language: elixir elixir: 1.7.4 os: linux dist: trusty otp_release: - 22.0.5 - 21.2.3 - - 19.3 addons: apt: sources: - deadsnakes packages: - build-essential - curl - libcurl4-openssl-dev - libicu-dev - libmozjs185-dev - pkg-config - python3.6 - python3.6-venv - python3-requests - python3-sphinx # - sphinx-rtd-theme - help2man - shunit2 git: depth: 10 # logfile uploader uses requests cache: - pip # logfile uploader credentials env: global: - secure: "UdA/gKIlyuXaW+hUgRx40t1TYjLCGxMqHvM5Uw7UbUH2dqEkgJiLfhZGchS1JVzl8M01VKZUUzS7v2nvRLiHZN1kvaw5kfq31VRoafUah8jfmvqNWZVdLovHl3aw5UX/HRt0RkbWbhdbdknTfh6+YinSZ+Nb54jCErMg9nabXtM=" - COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR=/tmp/couchjslogs # Change to elixir folder so that travis can run mix deps.get during install before_install: - cd test/elixir # Enable this block if you want to build docs & fauxton too #node_js: # - 6 #before_script: # - ./configure -c # Then comment this section out before_script: - cd ../.. - kerl list installations - rm -rf /tmp/couchjslogs - mkdir -p /tmp/couchjslogs - ./configure -c --disable-docs --disable-fauxton - python3.6 -m venv /tmp/.venv - source /tmp/.venv/bin/activate script: - make check after_failure: - build-aux/ # start a push build on master and release branches + PRs build on every branch # Avoid double build on PRs (See branches: only: - master - /^\d+\.x\.x$/ - /^\d+\.\d+\.x$/ # Re-enable once test suite is reliable #notifications: # email: false # irc: # channels: # "" # on_success: change # on_failure: always # use_notice: true # skip_join: true # template: # - %{repository_slug}/%{branch}: %{message} %{build_url}"