// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple i686-pc-win32 -disable-llvm-optzns -emit-llvm -o - -O1 %s | FileCheck %s // // Test that TBAA works in the Microsoft C++ ABI. We used to error out while // attempting to mangle RTTI. struct StructA { int a; }; struct StructB : virtual StructA { StructB(); }; StructB::StructB() { a = 42; // CHECK: store i32 42, i32* {{.*}}, !tbaa [[TAG_A_i32:!.*]] } // CHECK: [[TYPE_INT:!.*]] = !{!"int", [[TYPE_CHAR:!.*]], i64 0} // CHECK: [[TYPE_CHAR]] = !{!"omnipotent char", ! // CHECK: [[TAG_A_i32]] = !{[[TYPE_A:!.*]], [[TYPE_INT]], i64 0} // CHECK: [[TYPE_A]] = !{!"?AUStructA@@", [[TYPE_INT]], i64 0}