#!/usr/bin/env python """ Static Analyzer qualification infrastructure. The goal is to test the analyzer against different projects, check for failures, compare results, and measure performance. Repository Directory will contain sources of the projects as well as the information on how to build them and the expected output. Repository Directory structure: - ProjectMap file - Historical Performance Data - Project Dir1 - ReferenceOutput - Project Dir2 - ReferenceOutput .. Note that the build tree must be inside the project dir. To test the build of the analyzer one would: - Copy over a copy of the Repository Directory. (TODO: Prefer to ensure that the build directory does not pollute the repository to min network traffic). - Build all projects, until error. Produce logs to report errors. - Compare results. The files which should be kept around for failure investigations: RepositoryCopy/Project DirI/ScanBuildResults RepositoryCopy/Project DirI/run_static_analyzer.log Assumptions (TODO: shouldn't need to assume these.): The script is being run from the Repository Directory. The compiler for scan-build and scan-build are in the PATH. export PATH=/Users/zaks/workspace/c2llvm/build/Release+Asserts/bin:$PATH For more logging, set the env variables: zaks:TI zaks$ export CCC_ANALYZER_LOG=1 zaks:TI zaks$ export CCC_ANALYZER_VERBOSE=1 The list of checkers tested are hardcoded in the Checkers variable. For testing additional checkers, use the SA_ADDITIONAL_CHECKERS environment variable. It should contain a comma separated list. """ import CmpRuns import SATestUtils from subprocess import CalledProcessError, check_call import argparse import csv import glob import logging import math import multiprocessing import os import plistlib import shutil import sys import threading import time import Queue #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Helper functions. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Local = threading.local() Local.stdout = sys.stdout Local.stderr = sys.stderr logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(name)s: %(message)s') class StreamToLogger(object): def __init__(self, logger, log_level=logging.INFO): self.logger = logger self.log_level = log_level def write(self, buf): # Rstrip in order not to write an extra newline. self.logger.log(self.log_level, buf.rstrip()) def flush(self): pass def fileno(self): return 0 def getProjectMapPath(): ProjectMapPath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), ProjectMapFile) if not os.path.exists(ProjectMapPath): Local.stdout.write("Error: Cannot find the Project Map file " + ProjectMapPath + "\nRunning script for the wrong directory?\n") sys.exit(1) return ProjectMapPath def getProjectDir(ID): return os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), ID) def getSBOutputDirName(IsReferenceBuild): if IsReferenceBuild: return SBOutputDirReferencePrefix + SBOutputDirName else: return SBOutputDirName #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Configuration setup. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Find Clang for static analysis. if 'CC' in os.environ: Clang = os.environ['CC'] else: Clang = SATestUtils.which("clang", os.environ['PATH']) if not Clang: print "Error: cannot find 'clang' in PATH" sys.exit(1) # Number of jobs. MaxJobs = int(math.ceil(multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 0.75)) # Project map stores info about all the "registered" projects. ProjectMapFile = "projectMap.csv" # Names of the project specific scripts. # The script that downloads the project. DownloadScript = "download_project.sh" # The script that needs to be executed before the build can start. CleanupScript = "cleanup_run_static_analyzer.sh" # This is a file containing commands for scan-build. BuildScript = "run_static_analyzer.cmd" # The log file name. LogFolderName = "Logs" BuildLogName = "run_static_analyzer.log" # Summary file - contains the summary of the failures. Ex: This info can be be # displayed when buildbot detects a build failure. NumOfFailuresInSummary = 10 FailuresSummaryFileName = "failures.txt" # The scan-build result directory. SBOutputDirName = "ScanBuildResults" SBOutputDirReferencePrefix = "Ref" # The name of the directory storing the cached project source. If this # directory does not exist, the download script will be executed. # That script should create the "CachedSource" directory and download the # project source into it. CachedSourceDirName = "CachedSource" # The name of the directory containing the source code that will be analyzed. # Each time a project is analyzed, a fresh copy of its CachedSource directory # will be copied to the PatchedSource directory and then the local patches # in PatchfileName will be applied (if PatchfileName exists). PatchedSourceDirName = "PatchedSource" # The name of the patchfile specifying any changes that should be applied # to the CachedSource before analyzing. PatchfileName = "changes_for_analyzer.patch" # The list of checkers used during analyzes. # Currently, consists of all the non-experimental checkers, plus a few alpha # checkers we don't want to regress on. Checkers = ",".join([ "alpha.unix.SimpleStream", "alpha.security.taint", "cplusplus.NewDeleteLeaks", "core", "cplusplus", "deadcode", "security", "unix", "osx", "nullability" ]) Verbose = 1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test harness logic. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def runCleanupScript(Dir, PBuildLogFile): """ Run pre-processing script if any. """ Cwd = os.path.join(Dir, PatchedSourceDirName) ScriptPath = os.path.join(Dir, CleanupScript) SATestUtils.runScript(ScriptPath, PBuildLogFile, Cwd, Stdout=Local.stdout, Stderr=Local.stderr) def runDownloadScript(Dir, PBuildLogFile): """ Run the script to download the project, if it exists. """ ScriptPath = os.path.join(Dir, DownloadScript) SATestUtils.runScript(ScriptPath, PBuildLogFile, Dir, Stdout=Local.stdout, Stderr=Local.stderr) def downloadAndPatch(Dir, PBuildLogFile): """ Download the project and apply the local patchfile if it exists. """ CachedSourceDirPath = os.path.join(Dir, CachedSourceDirName) # If the we don't already have the cached source, run the project's # download script to download it. if not os.path.exists(CachedSourceDirPath): runDownloadScript(Dir, PBuildLogFile) if not os.path.exists(CachedSourceDirPath): Local.stderr.write("Error: '%s' not found after download.\n" % ( CachedSourceDirPath)) exit(1) PatchedSourceDirPath = os.path.join(Dir, PatchedSourceDirName) # Remove potentially stale patched source. if os.path.exists(PatchedSourceDirPath): shutil.rmtree(PatchedSourceDirPath) # Copy the cached source and apply any patches to the copy. shutil.copytree(CachedSourceDirPath, PatchedSourceDirPath, symlinks=True) applyPatch(Dir, PBuildLogFile) def applyPatch(Dir, PBuildLogFile): PatchfilePath = os.path.join(Dir, PatchfileName) PatchedSourceDirPath = os.path.join(Dir, PatchedSourceDirName) if not os.path.exists(PatchfilePath): Local.stdout.write(" No local patches.\n") return Local.stdout.write(" Applying patch.\n") try: check_call("patch -p1 < '%s'" % (PatchfilePath), cwd=PatchedSourceDirPath, stderr=PBuildLogFile, stdout=PBuildLogFile, shell=True) except: Local.stderr.write("Error: Patch failed. See %s for details.\n" % ( PBuildLogFile.name)) sys.exit(1) def runScanBuild(Dir, SBOutputDir, PBuildLogFile): """ Build the project with scan-build by reading in the commands and prefixing them with the scan-build options. """ BuildScriptPath = os.path.join(Dir, BuildScript) if not os.path.exists(BuildScriptPath): Local.stderr.write( "Error: build script is not defined: %s\n" % BuildScriptPath) sys.exit(1) AllCheckers = Checkers if 'SA_ADDITIONAL_CHECKERS' in os.environ: AllCheckers = AllCheckers + ',' + os.environ['SA_ADDITIONAL_CHECKERS'] # Run scan-build from within the patched source directory. SBCwd = os.path.join(Dir, PatchedSourceDirName) SBOptions = "--use-analyzer '%s' " % Clang SBOptions += "-plist-html -o '%s' " % SBOutputDir SBOptions += "-enable-checker " + AllCheckers + " " SBOptions += "--keep-empty " SBOptions += "-analyzer-config 'stable-report-filename=true' " # Always use ccc-analyze to ensure that we can locate the failures # directory. SBOptions += "--override-compiler " try: SBCommandFile = open(BuildScriptPath, "r") SBPrefix = "scan-build " + SBOptions + " " for Command in SBCommandFile: Command = Command.strip() if len(Command) == 0: continue # If using 'make', auto imply a -jX argument # to speed up analysis. xcodebuild will # automatically use the maximum number of cores. if (Command.startswith("make ") or Command == "make") and \ "-j" not in Command: Command += " -j%d" % MaxJobs SBCommand = SBPrefix + Command if Verbose == 1: Local.stdout.write(" Executing: %s\n" % (SBCommand,)) check_call(SBCommand, cwd=SBCwd, stderr=PBuildLogFile, stdout=PBuildLogFile, shell=True) except CalledProcessError: Local.stderr.write("Error: scan-build failed. Its output was: \n") PBuildLogFile.seek(0) shutil.copyfileobj(PBuildLogFile, Local.stderr) sys.exit(1) def runAnalyzePreprocessed(Dir, SBOutputDir, Mode): """ Run analysis on a set of preprocessed files. """ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(Dir, BuildScript)): Local.stderr.write( "Error: The preprocessed files project should not contain %s\n" % ( BuildScript)) raise Exception() CmdPrefix = Clang + " -cc1 " # For now, we assume the preprocessed files should be analyzed # with the OS X SDK. SDKPath = SATestUtils.getSDKPath("macosx") if SDKPath is not None: CmdPrefix += "-isysroot " + SDKPath + " " CmdPrefix += "-analyze -analyzer-output=plist -w " CmdPrefix += "-analyzer-checker=" + Checkers CmdPrefix += " -fcxx-exceptions -fblocks " if (Mode == 2): CmdPrefix += "-std=c++11 " PlistPath = os.path.join(Dir, SBOutputDir, "date") FailPath = os.path.join(PlistPath, "failures") os.makedirs(FailPath) for FullFileName in glob.glob(Dir + "/*"): FileName = os.path.basename(FullFileName) Failed = False # Only run the analyzes on supported files. if SATestUtils.hasNoExtension(FileName): continue if not SATestUtils.isValidSingleInputFile(FileName): Local.stderr.write( "Error: Invalid single input file %s.\n" % (FullFileName,)) raise Exception() # Build and call the analyzer command. OutputOption = "-o '%s.plist' " % os.path.join(PlistPath, FileName) Command = CmdPrefix + OutputOption + ("'%s'" % FileName) LogFile = open(os.path.join(FailPath, FileName + ".stderr.txt"), "w+b") try: if Verbose == 1: Local.stdout.write(" Executing: %s\n" % (Command,)) check_call(Command, cwd=Dir, stderr=LogFile, stdout=LogFile, shell=True) except CalledProcessError, e: Local.stderr.write("Error: Analyzes of %s failed. " "See %s for details." "Error code %d.\n" % ( FullFileName, LogFile.name, e.returncode)) Failed = True finally: LogFile.close() # If command did not fail, erase the log file. if not Failed: os.remove(LogFile.name) def getBuildLogPath(SBOutputDir): return os.path.join(SBOutputDir, LogFolderName, BuildLogName) def removeLogFile(SBOutputDir): BuildLogPath = getBuildLogPath(SBOutputDir) # Clean up the log file. if (os.path.exists(BuildLogPath)): RmCommand = "rm '%s'" % BuildLogPath if Verbose == 1: Local.stdout.write(" Executing: %s\n" % (RmCommand,)) check_call(RmCommand, shell=True) def buildProject(Dir, SBOutputDir, ProjectBuildMode, IsReferenceBuild): TBegin = time.time() BuildLogPath = getBuildLogPath(SBOutputDir) Local.stdout.write("Log file: %s\n" % (BuildLogPath,)) Local.stdout.write("Output directory: %s\n" % (SBOutputDir, )) removeLogFile(SBOutputDir) # Clean up scan build results. if (os.path.exists(SBOutputDir)): RmCommand = "rm -r '%s'" % SBOutputDir if Verbose == 1: Local.stdout.write(" Executing: %s\n" % (RmCommand,)) check_call(RmCommand, shell=True, stdout=Local.stdout, stderr=Local.stderr) assert(not os.path.exists(SBOutputDir)) os.makedirs(os.path.join(SBOutputDir, LogFolderName)) # Build and analyze the project. with open(BuildLogPath, "wb+") as PBuildLogFile: if (ProjectBuildMode == 1): downloadAndPatch(Dir, PBuildLogFile) runCleanupScript(Dir, PBuildLogFile) runScanBuild(Dir, SBOutputDir, PBuildLogFile) else: runAnalyzePreprocessed(Dir, SBOutputDir, ProjectBuildMode) if IsReferenceBuild: runCleanupScript(Dir, PBuildLogFile) normalizeReferenceResults(Dir, SBOutputDir, ProjectBuildMode) Local.stdout.write("Build complete (time: %.2f). " "See the log for more details: %s\n" % ( (time.time() - TBegin), BuildLogPath)) def normalizeReferenceResults(Dir, SBOutputDir, ProjectBuildMode): """ Make the absolute paths relative in the reference results. """ for (DirPath, Dirnames, Filenames) in os.walk(SBOutputDir): for F in Filenames: if (not F.endswith('plist')): continue Plist = os.path.join(DirPath, F) Data = plistlib.readPlist(Plist) PathPrefix = Dir if (ProjectBuildMode == 1): PathPrefix = os.path.join(Dir, PatchedSourceDirName) Paths = [SourceFile[len(PathPrefix) + 1:] if SourceFile.startswith(PathPrefix) else SourceFile for SourceFile in Data['files']] Data['files'] = Paths # Remove transient fields which change from run to run. for Diag in Data['diagnostics']: if 'HTMLDiagnostics_files' in Diag: Diag.pop('HTMLDiagnostics_files') if 'clang_version' in Data: Data.pop('clang_version') plistlib.writePlist(Data, Plist) def CleanUpEmptyPlists(SBOutputDir): """ A plist file is created for each call to the analyzer(each source file). We are only interested on the once that have bug reports, so delete the rest. """ for F in glob.glob(SBOutputDir + "/*/*.plist"): P = os.path.join(SBOutputDir, F) Data = plistlib.readPlist(P) # Delete empty reports. if not Data['files']: os.remove(P) continue def CleanUpEmptyFolders(SBOutputDir): """ Remove empty folders from results, as git would not store them. """ Subfolders = glob.glob(SBOutputDir + "/*") for Folder in Subfolders: if not os.listdir(Folder): os.removedirs(Folder) def checkBuild(SBOutputDir): """ Given the scan-build output directory, checks if the build failed (by searching for the failures directories). If there are failures, it creates a summary file in the output directory. """ # Check if there are failures. Failures = glob.glob(SBOutputDir + "/*/failures/*.stderr.txt") TotalFailed = len(Failures) if TotalFailed == 0: CleanUpEmptyPlists(SBOutputDir) CleanUpEmptyFolders(SBOutputDir) Plists = glob.glob(SBOutputDir + "/*/*.plist") Local.stdout.write( "Number of bug reports (non-empty plist files) produced: %d\n" % len(Plists)) return Local.stderr.write("Error: analysis failed.\n") Local.stderr.write("Total of %d failures discovered.\n" % TotalFailed) if TotalFailed > NumOfFailuresInSummary: Local.stderr.write( "See the first %d below.\n" % NumOfFailuresInSummary) # TODO: Add a line "See the results folder for more." Idx = 0 for FailLogPathI in Failures: if Idx >= NumOfFailuresInSummary: break Idx += 1 Local.stderr.write("\n-- Error #%d -----------\n" % Idx) with open(FailLogPathI, "r") as FailLogI: shutil.copyfileobj(FailLogI, Local.stdout) sys.exit(1) def runCmpResults(Dir, Strictness=0): """ Compare the warnings produced by scan-build. Strictness defines the success criteria for the test: 0 - success if there are no crashes or analyzer failure. 1 - success if there are no difference in the number of reported bugs. 2 - success if all the bug reports are identical. :return success: Whether tests pass according to the Strictness criteria. """ TestsPassed = True TBegin = time.time() RefDir = os.path.join(Dir, SBOutputDirReferencePrefix + SBOutputDirName) NewDir = os.path.join(Dir, SBOutputDirName) # We have to go one level down the directory tree. RefList = glob.glob(RefDir + "/*") NewList = glob.glob(NewDir + "/*") # Log folders are also located in the results dir, so ignore them. RefLogDir = os.path.join(RefDir, LogFolderName) if RefLogDir in RefList: RefList.remove(RefLogDir) NewList.remove(os.path.join(NewDir, LogFolderName)) if len(RefList) != len(NewList): print "Mismatch in number of results folders: %s vs %s" % ( RefList, NewList) sys.exit(1) # There might be more then one folder underneath - one per each scan-build # command (Ex: one for configure and one for make). if (len(RefList) > 1): # Assume that the corresponding folders have the same names. RefList.sort() NewList.sort() # Iterate and find the differences. NumDiffs = 0 PairList = zip(RefList, NewList) for P in PairList: RefDir = P[0] NewDir = P[1] assert(RefDir != NewDir) if Verbose == 1: Local.stdout.write(" Comparing Results: %s %s\n" % ( RefDir, NewDir)) PatchedSourceDirPath = os.path.join(Dir, PatchedSourceDirName) Opts, Args = CmpRuns.generate_option_parser().parse_args( ["--rootA", "", "--rootB", PatchedSourceDirPath]) # Scan the results, delete empty plist files. NumDiffs, ReportsInRef, ReportsInNew = \ CmpRuns.dumpScanBuildResultsDiff(RefDir, NewDir, Opts, deleteEmpty=False, Stdout=Local.stdout) if (NumDiffs > 0): Local.stdout.write("Warning: %s differences in diagnostics.\n" % NumDiffs) if Strictness >= 2 and NumDiffs > 0: Local.stdout.write("Error: Diffs found in strict mode (2).\n") TestsPassed = False elif Strictness >= 1 and ReportsInRef != ReportsInNew: Local.stdout.write("Error: The number of results are different " + " strict mode (1).\n") TestsPassed = False Local.stdout.write("Diagnostic comparison complete (time: %.2f).\n" % ( time.time() - TBegin)) return TestsPassed def cleanupReferenceResults(SBOutputDir): """ Delete html, css, and js files from reference results. These can include multiple copies of the benchmark source and so get very large. """ Extensions = ["html", "css", "js"] for E in Extensions: for F in glob.glob("%s/*/*.%s" % (SBOutputDir, E)): P = os.path.join(SBOutputDir, F) RmCommand = "rm '%s'" % P check_call(RmCommand, shell=True) # Remove the log file. It leaks absolute path names. removeLogFile(SBOutputDir) class TestProjectThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, TasksQueue, ResultsDiffer, FailureFlag): """ :param ResultsDiffer: Used to signify that results differ from the canonical ones. :param FailureFlag: Used to signify a failure during the run. """ self.TasksQueue = TasksQueue self.ResultsDiffer = ResultsDiffer self.FailureFlag = FailureFlag super(TestProjectThread, self).__init__() # Needed to gracefully handle interrupts with Ctrl-C self.daemon = True def run(self): while not self.TasksQueue.empty(): try: ProjArgs = self.TasksQueue.get() Logger = logging.getLogger(ProjArgs[0]) Local.stdout = StreamToLogger(Logger, logging.INFO) Local.stderr = StreamToLogger(Logger, logging.ERROR) if not testProject(*ProjArgs): self.ResultsDiffer.set() self.TasksQueue.task_done() except: self.FailureFlag.set() raise def testProject(ID, ProjectBuildMode, IsReferenceBuild=False, Strictness=0): """ Test a given project. :return TestsPassed: Whether tests have passed according to the :param Strictness: criteria. """ Local.stdout.write(" \n\n--- Building project %s\n" % (ID,)) TBegin = time.time() Dir = getProjectDir(ID) if Verbose == 1: Local.stdout.write(" Build directory: %s.\n" % (Dir,)) # Set the build results directory. RelOutputDir = getSBOutputDirName(IsReferenceBuild) SBOutputDir = os.path.join(Dir, RelOutputDir) buildProject(Dir, SBOutputDir, ProjectBuildMode, IsReferenceBuild) checkBuild(SBOutputDir) if IsReferenceBuild: cleanupReferenceResults(SBOutputDir) TestsPassed = True else: TestsPassed = runCmpResults(Dir, Strictness) Local.stdout.write("Completed tests for project %s (time: %.2f).\n" % ( ID, (time.time() - TBegin))) return TestsPassed def projectFileHandler(): return open(getProjectMapPath(), "rb") def iterateOverProjects(PMapFile): """ Iterate over all projects defined in the project file handler `PMapFile` from the start. """ PMapFile.seek(0) for I in csv.reader(PMapFile): if (SATestUtils.isCommentCSVLine(I)): continue yield I def validateProjectFile(PMapFile): """ Validate project file. """ for I in iterateOverProjects(PMapFile): if len(I) != 2: print "Error: Rows in the ProjectMapFile should have 2 entries." raise Exception() if I[1] not in ('0', '1', '2'): print "Error: Second entry in the ProjectMapFile should be 0" \ " (single file), 1 (project), or 2(single file c++11)." raise Exception() def singleThreadedTestAll(ProjectsToTest): """ Run all projects. :return: whether tests have passed. """ Success = True for ProjArgs in ProjectsToTest: Success &= testProject(*ProjArgs) return Success def multiThreadedTestAll(ProjectsToTest, Jobs): """ Run each project in a separate thread. This is OK despite GIL, as testing is blocked on launching external processes. :return: whether tests have passed. """ TasksQueue = Queue.Queue() for ProjArgs in ProjectsToTest: TasksQueue.put(ProjArgs) ResultsDiffer = threading.Event() FailureFlag = threading.Event() for i in range(Jobs): T = TestProjectThread(TasksQueue, ResultsDiffer, FailureFlag) T.start() # Required to handle Ctrl-C gracefully. while TasksQueue.unfinished_tasks: time.sleep(0.1) # Seconds. if FailureFlag.is_set(): Local.stderr.write("Test runner crashed\n") sys.exit(1) return not ResultsDiffer.is_set() def testAll(Args): ProjectsToTest = [] with projectFileHandler() as PMapFile: validateProjectFile(PMapFile) # Test the projects. for (ProjName, ProjBuildMode) in iterateOverProjects(PMapFile): ProjectsToTest.append((ProjName, int(ProjBuildMode), Args.regenerate, Args.strictness)) if Args.jobs <= 1: return singleThreadedTestAll(ProjectsToTest) else: return multiThreadedTestAll(ProjectsToTest, Args.jobs) if __name__ == '__main__': # Parse command line arguments. Parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Test the Clang Static Analyzer.') Parser.add_argument('--strictness', dest='strictness', type=int, default=0, help='0 to fail on runtime errors, 1 to fail when the \ number of found bugs are different from the \ reference, 2 to fail on any difference from the \ reference. Default is 0.') Parser.add_argument('-r', dest='regenerate', action='store_true', default=False, help='Regenerate reference output.') Parser.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', dest='jobs', type=int, default=0, help='Number of projects to test concurrently') Args = Parser.parse_args() TestsPassed = testAll(Args) if not TestsPassed: print "ERROR: Tests failed." sys.exit(42)