//===--- ConstantInitBuilder.cpp - Global initializer builder -------------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This file defines out-of-line routines for building initializers for // global variables, in particular the kind of globals that are implicitly // introduced by various language ABIs. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "clang/CodeGen/ConstantInitBuilder.h" #include "CodeGenModule.h" using namespace clang; using namespace CodeGen; llvm::Type *ConstantInitFuture::getType() const { assert(Data && "dereferencing null future"); if (Data.is()) { return Data.get()->getType(); } else { return Data.get()->Buffer[0]->getType(); } } void ConstantInitFuture::abandon() { assert(Data && "abandoning null future"); if (auto builder = Data.dyn_cast()) { builder->abandon(0); } Data = nullptr; } void ConstantInitFuture::installInGlobal(llvm::GlobalVariable *GV) { assert(Data && "installing null future"); if (Data.is()) { GV->setInitializer(Data.get()); } else { auto &builder = *Data.get(); assert(builder.Buffer.size() == 1); builder.setGlobalInitializer(GV, builder.Buffer[0]); builder.Buffer.clear(); Data = nullptr; } } ConstantInitFuture ConstantInitBuilderBase::createFuture(llvm::Constant *initializer) { assert(Buffer.empty() && "buffer not current empty"); Buffer.push_back(initializer); return ConstantInitFuture(this); } // Only used in this file. inline ConstantInitFuture::ConstantInitFuture(ConstantInitBuilderBase *builder) : Data(builder) { assert(!builder->Frozen); assert(builder->Buffer.size() == 1); assert(builder->Buffer[0] != nullptr); } llvm::GlobalVariable * ConstantInitBuilderBase::createGlobal(llvm::Constant *initializer, const llvm::Twine &name, CharUnits alignment, bool constant, llvm::GlobalValue::LinkageTypes linkage, unsigned addressSpace) { auto GV = new llvm::GlobalVariable(CGM.getModule(), initializer->getType(), constant, linkage, initializer, name, /*insert before*/ nullptr, llvm::GlobalValue::NotThreadLocal, addressSpace); GV->setAlignment(alignment.getQuantity()); resolveSelfReferences(GV); return GV; } void ConstantInitBuilderBase::setGlobalInitializer(llvm::GlobalVariable *GV, llvm::Constant *initializer){ GV->setInitializer(initializer); if (!SelfReferences.empty()) resolveSelfReferences(GV); } void ConstantInitBuilderBase::resolveSelfReferences(llvm::GlobalVariable *GV) { for (auto &entry : SelfReferences) { llvm::Constant *resolvedReference = llvm::ConstantExpr::getInBoundsGetElementPtr( GV->getValueType(), GV, entry.Indices); auto dummy = entry.Dummy; dummy->replaceAllUsesWith(resolvedReference); dummy->eraseFromParent(); } SelfReferences.clear(); } void ConstantInitBuilderBase::abandon(size_t newEnd) { // Remove all the entries we've added. Buffer.erase(Buffer.begin() + newEnd, Buffer.end()); // If we're abandoning all the way to the beginning, destroy // all the self-references, because we might not get another // opportunity. if (newEnd == 0) { for (auto &entry : SelfReferences) { auto dummy = entry.Dummy; dummy->replaceAllUsesWith(llvm::UndefValue::get(dummy->getType())); dummy->eraseFromParent(); } SelfReferences.clear(); } } void ConstantAggregateBuilderBase::addSize(CharUnits size) { add(Builder.CGM.getSize(size)); } llvm::Constant * ConstantAggregateBuilderBase::getRelativeOffset(llvm::IntegerType *offsetType, llvm::Constant *target) { // Compute the address of the relative-address slot. auto base = getAddrOfCurrentPosition(offsetType); // Subtract. base = llvm::ConstantExpr::getPtrToInt(base, Builder.CGM.IntPtrTy); target = llvm::ConstantExpr::getPtrToInt(target, Builder.CGM.IntPtrTy); llvm::Constant *offset = llvm::ConstantExpr::getSub(target, base); // Truncate to the relative-address type if necessary. if (Builder.CGM.IntPtrTy != offsetType) { offset = llvm::ConstantExpr::getTrunc(offset, offsetType); } return offset; } llvm::Constant * ConstantAggregateBuilderBase::getAddrOfCurrentPosition(llvm::Type *type) { // Make a global variable. We will replace this with a GEP to this // position after installing the initializer. auto dummy = new llvm::GlobalVariable(Builder.CGM.getModule(), type, true, llvm::GlobalVariable::PrivateLinkage, nullptr, ""); Builder.SelfReferences.emplace_back(dummy); auto &entry = Builder.SelfReferences.back(); (void) getGEPIndicesToCurrentPosition(entry.Indices); return dummy; } void ConstantAggregateBuilderBase::getGEPIndicesTo( llvm::SmallVectorImpl &indices, size_t position) const { // Recurse on the parent builder if present. if (Parent) { Parent->getGEPIndicesTo(indices, Begin); // Otherwise, add an index to drill into the first level of pointer. } else { assert(indices.empty()); indices.push_back(llvm::ConstantInt::get(Builder.CGM.Int32Ty, 0)); } assert(position >= Begin); // We have to use i32 here because struct GEPs demand i32 indices. // It's rather unlikely to matter in practice. indices.push_back(llvm::ConstantInt::get(Builder.CGM.Int32Ty, position - Begin)); } ConstantAggregateBuilderBase::PlaceholderPosition ConstantAggregateBuilderBase::addPlaceholderWithSize(llvm::Type *type) { // Bring the offset up to the last field. CharUnits offset = getNextOffsetFromGlobal(); // Create the placeholder. auto position = addPlaceholder(); // Advance the offset past that field. auto &layout = Builder.CGM.getDataLayout(); if (!Packed) offset = offset.alignTo(CharUnits::fromQuantity( layout.getABITypeAlignment(type))); offset += CharUnits::fromQuantity(layout.getTypeStoreSize(type)); CachedOffsetEnd = Builder.Buffer.size(); CachedOffsetFromGlobal = offset; return position; } CharUnits ConstantAggregateBuilderBase::getOffsetFromGlobalTo(size_t end) const{ size_t cacheEnd = CachedOffsetEnd; assert(cacheEnd <= end); // Fast path: if the cache is valid, just use it. if (cacheEnd == end) { return CachedOffsetFromGlobal; } // If the cached range ends before the index at which the current // aggregate starts, recurse for the parent. CharUnits offset; if (cacheEnd < Begin) { assert(cacheEnd == 0); assert(Parent && "Begin != 0 for root builder"); cacheEnd = Begin; offset = Parent->getOffsetFromGlobalTo(Begin); } else { offset = CachedOffsetFromGlobal; } // Perform simple layout on the elements in cacheEnd..getType(); if (!Packed) offset = offset.alignTo(CharUnits::fromQuantity( layout.getABITypeAlignment(elementType))); offset += CharUnits::fromQuantity(layout.getTypeStoreSize(elementType)); } while (++cacheEnd != end); } // Cache and return. CachedOffsetEnd = cacheEnd; CachedOffsetFromGlobal = offset; return offset; } llvm::Constant *ConstantAggregateBuilderBase::finishArray(llvm::Type *eltTy) { markFinished(); auto &buffer = getBuffer(); assert((Begin < buffer.size() || (Begin == buffer.size() && eltTy)) && "didn't add any array elements without element type"); auto elts = llvm::makeArrayRef(buffer).slice(Begin); if (!eltTy) eltTy = elts[0]->getType(); auto type = llvm::ArrayType::get(eltTy, elts.size()); auto constant = llvm::ConstantArray::get(type, elts); buffer.erase(buffer.begin() + Begin, buffer.end()); return constant; } llvm::Constant * ConstantAggregateBuilderBase::finishStruct(llvm::StructType *ty) { markFinished(); auto &buffer = getBuffer(); auto elts = llvm::makeArrayRef(buffer).slice(Begin); if (ty == nullptr && elts.empty()) ty = llvm::StructType::get(Builder.CGM.getLLVMContext(), {}, Packed); llvm::Constant *constant; if (ty) { assert(ty->isPacked() == Packed); constant = llvm::ConstantStruct::get(ty, elts); } else { constant = llvm::ConstantStruct::getAnon(elts, Packed); } buffer.erase(buffer.begin() + Begin, buffer.end()); return constant; }