#!/bin/sh # # Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # # This script can change GBB flags in system live firmware or a given image # file. SCRIPT_BASE="$(dirname "$0")" . "${SCRIPT_BASE}/gbb_flags_common.sh" # DEFINE_string name default_value description flag DEFINE_string file "" "Path to firmware image. Default to system firmware." "f" DEFINE_boolean explicit ${FLAGS_FALSE} "Print list of what flags are set." "e" set -e main() { if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then flags_help exit 1 fi local image_file="${FLAGS_file}" if [ -z "${FLAGS_file}" ]; then image_file="$(make_temp_file)" flashrom_read "${image_file}" fi # Process file. # Keep 'local' declaration split from assignment so return code is checked. local gbb_flags gbb_flags="$(futility gbb -g --flags "${image_file}")" local raw_gbb_flags="$(echo "${gbb_flags}" | egrep -o "0x[0-9]+")" printf "Chrome OS GBB set ${gbb_flags}\n" if [ "${FLAGS_explicit}" = "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]; then printf "Chrome OS GBB set flags listed:\n" echo "${GBBFLAGS_LIST}" | while read -r flag code; do if [ $((code & raw_gbb_flags)) -ne 0 ]; then printf "${flag}\n" fi done fi } # Parse command line. FLAGS "$@" || exit 1 eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}" main "$@"