// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only -verify \ // RUN: -verify-ignore-unexpected=note %s // RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 -fcuda-is-device -fsyntax-only -verify \ // RUN: -verify-ignore-unexpected=note -DDEVICE %s // Check that we can reference (get a function pointer to) a __global__ // function from the host side, but not the device side. (We don't yet support // device-side kernel launches.) #include "Inputs/cuda.h" struct Dummy {}; __global__ void kernel() {} typedef void (*fn_ptr_t)(); __host__ __device__ fn_ptr_t get_ptr_hd() { return kernel; #ifdef DEVICE // expected-error@-2 {{reference to __global__ function}} #endif } __host__ fn_ptr_t get_ptr_h() { return kernel; } __device__ fn_ptr_t get_ptr_d() { return kernel; // expected-error {{reference to __global__ function}} }