#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # A script to pack EC binary into SPI flash image for MEC1322 # Based on MEC1322_ROM_Doc_Rev0.5.pdf. import argparse import hashlib import os import struct import subprocess import tempfile LOAD_ADDR = 0x100000 HEADER_SIZE = 0x140 SPI_CLOCK_LIST = [48, 24, 12, 8] SPI_READ_CMD_LIST = [0x3, 0xb, 0x3b] CRC_TABLE = [0x00, 0x07, 0x0e, 0x09, 0x1c, 0x1b, 0x12, 0x15, 0x38, 0x3f, 0x36, 0x31, 0x24, 0x23, 0x2a, 0x2d] def Crc8(crc, data): """Update CRC8 value.""" data_bytes = map(lambda b: ord(b) if isinstance(b, str) else b, data) for v in data_bytes: crc = ((crc << 4) & 0xff) ^ (CRC_TABLE[(crc >> 4) ^ (v >> 4)]); crc = ((crc << 4) & 0xff) ^ (CRC_TABLE[(crc >> 4) ^ (v & 0xf)]); return crc ^ 0x55 def GetEntryPoint(payload_file): """Read entry point from payload EC image.""" with open(payload_file, 'rb') as f: f.seek(4) s = f.read(4) return struct.unpack('> 6) & 0xff) header.append((payload_len >> 14) & 0xff) PadZeroTo(header, 0x14) header.extend(struct.pack('> 8) & 0xff, (args.header_loc >> 16) & 0xff, (args.header_loc >> 24) & 0xff]) if args.chip_select != 0: tag[2] |= 0x80 tag.append(Crc8(0, tag)) return tag def PacklfwRoImage(rorw_file, loader_file, image_size): """TODO:Clean up to get rid of Temp file and just use memory to save data""" """Create a temp file with the first image_size bytes from the rorw file and the bytes from the loader_file appended return the filename""" fo=tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) # Need to keep file around with open(loader_file,'rb') as fin1: pro = fin1.read() fo.write(pro) with open(rorw_file, 'rb') as fin: ro = fin.read(image_size) fo.write(ro) fo.close() return fo.name def parseargs(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", help="EC binary to pack, usually ec.bin or ec.RO.flat.", metavar="EC_BIN", default="ec.bin") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="Output flash binary file", metavar="EC_SPI_FLASH", default="ec.packed.bin") parser.add_argument("--header_key", help="PEM key file for signing header", default="rsakey_sign_header.pem") parser.add_argument("--payload_key", help="PEM key file for signing payload", default="rsakey_sign_payload.pem") parser.add_argument("--loader_file", help="EC loader binary", default="ecloader.bin") parser.add_argument("-s", "--spi_size", type=int, help="Size of the SPI flash in MB", default=4) parser.add_argument("-l", "--header_loc", type=int, help="Location of header in SPI flash", default=0x170000) parser.add_argument("-p", "--payload_offset", type=int, help="The offset of payload from the header", default=0x240) parser.add_argument("-r", "--rwpayload_loc", type=int, help="The offset of payload from the header", default=0x190000) parser.add_argument("-z", "--romstart", type=int, help="The first location to output of the rom", default=0) parser.add_argument("-c", "--chip_select", type=int, help="Chip select signal to use, either 0 or 1.", default=0) parser.add_argument("--spi_clock", type=int, help="SPI clock speed. 8, 12, 24, or 48 MHz.", default=24) parser.add_argument("--spi_read_cmd", type=int, help="SPI read command. 0x3, 0xB, or 0x3B.", default=0xb) parser.add_argument("--image_size", type=int, help="Size of a single image.", default=(96 * 1024)) return parser.parse_args() # Debug helper routine def dumpsects(spi_list): for s in spi_list: print "%x %d %s\n"%(s[0],len(s[1]),s[2]) def main(): args = parseargs() spi_size = args.spi_size * 1024 args.header_loc = spi_size - (128 * 1024) args.rwpayload_loc = spi_size - (256 * 1024) args.romstart = spi_size - (256 * 1024) spi_list = [] rorofile=PacklfwRoImage(args.input, args.loader_file, args.image_size) payload = GetPayload(rorofile) payload_len = len(payload) #print payload_len payload_signature = SignByteArray(payload, args.payload_key) header = BuildHeader(args, payload_len, rorofile) header_signature = SignByteArray(header, args.header_key) tag = BuildTag(args) # truncate the RW to 128k payloadrw = GetPayloadFromOffset(args.input,args.image_size)[:128*1024] os.remove(rorofile) # clean up the temp file spi_list.append((args.header_loc, header, "header")) spi_list.append((args.header_loc + HEADER_SIZE, header_signature, "header_signature")) spi_list.append((args.header_loc + args.payload_offset, payload, "payload")) spi_list.append((args.header_loc + args.payload_offset + payload_len, payload_signature, "payload_signature")) spi_list.append((spi_size - 256, tag, "tag")) spi_list.append((args.rwpayload_loc, payloadrw, "payloadrw")) spi_list = sorted(spi_list) #dumpsects(spi_list) with open(args.output, 'wb') as f: addr = args.romstart for s in spi_list: assert addr <= s[0] if addr < s[0]: f.write('\xff' * (s[0] - addr)) addr = s[0] f.write(s[1]) addr += len(s[1]) if addr < spi_size: f.write('\xff' * (spi_size - addr)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()