/* Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #ifdef CR50_DCRYPTO /* some of the functions became internal in CR50 */ #include "internal.h" #else #include "dcrypto.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include /** * Compatibility layer for OpenSSL 1.0.x. * BN_bn2lebinpad and BN_lebin2bn were added in OpenSSL 1.1, to provide * import/export functionality as BIGNUM struct became opaque. */ #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L #define BN_RAND_TOP_ANY -1 #define BN_RAND_TOP_ONE 0 #define BN_RAND_TOP_TWO 1 #define BN_RAND_BOTTOM_ODD 1 #define BN_RAND_BOTTOM_ANY 0 /* export BIGNUM as little-endian padded to tolen bytes binary */ static int BN_bn2lebinpad(const BIGNUM *a, unsigned char *to, int tolen) { int i; BN_ULONG l; bn_check_top(a); i = BN_num_bytes(a); if (tolen < i) return -1; /* Add trailing zeroes if necessary */ if (tolen > i) memset(to + i, 0, tolen - i); to += i; while (i--) { l = a->d[i / BN_BYTES]; to--; *to = (unsigned char)(l >> (8 * (i % BN_BYTES))) & 0xff; } return tolen; } /* import BIGNUM from little-endian binary of specified length */ static BIGNUM *BN_lebin2bn(const unsigned char *s, int len, BIGNUM *ret) { unsigned int i, m; unsigned int n; BN_ULONG l; BIGNUM *bn = NULL; if (ret == NULL) ret = bn = BN_new(); if (ret == NULL) return (NULL); bn_check_top(ret); s += len; /* Skip trailing zeroes. */ for (; len > 0 && s[-1] == 0; s--, len--) continue; n = len; if (n == 0) { ret->top = 0; return ret; } i = ((n - 1) / BN_BYTES) + 1; m = ((n - 1) % (BN_BYTES)); if (bn_wexpand(ret, (int)i) == NULL) { BN_free(bn); return NULL; } ret->top = i; ret->neg = 0; l = 0; while (n--) { s--; l = (l << 8L) | *s; if (m-- == 0) { ret->d[--i] = l; l = 0; m = BN_BYTES - 1; } } /* * need to call this due to clear byte at top if avoiding * having the top bit set (-ve number) */ bn_correct_top(ret); return ret; } #endif #define MAX_BN_TEST_SIZE 2048 static char to_hexchar(unsigned char c) { return (c < 10) ? c + '0' : c - 10 + 'A'; } static void hex_print(FILE *fp, unsigned char *d, int size) { char buf[MAX_BN_TEST_SIZE / 4 + 1]; int i = 0; assert((size * 2) + 1 <= sizeof(buf)); while (i < size) { buf[i * 2] = to_hexchar((d[size - i - 1] >> 4) & 0xF); buf[i * 2 + 1] = to_hexchar(d[size - i - 1] & 0xF); i++; }; buf[size * 2] = 0; fprintf(fp, buf); } static void dcrypto_print(FILE *fp, struct LITE_BIGNUM *d, int size) { hex_print(fp, (unsigned char *)d->d, size); } static int bn_dcrypto_cmpeq(const BIGNUM *b, struct LITE_BIGNUM *d) { unsigned char buf[MAX_BN_TEST_SIZE / 8]; int size = BN_num_bytes(b); assert(size <= sizeof(buf)); BN_bn2lebinpad(b, buf, size); return memcmp(d->d, buf, size); } /* Convert OpenSSL BIGNUM to Dcrypto, assumes caller provides buffer */ static void bn_to_dcrypto(const BIGNUM *b, struct LITE_BIGNUM *d, uint32_t *buf, size_t bufsize) { int bn_size = BN_num_bytes(b); assert(bn_size <= bufsize); memset(buf, 0, bufsize); /** * OpenSSL 1.0 was only working for little-endian architectures (x86) * and had direct access to BIGNUM structure, so DCRYPTO_bn_wrap which * just sets a pointer to user provided buffer as source for * LITE_BIGNUM could be applied to data in BIGNUM as is. * In OpenSSL 1.1 BIGNUM became opaque, so we need to export binary * to get data in little-endian format which used by DCRYPTO_*. */ BN_bn2lebinpad(b, (unsigned char *)buf, bn_size); DCRYPTO_bn_wrap(d, buf, bufsize); } static int test_bn_modinv_helper(const BIGNUM *E, BN_CTX *ctx, int mod_top, int mod_bottom) { int i, result = 0; BIGNUM *MOD, *r; BN_CTX_start(ctx); MOD = BN_CTX_get(ctx); r = BN_CTX_get(ctx); for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { uint32_t m_buf[MAX_BN_TEST_SIZE / LITE_BN_BITS2]; uint32_t d_buf[MAX_BN_TEST_SIZE / LITE_BN_BITS2]; uint32_t e_buf[MAX_BN_TEST_SIZE / LITE_BN_BITS2]; int has_inverse; int test_inverse; struct LITE_BIGNUM m; struct LITE_BIGNUM e; struct LITE_BIGNUM d; /* Top bit set, bottom bit clear. */ BN_rand(MOD, MAX_BN_TEST_SIZE, mod_top, mod_bottom); if (BN_mod_inverse(r, E, MOD, ctx)) has_inverse = 1; else has_inverse = 0; bn_to_dcrypto(MOD, &m, m_buf, sizeof(m_buf)); bn_to_dcrypto(E, &e, e_buf, sizeof(e_buf)); bn_init(&d, d_buf, sizeof(d_buf)); test_inverse = bn_modinv_vartime(&d, &e, &m); if (test_inverse != has_inverse) { fprintf(stderr, "ossl inverse: %d, dcrypto inverse: %d\n", has_inverse, test_inverse); fprintf(stderr, "d : "); BN_print_fp(stderr, r); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "e : "); BN_print_fp(stderr, E); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "M : "); BN_print_fp(stderr, MOD); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); result = 1; goto fail; } if (has_inverse) { if (bn_dcrypto_cmpeq(r, &d) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "dcrypto bn_modinv_vartime fail\n"); fprintf(stderr, "d : "); BN_print_fp(stderr, r); fprintf(stderr, "\n dd: "); dcrypto_print(stderr, &d, BN_num_bytes(r)); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "e : "); BN_print_fp(stderr, E); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "M : "); BN_print_fp(stderr, MOD); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); result = 1; goto fail; } } } fail: BN_CTX_end(ctx); return result; } static int test_bn_modinv(void) { BN_CTX *ctx; BIGNUM *E; int result = 1; ctx = BN_CTX_new(); BN_CTX_start(ctx); E = BN_CTX_get(ctx); BN_rand(E, 1024, BN_RAND_TOP_ONE, BN_RAND_BOTTOM_ODD); /* Top bit set, bottom bit clear. */ if (test_bn_modinv_helper(E, ctx, BN_RAND_TOP_ONE, BN_RAND_BOTTOM_ANY)) goto fail; if (test_bn_modinv_helper(E, ctx, BN_RAND_TOP_TWO, BN_RAND_BOTTOM_ANY)) goto fail; BN_rand(E, 32, BN_RAND_TOP_TWO, BN_RAND_BOTTOM_ODD); if (test_bn_modinv_helper(E, ctx, BN_RAND_TOP_ONE, BN_RAND_BOTTOM_ANY)) goto fail; BN_rand(E, 17, BN_RAND_TOP_ANY, BN_RAND_BOTTOM_ODD); if (test_bn_modinv_helper(E, ctx, BN_RAND_TOP_ONE, BN_RAND_BOTTOM_ANY)) goto fail; BN_set_word(E, 3); if (test_bn_modinv_helper(E, ctx, BN_RAND_TOP_ONE, BN_RAND_BOTTOM_ANY)) goto fail; BN_set_word(E, 65537); if (test_bn_modinv_helper(E, ctx, BN_RAND_TOP_ONE, BN_RAND_BOTTOM_ANY)) goto fail; result = 0; fail: BN_CTX_end(ctx); BN_CTX_free(ctx); return result; } /* Build a BIGNUM with following template: * 11111111111111110000001111111111111000000000000123455667 * size - size in bits * front_ones mid_ones_pos,mid_ones, rand_low * front_ones - number of 1 bits in highest position * mid_ones_pos - starting position of middle ones * mid_ones - number of 1 bits in the middle * rand_low - number of random low bits */ static BIGNUM *bn_gen(BIGNUM *out, int size, int front_ones, int mid_ones_pos, int mid_ones, int rand_low) { unsigned char n[MAX_BN_TEST_SIZE / 8] = {}; assert(size <= sizeof(n) * 8); assert(front_ones < size); assert(mid_ones_pos < (size - front_ones - 1)); assert(mid_ones < (size - mid_ones_pos - 1)); assert(rand_low < (size - mid_ones_pos - mid_ones - 1)); /* generate little-endian representation */ while (front_ones) { n[(size - front_ones) / 8] |= 1 << ((size - front_ones) & 7); front_ones--; } while (mid_ones) { n[(mid_ones_pos - mid_ones) / 8] |= 1 << ((mid_ones_pos - mid_ones) & 7); mid_ones--; } while (rand_low) { n[(rand_low - 1) / 8] |= (rand() & 1) << ((rand_low - 1) & 7); rand_low--; } return BN_lebin2bn(n, size / 8, out); } static int test_bn_div(void) { const int NSIZE = MAX_BN_TEST_SIZE; const int PSIZE = MAX_BN_TEST_SIZE / 2; BIGNUM *N, *P, *Q, *R; BN_CTX *ctx; int result = 0, total = 0, prev = 1; int nf, nmps, nms, pf, pmps, pms; struct LITE_BIGNUM p; struct LITE_BIGNUM q; struct LITE_BIGNUM n; struct LITE_BIGNUM r; uint32_t p_buff[MAX_BN_TEST_SIZE / LITE_BN_BITS2]; uint32_t q_buff[MAX_BN_TEST_SIZE / LITE_BN_BITS2]; uint32_t n_buff[MAX_BN_TEST_SIZE / LITE_BN_BITS2]; uint32_t r_buff[MAX_BN_TEST_SIZE / LITE_BN_BITS2]; ctx = BN_CTX_new(); BN_CTX_start(ctx); N = BN_CTX_get(ctx); P = BN_CTX_get(ctx); Q = BN_CTX_get(ctx); R = BN_CTX_get(ctx); for (nf = 1; nf <= NSIZE / 8; nf++) for (nmps = NSIZE / 16; nmps < (NSIZE / 16) + 2; nmps++) for (nms = NSIZE / 32; nms < (NSIZE / 32) + 2; nms++) { N = bn_gen(N, NSIZE, nf, nmps, nms, (nmps - nms) / 2); for (pf = 1; pf <= PSIZE / 4; pf++) for (pmps = PSIZE / 16; pmps < (PSIZE / 16) + 2; pmps++) for (pms = PSIZE / 32; pms < (PSIZE / 32) + 2; pms++) { P = bn_gen(P, PSIZE, pf, pmps, pms, (pmps - pms) / 2); total++; bn_to_dcrypto(N, &n, n_buff, sizeof(n_buff)); bn_to_dcrypto(P, &p, p_buff, sizeof(p_buff)); DCRYPTO_bn_wrap(&q, q_buff, sizeof(q_buff)); DCRYPTO_bn_wrap(&r, r_buff, sizeof(r_buff)); BN_div(Q, R, N, P, ctx); DCRYPTO_bn_div(&q, &r, &n, &p); if ((bn_dcrypto_cmpeq(Q, &q) != 0) || (bn_dcrypto_cmpeq(R, &r) != 0)) { result++; if (result > prev) { /* print only 1 sample in 100000 */ prev = result + 100000; fprintf(stderr, "N : "); BN_print_fp(stderr, N); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "P : "); BN_print_fp(stderr, P); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Q : "); BN_print_fp(stderr, Q); fprintf(stderr, "\nQd: "); dcrypto_print(stderr, &q, BN_num_bytes(Q)); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "R : "); BN_print_fp(stderr, R); fprintf(stderr, "\nRd: "); dcrypto_print(stderr, &r, BN_num_bytes(R)); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } } } } if (result) fprintf(stderr, "DCRYPTO_bn_div: total=%d, failures=%d\n", total, result); BN_CTX_end(ctx); BN_CTX_free(ctx); return result; } void *always_memset(void *s, int c, size_t n) { memset(s, c, n); return s; } void watchdog_reload(void) { } #ifdef CR50_DCRYPTO /* For CR50 we need to mock additional functions. */ bool fips_rand_bytes(void *buffer, size_t len) { uint8_t *b, *end; static unsigned int seed = 1; for (b = buffer, end = b+len; b != end; b++) *b = (uint8_t)rand_r(&seed); return true; } const struct fips_vtable *fips_vtable; void fips_throw_err(enum fips_status err) { } uint64_t fips_trng_rand32(void) { static unsigned int seed = 100; return (uint64_t)(rand_r(&seed) & 0xffffffff) | (1ULL << 32); } #endif int main(void) { assert(test_bn_modinv() == 0); assert(test_bn_div() == 0); fprintf(stderr, "PASS\n"); return 0; }