/* Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. * * Verified boot firmware utility */ #include #include /* For PRIu64 */ #include #include #include #include #include "cryptolib.h" #include "host_common.h" #include "kernel_blob.h" #include "util_misc.h" #include "vboot_common.h" /* Command line options */ enum { OPT_MODE_VBLOCK = 1000, OPT_MODE_VERIFY, OPT_KEYBLOCK, OPT_SIGNPUBKEY, OPT_SIGNPRIVATE, OPT_VERSION, OPT_FV, OPT_KERNELKEY, OPT_FLAGS, }; static struct option long_opts[] = { {"vblock", 1, 0, OPT_MODE_VBLOCK }, {"verify", 1, 0, OPT_MODE_VERIFY }, {"keyblock", 1, 0, OPT_KEYBLOCK }, {"signpubkey", 1, 0, OPT_SIGNPUBKEY }, {"signprivate", 1, 0, OPT_SIGNPRIVATE }, {"version", 1, 0, OPT_VERSION }, {"fv", 1, 0, OPT_FV }, {"kernelkey", 1, 0, OPT_KERNELKEY }, {"flags", 1, 0, OPT_FLAGS }, {NULL, 0, 0, 0} }; /* Print help and return error */ static int PrintHelp(void) { puts("vbutil_firmware - Verified boot key block utility\n" "\n" "Usage: vbutil_firmware <--vblock|--verify> [OPTIONS]\n" "\n" "For '--vblock ', required OPTIONS are:\n" " --keyblock Key block in .keyblock format\n" " --signprivate Signing private key in .vbprivk format\n" " --version Firmware version\n" " --fv Firmware volume to sign\n" " --kernelkey Kernel subkey in .vbpubk format\n" "optional OPTIONS are:\n" " --flags Preamble flags (defaults to 0)\n" "\n" "For '--verify ', required OPTIONS are:\n" " --signpubkey Signing public key in .vbpubk format\n" " --fv Firmware volume to verify\n" "\n" "For '--verify ', optional OPTIONS are:\n" " --kernelkey Write the kernel subkey to this file\n" ""); return 1; } /* Create a firmware .vblock */ static int Vblock(const char* outfile, const char* keyblock_file, const char* signprivate, uint64_t version, const char* fv_file, const char* kernelkey_file, uint32_t preamble_flags) { VbPrivateKey* signing_key; VbPublicKey* kernel_subkey; VbSignature* body_sig; VbFirmwarePreambleHeader* preamble; VbKeyBlockHeader* key_block; uint64_t key_block_size; uint8_t* fv_data; uint64_t fv_size; FILE* f; uint64_t i; if (!outfile) { VbExError("Must specify output filename\n"); return 1; } if (!keyblock_file || !signprivate || !kernelkey_file) { VbExError("Must specify all keys\n"); return 1; } if (!fv_file) { VbExError("Must specify firmware volume\n"); return 1; } /* Read the key block and keys */ key_block = (VbKeyBlockHeader*)ReadFile(keyblock_file, &key_block_size); if (!key_block) { VbExError("Error reading key block.\n"); return 1; } signing_key = PrivateKeyRead(signprivate); if (!signing_key) { VbExError("Error reading signing key.\n"); return 1; } kernel_subkey = PublicKeyRead(kernelkey_file); if (!kernel_subkey) { VbExError("Error reading kernel subkey.\n"); return 1; } /* Read and sign the firmware volume */ fv_data = ReadFile(fv_file, &fv_size); if (!fv_data) return 1; if (!fv_size) { VbExError("Empty firmware volume file\n"); return 1; } body_sig = CalculateSignature(fv_data, fv_size, signing_key); if (!body_sig) { VbExError("Error calculating body signature\n"); return 1; } free(fv_data); /* Create preamble */ preamble = CreateFirmwarePreamble(version, kernel_subkey, body_sig, signing_key, preamble_flags); if (!preamble) { VbExError("Error creating preamble.\n"); return 1; } /* Write the output file */ f = fopen(outfile, "wb"); if (!f) { VbExError("Can't open output file %s\n", outfile); return 1; } i = ((1 != fwrite(key_block, key_block_size, 1, f)) || (1 != fwrite(preamble, preamble->preamble_size, 1, f))); fclose(f); if (i) { VbExError("Can't write output file %s\n", outfile); unlink(outfile); return 1; } /* Success */ return 0; } static int Verify(const char* infile, const char* signpubkey, const char* fv_file, const char* kernelkey_file) { VbKeyBlockHeader* key_block; VbFirmwarePreambleHeader* preamble; VbPublicKey* data_key; VbPublicKey* sign_key; VbPublicKey* kernel_subkey; RSAPublicKey* rsa; uint8_t* blob; uint64_t blob_size; uint8_t* fv_data; uint64_t fv_size; uint64_t now = 0; uint32_t flags; if (!infile || !signpubkey || !fv_file) { VbExError("Must specify filename, signpubkey, and fv\n"); return 1; } /* Read public signing key */ sign_key = PublicKeyRead(signpubkey); if (!sign_key) { VbExError("Error reading signpubkey.\n"); return 1; } /* Read blob */ blob = ReadFile(infile, &blob_size); if (!blob) { VbExError("Error reading input file\n"); return 1; } /* Read firmware volume */ fv_data = ReadFile(fv_file, &fv_size); if (!fv_data) { VbExError("Error reading firmware volume\n"); return 1; } /* Verify key block */ key_block = (VbKeyBlockHeader*)blob; if (0 != KeyBlockVerify(key_block, blob_size, sign_key, 0)) { VbExError("Error verifying key block.\n"); return 1; } free(sign_key); now += key_block->key_block_size; printf("Key block:\n"); data_key = &key_block->data_key; printf(" Size: %" PRIu64 "\n", key_block->key_block_size); printf(" Flags: %" PRIu64 " (ignored)\n", key_block->key_block_flags); printf(" Data key algorithm: %" PRIu64 " %s\n", data_key->algorithm, (data_key->algorithm < kNumAlgorithms ? algo_strings[data_key->algorithm] : "(invalid)")); printf(" Data key version: %" PRIu64 "\n", data_key->key_version); printf(" Data key sha1sum: "); PrintPubKeySha1Sum(data_key); printf("\n"); rsa = PublicKeyToRSA(&key_block->data_key); if (!rsa) { VbExError("Error parsing data key.\n"); return 1; } /* Verify preamble */ preamble = (VbFirmwarePreambleHeader*)(blob + now); if (0 != VerifyFirmwarePreamble(preamble, blob_size - now, rsa)) { VbExError("Error verifying preamble.\n"); return 1; } now += preamble->preamble_size; flags = VbGetFirmwarePreambleFlags(preamble); printf("Preamble:\n"); printf(" Size: %" PRIu64 "\n", preamble->preamble_size); printf(" Header version: %" PRIu32 ".%" PRIu32"\n", preamble->header_version_major, preamble->header_version_minor); printf(" Firmware version: %" PRIu64 "\n", preamble->firmware_version); kernel_subkey = &preamble->kernel_subkey; printf(" Kernel key algorithm: %" PRIu64 " %s\n", kernel_subkey->algorithm, (kernel_subkey->algorithm < kNumAlgorithms ? algo_strings[kernel_subkey->algorithm] : "(invalid)")); printf(" Kernel key version: %" PRIu64 "\n", kernel_subkey->key_version); printf(" Kernel key sha1sum: "); PrintPubKeySha1Sum(kernel_subkey); printf("\n"); printf(" Firmware body size: %" PRIu64 "\n", preamble->body_signature.data_size); printf(" Preamble flags: %" PRIu32 "\n", flags); /* TODO: verify body size same as signature size */ /* Verify body */ if (flags & VB_FIRMWARE_PREAMBLE_USE_RO_NORMAL) { printf("Preamble requests USE_RO_NORMAL; skipping body verification.\n"); } else { if (0 != VerifyData(fv_data, fv_size, &preamble->body_signature, rsa)) { VbExError("Error verifying firmware body.\n"); return 1; } printf("Body verification succeeded.\n"); } if (kernelkey_file) { if (0 != PublicKeyWrite(kernelkey_file, kernel_subkey)) { fprintf(stderr, "vbutil_firmware: unable to write kernel subkey\n"); return 1; } } return 0; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char* filename = NULL; char* key_block_file = NULL; char* signpubkey = NULL; char* signprivate = NULL; uint64_t version = 0; char* fv_file = NULL; char* kernelkey_file = NULL; uint32_t preamble_flags = 0; int mode = 0; int parse_error = 0; char* e; int i; while ((i = getopt_long(argc, argv, "", long_opts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (i) { case '?': /* Unhandled option */ printf("Unknown option\n"); parse_error = 1; break; case OPT_MODE_VBLOCK: case OPT_MODE_VERIFY: mode = i; filename = optarg; break; case OPT_KEYBLOCK: key_block_file = optarg; break; case OPT_SIGNPUBKEY: signpubkey = optarg; break; case OPT_SIGNPRIVATE: signprivate = optarg; break; case OPT_FV: fv_file = optarg; break; case OPT_KERNELKEY: kernelkey_file = optarg; break; case OPT_VERSION: version = strtoul(optarg, &e, 0); if (!*optarg || (e && *e)) { printf("Invalid --version\n"); parse_error = 1; } break; case OPT_FLAGS: preamble_flags = strtoul(optarg, &e, 0); if (!*optarg || (e && *e)) { printf("Invalid --flags\n"); parse_error = 1; } break; } } if (parse_error) return PrintHelp(); switch(mode) { case OPT_MODE_VBLOCK: return Vblock(filename, key_block_file, signprivate, version, fv_file, kernelkey_file, preamble_flags); case OPT_MODE_VERIFY: return Verify(filename, signpubkey, fv_file, kernelkey_file); default: printf("Must specify a mode.\n"); return PrintHelp(); } }