#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Module for testing cryptography functions using extended commands.""" from __future__ import print_function import binascii import struct import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import subcmd import utils # Basic crypto operations DECRYPT = 0 ENCRYPT = 1 def get_attribute(tdesc, attr_name, required=True): """Retrieve an attribute value from an XML node. Args: tdesc: an Element of the ElementTree, a test descriptor containing necessary information to run a single encryption/description session. attr_name: a string, the name of the attribute to retrieve. required: a Boolean, if True - the attribute must be present in the descriptor, otherwise it is considered optional Returns: The attribute value as a string (ascii or binary) Raises: subcmd.TpmTestError: on various format errors, or in case a required attribute is not found, the error message describes the problem. """ # Fields stored in hex format by default. default_hex = ('aad', 'cipher_text', 'iv', 'key', 'tag') data = tdesc.find(attr_name) if data is None: if required: raise subcmd.TpmTestError('node "%s" does not have attribute "%s"' % (tdesc.get('name'), attr_name)) return '' # Attribute is present, does it have to be decoded from hex? cell_format = data.get('format') if not cell_format: if attr_name in default_hex: cell_format = 'hex' else: cell_format = 'ascii' elif cell_format not in ('hex', 'ascii'): raise subcmd.TpmTestError('%s:%s, unrecognizable format "%s"' % (tdesc.get('name'), attr_name, cell_format)) text = ' '.join(x.strip() for x in data.text.splitlines() if x) if cell_format == 'ascii': return text # Drop spaces from hex representation. text = text.replace(' ', '') # Convert hex-text to little-endian binary (in 4-byte word chunks) value = '' for x in range(len(text)/8): try: value += struct.pack(': ....", where is the major encryption mode (say AED or DES) and submode - a variant of the major scheme, if exists. op_type: an int, encodes the operation to perform (encrypt/decrypt), passed directly to the device as a field in the extended command key: a binary string iv: a binary string, might be empty aad: additional authenticated data in_text: a binary string, the input of the encrypt/decrypt operation out_text: a binary string, might be empty, the expected output of the operation. Note that it could be shorter than actual output (padded to integer number of blocks), in which case only its length of bytes is compared debug_mode: a Boolean, if True - enables tracing on the console tpm: a TPM object to send extended commands to an initialized TPM Returns: The actual binary string, result of the operation, if the comparison with the expected value was successful. Raises: subcmd.TpmTestError: in case there were problems parsing the node name, or verifying the operation results. """ mode_name, submode_name = node_name.split(':') submode_name = submode_name[:3].upper() mode = SUPPORTED_MODES.get(mode_name.upper()) if not mode: raise subcmd.TpmTestError('unrecognizable mode in node "%s"' % node_name) submode = mode.submodes.get(submode_name, 0) cmd = '%c' % op_type # Encrypt or decrypt cmd += '%c' % submode # A particular type of a generic algorithm. cmd += '%c' % len(key) cmd += key cmd += '%c' % len(iv) if iv: cmd += iv cmd += '%c' % len(aad) if aad: cmd += aad cmd += struct.pack('>H', len(in_text)) cmd += in_text if tpm.debug_enabled(): print('%d:%d cmd size' % (op_type, mode.subcmd), len(cmd), utils.hex_dump(cmd)) wrapped_response = tpm.command(tpm.wrap_ext_command(mode.subcmd, cmd)) real_out_text = tpm.unwrap_ext_response(mode.subcmd, wrapped_response) if out_text: if len(real_out_text) > len(out_text): real_out_text = real_out_text[:len(out_text)] # Ignore padding if real_out_text != out_text: if tpm.debug_enabled(): print('Out text mismatch in node %s:\n' % node_name) else: raise subcmd.TpmTestError( 'Out text mismatch in node %s, operation %s:\n' 'In text:%sExpected out text:%sReal out text:%s' % ( node_name, 'ENCRYPT' if op_type == ENCRYPT else 'DECRYPT', utils.hex_dump(in_text), utils.hex_dump(out_text), utils.hex_dump(real_out_text))) return real_out_text def crypto_test(tdesc, tpm): """Perform a single test described in the xml file. The xml node contains all pertinent information about the test inputs and outputs. Args: tdesc: an Element of the ElementTree, a test descriptor containing necessary information to run a single encryption/description session. tpm: a TPM object to send extended commands to an initialized TPM Raises: subcmd.TpmTestError: on various execution errors, the details are included in the error message. """ node_name = tdesc.get('name') key = get_attribute(tdesc, 'key') if len(key) not in (16, 24, 32): raise subcmd.TpmTestError('wrong key size "%s:%s"' % ( node_name, ''.join('%2.2x' % ord(x) for x in key))) iv = get_attribute(tdesc, 'iv', required=False) if iv and not node_name.startswith('AES:GCM') and len(iv) != 16: raise subcmd.TpmTestError('wrong iv size "%s:%s"' % ( node_name, ''.join('%2.2x' % ord(x) for x in iv))) clear_text = get_attribute(tdesc, 'clear_text', required=False) if clear_text: clear_text_len = get_attribute(tdesc, 'clear_text_len', required=False) if clear_text_len: clear_text = clear_text[:int(clear_text_len)] else: clear_text_len = None if tpm.debug_enabled(): print('clear text size', len(clear_text)) cipher_text = get_attribute(tdesc, 'cipher_text', required=False) if clear_text_len: cipher_text = cipher_text[:int(clear_text_len)] tag = get_attribute(tdesc, 'tag', required=False) aad = get_attribute(tdesc, 'aad', required=False) if aad: aad_len = get_attribute(tdesc, 'aad_len', required=False) if aad_len: aad = aad[:int(aad_len)] real_cipher_text = crypto_run(node_name, ENCRYPT, key, iv, aad or '', clear_text, cipher_text + tag, tpm) crypto_run(node_name, DECRYPT, key, iv, aad or '', real_cipher_text[:len(real_cipher_text) - len(tag)], clear_text + tag, tpm) print(utils.cursor_back() + 'SUCCESS: %s' % node_name) def crypto_tests(tpm, xml_file): tree = ET.parse(xml_file) root = tree.getroot() for child in root: crypto_test(child, tpm)