# frozen_string_literal: true require "bundler/gem_tasks" task :build => ["build_metadata", "man:build", "generate_files"] do Rake::Task["build_metadata:clean"].tap(&:reenable).real_invoke end task :release => ["man:require", "man:build", "release:verify_files", "release:verify_github", "build_metadata"] namespace :release do task :verify_files do git_list = IO.popen("git ls-files -z", &:read).split("\x0").select {|f| f.match(%r{^(lib|exe)/}) } git_list += %w[CHANGELOG.md LICENSE.md README.md bundler.gemspec] git_list += Dir.glob("man/**/*") gem_list = Gem::Specification.load("bundler.gemspec").files extra_files = gem_list.to_set - git_list.to_set error_msg = <<~MSG You intend to ship some files with the gem that are not generated man pages nor source control files. Please review the extra list of files and try again: #{extra_files.to_a.join("\n ")} MSG raise error_msg if extra_files.any? puts "The file list is correct for a release." end def gh_api_post(opts) gem "netrc", "~> 0.11.0" require "netrc" require "net/http" require "json" _username, token = Netrc.read["api.github.com"] host = opts.fetch(:host) { "https://api.github.com/" } path = opts.fetch(:path) uri = URI.join(host, path) uri.query = [uri.query, "access_token=#{token}"].compact.join("&") headers = { "Content-Type" => "application/json", "Accept" => "application/vnd.github.v3+json", "Authorization" => "token #{token}", }.merge(opts.fetch(:headers, {})) body = opts.fetch(:body) { nil } response = if body Net::HTTP.post(uri, body.to_json, headers) else Net::HTTP.get_response(uri) end if response.code.to_i >= 400 raise "#{uri}\n#{response.inspect}\n#{begin JSON.parse(response.body) rescue JSON::ParseError response.body end}" end JSON.parse(response.body) end task :verify_github do require "pp" gh_api_post :path => "/user" end def confirm(prompt = "") loop do print(prompt) print(": ") unless prompt.empty? break if $stdin.gets.strip == "y" end rescue Interrupt abort end def gh_api_request(opts) require "net/http" require "json" host = opts.fetch(:host) { "https://api.github.com/" } path = opts.fetch(:path) response = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.join(host, path)) links = Hash[*(response["Link"] || "").split(", ").map do |link| href, name = link.match(/<(.*?)>; rel="(\w+)"/).captures [name.to_sym, href] end.flatten] parsed_response = JSON.parse(response.body) if n = links[:next] parsed_response.concat gh_api_request(:host => host, :path => n) end parsed_response end def release_notes(version) title_token = "## " current_version_title = "#{title_token}#{version}" current_minor_title = "#{title_token}#{version.segments[0, 2].join(".")}" text = File.open("CHANGELOG.md", "r:UTF-8", &:read) lines = text.split("\n") current_version_index = lines.find_index {|line| line.strip =~ /^#{current_version_title}($|\b)/ } unless current_version_index raise "Update the changelog for the last version (#{version})" end current_version_index += 1 previous_version_lines = lines[current_version_index.succ...-1] previous_version_index = current_version_index + ( previous_version_lines.find_index {|line| line.start_with?(title_token) && !line.start_with?(current_minor_title) } || lines.count ) relevant = lines[current_version_index..previous_version_index] relevant.join("\n").strip end task :github, :version do |_t, args| version = Gem::Version.new(args.version) tag = "v#{version}" gh_api_post :path => "/repos/bundler/bundler/releases", :body => { :tag_name => tag, :name => tag, :body => release_notes(version), :prerelease => version.prerelease?, } end task :release do |args| Rake::Task["release:github"].invoke(args.version) end desc "Make a patch release with the PRs from master in the patch milestone" task :patch, :version do |_t, args| version = args.version version ||= begin version = bundler_spec.version segments = version.segments if segments.last.is_a?(String) segments << "1" else segments[-1] += 1 end segments.join(".") end confirm "You are about to release #{version}, currently #{bundler_spec.version}" milestones = gh_api_request(:path => "repos/bundler/bundler/milestones?state=open") unless patch_milestone = milestones.find {|m| m["title"] == version } abort "failed to find #{version} milestone on GitHub" end prs = gh_api_request(:path => "repos/bundler/bundler/issues?milestone=#{patch_milestone["number"]}&state=all") prs.map! do |pr| abort "#{pr["html_url"]} hasn't been closed yet!" unless pr["state"] == "closed" next unless pr["pull_request"] pr["number"].to_s end prs.compact! bundler_spec.version = version branch = version.split(".", 3)[0, 2].push("stable").join("-") sh("git", "checkout", branch) version_file = "lib/bundler/version.rb" version_contents = File.read(version_file) unless version_contents.sub!(/^(\s*VERSION = )"#{Gem::Version::VERSION_PATTERN}"/, "\\1#{version.to_s.dump}") abort "failed to update #{version_file}, is it in the expected format?" end File.open(version_file, "w") {|f| f.write(version_contents) } commits = `git log --oneline origin/master --`.split("\n").map {|l| l.split(/\s/, 2) }.reverse commits.select! {|_sha, message| message =~ /(Auto merge of|Merge pull request|Merge) ##{Regexp.union(*prs)}/ } abort "Could not find commits for all PRs" unless commits.size == prs.size if commits.any? && !system("git", "cherry-pick", "-x", "-m", "1", *commits.map(&:first)) warn "Opening a new shell to fix the cherry-pick errors" abort unless system("zsh") end prs.each do |pr| system("open", "https://github.com/bundler/bundler/pull/#{pr}") confirm "Add to the changelog" end confirm "Update changelog" sh("git", "commit", "-am", "Version #{version} with changelog") sh("rake", "release") sh("git", "checkout", "master") sh("git", "pull") sh("git", "merge", "v#{version}", "--no-edit") sh("git", "push") end desc "Open all PRs that have not been included in a stable release" task :open_unreleased_prs do def prs(on = "master") commits = `git log --oneline origin/#{on} --`.split("\n") commits.reverse_each.map {|c| c =~ /(Auto merge of|Merge pull request|Merge) #(\d+)/ && $2 }.compact end last_stable = `git ls-remote origin`.split("\n").map {|r| r =~ %r{refs/tags/v([\d.]+)$} && $1 }.compact.map {|v| Gem::Version.create(v) }.max last_stable = last_stable.segments[0, 2].<<("stable").join("-") in_release = prs("HEAD") - prs(last_stable) in_release.each do |pr| system("open", "https://github.com/bundler/bundler/pull/#{pr}") confirm end end end