use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; plan tests => 168; my($h, $h2); sub j { join("|", @_) } require HTTP::Headers; $h = HTTP::Headers->new; ok($h); is(ref($h), "HTTP::Headers"); is($h->as_string, ""); $h = HTTP::Headers->new(foo => "bar", foo => "baaaaz", Foo => "baz"); is($h->as_string, "Foo: bar\nFoo: baaaaz\nFoo: baz\n"); $h = HTTP::Headers->new(foo => ["bar", "baz"]); is($h->as_string, "Foo: bar\nFoo: baz\n"); $h = HTTP::Headers->new(foo => 1, bar => 2, foo_bar => 3); is($h->as_string, "Bar: 2\nFoo: 1\nFoo-Bar: 3\n"); is($h->as_string(";"), "Bar: 2;Foo: 1;Foo-Bar: 3;"); is($h->header("Foo"), 1); is($h->header("FOO"), 1); is(j($h->header("foo")), 1); is($h->header("foo-bar"), 3); is($h->header("foo_bar"), 3); is($h->header("Not-There"), undef); is(j($h->header("Not-There")), ""); is(eval { $h->header }, undef); ok($@); is($h->header("Foo", 11), 1); is($h->header("Foo", [1, 1]), 11); is($h->header("Foo"), "1, 1"); is(j($h->header("Foo")), "1|1"); is($h->header(foo => 11, Foo => 12, bar => 22), 2); is($h->header("Foo"), "11, 12"); is($h->header("Bar"), 22); is($h->header("Bar", undef), 22); is(j($h->header("bar", 22)), ""); $h->push_header(Bar => 22); is($h->header("Bar"), "22, 22"); $h->push_header(Bar => [23 .. 25]); is($h->header("Bar"), "22, 22, 23, 24, 25"); is(j($h->header("Bar")), "22|22|23|24|25"); $h->clear; $h->header(Foo => 1); is($h->as_string, "Foo: 1\n"); $h->init_header(Foo => 2); $h->init_header(Bar => 2); is($h->as_string, "Bar: 2\nFoo: 1\n"); $h->init_header(Foo => [2, 3]); $h->init_header(Baz => [2, 3]); is($h->as_string, "Bar: 2\nBaz: 2\nBaz: 3\nFoo: 1\n"); eval { $h->init_header(A => 1, B => 2, C => 3) }; ok($@); is($h->as_string, "Bar: 2\nBaz: 2\nBaz: 3\nFoo: 1\n"); is($h->clone->remove_header("Foo"), 1); is($h->clone->remove_header("Bar"), 1); is($h->clone->remove_header("Baz"), 2); is($h->clone->remove_header(qw(Foo Bar Baz Not-There)), 4); is($h->clone->remove_header("Not-There"), 0); is(j($h->clone->remove_header("Foo")), 1); is(j($h->clone->remove_header("Bar")), 2); is(j($h->clone->remove_header("Baz")), "2|3"); is(j($h->clone->remove_header(qw(Foo Bar Baz Not-There))), "1|2|2|3"); is(j($h->clone->remove_header("Not-There")), ""); $h = HTTP::Headers->new( allow => "GET", content => "none", content_type => "text/html", content_md5 => "dummy", content_encoding => "gzip", content_foo => "bar", last_modified => "yesterday", expires => "tomorrow", etag => "abc", date => "today", user_agent => "libwww-perl", zoo => "foo", ); is($h->as_string, <clone; is($h->as_string, $h2->as_string); is($h->remove_content_headers->as_string, <as_string, <remove_content_headers; is($h->as_string, $h2->as_string); $h->clear; is($h->as_string, ""); undef($h2); $h = HTTP::Headers->new; is($h->header_field_names, 0); is(j($h->header_field_names), ""); $h = HTTP::Headers->new( etag => 1, foo => [2,3], content_type => "text/plain"); is($h->header_field_names, 3); is(j($h->header_field_names), "ETag|Content-Type|Foo"); { my @tmp; $h->scan(sub { push(@tmp, @_) }); is(j(@tmp), "ETag|1|Content-Type|text/plain|Foo|2|Foo|3"); @tmp = (); eval { $h->scan(sub { push(@tmp, @_); die if $_[0] eq "Content-Type" }) }; ok($@); is(j(@tmp), "ETag|1|Content-Type|text/plain"); @tmp = (); $h->scan(sub { push(@tmp, @_) }); is(j(@tmp), "ETag|1|Content-Type|text/plain|Foo|2|Foo|3"); } # CONVENIENCE METHODS $h = HTTP::Headers->new; is($h->date, undef); is($h->date(time), undef); is(j($h->header_field_names), "Date"); like($h->header("Date"), qr/^[A-Z][a-z][a-z], \d\d .* GMT$/); { my $off = time - $h->date; ok($off == 0 || $off == 1); } if ($] < 5.006) { Test::skip("Can't call variable method", 1) for 1..13; } else { # other date fields for my $field (qw(expires if_modified_since if_unmodified_since last_modified)) { eval <<'EOT'; die $@ if $@; is($h->$field, undef); is($h->$field(time), undef); like((time - $h->$field), qr/^[01]$/); EOT } is(j($h->header_field_names), "Date|If-Modified-Since|If-Unmodified-Since|Expires|Last-Modified"); } $h->clear; is($h->content_type, ""); is($h->content_type("text/html"), ""); is($h->content_type, "text/html"); is($h->content_type(" TEXT / HTML ") , "text/html"); is($h->content_type, "text/html"); is(j($h->content_type), "text/html"); is($h->content_type("text/html;\n charSet = \"ISO-8859-1\"; Foo=1 "), "text/html"); is($h->content_type, "text/html"); is(j($h->content_type), "text/html|charSet = \"ISO-8859-1\"; Foo=1 "); is($h->header("content_type"), "text/html;\n charSet = \"ISO-8859-1\"; Foo=1 "); ok($h->content_is_html); ok(!$h->content_is_xhtml); ok(!$h->content_is_xml); $h->content_type("application/xhtml+xml"); ok($h->content_is_html); ok($h->content_is_xhtml); ok($h->content_is_xml); is($h->content_type("text/html;\n charSet = \"ISO-8859-1\"; Foo=1 "), "application/xhtml+xml"); is($h->content_encoding, undef); is($h->content_encoding("gzip"), undef); is($h->content_encoding, "gzip"); is(j($h->header_field_names), "Content-Encoding|Content-Type"); is($h->content_language, undef); is($h->content_language("no"), undef); is($h->content_language, "no"); is($h->title, undef); is($h->title("This is a test"), undef); is($h->title, "This is a test"); is($h->user_agent, undef); is($h->user_agent("Mozilla/1.2"), undef); is($h->user_agent, "Mozilla/1.2"); is($h->server, undef); is($h->server("Apache/2.1"), undef); is($h->server, "Apache/2.1"); is($h->from("Gisle\"), undef); ok($h->header("from", "Gisle\")); is($h->referer(""), undef); is($h->referer, ""); is($h->referrer, ""); is($h->referer(""), ""); is($h->referer, ""); { require URI; my $u = URI->new(""); $h->referer($u); is($u->as_string, ""); is($h->referer->fragment, undef); is($h->referrer->as_string, ""); } is($h->as_string, <clear; is($h->www_authenticate("foo"), undef); is($h->www_authenticate("bar"), "foo"); is($h->www_authenticate, "bar"); is($h->proxy_authenticate("foo"), undef); is($h->proxy_authenticate("bar"), "foo"); is($h->proxy_authenticate, "bar"); is($h->authorization_basic, undef); is($h->authorization_basic("u"), undef); is($h->authorization_basic("u", "p"), "u:"); is($h->authorization_basic, "u:p"); is(j($h->authorization_basic), "u|p"); is($h->authorization, "Basic dTpw"); is(eval { $h->authorization_basic("u2:p") }, undef); ok($@); is(j($h->authorization_basic), "u|p"); is($h->proxy_authorization_basic("u2", "p2"), undef); is(j($h->proxy_authorization_basic), "u2|p2"); is($h->proxy_authorization, "Basic dTI6cDI="); is($h->as_string, <new; eval { $line = __LINE__; $h->header('foo:', 1); }; like($@, qr/^Illegal field name 'foo:' at \Q$file\E line $line/); eval { $line = __LINE__; $h->header('', 2); }; like($@, qr/^Illegal field name '' at \Q$file\E line $line/); #---- old tests below ----- $h = new HTTP::Headers mime_version => "1.0", content_type => "text/html"; $h->header(URI => ""); is($h->header("MIME-Version"), "1.0"); is($h->header('Uri'), ""); $h->header("MY-header" => "foo", "Date" => "somedate", "Accept" => ["text/plain", "image/*"], ); $h->push_header("accept" => "audio/basic"); is($h->header("date"), "somedate"); my @accept = $h->header("accept"); is(@accept, 3); $h->remove_header("uri", "date"); my $str = $h->as_string; my $lines = ($str =~ tr/\n/\n/); is($lines, 6); $h2 = $h->clone; $h->header("accept", "*/*"); $h->remove_header("my-header"); @accept = $h2->header("accept"); is(@accept, 3); @accept = $h->header("accept"); is(@accept, 1); # Check order of headers, but first remove this one $h2->remove_header('mime_version'); # and add this general header $h2->header(Connection => 'close'); my @x = (); $h2->scan(sub {push(@x, shift);}); is(join(";", @x), "Connection;Accept;Accept;Accept;Content-Type;MY-Header"); # Check headers with embedded newlines: $h = HTTP::Headers->new( a => "foo\n\n", b => "foo\nbar", c => "foo\n\nbar\n\n", d => "foo\n\tbar", e => "foo\n bar ", f => "foo\n bar\n baz\nbaz", ); is($h->as_string("<<\n"), <new( a => "foo\r\n\r\nevil body" , b => "foo\015\012\015\012evil body" , c => "foo\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0aevil body" , ); is ( $h->as_string(), "A: foo\r\n evil body\n". "B: foo\015\012 evil body\n" . "C: foo\x0d\x0a evil body\n" , "embedded CRLF are stripped out"); # Check with FALSE $HTML::Headers::TRANSLATE_UNDERSCORE { local($HTTP::Headers::TRANSLATE_UNDERSCORE); $HTTP::Headers::TRANSLATE_UNDERSCORE = undef; # avoid -w warning $h = HTTP::Headers->new; $h->header(abc_abc => "foo"); $h->header("abc-abc" => "bar"); is($h->header("ABC_ABC"), "foo"); is($h->header("ABC-ABC"),"bar"); ok($h->remove_header("Abc_Abc")); ok(!defined($h->header("abc_abc"))); is($h->header("ABC-ABC"), "bar"); } # Check if objects as header values works require URI; $h->header(URI => URI->new("")); is($h->header("URI")->scheme, "http"); $h->clear; is($h->as_string, ""); $h->content_type("text/plain"); $h->header(content_md5 => "dummy"); $h->header("Content-Foo" => "foo"); $h->header(Location => "http:", xyzzy => "plugh!"); is($h->as_string, <remove_content_headers; is($h->as_string, <as_string, <new; $h->content_type("text/plain"); $h->header(":foo_bar", 1); $h->push_header(":content_type", "text/html"); is(j($h->header_field_names), "Content-Type|:content_type|:foo_bar"); is($h->header('Content-Type'), "text/plain"); is($h->header(':Content_Type'), undef); is($h->header(':content_type'), "text/html"); is($h->as_string, <new( if_modified_since => "Sat, 29 Oct 1994 19:43:31 GMT; length=34343" ); is(gmtime($h->if_modified_since), "Sat Oct 29 19:43:31 1994"); $h = HTTP::Headers->new(); $h->content_type('text/plain'); $h->content_length(4); $h->push_header('x-foo' => 'bar'); $h->push_header('x-foo' => 'baz'); is(0+$h->flatten, 8); is_deeply( [ $h->flatten ], [ 'Content-Length', 4, 'Content-Type', 'text/plain', 'X-Foo', 'bar', 'X-Foo', 'baz', ], );