use strict; use lib -e 't' ? 't' : 'test'; use lib 'inc'; use Test::YAML(); BEGIN { @Test::YAML::EXPORT = grep { not /^(Dump|Load)(File)?$/ } @Test::YAML::EXPORT; } use TestYAML tests => 4; use YAML; { no warnings qw'once redefine'; require YAML::Dumper; local *YAML::Dumper::dump = sub { return 'got to dumper' }; require YAML::Loader; local *YAML::Loader::load = sub { return 'got to loader' }; is Dump(\%ENV), 'got to dumper', 'Dump got to the business end'; is Load(\%ENV), 'got to loader', 'Load got to the business end'; is Dump(\%ENV), 'got to dumper', 'YAML::Dump got to the business end'; is Load(\%ENV), 'got to loader', 'YAML::Load got to the business end'; }