# -*- Mode: Perl -*- BEGIN { unshift @INC, "lib", "../lib" } use strict; use warnings; # use diagnostics; use Data::Compare; local $^W = 1; print "1..45\n"; my $t = 1; my $s0 = undef; my $s1 = 0; my $s2 = 10; # 1 .. 4 &comp($s0, $s0, 1); &comp($s1, $s1, 1); &comp($s2, $s2, 1); &comp($s0, $s1, 0); my $s3 = \$s2; my $s4 = \$s1; my $s5 = "$s4"; my $s6 = 0; my $s7 = \$s6; # 5 .. 8 &comp($s3, $s3, 1); &comp($s3, $s4, 0); &comp($s4, $s5, 0); &comp($s4, $s7, 1); my $a1 = []; my $a2 = [ 0 ]; my $a3 = [ '' ]; my $a4 = [ 1, 2, 3 ]; my $a5 = [ 1, 2, 4 ]; my $a6 = [ 1, 2, 3, 5 ]; # 9 .. 13 &comp($a1, $a1, 1); &comp($a1, $a2, 0); &comp($a2, $a3, 0); &comp($a4, $a5, 0); &comp($a4, $a6, 0); my $h1 = {}; my $h2 = { 'foo' => 'bar' }; my $h3 = { 'foo' => 'bar' }; my $h4 = { 'foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'foo' }; # 14 .. 19 &comp($h1, $s0, 0); &comp($h1, $h1, 1); &comp($h2, $h2, 1); &comp($h2, $h3, 1); &comp($h1, $h2, 0); &comp($h3, $h4, 0); my $o1 = bless [ 'FOO', 'BAR' ], 'foo'; my $o2 = bless [ 'FOO', 'BAR' ], 'foo'; my $o3 = bless [ 'FOO', 'BAR' ], 'fool'; my $o4 = bless [ 'FOO', 'BAR', 'BAZ' ], 'foo'; # 20 .. 22 &comp($o1, $o2, 1); &comp($o1, $o3, 0); &comp($o1, $o4, 0); my $o5 = bless { 'FOO' => 'BAR' }, 'foo'; my $o6 = bless { 'FOO' => 'BAR' }, 'foo'; my $o7 = bless { 'FOO' => 'BAR' }, 'fool'; my $o8 = bless { 'FOO' => 'BAR', 'foo' => 'BAZ' }, 'foo'; # 23 .. 25 &comp($o5, $o6, 1); &comp($o5, $o7, 0); &comp($o5, $o8, 0); my $s8 = 0; my $o9 = bless \$s0, 'foo'; my $o10 = bless \$s8, 'foo'; my $o11 = bless \$s1, 'foo'; # 26 .. 27 &comp($o9, $o10, 0); &comp($o10, $o11, 1); my $g1 = \*STDIN; my $g2 = \*STDOUT; # 28 .. 29 &comp($g1, $g1, 1); &comp($g1, $g2, 0); my $o12 = bless $g1, 'foo'; my $o13 = bless $g2, 'foo'; # 30 .. 31 &comp($o12, $o12, 1); &comp($o12, $o13, 0); my $o16 = bless sub { print "foo\n" }, 'foo'; my $o17 = bless sub { print "foo\n" }, 'foo'; # 32 &comp($o16, $o17, 0); # :( my $v1 = { 'foo' => [ 1, { 'bar' => 'baz' }, 3 ] }; my $v2 = { 'bar' => 'baz' }; my $v3 = [ 1, $v2, 3 ]; my $v4 = { 'foo' => $v3 }; # 33 &comp($v1, $v4, 1); # 34 .. 37 &comp(\\1, \\1, 1); &comp(\\1, \\2, 0); &comp(\\1, 1, 0); &comp(\\1, \1, 0); # 38 .. 40 &comp(qr/abc/i, qr/abc/i, 1, "Identical regexen"); &comp(qr/abc/i, qr/[aA][bB][cC]/, 0, "Non-identical regexen"); &comp(qr/abc/i, '(?i-xsm:abc)', 0, "Regex and scalar which stringify the same"); # 41 .. 43 # scalar cross $a = []; my($x, $y); $x=\$y; $y=\$x; $a->[0]=\$a->[1]; $a->[1]=\$a->[0]; &comp([$x, $y], $a, 1, "two parallel circular structures compare the same"); # these two are probably superfluous, as they test referential equality # rather than any of the stuff we added to do with circles and recursion &comp([$x, $y], [$y, $x], 1, "looking at a circle from two different starting points compares the same"); &comp([$x, $y], [$x, $y], 1, "a circular structure compares to itself"); $a = []; $b = []; $a->[0] = { foo => { bar => $a } }; $b->[0] = { foo => { bar => $b } }; $a->[1] = $b->[1] = 5; comp($a, $b, 1, "structure of a circle plus same data compares the same"); $a->[1] = 6; comp($a, $b, 0, "structure of a circle plus different data compares different"); sub comp { my $a = shift; my $b = shift; my $expect = shift; my $comment = shift; print Compare ($a, $b) == $expect ? "" : "not ", "ok ", $t++, ($comment) ? " $comment\n" : "\n"; }