/* Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. * * Tests for auxfw synchronization. */ #include #include #include #include "2common.h" #include "2misc.h" #include "2nvstorage.h" #include "2sysincludes.h" #include "host_common.h" #include "load_kernel_fw.h" #include "test_common.h" #include "vboot_struct.h" /* Mock data */ static struct vb2_context *ctx; static uint8_t workbuf[VB2_KERNEL_WORKBUF_RECOMMENDED_SIZE] __attribute__((aligned(VB2_WORKBUF_ALIGN))); static struct vb2_shared_data *sd; static struct vb2_gbb_header gbb; static vb2_error_t auxfw_retval; static int auxfw_update_req; static enum vb2_auxfw_update_severity auxfw_mock_severity; static enum vb2_auxfw_update_severity auxfw_update_severity; static int auxfw_mock_display_available; static int auxfw_protected; static vb2_error_t auxfw_done_retval; /* Reset mock data (for use before each test) */ static void ResetMocks(void) { TEST_SUCC(vb2api_init(workbuf, sizeof(workbuf), &ctx), "vb2api_init failed"); ctx->flags = VB2_CONTEXT_EC_SYNC_SUPPORTED; vb2_nv_init(ctx); sd = vb2_get_sd(ctx); memset(&gbb, 0, sizeof(gbb)); auxfw_retval = VB2_SUCCESS; auxfw_mock_severity = VB2_AUXFW_NO_UPDATE; auxfw_update_severity = VB2_AUXFW_NO_UPDATE; auxfw_mock_display_available = 1; auxfw_update_req = 0; auxfw_protected = 0; auxfw_done_retval = VB2_SUCCESS; } /* Mock functions */ struct vb2_gbb_header *vb2_get_gbb(struct vb2_context *c) { return &gbb; } vb2_error_t vb2ex_auxfw_check(enum vb2_auxfw_update_severity *severity) { *severity = auxfw_mock_severity; auxfw_update_severity = auxfw_mock_severity; return VB2_SUCCESS; } vb2_error_t vb2ex_auxfw_update(void) { if (auxfw_update_severity == VB2_AUXFW_SLOW_UPDATE) if (!auxfw_mock_display_available) return VB2_REQUEST_REBOOT; if (auxfw_update_severity != VB2_AUXFW_NO_DEVICE && auxfw_update_severity != VB2_AUXFW_NO_UPDATE) auxfw_update_req = 1; return auxfw_retval; } vb2_error_t vb2ex_auxfw_finalize(struct vb2_context *c) { auxfw_protected = auxfw_update_severity != VB2_AUXFW_NO_DEVICE; return auxfw_done_retval; } static void test_auxsync(vb2_error_t retval, int recovery_reason, const char *desc) { TEST_EQ(vb2api_auxfw_sync(ctx), retval, desc); TEST_EQ(vb2_nv_get(ctx, VB2_NV_RECOVERY_REQUEST), recovery_reason, " recovery reason"); } /* Tests */ static void VbSoftwareSyncTest(void) { ResetMocks(); gbb.flags |= VB2_GBB_FLAG_DISABLE_EC_SOFTWARE_SYNC; auxfw_mock_severity = VB2_AUXFW_FAST_UPDATE; test_auxsync(VB2_REQUEST_REBOOT_EC_TO_RO, 0, "VB2_GBB_FLAG_DISABLE_EC_SOFTWARE_SYNC" " does not disable auxfw update request"); TEST_EQ(auxfw_update_req, 1, " auxfw update requested"); TEST_EQ(auxfw_protected, 0, " auxfw protected"); ResetMocks(); gbb.flags |= VB2_GBB_FLAG_DISABLE_AUXFW_SOFTWARE_SYNC; auxfw_mock_severity = VB2_AUXFW_FAST_UPDATE; test_auxsync(VB2_SUCCESS, 0, "VB2_GBB_FLAG_DISABLE_AUXFW_SOFTWARE_SYNC" " disables auxfw update request"); TEST_EQ(auxfw_update_req, 0, " auxfw update disabled"); TEST_EQ(auxfw_protected, 1, " auxfw protected"); ResetMocks(); auxfw_mock_severity = VB2_AUXFW_NO_DEVICE; test_auxsync(VB2_SUCCESS, 0, "No auxfw update needed"); TEST_EQ(auxfw_update_req, 0, " no auxfw update requested"); TEST_EQ(auxfw_protected, 0, " no auxfw protected"); ResetMocks(); auxfw_mock_severity = VB2_AUXFW_NO_UPDATE; test_auxsync(VB2_SUCCESS, 0, "No auxfw update needed"); TEST_EQ(auxfw_update_req, 0, " no auxfw update requested"); TEST_EQ(auxfw_protected, 1, " auxfw protected"); ResetMocks(); auxfw_mock_severity = VB2_AUXFW_FAST_UPDATE; test_auxsync(VB2_REQUEST_REBOOT_EC_TO_RO, 0, "Fast auxfw update needed"); TEST_EQ(auxfw_update_req, 1, " auxfw update requested"); TEST_EQ(auxfw_protected, 0, " auxfw protected"); ResetMocks(); auxfw_mock_severity = VB2_AUXFW_SLOW_UPDATE; auxfw_mock_display_available = 0; test_auxsync(VB2_REQUEST_REBOOT, 0, "Slow auxfw update needed - reboot for display"); ResetMocks(); auxfw_mock_severity = VB2_AUXFW_SLOW_UPDATE; test_auxsync(VB2_REQUEST_REBOOT_EC_TO_RO, 0, "Slow auxfw update needed"); TEST_EQ(auxfw_update_req, 1, " auxfw update requested"); TEST_EQ(auxfw_protected, 0, " auxfw protected"); ResetMocks(); auxfw_mock_severity = VB2_AUXFW_FAST_UPDATE; auxfw_retval = VB2_ERROR_UNKNOWN; test_auxsync(VB2_ERROR_UNKNOWN, VB2_RECOVERY_AUXFW_UPDATE, "Error updating auxfw"); } int main(void) { VbSoftwareSyncTest(); return gTestSuccess ? 0 : 255; }