namespace Caribou { /** * Object representing a key in a column. * * This is used for implementing custom keyboard service. */ public class KeyModel : GLib.Object, IScannableItem, IKeyboardObject { public string align { get; set; default = "center"; } public double width { get; set; default = 1.0; } public string toggle { get; set; default = ""; } public bool repeatable { get; set; default = false; } private Gdk.ModifierType mod_mask; public bool is_modifier { get { return (mod_mask != 0); } set {} } public ModifierState modifier_state; public bool show_subkeys { get; private set; default = false; } public string name { get; private set; } public uint keyval { get; private set; } public string? text { get; private construct set; default = null; } private uint[] _keyvals = {}; public string label { get; set; default = ""; } public bool scan_stepping { get; internal set; } private bool _scan_selected; public bool scan_selected { get { return _scan_selected; } internal set { _scan_selected = value; if (_scan_selected) activate (); } } private uint hold_tid; private DisplayAdapter xadapter; private Gee.ArrayList extended_keys; public signal void key_hold_end (); public signal void key_hold (); private const ModifierMapEntry mod_map[] = { { "Control_L", Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK }, { "Alt_L", Gdk.ModifierType.MOD1_MASK }, { null, 0 } }; private const LabelMapEntry label_map[] = { { "BackSpace", "\xe2\x8c\xab" }, { "space", " " }, { "Delete", "\xe2\x8c\xa6" }, { "Return", "\xe2\x8f\x8e" }, { "Escape", "Esc" }, { "Tab", "\xe2\x86\xb9"}, { "Control_L", "Ctrl" }, { "Control_R", "Ctrl" }, { "Alt_L", "Alt" }, { "Alt_R", "Alt" }, { "Up", "\xe2\x87\xa1"}, { "Down", "\xe2\x87\xa3"}, { "Left", "\xe2\x87\xa0"}, { "Right", "\xe2\x87\xa2"}, { "Prior", "Page\nUp" }, { "Next", "Page\nDown" }, { "Caribou_Prefs", "\xe2\x8c\xa8" }, { "Caribou_ShiftUp", "\xe2\xac\x86" }, { "Caribou_ShiftDown", "\xe2\xac\x87" }, { "Caribou_Emoticons", "\xe2\x98\xba" }, { "Caribou_Symbols", "123" }, { "Caribou_Symbols_More", "{#*" }, { "Caribou_Alpha", "Abc" }, { "Caribou_Repeat", "\xe2\x99\xbb" } }; public KeyModel (string name, string? text = null) { = name; this.text = text; mod_mask = (Gdk.ModifierType) 0; int i = 0; for (ModifierMapEntry entry=mod_map[i]; != null; entry=mod_map[++i]) { if (name == mod_mask = entry.mask; } if (mod_mask == 0) { if (text != null) { int index = 0; unichar uc; while (text.get_next_char (ref index, out uc)) { uint keyval = Gdk.unicode_to_keyval (uc); if (keyval != uc | 0x01000000) _keyvals += keyval; } } else { uint keyval = Gdk.keyval_from_name (name); if (keyval != Gdk.Key.VoidSymbol && keyval != 0) _keyvals += keyval; this.keyval = keyval; } } for (i = 0; i < label_map.length; i++) { if (label_map[i].name == name) { label = label_map[i].label; break; } } if (i == label_map.length) { if (text != null) label = text; else if (name.has_prefix ("Caribou_")) label = name["Caribou_".length:name.length]; else { // Try to use Unicode symbol as label. if (_keyvals.length > 0) { unichar uc = Gdk.keyval_to_unicode (_keyvals[0]); if (!uc.isspace () && uc != 0) label = uc.to_string (); } // If no usable Unicode symbol is assigned to the // key, guess the best possible label. // // First, it is known that dead keys are not // assigned Unicode symbols. Use the ones // assigned to non-dead keys instead. if (label == "" && name.has_prefix ("dead_")) { uint keyval = Gdk.keyval_from_name (name["dead_".length:name.length]); unichar uc = Gdk.keyval_to_unicode (keyval); if (!uc.isspace () && uc != 0) label = uc.to_string (); } // Second, use the key name as label. if (label == "" && _keyvals.length > 0) label = name; } } xadapter = DisplayAdapter.get_default(); extended_keys = new Gee.ArrayList (); } internal void add_subkey (KeyModel key) { key.key_released.connect(on_subkey_released); extended_keys.add (key); } private void on_subkey_released (KeyModel key) { key_released (key); show_subkeys = false; } public void press () { if (is_modifier) { if (modifier_state == ModifierState.NONE) { modifier_state = ModifierState.LATCHED; xadapter.mod_lock(mod_mask); } else { modifier_state = ModifierState.NONE; } } if (repeatable) xadapter.keyval_press (keyval); else hold_tid = GLib.Timeout.add (1000, on_key_held); key_pressed(this); } public void release () { if (hold_tid != 0) GLib.Source.remove (hold_tid); if (is_modifier) { if (modifier_state == ModifierState.NONE) { xadapter.mod_unlock(mod_mask); } else { return; } } if (repeatable) xadapter.keyval_release (keyval); else { foreach (var keyval in _keyvals) { xadapter.keyval_press (keyval); xadapter.keyval_release (keyval); } } key_released(this); if (hold_tid != 0) { key_clicked (this); hold_tid = 0; } else { key_hold_end (); } } private bool on_key_held () { hold_tid = 0; if (extended_keys.size != 0) show_subkeys = true; if (is_modifier && modifier_state == ModifierState.LATCHED) modifier_state = ModifierState.LOCKED; key_hold (); return false; } public KeyModel[] get_extended_keys () { return (KeyModel[]) extended_keys.to_array (); } public KeyModel[] get_keys () { Gee.ArrayList all_keys = new Gee.ArrayList (); all_keys.add (this); all_keys.add_all (extended_keys); return (KeyModel[]) all_keys.to_array (); } public IKeyboardObject[] get_children () { return (IKeyboardObject[]) extended_keys.to_array (); } public void activate () { press (); GLib.Timeout.add(200, () => { release (); return false; }); } } public enum ModifierState { NONE, LATCHED, LOCKED } private struct ModifierMapEntry { string name; Gdk.ModifierType mask; } private struct LabelMapEntry { string name; string label; } }