# Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Define zmake projects for nissa.""" # Nivviks and Craask, Pujjo, Xivu, Xivur has NPCX993F, Nereid and Joxer, Yaviks has ITE81302 def register_nissa_project( project_name, chip="it81302bx", ): """Register a variant of nissa.""" register_func = register_binman_project if chip.startswith("npcx"): register_func = register_npcx_project chip_kconfig = {"it81302bx": "it8xxx2", "npcx9m3f": "npcx"}[chip] return register_func( project_name=project_name, zephyr_board=chip, dts_overlays=[here / project_name / "project.overlay"], kconfig_files=[ here / "program.conf", here / f"{chip_kconfig}_program.conf", here / project_name / "project.conf", ], ) nivviks = register_nissa_project( project_name="nivviks", chip="npcx9m3f", ) nereid = register_nissa_project( project_name="nereid", chip="it81302bx", ) craask = register_nissa_project( project_name="craask", chip="npcx9m3f", ) pujjo = register_nissa_project( project_name="pujjo", chip="npcx9m3f", ) xivu = register_nissa_project( project_name="xivu", chip="npcx9m3f", ) xivur = register_nissa_project( project_name="xivur", chip="npcx9m3f", ) joxer = register_nissa_project( project_name="joxer", chip="it81302bx", ) yaviks = register_nissa_project( project_name="yaviks", chip="it81302bx", )