// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // Utility for manipulating Google Binary Block (GBB) // #include "gbb_utility.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using std::string; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Simple File Utilities // utility function: read a non-empty file. // return file content, or empty for any failure. static string read_nonempty_file(const char *filename) { string file_content; std::vector buffer; // since image files are small, should be OK FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!fp) { perror(filename); return file_content; } // prepare buffer on successful seek if (fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END) == 0) { buffer.resize(ftell(fp)); rewind(fp); } if (!buffer.empty()) { if (fread(&buffer[0], buffer.size(), 1, fp) != 1) { perror(filename); buffer.clear(); // discard buffer when read fail. } else { file_content.assign(buffer.begin(), buffer.end()); } } fclose(fp); return file_content; } // utility function: write non-empty content to file. // return true on success, otherwise false. static bool write_nonempty_file(const char *filename, const string &content) { assert(!content.empty()); FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "wb"); if (!fp) { perror(filename); return false; } int r = fwrite(content.c_str(), content.size(), 1, fp); fclose(fp); if (r != 1) perror(filename); return r == 1; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GBB Utility implementation namespace vboot_reference { GoogleBinaryBlockUtil::GoogleBinaryBlockUtil() { assert(sizeof(header_) == GBB_HEADER_SIZE); initialize(); } GoogleBinaryBlockUtil::~GoogleBinaryBlockUtil() { } void GoogleBinaryBlockUtil::initialize() { verbose = true; is_valid_gbb = false; header_offset_ = 0; memset(&header_, 0, sizeof(header_)); file_content_.clear(); } bool GoogleBinaryBlockUtil::create_new( const std::vector &create_param) { uint32_t *prop = &header_.hwid_offset; // must be first entry. uint32_t allocated_size = sizeof(header_); std::vector::const_iterator i = create_param.begin(); // max properties = available space in header / size of record (offset+size) size_t max_properties = (sizeof(header_) - (reinterpret_cast(prop) - reinterpret_cast(&header_))) / (sizeof(uint32_t) * 2); if (create_param.size() >= max_properties) { if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "error: creation parameters cannot exceed %zu entries.\n", max_properties); return false; } initialize(); memcpy(header_.signature, GBB_SIGNATURE, GBB_SIGNATURE_SIZE); header_.major_version = GBB_MAJOR_VER; header_.minor_version = GBB_MINOR_VER; header_.header_size = GBB_HEADER_SIZE; while (i != create_param.end()) { *prop++ = allocated_size; // property offset *prop++ = *i; // property size allocated_size += *i; i++; } file_content_.resize(allocated_size); std::copy(reinterpret_cast(&header_), reinterpret_cast(&header_ + 1), file_content_.begin()); is_valid_gbb = true; return true; } bool GoogleBinaryBlockUtil::load_from_file(const char *filename) { is_valid_gbb = false; file_content_ = read_nonempty_file(filename); if (file_content_.empty()) return false; switch (search_header_signatures(file_content_, &header_offset_)) { case 0: if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " error: cannot find any GBB signature.\n"); break; case 1: // fetch a copy of block header to check more detail if (!load_gbb_header(file_content_, header_offset_, &header_)) { if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " error: invalid GBB in image file.\n"); } else { is_valid_gbb = true; } break; default: if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " error: found multiple GBB signatures.\n"); file_content_.clear(); break; } // discard if anything goes wrong if (!is_valid_gbb) initialize(); return is_valid_gbb; } bool GoogleBinaryBlockUtil::save_to_file(const char *filename) { assert(is_valid_gbb && !file_content_.empty()); return write_nonempty_file(filename, file_content_); } int GoogleBinaryBlockUtil::search_header_signatures(const string &image, long *poffset) const { int found_signatures = 0; size_t last_found_pos = 0; while ((last_found_pos = file_content_.find(GBB_SIGNATURE, last_found_pos, GBB_SIGNATURE_SIZE)) != file_content_.npos) { *poffset = last_found_pos; found_signatures++; last_found_pos++; // for next iteration } return found_signatures; } // uility function for load_gbb_header to check property range static bool check_property_range(uint32_t off, uint32_t sz, uint32_t hdr_sz, uint32_t max_sz, const char *prop_name, bool verbose) { // for backward compatibility, we allow zero entry here. if (off == 0 && sz == 0) { if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " warning: property %s is EMPTY.\n", prop_name); return true; } if (off + sz > max_sz) { if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " error: property %s exceed GBB.\n", prop_name); return false; } if (off < hdr_sz) { if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " error: property %s overlap GBB header.\n", prop_name); return false; } return true; } bool GoogleBinaryBlockUtil::load_gbb_header(const string &image, long offset, GoogleBinaryBlockHeader *phdr) const { assert(phdr); // check that GBB header does not extend past end of image if (image.size() < (size_t)offset + GBB_HEADER_SIZE) { if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " error: incomplete GBB.\n"); return false; } string::const_iterator block_ptr = image.begin() + offset; size_t block_size = image.size() - offset; std::copy(block_ptr, block_ptr + GBB_HEADER_SIZE, reinterpret_cast(phdr)); const GoogleBinaryBlockHeader &h = *phdr; // for quick access // check version if (h.major_version != GBB_MAJOR_VER || h.minor_version != GBB_MINOR_VER) { if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " error: invalid GBB version (%d.%d)\n", h.major_version, h.minor_version); return false; } if (h.header_size < GBB_HEADER_SIZE) { if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " error: incompatible header size (%d < %d)\n", h.header_size, GBB_HEADER_SIZE); return false; } // verify properties for (int i = 0; i < PROP_RANGE; i++) { uint32_t off, size; const char *name; if (!find_property(static_cast(i), &off, &size, &name)) { assert(!"invalid property."); return false; } if (!check_property_range(off, size, h.header_size, block_size, name, verbose)) return false; } return true; } bool GoogleBinaryBlockUtil::find_property(PROPINDEX i, uint32_t *poffset, uint32_t *psize, const char** pname) const { switch (i) { case PROP_HWID: *poffset = header_.hwid_offset; *psize = header_.hwid_size; if (pname) *pname = "hardware_id"; break; case PROP_ROOTKEY: *poffset = header_.rootkey_offset; *psize = header_.rootkey_size; if (pname) *pname = "root_key"; break; case PROP_BMPFV: *poffset = header_.bmpfv_offset; *psize = header_.bmpfv_size; if (pname) *pname = "bmp_fv"; break; case PROP_RCVKEY: *poffset = header_.recovery_key_offset;; *psize = header_.recovery_key_size; if (pname) *pname = "recovery_key"; break; default: if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, " internal error: unknown property (%d).\n", static_cast(i)); } assert(!"invalid property index."); return false; } return true; } bool GoogleBinaryBlockUtil::set_property(PROPINDEX i, const string &value) { uint32_t prop_size; uint32_t prop_offset; const char *prop_name; assert(is_valid_gbb); if (!find_property(i, &prop_offset, &prop_size, &prop_name)) return false; if (prop_size < value.size()) { if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " error: value size (%zu) exceed property capacity " "(%u): %s\n", value.size(), prop_size, prop_name); return false; } if (i == PROP_HWID && prop_size == value.size()) { // special case: this is NUL-terminated so it's better to keep one more \0 if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "error: NUL-terminated string exceed capacity (%d): %s\n", prop_size, prop_name); return false; } string::iterator dest = file_content_.begin() + header_offset_ + prop_offset; file_content_.replace(dest, dest+prop_size, prop_size, '\0'); // wipe first std::copy(value.begin(), value.end(), dest); return true; } string GoogleBinaryBlockUtil::get_property(PROPINDEX i) const { uint32_t prop_size; uint32_t prop_offset; const char *prop_name; assert(is_valid_gbb); if (!find_property(i, &prop_offset, &prop_size, &prop_name)) return ""; // check range again to allow empty value (for compatbility) if (prop_offset == 0 && prop_size == 0) { if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " warning: empty property (%d): %s.\n", static_cast(i), prop_name); return ""; } string::const_iterator dest = file_content_.begin() + header_offset_ + prop_offset; return string(dest, dest + prop_size); } string GoogleBinaryBlockUtil::get_property_name(PROPINDEX i) const { uint32_t unused_off, unused_size; const char *prop_name; if (!find_property(i, &unused_off, &unused_size, &prop_name)) { assert(!"invalid property index."); return ""; } return prop_name; } bool GoogleBinaryBlockUtil::set_hwid(const char *hwid) { return set_property(PROP_HWID, hwid); } bool GoogleBinaryBlockUtil::set_rootkey(const std::string &value) { return set_property(PROP_ROOTKEY, value); } bool GoogleBinaryBlockUtil::set_bmpfv(const string &value) { return set_property(PROP_BMPFV, value); } bool GoogleBinaryBlockUtil::set_recovery_key(const string &value) { return set_property(PROP_RCVKEY, value); } } // namespace vboot_reference #ifdef WITH_UTIL_MAIN /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // command line utilities #include using vboot_reference::GoogleBinaryBlockUtil; // utility function: provide usage of this utility and exit. static void usagehelp_exit(const char *prog_name) { printf( "Utility to manage Google Binary Block (GBB)\n" "Usage: %s [-g|-s|-c] [OPTIONS] bios_file [output_file]\n" "\n" "GET MODE:\n" "-g, --get (default)\tGet (read) from bios_file, " "with following options:\n" " --hwid \tReport hardware id (default).\n" " -k, --rootkey=FILE \tFile name to export Root Key.\n" " -b, --bmpfv=FILE \tFile name to export Bitmap FV.\n" " --recoverykey=FILE\tFile name to export Recovery Key.\n" "\n" "SET MODE:\n" "-s, --set \tSet (write) to bios_file, " "with following options:\n" " -o, --output=FILE \tNew file name for ouptput.\n" " -i, --hwid=HWID \tThe new hardware id to be changed.\n" " -k, --rootkey=FILE \tFile name of new Root Key.\n" " -b, --bmpfv=FILE \tFile name of new Bitmap FV.\n" " --recoverykey=FILE\tFile name of new Recovery Key.\n" "\n" "CREATE MODE:\n" "-c, --create=prop1_size,prop2_size...\n" " \tCreate a GBB blob by given size list.\n" "SAMPLE:\n" " %s -g bios.bin\n" " %s --set --hwid='New Model' -k key.bin bios.bin newbios.bin\n" " %s -c 0x100,0x1000,0x03DE80,0x1000 gbb.blob\n" , prog_name, prog_name, prog_name, prog_name); exit(1); } // utility function: export a property from GBB to given file. // if filename was empty, export to console (screen). // return true on success, otherwise false. static bool export_property(GoogleBinaryBlockUtil::PROPINDEX idx, const string &filename, const GoogleBinaryBlockUtil &util) { string prop_name = util.get_property_name(idx), value = util.get_property(idx); const char *name = prop_name.c_str(); if (filename.empty()) { // write to console printf("%s: %s\n", name, value.c_str()); } else { const char *fn = filename.c_str(); if (!write_nonempty_file(fn, value)) { fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to export %s to file: %s\n", name, fn); return false; } printf(" - exported %s to file: %s\n", name, fn); } return true; } // utility function: import a property to GBB by given source (file or string). // return true on success, otherwise false. // is succesfully imported into GBB. static bool import_property( GoogleBinaryBlockUtil::PROPINDEX idx, const string &source, bool source_as_file, GoogleBinaryBlockUtil *putil) { assert(!source.empty()); string prop_name = putil->get_property_name(idx); if (source_as_file) { printf(" - import %s from %s: ", prop_name.c_str(), source.c_str()); string v = read_nonempty_file(source.c_str()); if (v.empty()) { printf("invalid file.\n"); return false; } if (!putil->set_property(idx, v)) { printf("invalid content.\n"); return false; } printf("success.\n"); } else { // source as string string old_value = putil->get_property(idx); bool result = putil->set_property(idx, source); printf(" - %s changed from '%s' to '%s': %s\n", prop_name.c_str(), old_value.c_str(), source.c_str(), result ? "success" : "failed"); if (!result) return false; } return true; } static bool parse_creation_param(const string &input_string, std::vector *output_vector) { const char *input = input_string.c_str(); char *parsed = NULL; uint32_t param; if (input_string.empty()) return false; do { param = (uint32_t)strtol(input, &parsed, 0); if (*parsed && *parsed != ',') return false; output_vector->push_back(param); input = parsed + 1; // printf("(debug) param: %zd\n", param); } while (*input); return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // main int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *myname = argv[0]; int err_stage = 0; // an indicator for error exits GoogleBinaryBlockUtil util; // small parameter helper class class OptPropertyMap: public std::map { public: bool set_new_value(GoogleBinaryBlockUtil::PROPINDEX id, const string &v) { if (find(id) != end()) return false; (*this)[id] = v; return true; } }; OptPropertyMap opt_props; struct GBBUtilOptions { bool get_mode, set_mode, create_mode; string input_fn, output_fn; std::vector create_param; } myopts; myopts.get_mode = myopts.set_mode = myopts.create_mode = false; // snippets for getopt_long int option_index, opt; static struct option long_options[] = { {"get", 0, NULL, 'g' }, {"set", 0, NULL, 's' }, {"create", 1, NULL, 'c' }, {"output", 1, NULL, 'o' }, {"hwid", 2, NULL, 'i' }, {"rootkey", 1, NULL, 'k' }, {"bmpfv", 1, NULL, 'b' }, {"recoverykey", 1, NULL, 'R' }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }, }; // parse command line options while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "gsc:o:i:k:b:", long_options, &option_index)) >= 0) { switch (opt) { case 'g': myopts.get_mode = true; break; case 's': myopts.set_mode = true; break; case 'c': myopts.create_mode = true; assert(optarg); if (!*optarg || !parse_creation_param(optarg, &myopts.create_param)) { printf("error: invalid creation parameter: %s\n", optarg); usagehelp_exit(myname); } break; case 'o': myopts.output_fn = optarg; break; case 'i': if (!opt_props.set_new_value( GoogleBinaryBlockUtil::PROP_HWID, optarg ? optarg : "")) usagehelp_exit(myname); break; case 'k': if (!opt_props.set_new_value( GoogleBinaryBlockUtil::PROP_ROOTKEY, optarg)) usagehelp_exit(myname); break; case 'b': if (!opt_props.set_new_value( GoogleBinaryBlockUtil::PROP_BMPFV, optarg)) usagehelp_exit(myname); break; case 'R': if (!opt_props.set_new_value( GoogleBinaryBlockUtil::PROP_RCVKEY, optarg)) usagehelp_exit(myname); break; default: case '?': usagehelp_exit(myname); break; } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; // adjust non-dashed parameters if (myopts.output_fn.empty() && argc == 2) { myopts.output_fn = argv[1]; argc--; } // currently, the only parameter is 'input file'. if (argc == 1) { myopts.input_fn = argv[0]; } else { usagehelp_exit(myname); } // stage: complete parameter parsing and checking err_stage++; if (myopts.create_mode) { if (myopts.get_mode || myopts.set_mode) { printf("error: please assign only one mode from get/set/create.\n"); return err_stage; } if (!opt_props.empty() || myopts.create_param.empty()) { printf("error: creation parameter syntax error.\n"); return err_stage; } if (myopts.output_fn.empty()) { myopts.output_fn = myopts.input_fn; } } else if (myopts.get_mode == myopts.set_mode) { if (myopts.get_mode) { printf("error: please assign either get or set mode.\n"); return err_stage; } else { // enter 'get' mode by default, if not assigned. myopts.get_mode = true; } } if (myopts.get_mode && !myopts.output_fn.empty()) { printf("error: get-mode does not create output files.\n"); return err_stage; } if (myopts.create_mode) { if (!util.create_new(myopts.create_param)) return err_stage; assert(!myopts.output_fn.empty()); if (!util.save_to_file(myopts.output_fn.c_str())) { printf("error: cannot create to file: %s\n", myopts.output_fn.c_str()); return err_stage; } else { printf("successfully created new GBB to: %s\n", myopts.output_fn.c_str()); } return 0; } // stage: load image files err_stage++; assert(!myopts.input_fn.empty()); if (!util.load_from_file(myopts.input_fn.c_str())) { printf("error: cannot load valid BIOS file: %s\n", myopts.input_fn.c_str()); return err_stage; } // stage: processing by mode err_stage++; if (myopts.get_mode) { // get mode if (opt_props.empty()) // enable hwid by default opt_props.set_new_value(GoogleBinaryBlockUtil::PROP_HWID, ""); for (OptPropertyMap::const_iterator i = opt_props.begin(); i != opt_props.end(); i++) { export_property(i->first, i->second, util); } } else { // set mode assert(myopts.set_mode); if (opt_props.empty()) { printf("nothing to change. abort.\n"); return err_stage; } for (OptPropertyMap::const_iterator i = opt_props.begin(); i != opt_props.end(); i++) { bool source_as_file = true; // the hwid command line parameter was a simple string. if (i->first == GoogleBinaryBlockUtil::PROP_HWID) source_as_file = false; if (!import_property(i->first, i->second, source_as_file, &util)) { printf("error: cannot set properties. abort.\n"); return err_stage; } } // stage: write output err_stage++; // use input filename (overwrite) by default if (myopts.output_fn.empty()) myopts.output_fn = myopts.input_fn; assert(!myopts.output_fn.empty()); if (!util.save_to_file(myopts.output_fn.c_str())) { printf("error: cannot save to file: %s\n", myopts.output_fn.c_str()); return err_stage; } else { printf("successfully saved new image to: %s\n", myopts.output_fn.c_str()); } } return 0; } #endif // WITH_UTIL_MAIN