# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe "bundle gem" do def gem_skeleton_assertions expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/#{gem_name}.gemspec")).to exist expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/README.md")).to exist expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/Gemfile")).to exist expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/Rakefile")).to exist expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/lib/#{require_path}.rb")).to exist expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/lib/#{require_path}/version.rb")).to exist end let(:generated_gemspec) { Bundler.load_gemspec_uncached(bundled_app(gem_name).join("#{gem_name}.gemspec")) } let(:gem_name) { "mygem" } let(:require_path) { "mygem" } before do git_config_content = <<-EOF [user] name = "Bundler User" email = user@example.com [github] user = bundleuser EOF @git_config_location = ENV["GIT_CONFIG"] path = "#{tmp}/test_git_config.txt" File.open(path, "w") {|f| f.write(git_config_content) } ENV["GIT_CONFIG"] = path end after do FileUtils.rm(ENV["GIT_CONFIG"]) if File.exist?(ENV["GIT_CONFIG"]) ENV["GIT_CONFIG"] = @git_config_location end shared_examples_for "git config is present" do context "git config user.{name,email} present" do it "sets gemspec author to git user.name if available" do expect(generated_gemspec.authors.first).to eq("Bundler User") end it "sets gemspec email to git user.email if available" do expect(generated_gemspec.email.first).to eq("user@example.com") end end end shared_examples_for "git config is absent" do it "sets gemspec author to default message if git user.name is not set or empty" do expect(generated_gemspec.authors.first).to eq("TODO: Write your name") end it "sets gemspec email to default message if git user.email is not set or empty" do expect(generated_gemspec.email.first).to eq("TODO: Write your email address") end end describe "git repo initialization" do shared_examples_for "a gem with an initial git repo" do before do bundle! "gem #{gem_name} #{flags}" end it "generates a gem skeleton with a .git folder", :readline do gem_skeleton_assertions expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/.git")).to exist end end context "when using the default" do it_behaves_like "a gem with an initial git repo" do let(:flags) { "" } end end context "when explicitly passing --git" do it_behaves_like "a gem with an initial git repo" do let(:flags) { "--git" } end end context "when passing --no-git", :readline do before do bundle! "gem #{gem_name} --no-git" end it "generates a gem skeleton without a .git folder" do gem_skeleton_assertions expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/.git")).not_to exist end end end shared_examples_for "--mit flag" do before do bundle! "gem #{gem_name} --mit" end it "generates a gem skeleton with MIT license" do gem_skeleton_assertions expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/LICENSE.txt")).to exist expect(generated_gemspec.license).to eq("MIT") end end shared_examples_for "--no-mit flag" do before do bundle! "gem #{gem_name} --no-mit" end it "generates a gem skeleton without MIT license" do gem_skeleton_assertions expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/LICENSE.txt")).to_not exist end end shared_examples_for "--coc flag" do before do bundle! "gem #{gem_name} --coc" end it "generates a gem skeleton with MIT license" do gem_skeleton_assertions expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md")).to exist end describe "README additions" do it "generates the README with a section for the Code of Conduct" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/README.md").read).to include("## Code of Conduct") expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/README.md").read).to include("https://github.com/bundleuser/#{gem_name}/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md") end end end shared_examples_for "--no-coc flag" do before do bundle! "gem #{gem_name} --no-coc" end it "generates a gem skeleton without Code of Conduct" do gem_skeleton_assertions expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md")).to_not exist end describe "README additions" do it "generates the README without a section for the Code of Conduct" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/README.md").read).not_to include("## Code of Conduct") expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/README.md").read).not_to include("https://github.com/bundleuser/#{gem_name}/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md") end end end shared_examples_for "--rubocop flag" do before do bundle! "gem #{gem_name} --rubocop" end it "generates a gem skeleton with rubocop" do gem_skeleton_assertions expect(bundled_app("test-gem/Rakefile")).to read_as( include('require "rubocop/rake_task"'). and(include("RuboCop::RakeTask.new"). and(match(/:default.+:rubocop/))) ) end it "includes rubocop in generated Gemfile" do allow(Bundler::SharedHelpers).to receive(:find_gemfile).and_return(bundled_app_gemfile) builder = Bundler::Dsl.new builder.eval_gemfile(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/Gemfile")) builder.dependencies rubocop_dep = builder.dependencies.find {|d| d.name == "rubocop" } expect(rubocop_dep).not_to be_nil end end shared_examples_for "--no-rubocop flag" do define_negated_matcher :exclude, :include before do bundle! "gem #{gem_name} --no-rubocop" end it "generates a gem skeleton without rubocop" do gem_skeleton_assertions expect(bundled_app("test-gem/Rakefile")).to read_as(exclude("rubocop")) expect(bundled_app("test-gem/#{gem_name}.gemspec")).to read_as(exclude("rubocop")) end it "does not include rubocop in generated Gemfile" do allow(Bundler::SharedHelpers).to receive(:find_gemfile).and_return(bundled_app_gemfile) builder = Bundler::Dsl.new builder.eval_gemfile(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/Gemfile")) builder.dependencies rubocop_dep = builder.dependencies.find {|d| d.name == "rubocop" } expect(rubocop_dep).to be_nil end end context "README.md", :readline do context "git config github.user present" do before do bundle! "gem #{gem_name}" end it "contribute URL set to git username" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/README.md").read).not_to include("[USERNAME]") expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/README.md").read).to include("github.com/bundleuser") end end context "git config github.user is absent" do before do sys_exec("git config --unset github.user") bundle! "gem #{gem_name}" end it "contribute URL set to [USERNAME]" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/README.md").read).to include("[USERNAME]") expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/README.md").read).not_to include("github.com/bundleuser") end end end it "creates a new git repository", :readline do bundle! "gem #{gem_name}" expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/.git")).to exist end context "when git is not available", :readline do # This spec cannot have `git` available in the test env before do load_paths = [lib_dir, spec_dir] load_path_str = "-I#{load_paths.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)}" sys_exec! "#{Gem.ruby} #{load_path_str} #{bindir.join("bundle")} gem #{gem_name}", :env => { "PATH" => "" } end it "creates the gem without the need for git" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/README.md")).to exist end it "doesn't create a git repo" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/.git")).to_not exist end it "doesn't create a .gitignore file" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/.gitignore")).to_not exist end end it "generates a valid gemspec", :readline do bundle! "gem newgem --bin" prepare_gemspec(bundled_app("newgem", "newgem.gemspec")) gems = ["rake-12.3.2"] system_gems gems, :path => :bundle_path, :bundle_dir => bundled_app("newgem") bundle! "exec rake build", :dir => bundled_app("newgem") expect(last_command.stdboth).not_to include("ERROR") end context "gem naming with relative paths", :readline do it "resolves ." do create_temporary_dir("tmp") bundle! "gem .", :dir => bundled_app("tmp") expect(bundled_app("tmp/lib/tmp.rb")).to exist end it "resolves .." do create_temporary_dir("temp/empty_dir") bundle! "gem ..", :dir => bundled_app("temp/empty_dir") expect(bundled_app("temp/lib/temp.rb")).to exist end it "resolves relative directory" do create_temporary_dir("tmp/empty/tmp") bundle! "gem ../../empty", :dir => bundled_app("tmp/empty/tmp") expect(bundled_app("tmp/empty/lib/empty.rb")).to exist end def create_temporary_dir(dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(bundled_app(dir)) end end shared_examples_for "generating a gem" do it "generates a gem skeleton" do bundle! "gem #{gem_name}" expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/#{gem_name}.gemspec")).to exist expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/Gemfile")).to exist expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/Rakefile")).to exist expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/lib/#{require_path}.rb")).to exist expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/lib/#{require_path}/version.rb")).to exist expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/.gitignore")).to exist expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/bin/setup")).to exist expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/bin/console")).to exist expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/bin/setup")).to be_executable expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/bin/console")).to be_executable end it "starts with version 0.1.0" do bundle! "gem #{gem_name}" expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/lib/#{require_path}/version.rb").read).to match(/VERSION = "0.1.0"/) end context "git config user.{name,email} is set" do before do bundle! "gem #{gem_name}" end it_should_behave_like "git config is present" end context "git config user.{name,email} is not set" do before do sys_exec("git config --unset user.name", :dir => bundled_app) sys_exec("git config --unset user.email", :dir => bundled_app) bundle! "gem #{gem_name}" end it_should_behave_like "git config is absent" end it "sets gemspec metadata['allowed_push_host']" do bundle! "gem #{gem_name}" expect(generated_gemspec.metadata["allowed_push_host"]). to match(/mygemserver\.com/) end it "sets a minimum ruby version" do bundle! "gem #{gem_name}" bundler_gemspec = Bundler::GemHelper.new(gemspec_dir).gemspec expect(bundler_gemspec.required_ruby_version).to eq(generated_gemspec.required_ruby_version) end it "requires the version file" do bundle! "gem #{gem_name}" expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/lib/#{require_path}.rb").read).to match(%r{require "#{require_path}/version"}) end it "creates a base error class" do bundle! "gem #{gem_name}" expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/lib/#{require_path}.rb").read).to match(/class Error < StandardError; end$/) end it "runs rake without problems" do bundle! "gem #{gem_name}" system_gems ["rake-12.3.2"] rakefile = strip_whitespace <<-RAKEFILE task :default do puts 'SUCCESS' end RAKEFILE File.open(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/Rakefile"), "w") do |file| file.puts rakefile end sys_exec(rake, :dir => bundled_app(gem_name)) expect(out).to include("SUCCESS") end context "--exe parameter set" do before do bundle! "gem #{gem_name} --exe" end it "builds exe skeleton" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/exe/#{gem_name}")).to exist end it "requires the main file" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/exe/#{gem_name}").read).to match(/require "#{require_path}"/) end end context "--bin parameter set" do before do bundle! "gem #{gem_name} --bin" end it "builds exe skeleton" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/exe/#{gem_name}")).to exist end it "requires the main file" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/exe/#{gem_name}").read).to match(/require "#{require_path}"/) end end context "no --test parameter" do before do bundle! "gem #{gem_name}" end it "doesn't create any spec/test file" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/.rspec")).to_not exist expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/spec/#{require_path}_spec.rb")).to_not exist expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/spec/spec_helper.rb")).to_not exist expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/test/#{require_path}.rb")).to_not exist expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/test/test_helper.rb")).to_not exist end end context "--test parameter set to rspec" do before do bundle! "gem #{gem_name} --test=rspec" end it "builds spec skeleton" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/.rspec")).to exist expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/spec/#{require_path}_spec.rb")).to exist expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/spec/spec_helper.rb")).to exist end it "depends on a specific version of rspec in generated Gemfile" do allow(Bundler::SharedHelpers).to receive(:find_gemfile).and_return(bundled_app_gemfile) builder = Bundler::Dsl.new builder.eval_gemfile(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/Gemfile")) builder.dependencies rspec_dep = builder.dependencies.find {|d| d.name == "rspec" } expect(rspec_dep).to be_specific end it "requires the main file" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/spec/spec_helper.rb").read).to include(%(require "#{require_path}")) end it "creates a default test which fails" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/spec/#{require_path}_spec.rb").read).to include("expect(false).to eq(true)") end end context "gem.test setting set to rspec" do before do bundle "config set gem.test rspec" bundle! "gem #{gem_name}" end it "builds spec skeleton" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/.rspec")).to exist expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/spec/#{require_path}_spec.rb")).to exist expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/spec/spec_helper.rb")).to exist end end context "gem.test setting set to rspec and --test is set to minitest" do before do bundle "config set gem.test rspec" bundle! "gem #{gem_name} --test=minitest" end it "builds spec skeleton" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/test/#{require_path}_test.rb")).to exist expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/test/test_helper.rb")).to exist end end context "--test parameter set to minitest" do before do bundle "gem #{gem_name} --test=minitest" end it "depends on a specific version of minitest" do allow(Bundler::SharedHelpers).to receive(:find_gemfile).and_return(bundled_app_gemfile) builder = Bundler::Dsl.new builder.eval_gemfile(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/Gemfile")) builder.dependencies minitest_dep = builder.dependencies.find {|d| d.name == "minitest" } expect(minitest_dep).to be_specific end it "builds spec skeleton" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/test/#{require_path}_test.rb")).to exist expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/test/test_helper.rb")).to exist end it "requires the main file" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/test/test_helper.rb").read).to include(%(require "#{require_path}")) end it "requires 'test_helper'" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/test/#{require_path}_test.rb").read).to include(%(require "test_helper")) end it "creates a default test which fails" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/test/#{require_path}_test.rb").read).to include("assert false") end end context "gem.test setting set to minitest" do before do bundle "config set gem.test minitest" bundle! "gem #{gem_name}" end it "creates a default rake task to run the test suite" do rakefile = strip_whitespace <<-RAKEFILE require "bundler/gem_tasks" require "rake/testtask" Rake::TestTask.new(:test) do |t| t.libs << "test" t.libs << "lib" t.test_files = FileList["test/**/*_test.rb"] end task :default => :test RAKEFILE expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/Rakefile").read).to eq(rakefile) end end context "--test parameter set to test-unit" do before do bundle "gem #{gem_name} --test=test-unit" end it "depends on a specific version of test-unit" do allow(Bundler::SharedHelpers).to receive(:find_gemfile).and_return(bundled_app_gemfile) builder = Bundler::Dsl.new builder.eval_gemfile(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/Gemfile")) builder.dependencies test_unit_dep = builder.dependencies.find {|d| d.name == "test-unit" } expect(test_unit_dep).to be_specific end it "builds spec skeleton" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/test/#{require_path}_test.rb")).to exist expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/test/test_helper.rb")).to exist end it "requires the main file" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/test/test_helper.rb").read).to include(%(require "#{require_path}")) end it "requires 'test_helper'" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/test/#{require_path}_test.rb").read).to include(%(require "test_helper")) end it "creates a default test which fails" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/test/#{require_path}_test.rb").read).to include("assert_equal(\"expected\", \"actual\")") end end context "gem.test setting set to test-unit" do before do bundle "config set gem.test test-unit" bundle "gem #{gem_name}" end it "creates a default rake task to run the test suite" do rakefile = strip_whitespace <<-RAKEFILE require "bundler/gem_tasks" require "rake/testtask" Rake::TestTask.new(:test) do |t| t.libs << "test" t.libs << "lib" t.test_files = FileList["test/**/*_test.rb"] end task :default => :test RAKEFILE expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/Rakefile").read).to eq(rakefile) end end context "--test with no arguments" do before do bundle! "gem #{gem_name} --test" end it "defaults to rspec" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/spec/spec_helper.rb")).to exist expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/test/test_helper.rb")).to_not exist end it "creates a .travis.yml file to test the library against the current Ruby version on Travis CI" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/.travis.yml").read).to match(/- #{RUBY_VERSION}/) end end context "--edit option" do it "opens the generated gemspec in the user's text editor" do output = bundle "gem #{gem_name} --edit=echo" gemspec_path = File.join(bundled_app, gem_name, "#{gem_name}.gemspec") expect(output).to include("echo \"#{gemspec_path}\"") end end end context "testing --mit and --coc options against bundle config settings", :readline do let(:gem_name) { "test-gem" } let(:require_path) { "test/gem" } context "with mit option in bundle config settings set to true" do before do global_config "BUNDLE_GEM__MIT" => "true" end it_behaves_like "--mit flag" it_behaves_like "--no-mit flag" end context "with mit option in bundle config settings set to false" do before do global_config "BUNDLE_GEM__MIT" => "false" end it_behaves_like "--mit flag" it_behaves_like "--no-mit flag" end context "with coc option in bundle config settings set to true" do before do global_config "BUNDLE_GEM__COC" => "true" end it_behaves_like "--coc flag" it_behaves_like "--no-coc flag" end context "with coc option in bundle config settings set to false" do before do global_config "BUNDLE_GEM__COC" => "false" end it_behaves_like "--coc flag" it_behaves_like "--no-coc flag" end context "with rubocop option in bundle config settings set to true" do before do global_config "BUNDLE_GEM__RUBOCOP" => "true" end it_behaves_like "--rubocop flag" it_behaves_like "--no-rubocop flag" end context "with rubocop option in bundle config settings set to false" do before do global_config "BUNDLE_GEM__RUBOCOP" => "false" end it_behaves_like "--rubocop flag" it_behaves_like "--no-rubocop flag" end end context "gem naming with underscore", :readline do let(:gem_name) { "test_gem" } let(:require_path) { "test_gem" } let(:flags) { nil } before do bundle! ["gem", gem_name, flags].compact.join(" ") end it "does not nest constants" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/lib/#{require_path}/version.rb").read).to match(/module TestGem/) expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/lib/#{require_path}.rb").read).to match(/module TestGem/) end include_examples "generating a gem" context "--ext parameter set" do let(:flags) { "--ext" } it "builds ext skeleton" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/ext/#{gem_name}/extconf.rb")).to exist expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/ext/#{gem_name}/#{gem_name}.h")).to exist expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/ext/#{gem_name}/#{gem_name}.c")).to exist end it "includes rake-compiler" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/Gemfile").read).to include('gem "rake-compiler"') end it "depends on compile task for build" do rakefile = strip_whitespace <<-RAKEFILE require "bundler/gem_tasks" require "rake/extensiontask" task :build => :compile Rake::ExtensionTask.new("#{gem_name}") do |ext| ext.lib_dir = "lib/#{gem_name}" end task :default => [:clobber, :compile] RAKEFILE expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/Rakefile").read).to eq(rakefile) end end end context "gem naming with dashed", :readline do let(:gem_name) { "test-gem" } let(:require_path) { "test/gem" } before do bundle! "gem #{gem_name}" end it "nests constants so they work" do expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/lib/#{require_path}/version.rb").read).to match(/module Test\n module Gem/) expect(bundled_app("#{gem_name}/lib/#{require_path}.rb").read).to match(/module Test\n module Gem/) end include_examples "generating a gem" end describe "uncommon gem names" do it "can deal with two dashes", :readline do bundle! "gem a--a" expect(bundled_app("a--a/a--a.gemspec")).to exist end it "fails gracefully with a ." do bundle "gem foo.gemspec" expect(err).to end_with("Invalid gem name foo.gemspec -- `Foo.gemspec` is an invalid constant name") end it "fails gracefully with a ^" do bundle "gem ^" expect(err).to end_with("Invalid gem name ^ -- `^` is an invalid constant name") end it "fails gracefully with a space" do bundle "gem 'foo bar'" expect(err).to end_with("Invalid gem name foo bar -- `Foo bar` is an invalid constant name") end it "fails gracefully when multiple names are passed" do bundle "gem foo bar baz" expect(err).to eq(<<-E.strip) ERROR: "bundle gem" was called with arguments ["foo", "bar", "baz"] Usage: "bundle gem NAME [OPTIONS]" E end end describe "#ensure_safe_gem_name", :readline do before do bundle "gem #{subject}" end context "with an existing const name" do subject { "gem" } it { expect(err).to include("Invalid gem name #{subject}") } end context "with an existing hyphenated const name" do subject { "gem-specification" } it { expect(err).to include("Invalid gem name #{subject}") } end context "starting with an existing const name" do subject { "gem-somenewconstantname" } it { expect(err).not_to include("Invalid gem name #{subject}") } end context "ending with an existing const name" do subject { "somenewconstantname-gem" } it { expect(err).not_to include("Invalid gem name #{subject}") } end end context "on first run", :readline do it "asks about test framework" do global_config "BUNDLE_GEM__MIT" => "false", "BUNDLE_GEM__COC" => "false" bundle! "gem foobar" do |input, _, _| input.puts "rspec" end expect(bundled_app("foobar/spec/spec_helper.rb")).to exist rakefile = strip_whitespace <<-RAKEFILE require "bundler/gem_tasks" require "rspec/core/rake_task" RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:spec) task :default => :spec RAKEFILE expect(bundled_app("foobar/Rakefile").read).to eq(rakefile) expect(bundled_app("foobar/Gemfile").read).to include('gem "rspec"') end it "asks about MIT license" do global_config "BUNDLE_GEM__TEST" => "false", "BUNDLE_GEM__COC" => "false" bundle "config list" bundle! "gem foobar" do |input, _, _| input.puts "yes" end expect(bundled_app("foobar/LICENSE.txt")).to exist end it "asks about CoC" do global_config "BUNDLE_GEM__MIT" => "false", "BUNDLE_GEM__TEST" => "false" bundle! "gem foobar" do |input, _, _| input.puts "yes" end expect(bundled_app("foobar/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md")).to exist end end context "on conflicts with a previously created file", :readline do it "should fail gracefully" do FileUtils.touch(bundled_app("conflict-foobar")) bundle "gem conflict-foobar" expect(err).to include("Errno::ENOTDIR") expect(exitstatus).to eql(32) if exitstatus end end context "on conflicts with a previously created directory", :readline do it "should succeed" do FileUtils.mkdir_p(bundled_app("conflict-foobar/Gemfile")) bundle! "gem conflict-foobar" expect(out).to include("file_clash conflict-foobar/Gemfile"). and include "Initializing git repo in #{bundled_app("conflict-foobar")}" end end end