/* Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. * * TI INA219/231 Current/Power monitor driver. */ #include "console.h" #include "hooks.h" #include "i2c.h" #include "system.h" #include "timer.h" #include "ina2xx.h" #include "util.h" /* Console output macros */ #define CPRINTS(format, args...) cprints(CC_USBCHARGE, format, ## args) /* I2C base address */ #define INA2XX_I2C_ADDR_FLAGS 0x40 uint16_t ina2xx_read(uint8_t idx, uint8_t reg) { int res; int val; res = i2c_read16(I2C_PORT_MASTER, INA2XX_I2C_ADDR_FLAGS | idx, reg, &val); if (res) { CPRINTS("INA2XX I2C read failed"); return 0x0bad; } return (val >> 8) | ((val & 0xff) << 8); } int ina2xx_write(uint8_t idx, uint8_t reg, uint16_t val) { int res; uint16_t be_val = (val >> 8) | ((val & 0xff) << 8); res = i2c_write16(I2C_PORT_MASTER, INA2XX_I2C_ADDR_FLAGS | idx, reg, be_val); if (res) CPRINTS("INA2XX I2C write failed"); return res; } int ina2xx_init(uint8_t idx, uint16_t config, uint16_t calib) { int res; res = ina2xx_write(idx, INA2XX_REG_CONFIG, config); /* TODO(crosbug.com/p/29730): assume 1mA/LSB, revisit later */ res |= ina2xx_write(idx, INA2XX_REG_CALIB, calib); return res; } int ina2xx_get_voltage(uint8_t idx) { uint16_t bv = ina2xx_read(idx, INA2XX_REG_BUS_VOLT); return INA2XX_BUS_MV((int)bv); } int ina2xx_get_current(uint8_t idx) { int16_t curr = ina2xx_read(idx, INA2XX_REG_CURRENT); /* Current calibration: LSB = 1mA/bit */ return (int)curr; } int ina2xx_get_power(uint8_t idx) { uint16_t pow = ina2xx_read(idx, INA2XX_REG_POWER); return INA2XX_POW_MW((int)pow); } #ifdef CONFIG_CMD_INA static void ina2xx_dump(uint8_t idx) { uint16_t cfg = ina2xx_read(idx, INA2XX_REG_CONFIG); int16_t sv = ina2xx_read(idx, INA2XX_REG_SHUNT_VOLT); uint16_t bv = ina2xx_read(idx, INA2XX_REG_BUS_VOLT); uint16_t pow = ina2xx_read(idx, INA2XX_REG_POWER); int16_t curr = ina2xx_read(idx, INA2XX_REG_CURRENT); uint16_t calib = ina2xx_read(idx, INA2XX_REG_CALIB); uint16_t mask = ina2xx_read(idx, INA2XX_REG_MASK); uint16_t alert = ina2xx_read(idx, INA2XX_REG_ALERT); ccprintf("Configuration: %04x\n", cfg); ccprintf("Shunt voltage: %04x => %d uV\n", sv, INA2XX_SHUNT_UV((int)sv)); ccprintf("Bus voltage : %04x => %d mV\n", bv, INA2XX_BUS_MV((int)bv)); ccprintf("Power : %04x => %d mW\n", pow, INA2XX_POW_MW((int)pow)); ccprintf("Current : %04x => %d mA\n", curr, curr); ccprintf("Calibration : %04x\n", calib); ccprintf("Mask/Enable : %04x\n", mask); ccprintf("Alert limit : %04x\n", alert); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Console commands */ static int command_ina(int argc, char **argv) { char *e; int idx; uint16_t val; if (argc < 2) return EC_ERROR_PARAM_COUNT; idx = strtoi(argv[1], &e, 10); if (*e) return EC_ERROR_PARAM1; if (2 == argc) { /* dump all registers */ ina2xx_dump(idx); return EC_SUCCESS; } else if (4 == argc) { val = strtoi(argv[3], &e, 16); if (*e) return EC_ERROR_PARAM3; if (!strcasecmp(argv[2], "config")) { ina2xx_write(idx, INA2XX_REG_CONFIG, val); } else if (!strcasecmp(argv[2], "calib")) { ina2xx_write(idx, INA2XX_REG_CALIB, val); } else if (!strcasecmp(argv[2], "mask")) { ina2xx_write(idx, INA2XX_REG_MASK, val); } else if (!strcasecmp(argv[2], "alert")) { ina2xx_write(idx, INA2XX_REG_ALERT, val); } else { /* read one register */ ccprintf("Invalid register: %s\n", argv[1]); return EC_ERROR_INVAL; } return EC_SUCCESS; } return EC_ERROR_INVAL; } DECLARE_CONSOLE_COMMAND(ina, command_ina, " [config|calib|mask|alert ]", "INA2XX power/current sensing"); #endif