test_function() -> for i in test_gen(): (Pdb) step --Call-- > (1)test_gen() -> def test_gen(): (Pdb) step > (2)test_gen() -> x = yield from test_subgenerator() (Pdb) next value 0 > (3)test_gen() -> return x (Pdb) next Internal StopIteration: 1 > (3)test_function() -> for i in test_gen(): (Pdb) next > (5)test_function() -> x = 123 (Pdb) continue """ def test_pdb_issue_20766(): """Test for reference leaks when the SIGINT handler is set. >>> def test_function(): ... i = 1 ... while i <= 2: ... sess = pdb.Pdb() ... sess.set_trace(sys._getframe()) ... print('pdb %d: %s' % (i, sess._previous_sigint_handler)) ... i += 1 >>> with PdbTestInput(['continue', ... 'continue']): ... test_function() > (6)test_function() -> print('pdb %d: %s' % (i, sess._previous_sigint_handler)) (Pdb) continue pdb 1: > (5)test_function() -> sess.set_trace(sys._getframe()) (Pdb) continue pdb 2: """ class PdbTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def tearDown(self): support.unlink(support.TESTFN) def _run_pdb(self, pdb_args, commands): self.addCleanup(support.rmtree, '__pycache__') cmd = [sys.executable, '-m', 'pdb'] + pdb_args with subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) as proc: stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(str.encode(commands)) stdout = stdout and bytes.decode(stdout) stderr = stderr and bytes.decode(stderr) return stdout, stderr def run_pdb_script(self, script, commands): """Run 'script' lines with pdb and the pdb 'commands'.""" filename = 'main.py' with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(textwrap.dedent(script)) self.addCleanup(support.unlink, filename) return self._run_pdb([filename], commands) def run_pdb_module(self, script, commands): """Runs the script code as part of a module""" self.module_name = 't_main' support.rmtree(self.module_name) main_file = self.module_name + '/__main__.py' init_file = self.module_name + '/__init__.py' os.mkdir(self.module_name) with open(init_file, 'w') as f: pass with open(main_file, 'w') as f: f.write(textwrap.dedent(script)) self.addCleanup(support.rmtree, self.module_name) return self._run_pdb(['-m', self.module_name], commands) def _assert_find_function(self, file_content, func_name, expected): file_content = textwrap.dedent(file_content) with open(support.TESTFN, 'w') as f: f.write(file_content) expected = None if not expected else ( expected[0], support.TESTFN, expected[1]) self.assertEqual( expected, pdb.find_function(func_name, support.TESTFN)) def test_find_function_empty_file(self): self._assert_find_function('', 'foo', None) def test_find_function_found(self): self._assert_find_function( """\ def foo(): pass def bar(): pass def quux(): pass """, 'bar', ('bar', 4), ) def test_issue7964(self): # open the file as binary so we can force \r\n newline with open(support.TESTFN, 'wb') as f: f.write(b'print("testing my pdb")\r\n') cmd = [sys.executable, '-m', 'pdb', support.TESTFN] proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) self.addCleanup(proc.stdout.close) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(b'quit\n') self.assertNotIn(b'SyntaxError', stdout, "Got a syntax error running test script under PDB") def test_issue13183(self): script = """ from bar import bar def foo(): bar() def nope(): pass def foobar(): foo() nope() foobar() """ commands = """ from bar import bar break bar continue step step quit """ bar = """ def bar(): pass """ with open('bar.py', 'w') as f: f.write(textwrap.dedent(bar)) self.addCleanup(support.unlink, 'bar.py') stdout, stderr = self.run_pdb_script(script, commands) self.assertTrue( any('main.py(5)foo()->None' in l for l in stdout.splitlines()), 'Fail to step into the caller after a return') def test_issue13120(self): # Invoking "continue" on a non-main thread triggered an exception # inside signal.signal. with open(support.TESTFN, 'wb') as f: f.write(textwrap.dedent(""" import threading import pdb def start_pdb(): pdb.Pdb(readrc=False).set_trace() x = 1 y = 1 t = threading.Thread(target=start_pdb) t.start()""").encode('ascii')) cmd = [sys.executable, '-u', support.TESTFN] proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) self.addCleanup(proc.stdout.close) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(b'cont\n') self.assertNotIn('Error', stdout.decode(), "Got an error running test script under PDB") def test_issue36250(self): with open(support.TESTFN, 'wb') as f: f.write(textwrap.dedent(""" import threading import pdb evt = threading.Event() def start_pdb(): evt.wait() pdb.Pdb(readrc=False).set_trace() t = threading.Thread(target=start_pdb) t.start() pdb.Pdb(readrc=False).set_trace() evt.set() t.join()""").encode('ascii')) cmd = [sys.executable, '-u', support.TESTFN] proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) self.addCleanup(proc.stdout.close) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(b'cont\ncont\n') self.assertNotIn('Error', stdout.decode(), "Got an error running test script under PDB") def test_issue16180(self): # A syntax error in the debuggee. script = "def f: pass\n" commands = '' expected = "SyntaxError:" stdout, stderr = self.run_pdb_script(script, commands) self.assertIn(expected, stdout, '\n\nExpected:\n{}\nGot:\n{}\n' 'Fail to handle a syntax error in the debuggee.' .format(expected, stdout)) def test_readrc_kwarg(self): script = textwrap.dedent(""" import pdb; pdb.Pdb(readrc=False).set_trace() print('hello') """) save_home = os.environ.pop('HOME', None) try: with support.temp_cwd(): with open('.pdbrc', 'w') as f: f.write("invalid\n") with open('main.py', 'w') as f: f.write(script) cmd = [sys.executable, 'main.py'] proc = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) with proc: stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(b'q\n') self.assertNotIn("NameError: name 'invalid' is not defined", stdout.decode()) finally: if save_home is not None: os.environ['HOME'] = save_home def test_readrc_homedir(self): save_home = os.environ.pop("HOME", None) with support.temp_dir() as temp_dir, patch("os.path.expanduser"): rc_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, ".pdbrc") os.path.expanduser.return_value = rc_path try: with open(rc_path, "w") as f: f.write("invalid") self.assertEqual(pdb.Pdb().rcLines[0], "invalid") finally: if save_home is not None: os.environ["HOME"] = save_home def test_header(self): stdout = StringIO() header = 'Nobody expects... blah, blah, blah' with ExitStack() as resources: resources.enter_context(patch('sys.stdout', stdout)) resources.enter_context(patch.object(pdb.Pdb, 'set_trace')) pdb.set_trace(header=header) self.assertEqual(stdout.getvalue(), header + '\n') def test_run_module(self): script = """print("SUCCESS")""" commands = """ continue quit """ stdout, stderr = self.run_pdb_module(script, commands) self.assertTrue(any("SUCCESS" in l for l in stdout.splitlines()), stdout) def test_module_is_run_as_main(self): script = """ if __name__ == '__main__': print("SUCCESS") """ commands = """ continue quit """ stdout, stderr = self.run_pdb_module(script, commands) self.assertTrue(any("SUCCESS" in l for l in stdout.splitlines()), stdout) def test_breakpoint(self): script = """ if __name__ == '__main__': pass print("SUCCESS") pass """ commands = """ b 3 quit """ stdout, stderr = self.run_pdb_module(script, commands) self.assertTrue(any("Breakpoint 1 at" in l for l in stdout.splitlines()), stdout) self.assertTrue(all("SUCCESS" not in l for l in stdout.splitlines()), stdout) def test_run_pdb_with_pdb(self): commands = """ c quit """ stdout, stderr = self._run_pdb(["-m", "pdb"], commands) self.assertIn( pdb._usage, stdout.replace('\r', '') # remove \r for windows ) def test_module_without_a_main(self): module_name = 't_main' support.rmtree(module_name) init_file = module_name + '/__init__.py' os.mkdir(module_name) with open(init_file, 'w') as f: pass self.addCleanup(support.rmtree, module_name) stdout, stderr = self._run_pdb(['-m', module_name], "") self.assertIn("ImportError: No module named t_main.__main__", stdout.splitlines()) def test_blocks_at_first_code_line(self): script = """ #This is a comment, on line 2 print("SUCCESS") """ commands = """ quit """ stdout, stderr = self.run_pdb_module(script, commands) self.assertTrue(any("__main__.py(4)()" in l for l in stdout.splitlines()), stdout) def test_relative_imports(self): self.module_name = 't_main' support.rmtree(self.module_name) main_file = self.module_name + '/__main__.py' init_file = self.module_name + '/__init__.py' module_file = self.module_name + '/module.py' self.addCleanup(support.rmtree, self.module_name) os.mkdir(self.module_name) with open(init_file, 'w') as f: f.write(textwrap.dedent(""" top_var = "VAR from top" """)) with open(main_file, 'w') as f: f.write(textwrap.dedent(""" from . import top_var from .module import var from . import module pass # We'll stop here and print the vars """)) with open(module_file, 'w') as f: f.write(textwrap.dedent(""" var = "VAR from module" var2 = "second var" """)) commands = """ b 5 c p top_var p var p module.var2 quit """ stdout, _ = self._run_pdb(['-m', self.module_name], commands) self.assertTrue(any("VAR from module" in l for l in stdout.splitlines()), stdout) self.assertTrue(any("VAR from top" in l for l in stdout.splitlines())) self.assertTrue(any("second var" in l for l in stdout.splitlines())) def test_relative_imports_on_plain_module(self): # Validates running a plain module. See bpo32691 self.module_name = 't_main' support.rmtree(self.module_name) main_file = self.module_name + '/runme.py' init_file = self.module_name + '/__init__.py' module_file = self.module_name + '/module.py' self.addCleanup(support.rmtree, self.module_name) os.mkdir(self.module_name) with open(init_file, 'w') as f: f.write(textwrap.dedent(""" top_var = "VAR from top" """)) with open(main_file, 'w') as f: f.write(textwrap.dedent(""" from . import module pass # We'll stop here and print the vars """)) with open(module_file, 'w') as f: f.write(textwrap.dedent(""" var = "VAR from module" """)) commands = """ b 3 c p module.var quit """ stdout, _ = self._run_pdb(['-m', self.module_name + '.runme'], commands) self.assertTrue(any("VAR from module" in l for l in stdout.splitlines()), stdout) def test_errors_in_command(self): commands = "\n".join([ 'print(', 'debug print(', 'debug doesnotexist', 'c', ]) stdout, _ = self.run_pdb_script('', commands + '\n') self.assertEqual(stdout.splitlines()[1:], [ '(Pdb) *** SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing', '(Pdb) ENTERING RECURSIVE DEBUGGER', '*** SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing', 'LEAVING RECURSIVE DEBUGGER', '(Pdb) ENTERING RECURSIVE DEBUGGER', '> (1)()', "((Pdb)) *** NameError: name 'doesnotexist' is not defined", 'LEAVING RECURSIVE DEBUGGER', '(Pdb) ', ]) def load_tests(*args): from test import test_pdb suites = [ unittest.makeSuite(PdbTestCase), doctest.DocTestSuite(test_pdb) ] return unittest.TestSuite(suites) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()