use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; use lib 't/lib'; use Test::More 0.96; use TestUtils; require_ok("Echo"); subtest "attribute set as list" => sub { my $obj = new_ok( "Echo", [ foo => 42, bar => 23 ] ); is( $obj->foo, 42, "foo is set" ); is( $obj->bar, 23, "bar is set" ); is( $obj->baz, 24, "baz is set" ); }; subtest "destructor" => sub { no warnings 'once'; my @objs = map { new_ok( "Echo", [ foo => 42, bar => 23 ] ) } 1 .. 3; is( $Delta::counter, 3, "BUILD incremented counter" ); @objs = (); is( $Delta::counter, 0, "DEMOLISH decremented counter" ); is( $Delta::exception, 0, "cleanup worked in correct order" ); }; subtest "exceptions" => sub { like( exception { Echo->new( foo => 0, bar => 23 ) }, qr/foo must be positive/, "BUILD validation throws error", ); }; done_testing; # # This file is part of Class-Tiny # # This software is Copyright (c) 2013 by David Golden. # # This is free software, licensed under: # # The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004 # # vim: ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 et: