# Ludicrous Speed Compilation with Goma [TOC] *** note At the moment, Goma is only available for Googlers. *** All commands should be performed in the chroot. ## Login to Goma First, login to Goma: ``` shellsession $ goma_auth login ``` You'll be prompted to accept an agreement, and copy a URL into your browser for login. Be sure to use your @google.com account. The login info should persist across reboots, so you'll only need to do this step once (or rarely, if you get logged out). ## Start Goma Start Goma's `compiler_proxy` daemon. It will run in the background. ``` shellsession $ goma_ctl ensure_start ``` You'll need to do this each time you start your machine. ## Compiling (Zephyr EC) Run `zmake` as you normally do, and just add the `--goma` flag. For example: ``` shellsession $ zmake --goma testall ``` jrosenth@ observed on a ThinkStation P920 that a clean `testall` with `--goma` takes only 1 minute 55 seconds, versus 8 minutes and 20 seconds without, so it's worth setting up! ## Compiling (Legacy EC) The `Makefile` doesn't yet support Goma, but this is planned for the future. [b/214323409](https://issuetracker.google.com/214323409) tracks the progress.