// RUN: rm -rf %t // RUN: mkdir %t // RUN: c-index-test -test-load-source all -comments-xml-schema=%S/../../bindings/xml/comment-xml-schema.rng %s > %t/out // RUN: FileCheck %s < %t/out // Test to search overridden methods for documentation when overriding method has none. rdar://12378793 // Ensure that XML we generate is not invalid. // RUN: FileCheck %s -check-prefix=WRONG < %t/out // WRONG-NOT: CommentXMLInvalid /// \tparam /// \param AAA Blah blah template void comment_to_html_conversion_17(T AAA); // CHECK: FullCommentAsXML=[comment_to_html_conversion_17c:@FT@>1#Tcomment_to_html_conversion_17#t0.0#v#template <typename T> void comment_to_html_conversion_17(T AAA)AAA0in Blah blah] template void comment_to_html_conversion_17(T PPP); // CHECK: FullCommentAsXML=[comment_to_html_conversion_17c:@FT@>1#Tcomment_to_html_conversion_17#t0.0#v#template <typename T> void comment_to_html_conversion_17(T PPP)PPP0in Blah blah] //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// /// \tparam BBB Bbb /// \tparam AAA Aaa template void comment_to_html_conversion_19(AAA aaa, BBB bbb); // CHECK: FullCommentAsXML=[comment_to_html_conversion_19c:@FT@>2#T#Tcomment_to_html_conversion_19#t0.0#t0.1#v#template <typename AAA, typename BBB>\nvoid comment_to_html_conversion_19(AAA aaa, BBB bbb)AAA0 AaaBBB1 Bbb ] template void comment_to_html_conversion_19(PPP aaa, QQQ bbb); // CHECK: FullCommentAsXML=[comment_to_html_conversion_19c:@FT@>2#T#Tcomment_to_html_conversion_19#t0.0#t0.1#v#template <typename PPP, typename QQQ>\nvoid comment_to_html_conversion_19(PPP aaa, QQQ bbb)PPP0 AaaQQQ1 Bbb ] //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// /// \tparam BBB Bbb /// \tparam UUU Zzz /// \tparam CCC Ccc /// \tparam AAA Aaa template void comment_to_html_conversion_20(AAA aaa, BBB bbb); // CHECK: FullCommentAsXML=[comment_to_html_conversion_20c:@FT@>3#T#T#NIcomment_to_html_conversion_20#t0.0#t0.1#v#template <typename AAA, typename BBB, int CCC>\nvoid comment_to_html_conversion_20(AAA aaa, BBB bbb)AAA0 AaaBBB1 Bbb CCC2 Ccc UUU Zzz ] template void comment_to_html_conversion_20(PPP aaa, QQQ bbb); // CHECK: FullCommentAsXML=[comment_to_html_conversion_20c:@FT@>3#T#T#NIcomment_to_html_conversion_20#t0.0#t0.1#v#template <typename PPP, typename QQQ, int RRR>\nvoid comment_to_html_conversion_20(PPP aaa, QQQ bbb)PPP0 AaaQQQ1 Bbb RRR2 Ccc UUU Zzz ] //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// /// \tparam AAA Aaa /// \tparam BBB Bbb /// \tparam CCC Ccc /// \tparam DDD Ddd template class DDD, class BBB> class AAA> void comment_to_html_conversion_21(); // CHECK: FullCommentAsXML=[comment_to_html_conversion_21c:@FT@>1#t>2#t>1#T#Tcomment_to_html_conversion_21#v#template <template <template <typename CCC> class DDD, class BBB> class AAA>\nvoid comment_to_html_conversion_21()AAA0 Aaa BBB Bbb CCC Ccc DDD Ddd] template class SSS, class QQQ> class PPP> void comment_to_html_conversion_21(); // CHECK: FullCommentAsXML=[comment_to_html_conversion_21c:@FT@>1#t>2#t>1#T#Tcomment_to_html_conversion_21#v#template <template <template <typename RRR> class SSS, class QQQ> class PPP>\nvoid comment_to_html_conversion_21()PPP0 Aaa QQQ Bbb RRR Ccc SSS Ddd] //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// /// \tparam C1 Ccc 1 /// \tparam AAA Zzz /// \tparam C2 Ccc 2 /// \tparam C3 Ccc 3 /// \tparam C4 Ccc 4 /// \tparam BBB Bbb template class BBB > class AAA> void comment_to_html_conversion_22(); // CHECK: FullCommentAsXML=[comment_to_html_conversion_22c:@FT@>2#T#t>2#T#t>2#T#Tcomment_to_html_conversion_22#v#template <class C1, template <class C2, template <class C3, class C4> class BBB>\n class AAA>\nvoid comment_to_html_conversion_22()C10 Ccc 1 AAA1 Zzz C2 Ccc 2 C3 Ccc 3 C4 Ccc 4 BBB Bbb] template class QQQ> class PPP> void comment_to_html_conversion_22(); // CHECK: FullCommentAsXML=[comment_to_html_conversion_22c:@FT@>2#T#t>2#T#t>2#T#Tcomment_to_html_conversion_22#v#template <class CCC1,\n template <class CCC2, template <class CCC3, class CCC4> class QQQ>\n class PPP>\nvoid comment_to_html_conversion_22()CCC10 Ccc 1 PPP1 Zzz CCC2 Ccc 2 CCC3 Ccc 3 CCC4 Ccc 4 QQQ Bbb]