#!/usr/bin/python import re import sys def do_filter(generator): return acc_lines(remove_multiline_comments(to_char(remove_single_line_comments(generator)))) def acc_lines(generator): current = "" for i in generator: current += i if i == ';' or \ i == '{' or \ i == '}': yield current.lstrip("\n") current = "" def to_char(generator): for line in generator: for char in line: if char is not '\n': yield char else: yield ' ' def remove_single_line_comments(generator): for i in generator: if len(i) and i[0] == '#': continue yield re.sub(r'//.*', '', i) def remove_multiline_comments(generator): saw = "" in_comment = False for char in generator: if in_comment: if saw is "*": if char is "/": in_comment = False saw = "" if char is "*": saw = "*" continue if saw is "/": if char is '*': in_comment = True saw = "" continue else: yield saw saw = "" if char is '/': saw = "/" continue yield char class StateMachineRenderer(object): def __init__(self): self.states = {} # state -> parent self.machines = {} # state-> initial self.edges = {} # event -> [(state, state)] self.context = [] # [(context, depth_encountered)] self.context_depth = 0 self.state_contents = {} self.subgraphnum = 0 self.clusterlabel = {} def __str__(self): return "-------------------\n\nstates: %s\n\n machines: %s\n\n edges: %s\n\n context %s\n\n state_contents %s\n\n--------------------" % ( self.states, self.machines, self.edges, self.context, self.state_contents ) def read_input(self, input_lines): for line in input_lines: self.get_state(line) self.get_event(line) self.get_context(line) def get_context(self, line): match = re.search(r"\w+(::\w+)*\s*(\w+::)*::(?P\w+)::\w+\(const (?P\w+)&", line) if match is not None: self.context.append((match.group('tag'), self.context_depth, match.group('event'))) if '{' in line: self.context_depth += 1 if '}' in line: self.context_depth -= 1 while len(self.context) and self.context[-1][1] == self.context_depth: self.context.pop() def get_state(self, line): if "boost::statechart::state_machine" in line: tokens = re.search( r"boost::statechart::state_machine<\s*(\w*),\s*(\w*)\s*>", line) if tokens is None: raise "Error: malformed state_machine line: " + line self.machines[tokens.group(1)] = tokens.group(2) self.context.append((tokens.group(1), self.context_depth, "")) return if "boost::statechart::state" in line: tokens = re.search( r"boost::statechart::state<\s*(\w*),\s*(\w*)\s*,?\s*(\w*)\s*>", line) if tokens is None: raise "Error: malformed state line: " + line self.states[tokens.group(1)] = tokens.group(2) if tokens.group(2) not in self.state_contents.keys(): self.state_contents[tokens.group(2)] = [] self.state_contents[tokens.group(2)].append(tokens.group(1)) if tokens.group(3) is not "": self.machines[tokens.group(1)] = tokens.group(3) self.context.append((tokens.group(1), self.context_depth, "")) return def get_event(self, line): if "boost::statechart::transition" in line: for i in re.finditer(r'boost::statechart::transition<\s*([\w:]*)\s*,\s*(\w*)\s*>', line): if i.group(1) not in self.edges.keys(): self.edges[i.group(1)] = [] if len(self.context) is 0: raise "no context at line: " + line self.edges[i.group(1)].append((self.context[-1][0], i.group(2))) i = re.search("return\s+transit<\s*(\w*)\s*>()", line) if i is not None: if len(self.context) is 0: raise "no context at line: " + line if self.context[-1][2] is "": raise "no event in context at line: " + line if self.context[-1][2] not in self.edges.keys(): self.edges[self.context[-1][2]] = [] self.edges[self.context[-1][2]].append((self.context[-1][0], i.group(1))) def emit_dot(self): top_level = [] for state in self.machines.keys(): if state not in self.states.keys(): top_level.append(state) print >>sys.stderr, "Top Level States: ", str(top_level) print """digraph G {""" print '\tsize="7,7"' print """\tcompound=true;""" for i in self.emit_state(top_level[0]): print '\t' + i for i in self.edges.keys(): for j in self.emit_event(i): print j print """}""" def emit_state(self, state): if state in self.state_contents.keys(): self.clusterlabel[state] = "cluster%s"%(str(self.subgraphnum),) yield "subgraph cluster%s {"%(str(self.subgraphnum),) self.subgraphnum += 1 yield """\tlabel = "%s";"""%(state,) yield """\tcolor = "blue";""" for j in self.state_contents[state]: for i in self.emit_state(j): yield "\t"+i yield "}" else: found = False for (k,v) in self.machines.items(): if v == state: yield state+"[shape=Mdiamond];" found = True break; if not found: yield state+";" def emit_event(self, event): def ap(app): retval = "[" for i in app: retval += (i + ",") retval += "]" return retval for (fro, to) in self.edges[event]: appendix = ['label="%s"'%(event,)] if fro in self.machines.keys(): appendix.append("ltail=%s"%(self.clusterlabel[fro],)) while fro in self.machines.keys(): fro = self.machines[fro] if to in self.machines.keys(): appendix.append("lhead=%s"%(self.clusterlabel[to],)) while to in self.machines.keys(): to = self.machines[to] yield("%s -> %s %s;"%(fro, to, ap(appendix))) input_generator = do_filter(sys.stdin.xreadlines()) renderer = StateMachineRenderer() renderer.read_input(input_generator) renderer.emit_dot()