use Config; BEGIN { unless ($Config{useithreads}) { print "1..0 # SKIP your perl does not support ithreads\n"; exit 0; } } BEGIN { unless (eval { require threads }) { print "1..0 # SKIP not installed\n"; exit 0; } } use threads; use threads::shared; our $had_error :shared; END { $? = $had_error||0 } use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { if ($ENV{DEVEL_GLOBALDESTRUCTION_PP_TEST}) { unshift @INC, sub { die 'no XS' if $_[1] eq 'Devel/GlobalDestruction/'; }; } } # load it before spawning a thread, that's the whole point require Devel::GlobalDestruction; sub do_test { # just die so we don't need to deal with testcount skew unless ( ($_[0]||'') eq 'arg' ) { $had_error++; die "Argument passing failed!"; } delete $INC{'t/01_basic.t'}; do 't/01_basic.t'; 1; } threads->create('do_test', 'arg')->join or $had_error++;