# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe "bundle init" do it "generates a Gemfile" do bundle! :init expect(out).to include("Writing new Gemfile") expect(bundled_app_gemfile).to be_file end context "when a Gemfile already exists" do before do create_file "Gemfile", <<-G gem "rails" G end it "does not change existing Gemfiles" do expect { bundle :init }.not_to change { File.read(bundled_app_gemfile) } end it "notifies the user that an existing Gemfile already exists" do bundle :init expect(err).to include("Gemfile already exists") end end context "when a Gemfile exists in a parent directory" do let(:subdir) { "child_dir" } it "lets users generate a Gemfile in a child directory" do bundle! :init FileUtils.mkdir bundled_app(subdir) bundle! :init, :dir => bundled_app(subdir) expect(out).to include("Writing new Gemfile") expect(bundled_app("#{subdir}/Gemfile")).to be_file end end context "when the dir is not writable by the current user" do let(:subdir) { "child_dir" } it "notifies the user that it can not write to it" do FileUtils.mkdir bundled_app(subdir) # chmod a-w it mode = File.stat(bundled_app(subdir)).mode ^ 0o222 FileUtils.chmod mode, bundled_app(subdir) bundle :init, :dir => bundled_app(subdir) expect(err).to include("directory is not writable") expect(Dir[bundled_app("#{subdir}/*")]).to be_empty end end context "given --gemspec option" do let(:spec_file) { tmp.join("test.gemspec") } it "should generate from an existing gemspec" do File.open(spec_file, "w") do |file| file << <<-S Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = 'test' s.add_dependency 'rack', '= 1.0.1' s.add_development_dependency 'rspec', '1.2' end S end bundle :init, :gemspec => spec_file gemfile = bundled_app_gemfile.read expect(gemfile).to match(%r{source 'https://rubygems.org'}) expect(gemfile.scan(/gem "rack", "= 1.0.1"/).size).to eq(1) expect(gemfile.scan(/gem "rspec", "= 1.2"/).size).to eq(1) expect(gemfile.scan(/group :development/).size).to eq(1) end context "when gemspec file is invalid" do it "notifies the user that specification is invalid" do File.open(spec_file, "w") do |file| file << <<-S Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = 'test' s.invalid_method_name end S end bundle :init, :gemspec => spec_file expect(err).to include("There was an error while loading `test.gemspec`") end end end context "when init_gems_rb setting is enabled" do before { bundle "config set init_gems_rb true" } it "generates a gems.rb" do bundle! :init expect(out).to include("Writing new gems.rb") expect(bundled_app("gems.rb")).to be_file end context "when gems.rb already exists" do before do create_file("gems.rb", <<-G) gem "rails" G end it "does not change existing Gemfiles" do expect { bundle :init }.not_to change { File.read(bundled_app("gems.rb")) } end it "notifies the user that an existing gems.rb already exists" do bundle :init expect(err).to include("gems.rb already exists") end end context "when a gems.rb file exists in a parent directory" do let(:subdir) { "child_dir" } it "lets users generate a Gemfile in a child directory" do bundle! :init FileUtils.mkdir bundled_app(subdir) bundle! :init, :dir => bundled_app(subdir) expect(out).to include("Writing new gems.rb") expect(bundled_app("#{subdir}/gems.rb")).to be_file end end context "given --gemspec option" do let(:spec_file) { tmp.join("test.gemspec") } before do File.open(spec_file, "w") do |file| file << <<-S Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = 'test' s.add_dependency 'rack', '= 1.0.1' s.add_development_dependency 'rspec', '1.2' end S end end it "should generate from an existing gemspec" do bundle :init, :gemspec => spec_file gemfile = bundled_app("gems.rb").read expect(gemfile).to match(%r{source 'https://rubygems.org'}) expect(gemfile.scan(/gem "rack", "= 1.0.1"/).size).to eq(1) expect(gemfile.scan(/gem "rspec", "= 1.2"/).size).to eq(1) expect(gemfile.scan(/group :development/).size).to eq(1) end it "prints message to user" do bundle :init, :gemspec => spec_file expect(out).to include("Writing new gems.rb") end end end end