// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -std=c++17 -pedantic -verify %s // RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -std=c++2a -Wc++17-compat-pedantic -verify %s -Wno-defaulted-function-deleted struct A {}; int (A::*pa)() const&; int use_pa = (A().*pa)(); #if __cplusplus <= 201703L // expected-warning@-2 {{invoking a pointer to a 'const &' member function on an rvalue is a C++2a extension}} #else // expected-warning@-4 {{invoking a pointer to a 'const &' member function on an rvalue is incompatible with C++ standards before C++2a}} #endif struct B { void b() { (void) [=, this] {}; #if __cplusplus <= 201703L // expected-warning@-2 {{explicit capture of 'this' with a capture default of '=' is a C++2a extension}} #else // expected-warning@-4 {{explicit capture of 'this' with a capture default of '=' is incompatible with C++ standards before C++2a}} #endif } int n : 5 = 0; #if __cplusplus <= 201703L // expected-warning@-2 {{default member initializer for bit-field is a C++2a extension}} #else // expected-warning@-4 {{default member initializer for bit-field is incompatible with C++ standards before C++2a}} #endif }; auto Lambda = []{}; decltype(Lambda) AnotherLambda; #if __cplusplus <= 201703L // expected-error@-2 {{no matching constructor}} expected-note@-3 2{{candidate}} #else // expected-warning@-4 {{default construction of lambda is incompatible with C++ standards before C++2a}} #endif void copy_lambda() { Lambda = Lambda; } #if __cplusplus <= 201703L // expected-error@-2 {{deleted}} expected-note@-10 {{lambda}} #else // expected-warning@-4 {{assignment of lambda is incompatible with C++ standards before C++2a}} #endif struct DefaultDeleteWrongTypeBase { DefaultDeleteWrongTypeBase(DefaultDeleteWrongTypeBase&); }; struct DefaultDeleteWrongType : DefaultDeleteWrongTypeBase { DefaultDeleteWrongType(const DefaultDeleteWrongType&) = default; #if __cplusplus <= 201703L // expected-error@-2 {{a member or base requires it to be non-const}} #else // expected-warning@-4 {{explicitly defaulting this copy constructor with a type different from the implicit type is incompatible with C++ standards before C++2a}} #endif }; void ForRangeInit() { for (int arr[3] = {1, 2, 3}; int n : arr) {} #if __cplusplus <= 201703L // expected-warning@-2 {{range-based for loop initialization statements are a C++2a extension}} #else // expected-warning@-4 {{range-based for loop initialization statements are incompatible with C++ standards before C++2a}} #endif } struct ConstexprVirtual { virtual constexpr void f() {} #if __cplusplus <= 201703L // expected-error@-2 {{virtual function cannot be constexpr}} #else // expected-warning@-4 {{virtual constexpr functions are incompatible with C++ standards before C++2a}} #endif }; struct C { int x, y, z; }; static auto [cx, cy, cz] = C(); #if __cplusplus <= 201703L // expected-warning@-2 {{decomposition declaration declared 'static' is a C++2a extension}} #else // expected-warning@-4 {{decomposition declaration declared 'static' is incompatible with C++ standards before C++2a}} #endif void f() { static thread_local auto [cx, cy, cz] = C(); #if __cplusplus <= 201703L // expected-warning@-2 {{decomposition declaration declared with 'static thread_local' specifiers is a C++2a extension}} #else // expected-warning@-4 {{decomposition declaration declared with 'static thread_local' specifiers is incompatible with C++ standards before C++2a}} #endif }