// RUN: %clang_analyze_cc1 -analyzer-checker debug.ExprInspection -verify %s void clang_analyzer_denote(int, const char *); void clang_analyzer_express(int); void SymbolCast_of_float_type_aux(int *p) { *p += 0; // FIXME: Ideally, all unknown values should be symbolicated. clang_analyzer_denote(*p, "$x"); // expected-warning{{Not a symbol}} *p += 1; // This should NOT be (float)$x + 1. Symbol $x was never casted to float. // FIXME: Ideally, this should be $x + 1. clang_analyzer_express(*p); // expected-warning{{Not a symbol}} } void SymbolCast_of_float_type() { extern float x; void (*f)() = SymbolCast_of_float_type_aux; f(&x); }