Apache CouchDB Copyright 2009-2016 The Apache Software Foundation This product includes software developed at The Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/). This product also includes the following third-party components: * jQuery (http://jquery.org/) Copyright 2012 jQuery Foundation and other contributors * json2.js (http://www.json.org/) Public domain * MochiWeb (http://code.google.com/p/mochiweb/) Copyright 2007, Mochi Media Coporation * ibrowse (http://github.com/cmullaparthi/ibrowse/tree/master) Copyright 2005-2012, Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi * mimeparse.js (http://code.google.com/p/mimeparse/) Copyright 2009, Chris Anderson * base64.js Copyright 1999, Masanao Izumo * jspec.js (http://visionmedia.github.com/jspec/) Copyright 2010 TJ Holowaychuk * yajl (http://lloyd.github.com/yajl/) Copyright 2010, Lloyd Hilaiel * snappy (http://code.google.com/p/snappy/) Copyright 2005, Google Inc. * snappy-erlang-nif (https://github.com/fdmanana/snappy-erlang-nif) Copyright 2011, Filipe David Manana * CoffeeScript (http://coffeescript.org/) Copyright 2011, Jeremy Ashkenas * Sphinx (http://sphinx-doc.org/) Copyright 2011, the Sphinx team * Sizzle (http://sizzlejs.com/) Copyright 2010, The Dojo Foundation * Underscore.js 1.4.2 (http://underscorejs.org) Copyright 2012, Jeremy Ashkenas * backbone.js (http://backbonejs.org/) Copyright 2012, Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud Inc. * Bootstrap (http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/) Copyright 2012, Twitter, Inc. * d3.js (http://d3js.org) Copyright 2012, Michael Bostock * Lodash (http://lodash.com/) Copyright 2012, John-David Dalton * nvd3.js (http://nvd3.org/) Copyright 2012, Novus Partners, Inc. * backbone.layoutmanager.js (https://github.com/tbranyen/backbone.layoutmanager) Copyright 2012, Tim Branyen (@tbranyen) * prettify.js (http://code.google.com/p/google-code-prettify/) Copyright 2011, Mike Samuel et al * PouchDB (https://github.com/daleharvey/pouchdb) Copyright 2012, Dale Harvey et al * require.js (https://github.com/jrburke/requirejs) Copyright (c) 2010-2011, The Dojo Foundation * mocha.js (https://github.com/visionmedia/mocha) Copyright (c) 2011-2013 TJ Holowaychuk * chaijs https://github.com/chaijs Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Jake Luer jake@alogicalparadox.com * sinon-chai Copyright © 2012–2013 Domenic Denicola * spin.js Copyright (c) 2011 Felix Gnass [fgnass at neteye dot de] * font-awesome http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/ Copyright (c) 2013 Dave Gandy * sandbox.js https://github.com/KlausTrainer/sandbox.js (c) 2013 Klaus Trainer * ace editor https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace Copyright (c) 2010, Ajax.org B.V. * src/fauxton/asserts/js/plugins/cloudant.pagingcollection.js Copyright (c) 2014, Cloudant http://cloudant.com * velocity.js (https://github.com/julianshapiro/velocity) Copyright (c) 2014 Julian Shapiro * is_base_dir function in eunit_plugin.erl (https://github.com/ChicagoBoss/ChicagoBoss/blob/master/skel/priv/rebar/boss_plugin.erl) Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Evan Miller * ?assertNotMatch in couch_eunit.hrl (https://github.com/richcarl/eunit/blob/master/include/eunit.hrl#L200-L219) Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Mickaël Rémond, Richard Carlsson * src/fauxton/test/nightwatch_tests/custom-commands/waitForAttribute.js Copyright (c) 2014 Dave Koo * moment.js Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Tim Wood, Iskren Chernev, moment.js contributors * React.js Copyright (c) 2013-2017, Facebook, Inc. * Flux.js Copyright (c) 2014, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. * es5-shim.js Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Kristopher Michael Kowal and contributors * CSS.escape (https://github.com/mathiasbynens/CSS.escape/) Copyright Mathias Bynens * Papaparse.js Copyright (c) 2015 Matthew Holt * react-bootstrap.js Copyright (c) 2014 Stephen J. Collings, Matthew Honnibal, Pieter Vanderwerff * velocity-react Copyright (c) 2015 Twitter, Inc.