/* Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "atomic.h" #include "clock.h" #include "common.h" #include "console.h" #include "ec_commands.h" #include "fpsensor.h" #include "gpio.h" #include "host_command.h" #include "link_defs.h" #include "mkbp_event.h" #include "spi.h" #include "system.h" #include "task.h" #include "timer.h" #include "util.h" #include "watchdog.h" #if defined(HAVE_PRIVATE) && !defined(TEST_BUILD) #define HAVE_FP_PRIVATE_DRIVER #define PRIV_HEADER(header) STRINGIFY(header) #include PRIV_HEADER(FP_SENSOR_PRIVATE) #else #define FP_SENSOR_IMAGE_SIZE 0 #define FP_SENSOR_RES_X 0 #define FP_SENSOR_RES_Y 0 #define FP_ALGORITHM_TEMPLATE_SIZE 0 #define FP_MAX_FINGER_COUNT 0 #endif /* if no special memory regions are defined, fallback on regular SRAM */ #ifndef FP_FRAME_SECTION #define FP_FRAME_SECTION #endif #ifndef FP_TEMPLATE_SECTION #define FP_TEMPLATE_SECTION #endif /* Last acquired frame (aligned as it is used by arbitrary binary libraries) */ static uint8_t fp_buffer[FP_SENSOR_IMAGE_SIZE] FP_FRAME_SECTION __aligned(4); /* Fingers templates for the current user */ static uint8_t fp_template[FP_MAX_FINGER_COUNT][FP_ALGORITHM_TEMPLATE_SIZE] FP_TEMPLATE_SECTION; /* Number of used templates */ static uint32_t templ_valid; /* Bitmap of the templates with local modifications */ static uint32_t templ_dirty; /* Current user ID */ static uint32_t user_id[FP_CONTEXT_USERID_WORDS]; #define CPRINTF(format, args...) cprintf(CC_FP, format, ## args) #define CPRINTS(format, args...) cprints(CC_FP, format, ## args) /* raw image offset inside the acquired frame */ #ifndef FP_SENSOR_IMAGE_OFFSET #define FP_SENSOR_IMAGE_OFFSET 0 #endif /* Events for the FPSENSOR task */ #define TASK_EVENT_SENSOR_IRQ TASK_EVENT_CUSTOM(1) #define TASK_EVENT_UPDATE_CONFIG TASK_EVENT_CUSTOM(2) #define FP_MODE_ANY_CAPTURE (FP_MODE_CAPTURE | FP_MODE_ENROLL_IMAGE | \ FP_MODE_MATCH) #define FP_MODE_ANY_DETECT_FINGER (FP_MODE_FINGER_DOWN | FP_MODE_FINGER_UP | \ FP_MODE_ANY_CAPTURE) #define FP_MODE_ANY_WAIT_IRQ (FP_MODE_FINGER_DOWN | FP_MODE_ANY_CAPTURE) /* Delay between 2 s of the sensor to detect finger removal */ #define FINGER_POLLING_DELAY (100*MSEC) static uint32_t fp_events; static uint32_t sensor_mode; /* Timing statistics. */ static uint32_t capture_time_us; static uint32_t matching_time_us; static uint32_t overall_time_us; static timestamp_t overall_t0; static uint8_t timestamps_invalid; static int8_t template_matched; /* Interrupt line from the fingerprint sensor */ void fps_event(enum gpio_signal signal) { task_set_event(TASK_ID_FPSENSOR, TASK_EVENT_SENSOR_IRQ, 0); } static void send_mkbp_event(uint32_t event) { atomic_or(&fp_events, event); mkbp_send_event(EC_MKBP_EVENT_FINGERPRINT); } static inline int is_raw_capture(uint32_t mode) { int capture_type = FP_CAPTURE_TYPE(mode); return (capture_type == FP_CAPTURE_VENDOR_FORMAT || capture_type == FP_CAPTURE_QUALITY_TEST); } #ifdef HAVE_FP_PRIVATE_DRIVER static inline int is_test_capture(uint32_t mode) { int capture_type = FP_CAPTURE_TYPE(mode); return (mode & FP_MODE_CAPTURE) && (capture_type == FP_CAPTURE_PATTERN0 || capture_type == FP_CAPTURE_PATTERN1 || capture_type == FP_CAPTURE_RESET_TEST); } /* * contains the bit FP_MODE_ENROLL_SESSION if a finger enrollment is on-going. * It is used to detect the ENROLL_SESSION transition when sensor_mode is * updated by the host. */ static uint32_t enroll_session; static uint32_t fp_process_enroll(void) { int percent = 0; int res; /* begin/continue enrollment */ CPRINTS("[%d]Enrolling ...", templ_valid); res = fp_finger_enroll(fp_buffer, &percent); CPRINTS("[%d]Enroll =>%d (%d%%)", templ_valid, res, percent); if (res < 0) return EC_MKBP_FP_ENROLL | EC_MKBP_FP_ERRCODE(EC_MKBP_FP_ERR_ENROLL_INTERNAL); templ_dirty |= (1 << templ_valid); if (percent == 100) { res = fp_enrollment_finish(fp_template[templ_valid]); if (res) res = EC_MKBP_FP_ERR_ENROLL_INTERNAL; else templ_valid++; sensor_mode &= ~FP_MODE_ENROLL_SESSION; enroll_session &= ~FP_MODE_ENROLL_SESSION; } return EC_MKBP_FP_ENROLL | EC_MKBP_FP_ERRCODE(res) | (percent << EC_MKBP_FP_ENROLL_PROGRESS_OFFSET); } static uint32_t fp_process_match(void) { timestamp_t t0 = get_time(); int res = -1; uint32_t updated = 0; int32_t fgr = -1; /* match finger against current templates */ template_matched = -1; CPRINTS("Matching/%d ...", templ_valid); if (templ_valid) res = fp_finger_match(fp_template[0], templ_valid, fp_buffer, &fgr, &updated); CPRINTS("Match =>%d (finger %d)", res, fgr); if (res < 0) { res = EC_MKBP_FP_ERR_MATCH_NO_INTERNAL; timestamps_invalid |= FPSTATS_MATCHING_INV; } else { template_matched = (int8_t)fgr; } if (res == EC_MKBP_FP_ERR_MATCH_YES_UPDATED) templ_dirty |= updated; matching_time_us = time_since32(t0); return EC_MKBP_FP_MATCH | EC_MKBP_FP_ERRCODE(res) | ((fgr << EC_MKBP_FP_MATCH_IDX_OFFSET) & EC_MKBP_FP_MATCH_IDX_MASK); } static void fp_process_finger(void) { timestamp_t t0 = get_time(); int res = fp_sensor_acquire_image_with_mode(fp_buffer, FP_CAPTURE_TYPE(sensor_mode)); capture_time_us = time_since32(t0); if (!res) { uint32_t evt = EC_MKBP_FP_IMAGE_READY; /* Clean up SPI before clocking up to avoid hang on the dsb * in dma_go. Ignore the return value to let the WDT reboot * the MCU (and avoid getting trapped in the loop). * b/112781659 */ res = spi_transaction_flush(&spi_devices[0]); if (res) CPRINTS("Failed to flush SPI: 0x%x", res); /* we need CPU power to do the computations */ clock_enable_module(MODULE_FAST_CPU, 1); if (sensor_mode & FP_MODE_ENROLL_IMAGE) evt = fp_process_enroll(); else if (sensor_mode & FP_MODE_MATCH) evt = fp_process_match(); sensor_mode &= ~FP_MODE_ANY_CAPTURE; overall_time_us = time_since32(overall_t0); send_mkbp_event(evt); /* go back to lower power mode */ clock_enable_module(MODULE_FAST_CPU, 0); } else { timestamps_invalid |= FPSTATS_CAPTURE_INV; } } #endif /* HAVE_FP_PRIVATE_DRIVER */ void fp_task(void) { int timeout_us = -1; /* configure the SPI controller (also ensure that CS_N is high) */ gpio_config_module(MODULE_SPI_MASTER, 1); spi_enable(CONFIG_SPI_FP_PORT, 1); #ifdef HAVE_FP_PRIVATE_DRIVER /* Reset and initialize the sensor IC */ fp_sensor_init(); while (1) { uint32_t evt; enum finger_state st = FINGER_NONE; /* Wait for a sensor IRQ or a new mode configuration */ evt = task_wait_event(timeout_us); if (evt & TASK_EVENT_UPDATE_CONFIG) { uint32_t mode = sensor_mode; gpio_disable_interrupt(GPIO_FPS_INT); if ((mode ^ enroll_session) & FP_MODE_ENROLL_SESSION) { if (mode & FP_MODE_ENROLL_SESSION) { if (fp_enrollment_begin()) sensor_mode &= ~FP_MODE_ENROLL_SESSION; } else { fp_enrollment_finish(NULL); } enroll_session = sensor_mode & FP_MODE_ENROLL_SESSION; } if (is_test_capture(mode)) { fp_sensor_acquire_image_with_mode(fp_buffer, FP_CAPTURE_TYPE(mode)); sensor_mode &= ~FP_MODE_CAPTURE; send_mkbp_event(EC_MKBP_FP_IMAGE_READY); continue; } else if (sensor_mode & FP_MODE_ANY_DETECT_FINGER) { /* wait for a finger on the sensor */ fp_sensor_configure_detect(); } if (sensor_mode & FP_MODE_DEEPSLEEP) /* Shutdown the sensor */ fp_sensor_low_power(); if (sensor_mode & FP_MODE_FINGER_UP) /* Poll the sensor to detect finger removal */ timeout_us = FINGER_POLLING_DELAY; else timeout_us = -1; if (mode & FP_MODE_ANY_WAIT_IRQ) gpio_enable_interrupt(GPIO_FPS_INT); else fp_sensor_low_power(); } else if (evt & (TASK_EVENT_SENSOR_IRQ | TASK_EVENT_TIMER)) { overall_t0 = get_time(); timestamps_invalid = 0; gpio_disable_interrupt(GPIO_FPS_INT); if (sensor_mode & FP_MODE_ANY_DETECT_FINGER) { st = fp_sensor_finger_status(); if (st == FINGER_PRESENT && sensor_mode & FP_MODE_FINGER_DOWN) { CPRINTS("Finger!"); sensor_mode &= ~FP_MODE_FINGER_DOWN; send_mkbp_event(EC_MKBP_FP_FINGER_DOWN); } if (st == FINGER_NONE && sensor_mode & FP_MODE_FINGER_UP) { sensor_mode &= ~FP_MODE_FINGER_UP; timeout_us = -1; send_mkbp_event(EC_MKBP_FP_FINGER_UP); } } if (st == FINGER_PRESENT && sensor_mode & FP_MODE_ANY_CAPTURE) fp_process_finger(); if (sensor_mode & FP_MODE_ANY_WAIT_IRQ) { fp_sensor_configure_detect(); gpio_enable_interrupt(GPIO_FPS_INT); } else { fp_sensor_low_power(); } } } #else /* !HAVE_FP_PRIVATE_DRIVER */ while (1) { uint32_t evt = task_wait_event(timeout_us); send_mkbp_event(evt); } #endif /* !HAVE_FP_PRIVATE_DRIVER */ } static void fp_clear_context(void) { templ_valid = 0; templ_dirty = 0; memset(fp_buffer, 0, sizeof(fp_buffer)); memset(fp_template, 0, sizeof(fp_template)); /* TODO maybe shutdown and re-init the private libraries ? */ } static int fp_get_next_event(uint8_t *out) { uint32_t event_out = atomic_read_clear(&fp_events); memcpy(out, &event_out, sizeof(event_out)); return sizeof(event_out); } DECLARE_EVENT_SOURCE(EC_MKBP_EVENT_FINGERPRINT, fp_get_next_event); static int fp_command_passthru(struct host_cmd_handler_args *args) { const struct ec_params_fp_passthru *params = args->params; void *out = args->response; int rc; int ret = EC_RES_SUCCESS; if (system_is_locked()) return EC_RES_ACCESS_DENIED; if (params->len > args->params_size + offsetof(struct ec_params_fp_passthru, data) || params->len > args->response_max) return EC_RES_INVALID_PARAM; rc = spi_transaction_async(&spi_devices[0], params->data, params->len, out, SPI_READBACK_ALL); if (params->flags & EC_FP_FLAG_NOT_COMPLETE) rc |= spi_transaction_wait(&spi_devices[0]); else rc |= spi_transaction_flush(&spi_devices[0]); if (rc == EC_ERROR_TIMEOUT) ret = EC_RES_TIMEOUT; else if (rc) ret = EC_RES_ERROR; args->response_size = params->len; return ret; } DECLARE_HOST_COMMAND(EC_CMD_FP_PASSTHRU, fp_command_passthru, EC_VER_MASK(0)); static int fp_command_sensor_config(struct host_cmd_handler_args *args) { /* const struct ec_params_fp_sensor_config *p = args->params; */ return EC_RES_UNAVAILABLE; } DECLARE_HOST_COMMAND(EC_CMD_FP_SENSOR_CONFIG, fp_command_sensor_config, EC_VER_MASK(0)); static int fp_command_mode(struct host_cmd_handler_args *args) { const struct ec_params_fp_mode *p = args->params; struct ec_response_fp_mode *r = args->response; if (!(p->mode & FP_MODE_DONT_CHANGE)) { sensor_mode = p->mode; task_set_event(TASK_ID_FPSENSOR, TASK_EVENT_UPDATE_CONFIG, 0); } r->mode = sensor_mode; args->response_size = sizeof(*r); return EC_RES_SUCCESS; } DECLARE_HOST_COMMAND(EC_CMD_FP_MODE, fp_command_mode, EC_VER_MASK(0)); static int fp_command_info(struct host_cmd_handler_args *args) { struct ec_response_fp_info *r = args->response; #ifdef HAVE_FP_PRIVATE_DRIVER if (fp_sensor_get_info(r) < 0) #endif return EC_RES_UNAVAILABLE; r->template_size = FP_ALGORITHM_TEMPLATE_SIZE; r->template_max = FP_MAX_FINGER_COUNT; r->template_valid = templ_valid; r->template_dirty = templ_dirty; /* V1 is identical to V0 with more information appended */ args->response_size = args->version ? sizeof(*r) : sizeof(struct ec_response_fp_info_v0); return EC_RES_SUCCESS; } DECLARE_HOST_COMMAND(EC_CMD_FP_INFO, fp_command_info, EC_VER_MASK(0) | EC_VER_MASK(1)); static int fp_command_frame(struct host_cmd_handler_args *args) { const struct ec_params_fp_frame *params = args->params; void *out = args->response; uint32_t idx = FP_FRAME_TEMPLATE_INDEX(params->offset); uint32_t offset = params->offset & FP_FRAME_OFFSET_MASK; uint32_t max_size; uint8_t *content; if (idx == FP_FRAME_INDEX_RAW_IMAGE) { if (!is_raw_capture(sensor_mode)) offset += FP_SENSOR_IMAGE_OFFSET; max_size = sizeof(fp_buffer); content = fp_buffer; } else if (idx > FP_MAX_FINGER_COUNT) { return EC_RES_INVALID_PARAM; } else if (idx > templ_valid) { return EC_RES_UNAVAILABLE; } else { /* the host requested a template */ max_size = sizeof(fp_template[0]); /* Templates are numbered from 1 in this host request. */ content = fp_template[idx - 1]; templ_dirty &= ~(1 << (idx - 1)); } if (offset + params->size > max_size || params->size > args->response_max) return EC_RES_INVALID_PARAM; memcpy(out, content + offset, params->size); args->response_size = params->size; return EC_RES_SUCCESS; } DECLARE_HOST_COMMAND(EC_CMD_FP_FRAME, fp_command_frame, EC_VER_MASK(0)); static int fp_command_stats(struct host_cmd_handler_args *args) { struct ec_response_fp_stats *r = args->response; r->capture_time_us = capture_time_us; r->matching_time_us = matching_time_us; r->overall_time_us = overall_time_us; r->overall_t0.lo = overall_t0.le.lo; r->overall_t0.hi = overall_t0.le.hi; r->timestamps_invalid = timestamps_invalid; r->template_matched = template_matched; args->response_size = sizeof(struct ec_response_fp_stats); return EC_RES_SUCCESS; } DECLARE_HOST_COMMAND(EC_CMD_FP_STATS, fp_command_stats, EC_VER_MASK(0)); static int fp_command_template(struct host_cmd_handler_args *args) { const struct ec_params_fp_template *params = args->params; uint32_t size = params->size & ~FP_TEMPLATE_COMMIT; uint32_t idx = templ_valid; /* Can we store one more template ? */ if (idx >= FP_MAX_FINGER_COUNT) return EC_RES_OVERFLOW; if ((args->params_size != size + offsetof(struct ec_params_fp_template, data)) || (params->offset + size > sizeof(fp_template[0]))) return EC_RES_INVALID_PARAM; memcpy(&fp_template[idx][params->offset], params->data, size); if (params->size & FP_TEMPLATE_COMMIT) templ_valid++; return EC_RES_SUCCESS; } DECLARE_HOST_COMMAND(EC_CMD_FP_TEMPLATE, fp_command_template, EC_VER_MASK(0)); static int fp_command_context(struct host_cmd_handler_args *args) { const struct ec_params_fp_context *params = args->params; struct ec_response_fp_context *resp = args->response; fp_clear_context(); memcpy(user_id, params->userid, sizeof(user_id)); /* TODO(b/73337313): real crypto protocol */ memcpy(resp->nonce, params->nonce, sizeof(resp->nonce)); args->response_size = sizeof(*resp); return EC_RES_SUCCESS; } DECLARE_HOST_COMMAND(EC_CMD_FP_CONTEXT, fp_command_context, EC_VER_MASK(0)); #ifdef CONFIG_CMD_FPSENSOR_DEBUG /* --- Debug console commands --- */ /* * Send the current Fingerprint buffer to the host * it is formatted as an 8-bpp PGM ASCII file. * * In addition, it prepends a short Z-Modem download signature, * which triggers automatically your preferred viewer if you configure it * properly in "File transfer protocols" in the Minicom options menu. * (as triggered by Ctrl-A O) * +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Name Program Name U/D FullScr IO-Red. Multi | * | A zmodem /usr/bin/sz -vv -b Y U N Y Y | * [...] * | L pgm /usr/bin/display_pgm N D N Y N | * | M Zmodem download string activates... L | * * My /usr/bin/display_pgm looks like this: * #!/bin/sh * TMPF=$(mktemp) * ascii-xfr -rdv ${TMPF} * display ${TMPF} */ static void upload_pgm_image(uint8_t *frame) { int x, y; uint8_t *ptr = frame; /* fake Z-modem ZRQINIT signature */ ccprintf("#IGNORE for ZModem\r**\030B00"); msleep(100); /* let the download program start */ /* Print 8-bpp PGM ASCII header */ ccprintf("P2\n%d %d\n255\n", FP_SENSOR_RES_X, FP_SENSOR_RES_Y); for (y = 0; y < FP_SENSOR_RES_Y; y++) { watchdog_reload(); for (x = 0; x < FP_SENSOR_RES_X; x++, ptr++) ccprintf("%d ", *ptr); ccputs("\n"); cflush(); } ccprintf("\x04"); /* End Of Transmission */ } static int fp_console_action(uint32_t mode) { int tries = 200; ccprintf("Waiting for finger ...\n"); sensor_mode = mode; task_set_event(TASK_ID_FPSENSOR, TASK_EVENT_UPDATE_CONFIG, 0); while (tries--) { if (!(sensor_mode & FP_MODE_ANY_CAPTURE)) { ccprintf("done (events:%x)\n", fp_events); return 0; } usleep(100 * MSEC); } return EC_ERROR_TIMEOUT; } int command_fpcapture(int argc, char **argv) { int capture_type = FP_CAPTURE_SIMPLE_IMAGE; uint32_t mode; int rc; if (argc >= 2) { char *e; capture_type = strtoi(argv[1], &e, 0); if (*e || capture_type < 0) return EC_ERROR_PARAM1; } mode = FP_MODE_CAPTURE | ((capture_type & FP_MODE_CAPTURE_TYPE_MASK) << FP_MODE_CAPTURE_TYPE_SHIFT); rc = fp_console_action(mode); if (rc == EC_SUCCESS) upload_pgm_image(fp_buffer + FP_SENSOR_IMAGE_OFFSET); return rc; } DECLARE_CONSOLE_COMMAND(fpcapture, command_fpcapture, "", ""); int command_fpenroll(int argc, char **argv) { int rc; int percent = 0; uint32_t event; static const char * const enroll_str[] = {"OK", "Low Quality", "Immobile", "Low Coverage"}; do { int tries = 1000; rc = fp_console_action(FP_MODE_ENROLL_SESSION | FP_MODE_ENROLL_IMAGE); if (rc != EC_SUCCESS) break; event = atomic_read_clear(&fp_events); percent = EC_MKBP_FP_ENROLL_PROGRESS(event); ccprintf("Enroll capture: %s (%d%%)\n", enroll_str[EC_MKBP_FP_ERRCODE(event) & 3], percent); /* wait for finger release between captures */ sensor_mode = FP_MODE_ENROLL_SESSION | FP_MODE_FINGER_UP; task_set_event(TASK_ID_FPSENSOR, TASK_EVENT_UPDATE_CONFIG, 0); while (tries-- && sensor_mode & FP_MODE_FINGER_UP) usleep(20 * MSEC); } while (percent < 100); sensor_mode = 0; /* reset FP_MODE_ENROLL_SESSION */ task_set_event(TASK_ID_FPSENSOR, TASK_EVENT_UPDATE_CONFIG, 0); return rc; } DECLARE_CONSOLE_COMMAND(fpenroll, command_fpenroll, "", ""); int command_fpmatch(int argc, char **argv) { int rc = fp_console_action(FP_MODE_MATCH); uint32_t event = atomic_read_clear(&fp_events); if (rc == EC_SUCCESS && event & EC_MKBP_FP_MATCH) { uint32_t errcode = EC_MKBP_FP_ERRCODE(event); ccprintf("Match: %s (%d)\n", errcode & EC_MKBP_FP_ERR_MATCH_YES ? "YES" : "NO", errcode); } return rc; } DECLARE_CONSOLE_COMMAND(fpmatch, command_fpmatch, "", ""); int command_fpclear(int argc, char **argv) { fp_clear_context(); return EC_SUCCESS; } DECLARE_CONSOLE_COMMAND(fpclear, command_fpclear, "", ""); #endif /* CONFIG_CMD_FPSENSOR_DEBUG */