#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright (C) 1998-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . use strict; (my $ME = $0) =~ s|.*/||; my $prog = 'ls'; # Turn off localization of executable's output. @ENV{qw(LANGUAGE LANG LC_ALL)} = ('C') x 3; my $saved_ls_colors; sub push_ls_colors($) { $saved_ls_colors = $ENV{LS_COLORS} || ''; $ENV{LS_COLORS} = $_[0]; } sub restore_ls_colors() { $ENV{LS_COLORS} = $saved_ls_colors; } # If the string $S is a well-behaved file name, simply return it. # If it contains white space, quotes, etc., quote it, and return the new string. sub shell_quote($) { my ($s) = @_; if ($s =~ m![^\w+/.,-]!) { # Convert each single quote to '\'' $s =~ s/\'/\'\\\'\'/g; # Then single quote the string. $s = "'$s'"; } return $s; } # Set up files used by the setuid-etc tests; skip this entire test if # that cannot be done. sub setuid_setup() { my $test = 'env test'; system (qq(touch setuid && chmod u+s setuid && $test -u setuid && touch setgid && chmod g+s setgid && $test -g setgid && mkdir sticky && chmod +t sticky && $test -k sticky && mkdir owt && chmod +t,o+w owt && $test -k owt && mkdir owr && chmod o+w owr)) == 0 or CuSkip::skip "$ME: cannot create setuid/setgid/sticky files," . "so can't run this test\n"; } sub mk_file(@) { foreach my $f (@_) { open (F, '>', $f) && close F or die "creating $f: $!\n"; } } sub mkdir_d {mkdir 'd',0755 or die "d: $!\n"} sub rmdir_d {rmdir 'd' or die "d: $!\n"} my $mkdir = {PRE => sub {mkdir_d}}; my $rmdir = {POST => sub {rmdir_d}}; my $mkdir_reg = {PRE => sub {mkdir_d; mk_file 'd/f' }}; my $rmdir_reg = {POST => sub {unlink 'd/f' or die "d/f: $!\n"; rmdir 'd' or die "d: $!\n"}}; my $mkdir2 = {PRE => sub {mkdir 'd',0755 or die "d: $!\n"; mkdir 'd/e',0755 or die "d/e: $!\n" }}; my $rmdir2 = {POST => sub {rmdir 'd/e' or die "d/e: $!\n"; rmdir 'd' or die "d: $!\n" }}; my $target = {PRE => sub { mkdir 'd',0755 or die "d: $!\n"; symlink '.', 'd/X' or die "d/X: $!\n"; push_ls_colors('ln=target') }}; my $target2 = {POST => sub {unlink 'd/X' or die "d/X: $!\n"; rmdir 'd' or die "d: $!\n"; restore_ls_colors }}; my $slink_d = {PRE => sub {symlink '/', 'd' or die "d: $!\n"; push_ls_colors('ln=01;36:di=01;34:or=40;31;01') }}; my $unlink_d = {POST => sub {unlink 'd' or die "d: $!\n"; restore_ls_colors}}; my $mkdir_d_slink = {PRE => sub {mkdir 'd',0755 or die "d: $!\n"; symlink '/', 'd/s' or die "d/s: $!\n" }}; my $rmdir_d_slink = {POST => sub {unlink 'd/s' or die "d/s: $!\n"; rmdir 'd' or die "d: $!\n" }}; sub make_j_d () { mkdir 'j', 0700 or die "creating j: $!\n"; mk_file 'j/d'; chmod 0555, 'j/d' or die "making j/d executable: $!\n"; } my @v_files = ( '.0', '.9', '.A', '.Z', '.a', '.z', '.zz~', '.zz', '.zz.~1~', '.zz.0', '0', '9', 'A', 'Z', 'a', 'z', 'zz~', 'zz', 'zz.~1~', 'zz.0'); my $exe_in_subdir = {PRE => sub { make_j_d (); push_ls_colors('ex=01;32') }}; my $remove_j = {POST => sub {unlink 'j/d' or die "j/d: $!\n"; rmdir 'j' or die "j: $!\n"; restore_ls_colors }}; my $e = "\e[0m"; my $q_bell = {IN => {"q\a" => ''}}; my @Tests = ( # test-name options input expected-output # # quoting tests............................................ ['q-', $q_bell, {OUT => "q\a\n"}, {EXIT => 0}], ['q-N', '-N', $q_bell, {OUT => "q\a\n"}, {ERR => ''}], ['q-q', '-q', $q_bell, {OUT => "q?\n"}], ['q-Q', '-Q', $q_bell, {OUT => "\"q\\a\"\n"}], ['q-qs-lit', '--quoting=literal', $q_bell, {OUT => "q\a\n"}], ['q-qs-sh', '--quoting=shell', $q_bell, {OUT => "q\a\n"}], ['q-qs-sh-a', '--quoting=shell-always',$q_bell, {OUT => "'q\a'\n"}], ['q-qs-sh-e', '--quoting=shell-escape',$q_bell, {OUT => "'q'\$'\\a'\n"}], ['q-qs-c', '--quoting=c', $q_bell, {OUT => "\"q\\a\"\n"}], ['q-qs-esc', '--quoting=escape', $q_bell, {OUT => "q\\a\n"}], ['q-qs-loc', '--quoting=locale', $q_bell, {OUT => "'q\\a'\n"}], ['q-qs-cloc', '--quoting=clocale', $q_bell, {OUT => "\"q\\a\"\n"}], ['q-qs-lit-q', '--quoting=literal -q', $q_bell, {OUT => "q?\n"}], ['q-qs-sh-q', '--quoting=shell -q', $q_bell, {OUT => "q?\n"}], ['q-qs-sh-a-q', '--quoting=shell-al -q', $q_bell, {OUT => "'q?'\n"}], ['q-qs-sh-e-q', '--quoting=shell-escape -q', $q_bell, {OUT => "'q'\$'\\a'\n"}], ['q-qs-c-q', '--quoting=c -q', $q_bell, {OUT => "\"q\\a\"\n"}], ['q-qs-esc-q', '--quoting=escape -q', $q_bell, {OUT => "q\\a\n"}], ['q-qs-loc-q', '--quoting=locale -q', $q_bell, {OUT => "'q\\a'\n"}], ['q-qs-cloc-q', '--quoting=clocale -q', $q_bell, {OUT => "\"q\\a\"\n"}], ['q-qs-c-1', '--quoting=c', {IN => {"t\004" => ''}}, {OUT => "\"t\\004\"\n"}], ['emptydir', 'd', {OUT => ''}, $mkdir, $rmdir], ['emptydir-x2', 'd d', {OUT => "d:\n\nd:\n"}, $mkdir, $rmdir], ['emptydir-R', '-R d', {OUT => "d:\n"}, $mkdir, $rmdir], # test 'ls -R .' ............................................ ['R-dot', '--ignore="[a-ce-zA-Z]*" -R .', {OUT => ".:\nd\n\n\./d:\n"}, $mkdir, $rmdir], ['slink-dir-F', '-F d', {OUT => "d@\n"}, $slink_d, $unlink_d], ['slink-dir-dF', '-dF d', {OUT => "d@\n"}, $slink_d, $unlink_d], ['slinkdir-dFH', '-dFH d', {OUT => "d/\n"}, $slink_d, $unlink_d], ['slinkdir-dFL', '-dFL d', {OUT => "d/\n"}, $slink_d, $unlink_d], # Test for a bug that was fixed in coreutils-4.5.4. ['sl-F-color', '-F --color=always d', {OUT => "$e\e[01;36md$e\@\n"}, $slink_d, $unlink_d], ['sl-dF-color', '-dF --color=always d', {OUT => "$e\e[01;36md$e\@\n"}, $slink_d, $unlink_d], # A listing with no output should have no color sequences at all. ['no-c-empty', '--color=always d', {OUT => ""}, $mkdir, $rmdir], # A listing with only regular files should have no color sequences at all. ['no-c-reg', '--color=always d', {OUT => "f\n"}, $mkdir_reg, $rmdir_reg], # Test for a bug fixed after coreutils-6.9. ['sl-target', '--color=always d', {OUT => "$e\e[01;34mX$e\n"}, $target, $target2], # Test for another bug fixed after coreutils-6.9. # This one bites only for a system/file system with d_type support. ['sl-dangle', '--color=always d', {OUT => "$e\e[40;31;01mX$e\n"}, {PRE => sub { mkdir 'd',0755 or die "d: $!\n"; symlink 'non-existent', 'd/X' or die "d/X: $!\n"; push_ls_colors('or=40;31;01') }}, {POST => sub {unlink 'd/X' or die "d/X: $!\n"; rmdir 'd' or die "d: $!\n"; restore_ls_colors; }}, ], # Test for a bug fixed after coreutils-8.2. ['sl-dangle2', '-o --time-style=+:TIME: --color=always l', {OUT_SUBST => 's/.*:TIME: //'}, {OUT => "l -> nowhere\n"}, {PRE => sub {symlink 'nowhere', 'l' or die "l: $!\n"; push_ls_colors('ln=target') }}, {POST => sub {unlink 'l' or die "l: $!\n"; restore_ls_colors; }}, ], ['sl-dangle3', '-o --time-style=+:TIME: --color=always l', {OUT_SUBST => 's/.*:TIME: //'}, {OUT => "$e\e[40ml$e -> \e[34mnowhere$e\n"}, {PRE => sub {symlink 'nowhere', 'l' or die "l: $!\n"; push_ls_colors('ln=target:or=40:mi=34:') }}, {POST => sub {unlink 'l' or die "l: $!\n"; restore_ls_colors; }}, ], ['sl-dangle4', '-o --time-style=+:TIME: --color=always l', {OUT_SUBST => 's/.*:TIME: //'}, {OUT => "$e\e[36ml$e -> \e[35mnowhere$e\n"}, {PRE => sub {symlink 'nowhere', 'l' or die "l: $!\n"; push_ls_colors('ln=34:mi=35:or=36:') }}, {POST => sub {unlink 'l' or die "l: $!\n"; restore_ls_colors; }}, ], ['sl-dangle5', '-o --time-style=+:TIME: --color=always l', {OUT_SUBST => 's/.*:TIME: //'}, {OUT => "$e\e[34ml$e -> \e[35mnowhere$e\n"}, {PRE => sub {symlink 'nowhere', 'l' or die "l: $!\n"; push_ls_colors('ln=34:mi=35:') }}, {POST => sub {unlink 'l' or die "l: $!\n"; restore_ls_colors; }}, ], # Test for a bug fixed after coreutils-8.13 # where 'argetm' was errenously printed for dangling links # when ln=target was used in LS_COLORS ['sl-dangle6', '-L --color=always d', {OUT => "s\n"}, {PRE => sub {mkdir 'd',0755 or die "d: $!\n"; symlink 'dangle', 'd/s' or die "d/s: $!\n"; push_ls_colors('ln=target') }}, {POST => sub {unlink 'd/s' or die "d/s: $!\n"; rmdir 'd' or die "d: $!\n"; restore_ls_colors; }}, {ERR => "ls: cannot access 'd/s': No such file or directory\n"}, {EXIT => 1} ], # Related to the above fix, is this case where # the code simulates "linkok". In this case "linkmode" # should always be zero, and hence not trigger any # issues with type being set to C_LINK ['sl-dangle7', '--color=always d', {OUT => "$e\e[ms$e\n"}, {PRE => sub {mkdir 'd',0755 or die "d: $!\n"; symlink 'dangle', 'd/s' or die "d/s: $!\n"; push_ls_colors('ln=target:or=:ex=:') }}, {POST => sub {unlink 'd/s' or die "d/s: $!\n"; rmdir 'd' or die "d: $!\n"; restore_ls_colors; }}, ], # Another case with simulated "linkok", that does # actually use the value of 'ln' from $LS_COLORS. # This path is not taken though when 'ln=target'. ['sl-dangle8', '--color=always s', {OUT => "$e\e[1;36ms$e\n"}, {PRE => sub {symlink 'dangle', 's' or die "s: $!\n"; push_ls_colors('ln=1;36:or=:') }}, {POST => sub {unlink 's' or die "s: $!\n"; restore_ls_colors; }}, ], # The patch associated with sl-dangle[678] introduced a regression # that was fixed after coreutils-8.19. This edge case triggers when # listing a dir containing dangling symlinks, but with orphans uncolored. # I.e., the same as the previous test, but listing the directory # rather than the symlink directly. ['sl-dangle9', '--color=always d', {OUT => "$e\e[1;36ms$e\n"}, {PRE => sub {mkdir 'd',0755 or die "d: $!\n"; symlink 'dangle', 'd/s' or die "d/s: $!\n"; push_ls_colors('ln=1;36:or=:') }}, {POST => sub {unlink 'd/s' or die "d/s: $!\n"; rmdir 'd' or die "d: $!\n"; restore_ls_colors; }}, ], # Test for a bug that was introduced in coreutils-4.5.4; fixed in 4.5.5. # To demonstrate it, the file in question (with executable bit set) # must not be a command line argument. ['color-exe1', '--color=always j', {OUT => "$e\e[01;32md$e\n"}, $exe_in_subdir, $remove_j], # From Stéphane Chazelas. ['no-a-isdir-b', 'no-dir d', {OUT => "d:\n"}, {ERR => "ls: cannot access 'no-dir': No such file or directory\n"}, $mkdir, $rmdir, {EXIT => 2}], ['recursive-2', '-R d', {OUT => "d:\ne\n\nd/e:\n"}, $mkdir2, $rmdir2], ['setuid-etc', '-1 -d --color=always owr owt setgid setuid sticky', {OUT => "$e\e[34;42mowr$e\n" . "\e[30;42mowt$e\n" . "\e[30;43msetgid$e\n" . "\e[37;41msetuid$e\n" . "\e[37;44msticky$e\n" }, {PRE => sub { push_ls_colors('ow=34;42:tw=30;42:sg=30;43:su=37;41:st=37;44'); }}, {POST => sub { unlink qw(setuid setgid); foreach my $dir (qw(owr owt sticky)) {rmdir $dir} restore_ls_colors; }}, ], # For 5.97 and earlier, --file-type acted like --indicator-style=slash. ['file-type', '--file-type d', {OUT => "s@\n"}, $mkdir_d_slink, $rmdir_d_slink], # 7.1 had a regression in how -v -a ordered some files ['version-sort', '-v -A ' . join (' ', @v_files), {OUT => join ("\n", @v_files) . "\n"}, {PRE => sub { mk_file @v_files }}, {POST => sub { unlink @v_files }}, ], # Test for the ls -1U bug fixed in coreutils-7.5. # It is triggered only with -1U and with two or more arguments, # at least one of which is a nonempty directory. ['multi-arg-U1', '-U1 d no-such', {OUT => "d:\nf\n"}, {ERR_SUBST=>"s/ch':.*/ch':/"}, {ERR => "$prog: cannot access 'no-such':\n"}, $mkdir_reg, $rmdir_reg, {EXIT => 2}, ], ); umask 022; # Start with an unset LS_COLORS environment variable. delete $ENV{LS_COLORS}; my $save_temps = $ENV{SAVE_TEMPS}; my $verbose = $ENV{VERBOSE}; setuid_setup; my $fail = run_tests ($ME, $prog, \@Tests, $save_temps, $verbose); $fail and exit 1; # Be careful to use the just-build dircolors. my $env = qx/dircolors -b/; $env =~ s/^LS_COLORS=\'//; $env =~ s/\';.*//sm; $ENV{LS_COLORS} = $env; setuid_setup; $fail = run_tests ($ME, $prog, \@Tests, $save_temps, $verbose); exit $fail;