#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. . "$(dirname "$0")/common.sh" . "$(dirname "$0")/lib/sign_android_lib.sh" load_shflags || exit 1 DEFINE_boolean use_apksigner "${FLAGS_FALSE}" \ "Use apksigner instead of signapk for APK signing" FLAGS_HELP=" Usage: $PROG /path/to/cros_root_fs/dir /path/to/keys/dir Re-sign framework apks in an Android system image. The image itself does not need to be signed since it is shipped with Chrome OS image, which is already signed. Android has many ``framework apks'' that are signed with different framework keys, depends on the purpose of the apk. During development, apks are signed with the debug one. This script is to re-sign those apks with corresponding release key. It also handles some of the consequences of the key changes, such as sepolicy update. " # Parse command line. FLAGS "$@" || exit 1 eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}" set -e # Re-sign framework apks with the corresponding release keys. Only apk with # known key fingerprint are re-signed. We should not re-sign non-framework # apks. sign_framework_apks() { local system_mnt="$1" local key_dir="$2" local working_dir="$3" local flavor_prop="" local keyset="" if ! flavor_prop=$(android_get_build_flavor_prop \ "${system_mnt}/system/build.prop"); then die "Failed to extract build flavor property from \ '${system_mnt}/system/build.prop'." fi info "Found build flavor property '${flavor_prop}'." if ! keyset=$(android_choose_signing_keyset "${flavor_prop}"); then die "Unknown build flavor property '${flavor_prop}'." fi info "Expecting signing keyset '${keyset}'." info "Start signing framework apks" if ! image_content_integrity_check "${system_mnt}" "${working_dir}" \ "Prepare apks signing"; then return 1 fi # Counters for validity check. local counter_platform=0 local counter_media=0 local counter_shared=0 local counter_releasekey=0 local counter_networkstack=0 local counter_total=0 local apk while read -d $'\0' -r apk; do local sha1="" local keyname="" sha1=$(unzip -p "${apk}" META-INF/CERT.RSA | \ keytool -printcert | awk '/^\s*SHA1:/ {print $2}') if ! keyname=$(android_choose_key "${sha1}" "${keyset}"); then die "Failed to choose signing key for APK '${apk}' (SHA1 '${sha1}') in \ build flavor '${flavor_prop}'." fi if [[ -z "${keyname}" ]]; then continue fi info "Re-signing (${keyname}) ${apk}" local temp_dir="$(make_temp_dir)" local temp_apk="${temp_dir}/temp.apk" local signed_apk="${temp_dir}/signed.apk" # Follow the standard manual signing process. See # https://developer.android.com/studio/publish/app-signing.html. cp -a "${apk}" "${temp_apk}" # Explicitly remove existing signature. zip -q "${temp_apk}" -d "META-INF/*" if [ "${FLAGS_use_apksigner}" = "$FLAGS_FALSE" ]; then # Signapk now creates signature of APK Signature Scheme v2. No further APK # changes should happen afterward. Also note that signapk now takes care # of zipalign. signapk "${key_dir}/$keyname.x509.pem" "${key_dir}/$keyname.pk8" \ "${temp_apk}" "${signed_apk}" > /dev/null else # Key rotation: old key can sign a new key and generate a lineage file. # Provided the lineage file, Android P can honor the new key. Lineage file # can be generated similar to the following command: # # apksigner rotate --out media.lineage --old-signer --key old-media.pk8 # --cert old-media.x509.pem --new-signer --key new-media.pk8 --cert # new-media.x509.pem # # TODO(b/132818552): disable v1 signing once a check is removed. local extra_flags local lineage_file="${key_dir}/$keyname.lineage}" if [ -f ${lineage_file} ]; then extra_flags="--lineage ${lineage_file}" fi apksigner sign --v1-signing-enabled true --v2-signing-enabled false \ --key "${key_dir}/$keyname.pk8" --cert "${key_dir}/$keyname.x509.pem" \ --in "${temp_apk}" --out "${signed_apk}" \ ${extra_flags} fi if ! image_content_integrity_check "${system_mnt}" "${working_dir}" \ "sign apk ${signed_apk}"; then return 1 fi # Copy the content instead of mv to avoid owner/mode changes. sudo cp "${signed_apk}" "${apk}" && rm -f "${signed_apk}" # Set timestamp rounded to second since squash file system has resolution # in seconds. Required in order for the packages cache generator output is # compatible with the packed file system. sudo touch "${apk}" -t "$(date +%m%d%H%M.%S)" : $(( counter_${keyname} += 1 )) : $(( counter_total += 1 )) if ! image_content_integrity_check "${system_mnt}" "${working_dir}" \ "update re-signed apk ${apk}"; then return 1 fi done < <(find "${system_mnt}/system" -type f -name '*.apk' -print0) info "Found ${counter_platform} platform APKs." info "Found ${counter_media} media APKs." info "Found ${counter_shared} shared APKs." info "Found ${counter_releasekey} release APKs." info "Found ${counter_networkstack} networkstack APKs." info "Found ${counter_total} total APKs." # Validity check. if [[ ${counter_platform} -lt 2 || ${counter_media} -lt 2 || ${counter_shared} -lt 2 || ${counter_releasekey} -lt 2 || ${counter_total} -lt 25 ]]; then die "Number of re-signed package seems to be wrong" fi return 0 } # Extracts certificate from the provided public key. get_cert() { # Full path to public key to read and extract certificate. It must exist. local public_key=$1 local cert=$(sed -E '/(BEGIN|END) CERTIFICATE/d' \ "${public_key}" | tr -d '\n' \ | base64 --decode | hexdump -v -e '/1 "%02x"') if [[ -z "${cert}" ]]; then die "Unable to get the public platform key" fi echo "${cert}" } # Replaces particular certificate in mac_permissions xml file with new one. # Note, this does not fail if particular entry is not found. For example # network_stack does not exist in P. change_cert() { # Type of signer entry to process. Could be platform, media or network_stack. local type=$1 # New certificate encoded to string. This replaces old one. local cert=$2 # *mac_permissions xml file to modify, plat_mac_permissions.xml for example. local xml=$3 local pattern="( /dev/null cp "${release_cert}" . local temp_zip=$(make_temp_file) zip -q -r "${temp_zip}.zip" . # Copy the content instead of mv to avoid owner/mode changes. sudo cp "${temp_zip}.zip" "${ota_zip}" popd > /dev/null } # Snapshot file properties in a directory recursively. snapshot_file_properties() { local dir=$1 sudo find "${dir}" -exec stat -c '%n:%u:%g:%a' {} + | sort } # Integrity check that image content is unchanged. image_content_integrity_check() { local system_mnt=$1 local working_dir=$2 local reason=$3 snapshot_file_properties "${system_mnt}" > "${working_dir}/properties.new" local d if ! d=$(diff "${working_dir}"/properties.{orig,new}); then error "Unexpected change of file property, diff due to ${reason}\n${d}" return 1 fi return 0 } sign_android_internal() { local root_fs_dir=$1 local key_dir=$2 # Detect vm/container type and set environment correspondingly. # Keep this aligned with # src/private-overlays/project-cheets-private/scripts/board_specific_setup.sh local system_image="" local selinux_dir="${root_fs_dir}/etc/selinux" local file_contexts="" local vm_candidate="${root_fs_dir}/opt/google/vms/android/system.raw.img" local container_candidate=( "${root_fs_dir}/opt/google/containers/android/system.raw.img") if [[ -f "${vm_candidate}" ]]; then system_image="${vm_candidate}" file_contexts="${selinux_dir}/arc/contexts/files/android_file_contexts_vm" elif [[ -f "${container_candidate}" ]]; then system_image="${container_candidate}" file_contexts="${selinux_dir}/arc/contexts/files/android_file_contexts" else die "System image does not exist" fi local android_system_image="$(echo \ "${root_fs_dir}"/opt/google/*/android/system.raw.img)" local android_dir=$(dirname "${android_system_image}") local system_img="${android_dir}/system.raw.img" # Use the versions in $PATH rather than the system ones. local unsquashfs=$(which unsquashfs) local mksquashfs=$(which mksquashfs) if [[ $# -ne 2 ]]; then flags_help die "command takes exactly 2 args" fi if [[ ! -f "${system_img}" ]]; then die "System image does not exist: ${system_img}" fi # NOTE: Keep compression_flags aligned with # src/private-overlays/project-cheets-private/scripts/board_specific_setup.sh local compression_flags="" local compression=$(sudo "${unsquashfs}" -s "${system_img}" \ | grep -e ^"Compression\s") if [[ "${compression}" == "Compression gzip" ]]; then compression_flags="-comp gzip" elif [[ "${compression}" == "Compression lz4" ]]; then compression_flags="-comp lz4 -Xhc -b 256K" elif [[ "${compression}" == "Compression zstd" ]]; then compression_flags="-comp zstd -b 256K" else die "Unexpected compression type: ${compression}" fi if ! type -P zipalign &>/dev/null || ! type -P signapk &>/dev/null \ || ! type -P apksigner &>/dev/null; then # TODO(victorhsieh): Make this an error. This is not treating as error # just to make an unrelated test pass by skipping this signing. warn "Skip signing Android apks (some of executables are not found)." exit 0 fi local working_dir=$(make_temp_dir) local system_mnt="${working_dir}/mnt" info "Unpacking squashfs system image to ${system_mnt}" sudo "${unsquashfs}" -no-xattrs -f -no-progress -d "${system_mnt}" "${system_img}" snapshot_file_properties "${system_mnt}" > "${working_dir}/properties.orig" if ! sign_framework_apks "${system_mnt}" "${key_dir}" "${working_dir}"; then return 1 fi if ! image_content_integrity_check "${system_mnt}" "${working_dir}" \ "sign_framework_apks"; then return 1 fi update_sepolicy "${system_mnt}" "${key_dir}" if ! image_content_integrity_check "${system_mnt}" "${working_dir}" \ "update_sepolicy"; then return 1 fi replace_ota_cert "${system_mnt}" "${key_dir}/releasekey.x509.pem" if ! image_content_integrity_check "${system_mnt}" "${working_dir}" \ "replace_ota_cert"; then return 1 fi # Packages cache needs to be regenerated when the key and timestamp are # changed for apks. local packages_cache="${system_mnt}/system/etc/packages_cache.xml" local file_hash_cache="${system_mnt}/system/etc/file_hash_cache" if [[ -f "${packages_cache}" ]]; then if type -P aapt &>/dev/null; then info "Regenerating packages cache ${packages_cache}" # For the validity check. local packages_before=$(grep " ${new_size}" return 0 } main() { # TODO(b/175081695): Remove retries once root problem is fixed. local attempts for (( attempts = 1; attempts <= 3; ++attempts )); do if sign_android_internal "$@"; then exit 0 fi warn "Could not sign android image due to recoverable error, will retry," \ "attempt # ${attempts}." warn "@@@ALERT@@@" lsof -n dmesg mount done die "Unable to sign Android image; giving up." } main "$@"