// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsanitize=implicit-integer-sign-change -fsanitize-recover=implicit-integer-sign-change -emit-llvm %s -o - -triple x86_64-linux-gnu | FileCheck %s -implicit-check-not="call void @__ubsan_handle_implicit_conversion" --check-prefixes=CHECK // Test plan: // * Two types - int and char // * Two signs - signed and unsigned // * Square that - we have input and output types. // Thus, there are total of (2*2)^2 == 16 tests. // These are all the possible variations/combinations of casts. // However, not all of them should result in the check. // So here, we *only* check which should and which should not result in checks. // CHECK-DAG: @[[LINE_900_SIGN_CHANGE:.*]] = {{.*}}, i32 900, i32 10 }, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, i8 3 } // CHECK-DAG: @[[LINE_1000_SIGN_CHANGE:.*]] = {{.*}}, i32 1000, i32 10 }, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, i8 3 } // CHECK-DAG: @[[LINE_1100_SIGN_CHANGE:.*]] = {{.*}}, i32 1100, i32 10 }, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, i8 3 } // CHECK-DAG: @[[LINE_1200_SIGN_CHANGE:.*]] = {{.*}}, i32 1200, i32 10 }, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, i8 3 } // CHECK-DAG: @[[LINE_1300_SIGN_CHANGE:.*]] = {{.*}}, i32 1300, i32 10 }, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, i8 3 } // CHECK-DAG: @[[LINE_1400_SIGN_CHANGE:.*]] = {{.*}}, i32 1400, i32 10 }, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, i8 3 } // CHECK-DAG: @[[LINE_1500_SIGN_CHANGE:.*]] = {{.*}}, i32 1500, i32 10 }, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, i8 3 } // CHECK-DAG: @[[LINE_1600_SIGN_CHANGE:.*]] = {{.*}}, i32 1600, i32 10 }, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, i8 3 } //============================================================================// // Half of the cases do not need the check. // //============================================================================// //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// // No cast happens at all. No check needed. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// // CHECK-LABEL: @convert_unsigned_int_to_unsigned_int unsigned int convert_unsigned_int_to_unsigned_int(unsigned int x) { #line 100 return x; } // CHECK-LABEL: @convert_unsigned_char_to_unsigned_char unsigned char convert_unsigned_char_to_unsigned_char(unsigned char x) { #line 200 return x; } // CHECK-LABEL: @convert_signed_int_to_signed_int signed int convert_signed_int_to_signed_int(signed int x) { #line 300 return x; } // CHECK-LABEL: @convert_signed_char_to_signed_char signed char convert_signed_char_to_signed_char(signed char x) { #line 400 return x; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Both types are unsigned. No check needed. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// // CHECK-LABEL: @convert_unsigned_int_to_unsigned_char unsigned char convert_unsigned_int_to_unsigned_char(unsigned int x) { #line 500 return x; } // CHECK-LABEL: @convert_unsigned_char_to_unsigned_int unsigned int convert_unsigned_char_to_unsigned_int(unsigned char x) { #line 600 return x; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Source type was unsigned, destination type is signed, but non-negative. // Because zero-extension happens - the sign bit will be 0. No check needed. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// // CHECK-LABEL: @convert_unsigned_char_to_signed_int signed int convert_unsigned_char_to_signed_int(unsigned char x) { #line 700 return x; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Both types are signed, and have the same sign, since sign-extension happens, // i.e. the sign bit will be propagated. No check needed. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// // CHECK-LABEL: @convert_signed_char_to_signed_int signed int convert_signed_char_to_signed_int(signed char x) { #line 800 return x; } //============================================================================// // The remaining 8 cases *do* need the check. // //============================================================================// // These 3 result in simple 'icmp sge i32 %x, 0' // CHECK-LABEL: @convert_unsigned_int_to_signed_int signed int convert_unsigned_int_to_signed_int(unsigned int x) { // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_implicit_conversion(i8* bitcast ({ {{{.*}}}, {{{.*}}}*, {{{.*}}}*, i8 }* @[[LINE_900_SIGN_CHANGE]] to i8*) #line 900 return x; } // CHECK-LABEL: @convert_signed_int_to_unsigned_int unsigned int convert_signed_int_to_unsigned_int(signed int x) { // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_implicit_conversion(i8* bitcast ({ {{{.*}}}, {{{.*}}}*, {{{.*}}}*, i8 }* @[[LINE_1000_SIGN_CHANGE]] to i8*) #line 1000 return x; } // CHECK-LABEL: @convert_signed_int_to_unsigned_char unsigned char convert_signed_int_to_unsigned_char(signed int x) { // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_implicit_conversion(i8* bitcast ({ {{{.*}}}, {{{.*}}}*, {{{.*}}}*, i8 }* @[[LINE_1100_SIGN_CHANGE]] to i8*) #line 1100 return x; } // These 3 result in simple 'icmp sge i8 %x, 0' // CHECK-LABEL: @convert_signed_char_to_unsigned_char unsigned char convert_signed_char_to_unsigned_char(signed char x) { // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_implicit_conversion(i8* bitcast ({ {{{.*}}}, {{{.*}}}*, {{{.*}}}*, i8 }* @[[LINE_1200_SIGN_CHANGE]] to i8*) #line 1200 return x; } // CHECK-LABEL: @convert_unsigned_char_to_signed_char signed char convert_unsigned_char_to_signed_char(unsigned char x) { // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_implicit_conversion(i8* bitcast ({ {{{.*}}}, {{{.*}}}*, {{{.*}}}*, i8 }* @[[LINE_1300_SIGN_CHANGE]] to i8*) #line 1300 return x; } // CHECK-LABEL: @convert_signed_char_to_unsigned_int unsigned int convert_signed_char_to_unsigned_int(signed char x) { // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_implicit_conversion(i8* bitcast ({ {{{.*}}}, {{{.*}}}*, {{{.*}}}*, i8 }* @[[LINE_1400_SIGN_CHANGE]] to i8*) #line 1400 return x; } // 'icmp sge i8 (trunc i32 %x), 0' // CHECK-LABEL: @convert_unsigned_int_to_signed_char signed char convert_unsigned_int_to_signed_char(unsigned int x) { // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_implicit_conversion(i8* bitcast ({ {{{.*}}}, {{{.*}}}*, {{{.*}}}*, i8 }* @[[LINE_1500_SIGN_CHANGE]] to i8*) #line 1500 return x; } // 'xor i1 (icmp sge i8 (trunc i32 %x), 0), (icmp sge i32 %x, 0)' // CHECK-LABEL: @convert_signed_int_to_signed_char signed char convert_signed_int_to_signed_char(signed int x) { // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_implicit_conversion(i8* bitcast ({ {{{.*}}}, {{{.*}}}*, {{{.*}}}*, i8 }* @[[LINE_1600_SIGN_CHANGE]] to i8*) #line 1600 return x; }