/* Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "internal.h" /* Limit the size of long form encoded objects to < 64 kB. */ #define MAX_ASN1_OBJ_LEN_BYTES 3 /* Reserve space for TLV encoding */ #define SEQ_SMALL 2 /* < 128 bytes (1B type, 1B 7-bit length) */ #define SEQ_MEDIUM 3 /* < 256 bytes (1B type, 1B length size, 1B length) */ #define SEQ_LARGE 4 /* < 65536 bytes (1B type, 1B length size, 2B length) */ /* Tag related constants. */ enum { V_ASN1_INT = 0x02, V_ASN1_BIT_STRING = 0x03, V_ASN1_BYTES = 0x04, V_ASN1_OBJ = 0x06, V_ASN1_UTF8 = 0x0c, V_ASN1_SEQUENCE = 0x10, V_ASN1_SET = 0x11, V_ASN1_ASCII = 0x13, V_ASN1_TIME = 0x18, V_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED = 0x20, /* short helpers */ V_BITS = V_ASN1_BIT_STRING, V_SEQ = V_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED | V_ASN1_SEQUENCE, V_SET = V_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED | V_ASN1_SET, }; struct asn1 { uint8_t *p; size_t n; }; #define SEQ_START(X, T, L) \ do { \ int __old = (X).n; \ uint8_t __t = (T); \ int __l = (L); \ (X).n += __l; #define SEQ_END(X) \ (X).n = asn1_seq((X).p + __old, __t, __l, (X).n - __old - __l) + __old;\ } \ while (0) /* The SHA256 OID, from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5754#section-3.2 * Only the object bytes below, the DER encoding header ([0x30 0x0d]) * is verified by the parser. */ static const uint8_t OID_SHA256_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION[13] = { 0x06, 0x09, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x0b, 0x05, 0x00 }; static const uint8_t OID_commonName[3] = {0x55, 0x04, 0x03}; static const uint8_t OID_ecdsa_with_SHA256[8] = {0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0xCE, 0x3D, 0x04, 0x03, 0x02}; static const uint8_t OID_id_ecPublicKey[7] = {0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0xCE, 0x3D, 0x02, 0x01}; static const uint8_t OID_prime256v1[8] = {0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0xCE, 0x3D, 0x03, 0x01, 0x07}; static const uint8_t OID_fido_u2f[11] = {0x2B, 0x06, 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0x82, 0xE5, 0x1C, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01}; #define OID(X) sizeof(OID_##X), OID_##X /* ---- ASN.1 Generation ---- */ /* start a tag and return write ptr */ static uint8_t *asn1_tag(struct asn1 *ctx, uint8_t tag) { ctx->p[(ctx->n)++] = tag; return ctx->p + ctx->n; } /* DER encode length and return encoded size thereof */ static int asn1_len(uint8_t *p, size_t size) { if (size < 128) { p[0] = size; return 1; } else if (size < 256) { p[0] = 0x81; p[1] = size; return 2; } else { p[0] = 0x82; p[1] = size >> 8; p[2] = size; return 3; } } /* * close sequence and move encapsulated data if needed * return total length. */ static size_t asn1_seq(uint8_t *p, uint8_t tag, size_t l, size_t size) { size_t tl; p[0] = tag; tl = asn1_len(p + 1, size) + 1; /* TODO: tl > l fail */ if (tl < l) memmove(p + tl, p + l, size); return tl + size; } /* DER encode (small positive) integer */ static void asn1_int(struct asn1 *ctx, uint32_t val) { uint8_t *p = asn1_tag(ctx, V_ASN1_INT); if (!val) { *p++ = 1; *p++ = 0; } else { int nbits = 32 - __builtin_clz(val); int nbytes = (nbits + 7) / 8; if ((nbits & 7) == 0) { *p++ = nbytes + 1; *p++ = 0; } else { *p++ = nbytes; } while (nbytes--) *p++ = val >> (nbytes * 8); } ctx->n = p - ctx->p; } /* DER encode positive p256_int */ static void asn1_p256_int(struct asn1 *ctx, const p256_int *n) { uint8_t *p = asn1_tag(ctx, V_ASN1_INT); uint8_t bn[P256_NBYTES]; int i; p256_to_bin(n, bn); for (i = 0; i < P256_NBYTES; ++i) { if (bn[i] != 0) break; } if (bn[i] & 0x80) { *p++ = P256_NBYTES - i + 1; *p++ = 0; } else { *p++ = P256_NBYTES - i; } for (; i < P256_NBYTES; ++i) *p++ = bn[i]; ctx->n = p - ctx->p; } /* DER encode p256 signature */ static void asn1_sig(struct asn1 *ctx, const p256_int *r, const p256_int *s) { SEQ_START(*ctx, V_SEQ, SEQ_SMALL) { asn1_p256_int(ctx, r); asn1_p256_int(ctx, s); } SEQ_END(*ctx); } /* DER encode printable string */ static void asn1_string(struct asn1 *ctx, uint8_t tag, const char *s) { uint8_t *p = asn1_tag(ctx, tag); size_t n = strlen(s); p += asn1_len(p, n); while (n--) *p++ = *s++; ctx->n = p - ctx->p; } /* DER encode bytes */ static void asn1_object(struct asn1 *ctx, size_t n, const uint8_t *b) { uint8_t *p = asn1_tag(ctx, V_ASN1_OBJ); p += asn1_len(p, n); while (n--) *p++ = *b++; ctx->n = p - ctx->p; } /* DER encode p256 pk */ static void asn1_pub(struct asn1 *ctx, const p256_int *x, const p256_int *y) { uint8_t *p = asn1_tag(ctx, 4); /* uncompressed format */ p256_to_bin(x, p); p += P256_NBYTES; p256_to_bin(y, p); p += P256_NBYTES; ctx->n = p - ctx->p; } size_t DCRYPTO_asn1_sigp(uint8_t *buf, const p256_int *r, const p256_int *s) { struct asn1 asn1 = {buf, 0}; asn1_sig(&asn1, r, s); return asn1.n; } size_t DCRYPTO_asn1_pubp(uint8_t *buf, const p256_int *x, const p256_int *y) { struct asn1 asn1 = {buf, 0}; asn1_pub(&asn1, x, y); return asn1.n; } /* ---- ASN.1 Parsing ---- */ /* * An ASN.1 DER (Definite Encoding Rules) parser. * Details about the format are available here: * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X.690#Definite_form */ static size_t asn1_parse(const uint8_t **p, size_t available, uint8_t expected_type, const uint8_t **out, size_t *out_len, size_t *remaining) { const size_t tag_len = 1; const uint8_t *in = *p; size_t obj_len = 0; size_t obj_len_bytes; size_t consumed; if (available < 2) return 0; if (in[0] != expected_type) /* in[0] specifies the tag. */ return 0; if ((in[1] & 128) == 0) { /* Short-length encoding (i.e. obj_len <= 127). */ obj_len = in[1]; obj_len_bytes = 1; } else { size_t i; obj_len_bytes = 1 + (in[1] & 127); if (obj_len_bytes > MAX_ASN1_OBJ_LEN_BYTES || tag_len + obj_len_bytes > available) return 0; if (in[2] == 0) /* Definite form encoding requires minimal * length encoding. */ return 0; for (i = 0; i < obj_len_bytes - 1; i++) { obj_len <<= 8; obj_len |= in[tag_len + 1 + i]; } } consumed = tag_len + obj_len_bytes + obj_len; if (consumed > available) return 0; /* Invalid object length.*/ if (out) *out = &in[tag_len + obj_len_bytes]; if (out_len) *out_len = obj_len; *p = in + consumed; if (remaining) *remaining = available - consumed; return consumed; } static size_t asn1_parse_certificate(const uint8_t **p, size_t *available) { size_t consumed; size_t obj_len; const uint8_t *in = *p; consumed = asn1_parse(&in, *available, V_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED | V_ASN1_SEQUENCE, NULL, &obj_len, NULL); if (consumed == 0 || consumed != *available) /* Invalid SEQUENCE. */ return 0; *p += consumed - obj_len; *available -= consumed - obj_len; return 1; } static size_t asn1_parse_tbs(const uint8_t **p, size_t *available, size_t *tbs_len) { size_t consumed; consumed = asn1_parse(p, *available, V_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED | V_ASN1_SEQUENCE, NULL, NULL, available); if (consumed == 0) return 0; *tbs_len = consumed; return 1; } static size_t asn1_parse_signature_algorithm(const uint8_t **p, size_t *available) { const uint8_t *alg_oid; size_t alg_oid_len; if (!asn1_parse(p, *available, V_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED | V_ASN1_SEQUENCE, &alg_oid, &alg_oid_len, available)) return 0; if (alg_oid_len != sizeof(OID_SHA256_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION)) return 0; if (memcmp(alg_oid, OID_SHA256_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION, sizeof(OID_SHA256_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION)) != 0) return 0; return 1; } static size_t asn1_parse_signature_value(const uint8_t **p, size_t *available, const uint8_t **sig, size_t *sig_len) { if (!asn1_parse(p, *available, V_ASN1_BIT_STRING, sig, sig_len, available)) return 0; if (*available != 0) return 0; /* Not all input bytes consumed. */ return 1; } /* This method verifies that the provided X509 certificate was issued * by the specified certifcate authority. * * cert is a pointer to a DER encoded X509 certificate, as specified * in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section-4.1. In ASN.1 * notation, the certificate has the following structure: * * Certificate ::= SEQUENCE { * tbsCertificate TBSCertificate, * signatureAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier, * signatureValue BIT STRING } * * TBSCertificate ::= SEQUENCE { } * AlgorithmIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE { } * * where signatureValue = SIGN(HASH(tbsCertificate)), with SIGN and * HASH specified by signatureAlgorithm. */ enum dcrypto_result DCRYPTO_x509_verify(const uint8_t *cert, size_t len, const struct RSA *ca_pub_key) { const uint8_t *p = cert; const uint8_t *tbs; size_t tbs_len; const uint8_t *sig; size_t sig_len; struct sha256_digest digest; if (!fips_crypto_allowed()) return DCRYPTO_FAIL; /* Read Certificate SEQUENCE. */ if (!asn1_parse_certificate(&p, &len)) return DCRYPTO_FAIL; /* Read tbsCertificate SEQUENCE. */ tbs = p; if (!asn1_parse_tbs(&p, &len, &tbs_len)) return DCRYPTO_FAIL; /* Read signatureAlgorithm SEQUENCE. */ if (!asn1_parse_signature_algorithm(&p, &len)) return DCRYPTO_FAIL; /* Read signatureValue BIT STRING. */ if (!asn1_parse_signature_value(&p, &len, &sig, &sig_len)) return DCRYPTO_FAIL; /* Check that the signature length corresponds to the issuer's * public key size. */ if (sig_len != bn_size(&ca_pub_key->N) && sig_len != bn_size(&ca_pub_key->N) + 1) return DCRYPTO_FAIL; /* Check that leading signature bytes (if any) are zero. */ if (sig_len == bn_size(&ca_pub_key->N) + 1) { if (sig[0] != 0) return DCRYPTO_FAIL; sig++; sig_len--; } SHA256_hw_hash(tbs, tbs_len, &digest); return DCRYPTO_rsa_verify(ca_pub_key, digest.b8, sizeof(digest), sig, sig_len, PADDING_MODE_PKCS1, HASH_SHA256); } /* ---- Certificate generation ---- */ static void add_common_name(struct asn1 *ctx, const char *cname) { SEQ_START(*ctx, V_SEQ, SEQ_SMALL) { SEQ_START(*ctx, V_SET, SEQ_SMALL) { SEQ_START(*ctx, V_SEQ, SEQ_SMALL) { asn1_object(ctx, OID(commonName)); asn1_string(ctx, V_ASN1_ASCII, cname); } SEQ_END(*ctx); } SEQ_END(*ctx); } SEQ_END(*ctx); } size_t DCRYPTO_x509_gen_u2f_cert_name(const p256_int *d, const p256_int *pk_x, const p256_int *pk_y, const p256_int *serial, const char *name, uint8_t *cert, const size_t n) { struct asn1 ctx = {cert, 0}; struct sha256_ctx sha; p256_int h, r, s; struct drbg_ctx drbg; enum dcrypto_result result; SEQ_START(ctx, V_SEQ, SEQ_LARGE) { /* outer seq */ /* * Grab current pointer to data to hash later. * Note this will fail if cert body + cert sign is less * than 256 bytes (SEQ_MEDIUM) -- not likely. */ uint8_t *body = ctx.p + ctx.n; /* Cert body seq */ SEQ_START(ctx, V_SEQ, SEQ_MEDIUM) { /* X509 v3 */ SEQ_START(ctx, 0xa0, SEQ_SMALL) { asn1_int(&ctx, 2); } SEQ_END(ctx); /* Serial number */ if (serial) asn1_p256_int(&ctx, serial); else asn1_int(&ctx, 1); /* Signature algo */ SEQ_START(ctx, V_SEQ, SEQ_SMALL) { asn1_object(&ctx, OID(ecdsa_with_SHA256)); } SEQ_END(ctx); /* Issuer */ add_common_name(&ctx, name); /* Expiry */ SEQ_START(ctx, V_SEQ, SEQ_SMALL) { asn1_string(&ctx, V_ASN1_TIME, "20000101000000Z"); asn1_string(&ctx, V_ASN1_TIME, "20991231235959Z"); } SEQ_END(ctx); /* Subject */ add_common_name(&ctx, name); /* Subject pk */ SEQ_START(ctx, V_SEQ, SEQ_SMALL) { /* pk parameters */ SEQ_START(ctx, V_SEQ, SEQ_SMALL) { asn1_object(&ctx, OID(id_ecPublicKey)); asn1_object(&ctx, OID(prime256v1)); } SEQ_END(ctx); /* pk bits */ SEQ_START(ctx, V_BITS, SEQ_SMALL) { /* No unused bit at the end */ asn1_tag(&ctx, 0); asn1_pub(&ctx, pk_x, pk_y); } SEQ_END(ctx); } SEQ_END(ctx); /* U2F transports indicator extension */ SEQ_START(ctx, 0xa3, SEQ_SMALL) { SEQ_START(ctx, V_SEQ, SEQ_SMALL) { SEQ_START(ctx, V_SEQ, SEQ_SMALL) { asn1_object(&ctx, OID(fido_u2f)); SEQ_START(ctx, V_ASN1_BYTES, SEQ_SMALL) { SEQ_START(ctx, V_BITS, SEQ_SMALL) { /* 3 zero bits */ asn1_tag(&ctx, 3); /* usb-internal transport */ asn1_tag(&ctx, 0x08); } SEQ_END(ctx); } SEQ_END(ctx); } SEQ_END(ctx); } SEQ_END(ctx); } SEQ_END(ctx); } SEQ_END(ctx); /* Cert body */ /* Sign all of cert body */ SHA256_hw_init(&sha); SHA256_update(&sha, body, (ctx.p + ctx.n) - body); p256_from_bin(SHA256_final(&sha)->b8, &h); hmac_drbg_init_rfc6979(&drbg, d, &h); result = dcrypto_p256_ecdsa_sign(&drbg, d, &h, &r, &s); drbg_exit(&drbg); if (result != DCRYPTO_OK) return 0; /* Append X509 signature */ SEQ_START(ctx, V_SEQ, SEQ_SMALL); asn1_object(&ctx, OID(ecdsa_with_SHA256)); SEQ_END(ctx); SEQ_START(ctx, V_BITS, SEQ_SMALL) { /* no unused/zero bit at the end */ asn1_tag(&ctx, 0); asn1_sig(&ctx, &r, &s); } SEQ_END(ctx); } SEQ_END(ctx); /* end of outer seq */ return ctx.n; } size_t DCRYPTO_x509_gen_u2f_cert(const p256_int *d, const p256_int *pk_x, const p256_int *pk_y, const p256_int *serial, uint8_t *cert, const size_t n) { return DCRYPTO_x509_gen_u2f_cert_name(d, pk_x, pk_y, serial, serial ? STRINGIFY(BOARD) : "U2F", cert, n); }