use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; plan tests => 59; use HTTP::Request::Common; my $r = GET ''; note $r->as_string; is($r->method, "GET"); is($r->uri, ""); $r = HEAD "", If_Match => 'abc', From => ''; note $r->as_string; is($r->method, "HEAD"); ok($r->uri->eq("")); is($r->header('If-Match'), "abc"); is($r->header("from"), "aas\"); $r = PUT "", Content => 'foo'; note $r->as_string, "\n"; is($r->method, "PUT"); is($r->uri->host, ""); ok(!defined($r->header("Content"))); is(${$r->content_ref}, "foo"); is($r->content, "foo"); is($r->content_length, 3); $r = PUT "", { foo => "bar" }; is($r->content, "foo=bar"); #--- Test POST requests --- $r = POST "", [foo => 'bar;baz', baz => [qw(a b c)], foo => 'zoo=&', "space " => " + ", "nl" => "a\nb\r\nc\n", ], bar => 'foo'; note $r->as_string, "\n"; is($r->method, "POST"); is($r->content_type, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); is($r->content_length, 83); is($r->header("bar"), "foo"); is($r->content, "foo=bar%3Bbaz&baz=a&baz=b&baz=c&foo=zoo%3D%26&space+=+%2B+&nl=a%0D%0Ab%0D%0Ac%0D%0A"); $r = POST ""; is($r->content_length, 0); is($r->content, ""); $r = POST "", []; is($r->content_length, 0); is($r->content, ""); $r = POST "mailto:gisle\", Subject => "Heisan", Content_Type => "text/plain", Content => "Howdy\n"; #note $r->as_string; is($r->method, "POST"); is($r->header("Subject"), "Heisan"); is($r->content, "Howdy\n"); is($r->content_type, "text/plain"); { my @warnings; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings, @_ }; $r = POST '', []; is( "@warnings", '', 'empty POST' ); } # # POST for File upload # my $file = "test-$$"; open(FILE, ">$file") or die "Can't create $file: $!"; print FILE "foo\nbar\nbaz\n"; close(FILE); $r = POST '', Content_Type => 'form-data', Content => [ name => 'Gisle Aas', email => '', gender => 'm', born => '1964', file => [$file], ]; #note $r->as_string; unlink($file) or warn "Can't unlink $file: $!"; is($r->method, "POST"); is($r->uri->path, "/survey.cgi"); is($r->content_type, "multipart/form-data"); ok($r->header('Content_type') =~ /boundary="?([^"]+)"?/); my $boundary = $1; my $c = $r->content; $c =~ s/\r//g; my @c = split(/--\Q$boundary/, $c); note "$c[5]\n"; is(@c, 7); like($c[6], qr/^--\n/); # 5 parts + header & trailer ok($c[2] =~ /^Content-Disposition:\s*form-data;\s*name="email"/m); ok($c[2] =~ /^gisle\$/m); ok($c[5] =~ /^Content-Disposition:\s*form-data;\s*name="file";\s*filename="$file"/m); ok($c[5] =~ /^Content-Type:\s*text\/plain$/m); ok($c[5] =~ /^foo\nbar\nbaz/m); $r = POST '', [ file => [ undef, "xxy\"", Content_type => "text/html", Content => "

Hello, world!

" ]], Content_type => 'multipart/form-data'; #note $r->as_string; ok($r->content =~ /^--\S+\015\012Content-Disposition:\s*form-data;\s*name="file";\s*filename="xxy\\"/m); ok($r->content =~ /^Content-Type: text\/html/m); ok($r->content =~ /^

Hello, world/m); $r = POST '', Content_type => 'multipart/form-data', Content => [ file => [ undef, undef, Content => "foo"]]; #note $r->as_string; unlike($r->content, qr/filename=/); # The POST routine can now also take a hash reference. my %hash = (foo => 42, bar => 24); $r = POST '', \%hash; #note $r->as_string, "\n"; like($r->content, qr/foo=42/); like($r->content, qr/bar=24/); is($r->content_type, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); is($r->content_length, 13); # # POST for File upload # use HTTP::Request::Common qw($DYNAMIC_FILE_UPLOAD); $file = "test-$$"; open(FILE, ">$file") or die "Can't create $file: $!"; for (1..1000) { print FILE "a" .. "z"; } close(FILE); $DYNAMIC_FILE_UPLOAD++; $r = POST '', Content_Type => 'form-data', Content => [ name => 'Gisle Aas', email => '', gender => 'm', born => '1964', file => [$file], ]; #note $r->as_string, "\n"; is($r->method, "POST"); is($r->uri->path, "/survey.cgi"); is($r->content_type, "multipart/form-data"); ok($r->header('Content_type') =~ qr/boundary="?([^"]+)"?/); $boundary = $1; is(ref($r->content), "CODE"); cmp_ok(length($boundary), '>', 10); my $code = $r->content; my $chunk; my @chunks; while (defined($chunk = &$code) && length $chunk) { push(@chunks, $chunk); } unlink($file) or warn "Can't unlink $file: $!"; $_ = join("", @chunks); #note int(@chunks), " chunks, total size is ", length($_), " bytes\n"; # should be close to expected size and number of chunks cmp_ok(abs(@chunks - 15), '<', 3); cmp_ok(abs(length($_) - 26589), '<', 20); $r = POST ''; is($r->as_string, < 'form-data', Content => []; is($r->as_string, < 'form-data'; #note $r->as_string; is($r->as_string, <method, "DELETE"); $r = HTTP::Request::Common::PUT '', 'Content-Type' => 'application/octet-steam', 'Content' => 'foobarbaz', 'Content-Length' => 12; # a slight lie is($r->header('Content-Length'), 9);