// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // Utility for manipulating firmware screen block (BMPBLOCK) in GBB. // #include "bmpblk_utility.h" #include "image_types.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" { #include "eficompress.h" } static void error(const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: "); vfprintf(stderr, format, ap); va_end(ap); exit(1); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BmpBlock Utility implementation namespace vboot_reference { BmpBlockUtil::BmpBlockUtil(bool debug) { major_version_ = BMPBLOCK_MAJOR_VERSION; minor_version_ = BMPBLOCK_MINOR_VERSION; config_.config_filename.clear(); memset(&config_.header, '\0', BMPBLOCK_SIGNATURE_SIZE); config_.images_map.clear(); config_.screens_map.clear(); config_.localizations.clear(); bmpblock_.clear(); set_compression_ = false; compression_ = COMPRESS_NONE; debug_ = debug; render_hwid_ = true; support_font_ = true; got_font_ = false; got_rtol_font_ = false; } BmpBlockUtil::~BmpBlockUtil() { } void BmpBlockUtil::force_compression(uint32_t compression) { compression_ = compression; set_compression_ = true; } void BmpBlockUtil::load_from_config(const char *filename) { load_yaml_config(filename); fill_bmpblock_header(); load_all_image_files(); } void BmpBlockUtil::load_yaml_config(const char *filename) { yaml_parser_t parser; config_.config_filename = filename; config_.images_map.clear(); config_.screens_map.clear(); config_.localizations.clear(); config_.locale_names.clear(); FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!fp) { perror(filename); exit(errno); } yaml_parser_initialize(&parser); yaml_parser_set_input_file(&parser, fp); parse_config(&parser); yaml_parser_delete(&parser); fclose(fp); // TODO: Check the yaml file for self-consistency. Warn on any problems. // All images should be used somewhere in the screens. // All images referenced in the screens should be defined. // All screens should be used somewhere in the localizations. // All screens referenced in the localizations should be defined. // The number of localizations should match the number of locale_index if (debug_) { printf("%ld image_names\n", config_.image_names.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < config_.image_names.size(); ++i) { printf(" %d: \"%s\"\n", i, config_.image_names[i].c_str()); } printf("%ld images_map\n", config_.images_map.size()); for (StrImageConfigMap::iterator it = config_.images_map.begin(); it != config_.images_map.end(); ++it) { printf(" \"%s\": filename=\"%s\" offset=0x%x tag=%d fmt=%d\n", it->first.c_str(), it->second.filename.c_str(), it->second.offset, it->second.data.tag, it->second.data.format); } printf("%ld screens_map\n", config_.screens_map.size()); for (StrScreenConfigMap::iterator it = config_.screens_map.begin(); it != config_.screens_map.end(); ++it) { printf(" \"%s\":\n", it->first.c_str()); for (int k=0; ksecond.image_names[k].c_str(), it->second.data.images[k].x, it->second.data.images[k].y, it->second.data.images[k].image_info_offset); } } } } void BmpBlockUtil::expect_event(yaml_parser_t *parser, const yaml_event_type_e type) { yaml_event_t event; yaml_parser_parse(parser, &event); if (event.type != type) { error("Syntax error.\n"); } yaml_event_delete(&event); } void BmpBlockUtil::parse_config(yaml_parser_t *parser) { expect_event(parser, YAML_STREAM_START_EVENT); expect_event(parser, YAML_DOCUMENT_START_EVENT); parse_first_layer(parser); expect_event(parser, YAML_DOCUMENT_END_EVENT); expect_event(parser, YAML_STREAM_END_EVENT); } void BmpBlockUtil::parse_first_layer(yaml_parser_t *parser) { yaml_event_t event; string keyword; expect_event(parser, YAML_MAPPING_START_EVENT); for (;;) { yaml_parser_parse(parser, &event); switch (event.type) { case YAML_SCALAR_EVENT: keyword = (char*)event.data.scalar.value; if (keyword == "bmpblock") { parse_bmpblock(parser); } else if (keyword == "compression") { parse_compression(parser); } else if (keyword == "images") { parse_images(parser); } else if (keyword == "screens") { parse_screens(parser); } else if (keyword == "localizations") { parse_localizations(parser); } else if (keyword == "locale_index") { parse_locale_index(parser); } break; case YAML_MAPPING_END_EVENT: yaml_event_delete(&event); return; default: error("Syntax error in parsing config file.\n"); } yaml_event_delete(&event); } } void BmpBlockUtil::parse_bmpblock(yaml_parser_t *parser) { yaml_event_t event; yaml_parser_parse(parser, &event); if (event.type != YAML_SCALAR_EVENT) { error("Syntax error in parsing bmpblock.\n"); } string gotversion = (char*)event.data.scalar.value; if (gotversion == "1.2") { render_hwid_ = true; support_font_ = true; } else if (gotversion == "1.1") { minor_version_ = 1; render_hwid_ = true; support_font_ = false; fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: using old format: %s\n", gotversion.c_str()); } else if (gotversion == "1.0") { minor_version_ = 0; render_hwid_ = false; support_font_ = false; fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: using old format: %s\n", gotversion.c_str()); } else { error("Unsupported version specified in config file (%s)\n", gotversion.c_str()); } yaml_event_delete(&event); } void BmpBlockUtil::parse_compression(yaml_parser_t *parser) { yaml_event_t event; yaml_parser_parse(parser, &event); if (event.type != YAML_SCALAR_EVENT) { error("Syntax error in parsing bmpblock.\n"); } char *comp_str = (char *)event.data.scalar.value; char *e = 0; uint32_t comp = (uint32_t)strtoul(comp_str, &e, 0); if (!*comp_str || (e && *e) || comp >= MAX_COMPRESS) { error("Invalid compression specified in config file (%d)\n", comp); } if (!set_compression_) { compression_ = comp; } yaml_event_delete(&event); } void BmpBlockUtil::parse_images(yaml_parser_t *parser) { yaml_event_t event; string image_name, image_filename; expect_event(parser, YAML_MAPPING_START_EVENT); for (;;) { yaml_parser_parse(parser, &event); switch (event.type) { case YAML_SCALAR_EVENT: image_name = (char*)event.data.scalar.value; yaml_event_delete(&event); yaml_parser_parse(parser, &event); if (event.type != YAML_SCALAR_EVENT) { error("Syntax error in parsing images.\n"); } image_filename = (char*)event.data.scalar.value; config_.image_names.push_back(image_name); config_.images_map[image_name] = ImageConfig(); config_.images_map[image_name].filename = image_filename; if (image_name == RENDER_HWID) { got_font_ = true; } if (image_name == RENDER_HWID_RTOL) { got_rtol_font_ = true; } break; case YAML_MAPPING_END_EVENT: yaml_event_delete(&event); return; default: error("Syntax error in parsing images.\n"); } yaml_event_delete(&event); } } void BmpBlockUtil::parse_layout(yaml_parser_t *parser, ScreenConfig &screen) { yaml_event_t event; int depth = 0, index1 = 0, index2 = 0; expect_event(parser, YAML_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT); for (;;) { yaml_parser_parse(parser, &event); switch (event.type) { case YAML_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT: depth++; break; case YAML_SCALAR_EVENT: switch (index2) { case 0: screen.data.images[index1].x = atoi((char*)event.data.scalar.value); break; case 1: screen.data.images[index1].y = atoi((char*)event.data.scalar.value); break; case 2: screen.image_names[index1] = (char*)event.data.scalar.value; // Detect the special case where we're rendering the HWID string // instead of displaying a bitmap. The image name may not // exist in the list of images (v1.1), but we will still need an // ImageInfo struct to remember where to draw the text. // Note that v1.2 requires that the image name DOES exist, because // the corresponding file is used to hold the font glpyhs. if (render_hwid_) { if (screen.image_names[index1] == RENDER_HWID) { config_.images_map[RENDER_HWID].data.tag = TAG_HWID; if (support_font_ && !got_font_) error("Font required in 'image:' section for %s\n", RENDER_HWID); } else if (screen.image_names[index1] == RENDER_HWID_RTOL) { config_.images_map[RENDER_HWID_RTOL].data.tag = TAG_HWID_RTOL; if (support_font_ && !got_rtol_font_) error("Font required in 'image:' section for %s\n", RENDER_HWID_RTOL); } } break; default: error("Syntax error in parsing layout\n"); } index2++; break; case YAML_SEQUENCE_END_EVENT: if (depth == 1) { index1++; index2 = 0; } else if (depth == 0) { yaml_event_delete(&event); return; } depth--; break; default: error("Syntax error in paring layout.\n"); } yaml_event_delete(&event); } } void BmpBlockUtil::parse_screens(yaml_parser_t *parser) { yaml_event_t event; string screen_name; expect_event(parser, YAML_MAPPING_START_EVENT); for (;;) { yaml_parser_parse(parser, &event); switch (event.type) { case YAML_SCALAR_EVENT: screen_name = (char*)event.data.scalar.value; config_.screens_map[screen_name] = ScreenConfig(); parse_layout(parser, config_.screens_map[screen_name]); break; case YAML_MAPPING_END_EVENT: yaml_event_delete(&event); return; default: error("Syntax error in parsing screens.\n"); } yaml_event_delete(&event); } } void BmpBlockUtil::parse_localizations(yaml_parser_t *parser) { yaml_event_t event; int depth = 0, index = 0; expect_event(parser, YAML_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT); for (;;) { yaml_parser_parse(parser, &event); switch (event.type) { case YAML_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT: config_.localizations.push_back(vector()); depth++; break; case YAML_SCALAR_EVENT: config_.localizations[index].push_back((char*)event.data.scalar.value); break; case YAML_SEQUENCE_END_EVENT: if (depth == 1) { index++; } else if (depth == 0) { yaml_event_delete(&event); return; } depth--; break; default: error("Syntax error in parsing localizations.\n"); } yaml_event_delete(&event); } } void BmpBlockUtil::parse_locale_index(yaml_parser_t *parser) { yaml_event_t event; expect_event(parser, YAML_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT); for (;;) { yaml_parser_parse(parser, &event); switch (event.type) { case YAML_SCALAR_EVENT: config_.locale_names.append((char*)event.data.scalar.value); config_.locale_names.append(1, (char)'\0'); // '\0' to delimit break; case YAML_SEQUENCE_END_EVENT: yaml_event_delete(&event); config_.locale_names.append(1, (char)'\0'); // double '\0' to terminate return; default: error("Syntax error in parsing localizations.\n"); } } } void BmpBlockUtil::load_all_image_files() { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < config_.image_names.size(); i++) { StrImageConfigMap::iterator it = config_.images_map.find(config_.image_names[i]); if (debug_) { printf("loading image \"%s\" from \"%s\"\n", config_.image_names[i].c_str(), it->second.filename.c_str()); } const string &content = read_image_file(it->second.filename.c_str()); it->second.raw_content = content; it->second.data.original_size = content.size(); it->second.data.format = identify_image_type(content.c_str(), (uint32_t)content.size(), &it->second.data); if (FORMAT_INVALID == it->second.data.format) { error("Unsupported image format in %s\n", it->second.filename.c_str()); } switch(compression_) { case COMPRESS_NONE: it->second.data.compression = compression_; it->second.compressed_content = content; it->second.data.compressed_size = content.size(); break; case COMPRESS_EFIv1: { // The content will always compress smaller (so sez the docs). uint32_t tmpsize = content.size(); uint8_t *tmpbuf = (uint8_t *)malloc(tmpsize); // The size of the compressed content is also returned. if (EFI_SUCCESS != EfiCompress((uint8_t *)content.c_str(), tmpsize, tmpbuf, &tmpsize)) { error("Unable to compress!\n"); } it->second.data.compression = compression_; it->second.compressed_content.assign((const char *)tmpbuf, tmpsize); it->second.data.compressed_size = tmpsize; free(tmpbuf); } break; case COMPRESS_LZMA1: { // Calculate the worst case of buffer size. uint32_t tmpsize = lzma_stream_buffer_bound(content.size()); uint8_t *tmpbuf = (uint8_t *)malloc(tmpsize); lzma_stream stream = LZMA_STREAM_INIT; lzma_options_lzma options; lzma_ret result; lzma_lzma_preset(&options, 9); result = lzma_alone_encoder(&stream, &options); if (result != LZMA_OK) { error("Unable to initialize easy encoder (error: %d)!\n", result); } stream.next_in = (uint8_t *)content.data(); stream.avail_in = content.size(); stream.next_out = tmpbuf; stream.avail_out = tmpsize; result = lzma_code(&stream, LZMA_FINISH); if (result != LZMA_STREAM_END) { error("Unable to encode data (error: %d)!\n", result); } it->second.data.compression = compression_; it->second.compressed_content.assign((const char *)tmpbuf, tmpsize - stream.avail_out); it->second.data.compressed_size = tmpsize - stream.avail_out; lzma_end(&stream); free(tmpbuf); } break; default: error("Unsupported compression method attempted.\n"); } } } const string BmpBlockUtil::read_image_file(const char *filename) { string content; vector buffer; FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!fp) { perror(filename); exit(errno); } if (fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END) == 0) { buffer.resize(ftell(fp)); rewind(fp); } if (!buffer.empty()) { if(fread(&buffer[0], buffer.size(), 1, fp) != 1) { perror(filename); buffer.clear(); } else { content.assign(buffer.begin(), buffer.end()); } } fclose(fp); return content; } void BmpBlockUtil::fill_bmpblock_header() { memset(&config_.header, '\0', sizeof(config_.header)); memcpy(&config_.header.signature, BMPBLOCK_SIGNATURE, BMPBLOCK_SIGNATURE_SIZE); config_.header.major_version = major_version_; config_.header.minor_version = minor_version_; config_.header.number_of_localizations = config_.localizations.size(); config_.header.number_of_screenlayouts = config_.localizations[0].size(); // HEY: this is part of the yaml consistency check for (unsigned int i = 1; i < config_.localizations.size(); ++i) { assert(config_.header.number_of_screenlayouts == config_.localizations[i].size()); } config_.header.number_of_imageinfos = config_.images_map.size(); config_.header.locale_string_offset = 0; // Filled by pack_bmpblock() } void BmpBlockUtil::pack_bmpblock() { bmpblock_.clear(); /* Compute the ImageInfo offsets from start of BMPBLOCK. */ uint32_t current_offset = sizeof(BmpBlockHeader) + sizeof(ScreenLayout) * (config_.header.number_of_localizations * config_.header.number_of_screenlayouts); for (StrImageConfigMap::iterator it = config_.images_map.begin(); it != config_.images_map.end(); ++it) { it->second.offset = current_offset; if (debug_) printf(" \"%s\": filename=\"%s\" offset=0x%x tag=%d fmt=%d\n", it->first.c_str(), it->second.filename.c_str(), it->second.offset, it->second.data.tag, it->second.data.format); current_offset += sizeof(ImageInfo) + it->second.data.compressed_size; /* Make it 4-byte aligned. */ if ((current_offset & 3) > 0) { current_offset = (current_offset & ~3) + 4; } } /* And leave room for the locale_index string */ if (config_.locale_names.size()) { config_.header.locale_string_offset = current_offset; current_offset += config_.locale_names.size(); } bmpblock_.resize(current_offset); /* Fill BmpBlockHeader struct. */ string::iterator current_filled = bmpblock_.begin(); std::copy(reinterpret_cast(&config_.header), reinterpret_cast(&config_.header + 1), current_filled); current_filled += sizeof(config_.header); current_offset = sizeof(config_.header); /* Fill all ScreenLayout structs. */ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < config_.localizations.size(); ++i) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < config_.localizations[i].size(); ++j) { ScreenConfig &screen = config_.screens_map[config_.localizations[i][j]]; for (unsigned int k = 0; k < MAX_IMAGE_IN_LAYOUT && !screen.image_names[k].empty(); ++k) { if (config_.images_map.find(screen.image_names[k]) == config_.images_map.end()) { error("Invalid image name \"%s\"\n", screen.image_names[k].c_str()); } if (debug_) printf("i=%d j=%d k=%d=\"%s\" (%d,%d) ofs=%x\n", i,j,k, screen.image_names[k].c_str(), screen.data.images[k].x, screen.data.images[k].y, config_.images_map[screen.image_names[k]].offset ); screen.data.images[k].image_info_offset = config_.images_map[screen.image_names[k]].offset; } std::copy(reinterpret_cast(&screen.data), reinterpret_cast(&screen.data + 1), current_filled); current_filled += sizeof(screen.data); if (debug_) printf("S: current offset is 0x%08x\n", current_offset); current_offset += sizeof(screen.data); } } /* Fill all ImageInfo structs and image contents. */ for (StrImageConfigMap::iterator it = config_.images_map.begin(); it != config_.images_map.end(); ++it) { current_filled = bmpblock_.begin() + it->second.offset; current_offset = it->second.offset; if (debug_) printf("I0: current offset is 0x%08x\n", current_offset); std::copy(reinterpret_cast(&it->second.data), reinterpret_cast(&it->second.data + 1), current_filled); current_filled += sizeof(it->second.data); current_offset += sizeof(it->second.data); if (debug_) printf("I1: current offset is 0x%08x (len %ld)\n", current_offset, it->second.compressed_content.length()); std::copy(it->second.compressed_content.begin(), it->second.compressed_content.end(), current_filled); } /* Fill in locale_names. */ if (config_.header.locale_string_offset) { current_offset = config_.header.locale_string_offset; current_filled = bmpblock_.begin() + current_offset; if (debug_) printf("locale_names: offset 0x%08x (len %ld)\n", current_offset, config_.locale_names.size()); std::copy(config_.locale_names.begin(), config_.locale_names.end(), current_filled); } } void BmpBlockUtil::write_to_bmpblock(const char *filename) { assert(!bmpblock_.empty()); FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "wb"); if (!fp) { perror(filename); exit(errno); } int r = fwrite(bmpblock_.c_str(), bmpblock_.size(), 1, fp); fclose(fp); if (r != 1) { perror(filename); exit(errno); } } } // namespace vboot_reference #ifdef WITH_UTIL_MAIN ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Command line utilities. extern "C" { #include "bmpblk_util.h" } using vboot_reference::BmpBlockUtil; // utility function: provide usage of this utility and exit. static void usagehelp_exit(const char *prog_name) { printf( "\n" "To create a new BMPBLOCK file using config from YAML file:\n" "\n" " %s [-z NUM] -c YAML BMPBLOCK\n" "\n" " -z NUM = compression algorithm to use\n" " 0 = none\n" " 1 = EFIv1\n" " 2 = LZMA1\n" "\n", prog_name); printf( "To display the contents of a BMPBLOCK:\n" "\n" " %s [-y] BMPBLOCK\n" "\n" " -y = display as yaml\n" "\n", prog_name); printf( "To unpack a BMPBLOCK file:\n" "\n" " %s -x [-d DIR] [-f] BMPBLOCK\n" "\n" " -d DIR = directory to use (default '.')\n" " -f = force overwriting existing files\n" "\n", prog_name); exit(1); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // main int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *prog_name = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); if (prog_name) prog_name++; else prog_name = argv[0]; int overwrite = 0, extract_mode = 0; int compression = 0; int set_compression = 0; const char *config_fn = 0, *bmpblock_fn = 0, *extract_dir = "."; int show_as_yaml = 0; bool debug = false; int opt; opterr = 0; // quiet int errorcnt = 0; char *e = 0; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, ":c:xz:fd:yD")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'c': config_fn = optarg; break; case 'x': extract_mode = 1; break; case 'y': show_as_yaml = 1; break; case 'z': compression = (int)strtoul(optarg, &e, 0); if (!*optarg || (e && *e)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid argument to -%c: \"%s\"\n", prog_name, opt, optarg); errorcnt++; } if (compression >= MAX_COMPRESS) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: compression type must be less than %d\n", prog_name, MAX_COMPRESS); errorcnt++; } set_compression = 1; break; case 'f': overwrite = 1; break; case 'd': extract_dir= optarg; break; case 'D': debug = true; break; case ':': fprintf(stderr, "%s: missing argument to -%c\n", prog_name, optopt); errorcnt++; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "%s: unrecognized switch: -%c\n", prog_name, optopt); errorcnt++; break; } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc >= 1) { bmpblock_fn = argv[0]; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: missing BMPBLOCK name\n", prog_name); errorcnt++; } if (errorcnt) usagehelp_exit(prog_name); BmpBlockUtil util(debug); if (config_fn) { if (set_compression) util.force_compression(compression); util.load_from_config(config_fn); util.pack_bmpblock(); util.write_to_bmpblock(bmpblock_fn); } else if (extract_mode) { return dump_bmpblock(bmpblock_fn, 1, extract_dir, overwrite); } else { return dump_bmpblock(bmpblock_fn, show_as_yaml, 0, 0); } return 0; } #endif // WITH_UTIL_MAIN