use lib 'inc'; use Test::YAML tests => 10; no_diff; run_yaml_tests; __DATA__ === A scalar ref +++ perl: \ 42 +++ yaml --- !!perl/ref =: 42 === A ref to a scalar ref +++ perl: \\ "yellow" +++ yaml --- !!perl/ref =: !!perl/ref =: yellow === A ref to a ref to a scalar ref +++ perl: \\\ 123 +++ yaml --- !!perl/ref =: !!perl/ref =: !!perl/ref =: 123 === A blessed container reference +++ perl my $array_ref = [ 1, 3, 5]; my $container_ref = \ $array_ref; bless $container_ref, 'Wax'; +++ yaml --- !!perl/ref:Wax =: - 1 - 3 - 5 === A blessed scalar reference +++ perl my $scalar = "omg"; my $scalar_ref = \ $scalar; bless $scalar_ref, 'Wax'; +++ yaml --- !!perl/scalar:Wax omg