.TH CCONF 8 .SH NAME cconf \- ceph conf file tool .SH SYNOPSIS .B cconf \fB\-c \fIconffile\fR \fB\--list-all-sections .br .B cconf \fB\-c \fIconffile\fR \fB\-L .br .B cconf \fB\-c \fIconffile\fR \fB\-l \fIprefix\fR .br .B cconf \fIkey\fR \fB\-s \fIsection1\fR ... .br .B cconf [\fB-s\fR \fIsection\fR] \fB--lookup\fR \fIkey\fR .br .B cconf [\fB-s\fR \fIsection\fR] \fIkey\fR .br .SH DESCRIPTION .B cconf is a utility for getting information about a ceph configuration file. As with most Ceph programs, you can specify which Ceph configuration file to use with the \fB-c\fR flag. .PP .SH ACTIONS \fBcconf\fR will perform one of the following actions: .PP \fB--list-all-sections\fR or \fB-L\fR prints out a list of all the section names in the configuration file. .PP \fB--list-sections\fR or \fB-l\fR prints out a list of all the sections that begin with a given prefix. For example, \fB--list-sections \fImon\fR\fR would list all sections beginning with \fImon\fR. .PP \fB--lookup\fR will search the configuration for a given value. By default, the sections that are searched are determined by the Ceph name that we are using. The Ceph name defaults to client.admin. It can be specified with \fB--name\fR. .PP For example, if we specify \fB--name\fR \fIosd.0\fR, the following sections will be searched: \fI[osd.0], [osd], [global]\fR .PP You can specify additional sections to search with \fB--section\fR or \fB-s\fR. These additional sections will be searched \fIbefore\fR the sections that would normally be searched. As always, the first matching entry we find will be returned. .PP Note: \fB--lookup\fR is the default action. If no other actions are given on the command line, we will default to doing a lookup. .PP .SH EXAMPLES To find out what value osd 0 will use for the "osd data" option: .IP cconf -c foo.conf --name osd.0 --lookup "osd data" .PP To find out what value will mds a use for the "log file" option: .IP cconf -c foo.conf --name mds.a "log file" .PP To list all sections that begin with \fIosd\fP: .IP cconf -c foo.conf -l osd .PP To list all sections: .IP cconf -c foo.conf -L .PP .SH AVAILABILITY .B cconf is part of the Ceph distributed file system. Please refer to the Ceph wiki at http://ceph.newdream.net/wiki for more information. .SH SEE ALSO .BR ceph (8), .BR mkcephfs (8)