require "monitor" require "rubygems" require "rubygems/config_file" module Bundler class RubygemsIntegration if defined?(Gem::Ext::Builder::CHDIR_MONITOR) EXT_LOCK = Gem::Ext::Builder::CHDIR_MONITOR else EXT_LOCK = end def self.version @version ||= end def self.provides?(req_str) end def version self.class.version end def provides?(req_str) self.class.provides?(req_str) end def build_args Gem::Command.build_args end def build_args=(args) Gem::Command.build_args = args end def loaded_specs(name) Gem.loaded_specs[name] end def mark_loaded(spec) if spec.respond_to?(:activated=) current = Gem.loaded_specs[] current.activated = false if current spec.activated = true end Gem.loaded_specs[] = spec end def validate(spec) Bundler.ui.silence { spec.validate(false) } rescue Errno::ENOENT nil end def path(obj) obj.to_s end def platforms Gem.platforms end def configuration require "bundler/psyched_yaml" Gem.configuration rescue Gem::SystemExitException, LoadError => e Bundler.ui.error "#{e.class}: #{e.message}" Bundler.ui.trace e raise rescue YamlLibrarySyntaxError => e raise, "Your RubyGems configuration, which is " \ "usually located in ~/.gemrc, contains invalid YAML syntax.") end def ruby_engine Gem.ruby_engine end def read_binary(path) Gem.read_binary(path) end def inflate(obj) Gem.inflate(obj) end def sources=(val) # Gem.configuration creates a new Gem::ConfigFile, which by default will read ~/.gemrc # If that file exists, its settings (including sources) will overwrite the values we # are about to set here. In order to avoid that, we force memoizing the config file now. configuration Gem.sources = val end def sources Gem.sources end def gem_dir Gem.dir end def gem_bindir Gem.bindir end def user_home Gem.user_home end def gem_path Gem.path end def gem_cache {|p| File.expand_path("cache", p) } end def spec_cache_dirs @spec_cache_dirs ||= begin dirs = {|dir| File.join(dir, "specifications") } dirs << Gem.spec_cache_dir if Gem.respond_to?(:spec_cache_dir) # Not in Rubygems 2.0.3 or earlier {|dir| dir } end end def marshal_spec_dir Gem::MARSHAL_SPEC_DIR end def config_map Gem::ConfigMap end def repository_subdirectories %w(cache doc gems specifications) end def clear_paths Gem.clear_paths end def bin_path(gem, bin, ver) Gem.bin_path(gem, bin, ver) end def preserve_paths # this is a no-op outside of Rubygems 1.8 yield end def loaded_gem_paths # RubyGems 2.2+ can put binary extension into dedicated folders, # therefore use RubyGems facilities to obtain their load paths. if Gem::Specification.method_defined? :full_require_paths loaded_gem_paths = {|_, s| s.full_require_paths } loaded_gem_paths.flatten else $ do |p| Bundler.rubygems.gem_path.any? {|gp| p =~ /^#{Regexp.escape(gp)}/ } end end end def ui=(obj) Gem::DefaultUserInteraction.ui = obj end def ext_lock EXT_LOCK end def fetch_specs(all, pre, &blk) specs =, pre) specs.each { yield } if block_given? specs end def fetch_prerelease_specs fetch_specs(false, true) rescue Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError {} # if we can't download them, there aren't any end # TODO: This is for older versions of Rubygems... should we support the # X-Gemfile-Source header on these old versions? # Maybe the newer implementation will work on older Rubygems? # It seems difficult to keep this implementation and still send the header. def fetch_all_remote_specs(remote) old_sources = Bundler.rubygems.sources Bundler.rubygems.sources = [remote.uri.to_s] # Fetch all specs, minus prerelease specs spec_list = fetch_specs(true, false) # Then fetch the prerelease specs fetch_prerelease_specs.each {|k, v| spec_list[k].push(*v) } spec_list.values.first ensure Bundler.rubygems.sources = old_sources end def with_build_args(args) ext_lock.synchronize do old_args = build_args begin self.build_args = args yield ensure self.build_args = old_args end end end def gem_from_path(path, policy = nil) require "rubygems/format" Gem::Format.from_file_by_path(path, policy) end def spec_from_gem(path, policy = nil) require "rubygems/security" gem_from_path(path, security_policies[policy]).spec rescue Gem::Package::FormatError raise GemspecError, "Could not read gem at #{path}. It may be corrupted." rescue Exception, Gem::Exception, Gem::Security::Exception => e if e.is_a?(Gem::Security::Exception) || e.message =~ /unknown trust policy|unsigned gem/i || e.message =~ /couldn't verify (meta)?data signature/i raise SecurityError, "The gem #{File.basename(path, ".gem")} can't be installed because " \ "the security policy didn't allow it, with the message: #{e.message}" else raise e end end def build(spec, skip_validation = false) require "rubygems/builder" end def build_gem(gem_dir, spec) build(spec) end def download_gem(spec, uri, path) uri = Bundler.settings.mirror_for(uri) fetcher =[:http_proxy]), uri, path) end def security_policy_keys %w(High Medium Low AlmostNo No).map {|level| "#{level}Security" } end def security_policies @security_policies ||= begin require "rubygems/security" Gem::Security::Policies rescue LoadError, NameError {} end end def reverse_rubygems_kernel_mixin # Disable rubygems' gem activation system ::Kernel.class_eval do if private_method_defined?(:gem_original_require) alias_method :rubygems_require, :require alias_method :require, :gem_original_require end undef gem end end def replace_gem(specs) reverse_rubygems_kernel_mixin executables = ::Kernel.send(:define_method, :gem) do |dep, *reqs| if executables.include? File.basename(caller.first.split(":").first) break end reqs.pop if reqs.last.is_a?(Hash) unless dep.respond_to?(:name) && dep.respond_to?(:requirement) dep =, reqs) end spec = specs.find {|s| == } if spec.nil? e = "#{} is not part of the bundle. Add it to Gemfile." = if e.respond_to?(:requirement=) e.requirement = dep.requirement else e.version_requirement = dep.requirement end raise e elsif dep !~ spec e = "can't activate #{dep}, already activated #{spec.full_name}. " \ "Make sure all dependencies are added to Gemfile." = if e.respond_to?(:requirement=) e.requirement = dep.requirement else e.version_requirement = dep.requirement end raise e end true end end def stub_source_index(specs) Gem::SourceIndex.send(:alias_method, :old_initialize, :initialize) redefine_method(Gem::SourceIndex, :initialize) do |*args| @gems = {} # You're looking at this thinking: Oh! This is how I make those # rubygems deprecations go away! # # You'd be correct BUT using of this method in production code # must be approved by the rubygems team itself! # # This is your warning. If you use this and don't have approval # we can't protect you. # Deprecate.skip_during do self.spec_dirs = *args add_specs(*specs) end end end # Used to make bin stubs that are not created by bundler work # under bundler. The new Gem.bin_path only considers gems in # +specs+ def replace_bin_path(specs) gem_class = (class << Gem; self; end) redefine_method(gem_class, :bin_path) do |name, *args| exec_name = args.first return ENV["BUNDLE_BIN_PATH"] if exec_name == "bundle" spec = nil if exec_name spec = specs.find {|s| s.executables.include?(exec_name) } raise(Gem::Exception, "can't find executable #{exec_name}") unless spec unless == name warn "Bundler is using a binstub that was created for a different gem.\n" \ "This is deprecated, in future versions you may need to `bundle binstub #{name}` " \ "to work around a system/bundle conflict." end else spec = specs.find {|s| == name } raise Gem::Exception, "no default executable for #{spec.full_name}" unless exec_name = spec.default_executable end gem_bin = File.join(spec.full_gem_path, spec.bindir, exec_name) gem_from_path_bin = File.join(File.dirname(spec.loaded_from), spec.bindir, exec_name) File.exist?(gem_bin) ? gem_bin : gem_from_path_bin end end # Because Bundler has a static view of what specs are available, # we don't #refresh, so stub it out. def replace_refresh gem_class = (class << Gem; self; end) redefine_method(gem_class, :refresh) {} end # Replace or hook into Rubygems to provide a bundlerized view # of the world. def replace_entrypoints(specs) replace_gem(specs) stub_rubygems(specs) replace_bin_path(specs) replace_refresh Gem.clear_paths end # This backports the correct segment generation code from Rubygems 1.4+ # by monkeypatching it into the method in Rubygems 1.3.6 and 1.3.7. def backport_segment_generation redefine_method(Gem::Version, :segments) do @segments ||= @version.scan(/[0-9]+|[a-z]+/i).map do |s| /^\d+$/ =~ s ? s.to_i : s end end end # This backport fixes the marshaling of @segments. def backport_yaml_initialize redefine_method(Gem::Version, :yaml_initialize) do |_, map| @version = map["version"] @segments = nil @hash = nil end end # This backports base_dir which replaces installation path # Rubygems 1.8+ def backport_base_dir redefine_method(Gem::Specification, :base_dir) do return Gem.dir unless loaded_from File.dirname File.dirname loaded_from end end def backport_cache_file redefine_method(Gem::Specification, :cache_dir) do @cache_dir ||= File.join base_dir, "cache" end redefine_method(Gem::Specification, :cache_file) do @cache_file ||= File.join cache_dir, "#{full_name}.gem" end end def backport_spec_file redefine_method(Gem::Specification, :spec_dir) do @spec_dir ||= File.join base_dir, "specifications" end redefine_method(Gem::Specification, :spec_file) do @spec_file ||= File.join spec_dir, "#{full_name}.gemspec" end end def redefine_method(klass, method, &block) if klass.instance_methods(false).include?(method) klass.send(:remove_method, method) end klass.send(:define_method, method, &block) end # Rubygems 1.4 through 1.6 class Legacy < RubygemsIntegration def initialize super backport_base_dir backport_cache_file backport_spec_file backport_yaml_initialize end def stub_rubygems(specs) # Rubygems versions lower than 1.7 use SourceIndex#from_gems_in source_index_class = (class << Gem::SourceIndex; self; end) source_index_class.send(:define_method, :from_gems_in) do |*args| source_index = source_index.spec_dirs = *args source_index.add_specs(*specs) source_index end end def all_specs Gem.source_index.gems.values end def find_name(name) Gem.source_index.find_name(name) end def validate(spec) # These versions of RubyGems always validate in "packaging" mode, # which is too strict for the kinds of checks we care about. As a # result, validation is disabled on versions of RubyGems below 1.7. end end # Rubygems versions 1.3.6 and 1.3.7 class Ancient < Legacy def initialize super backport_segment_generation end end # Rubygems 1.7 class Transitional < Legacy def stub_rubygems(specs) stub_source_index(specs) end def validate(spec) # Missing summary is downgraded to a warning in later versions, # so we set it to an empty string to prevent an exception here. spec.summary ||= "" Bundler.ui.silence { spec.validate(false) } rescue Errno::ENOENT nil end end # Rubygems 1.8.5-1.8.19 class Modern < RubygemsIntegration def stub_rubygems(specs) Gem::Specification.all = specs Gem.post_reset do Gem::Specification.all = specs end stub_source_index(specs) end def all_specs Gem::Specification.to_a end def find_name(name) Gem::Specification.find_all_by_name name end end # Rubygems 1.8.0 to 1.8.4 class AlmostModern < Modern # Rubygems [>= 1.8.0, < 1.8.5] has a bug that changes Gem.dir whenever # you call Gem::Installer#install with an :install_dir set. We have to # change it back for our sudo mode to work. def preserve_paths old_dir = gem_dir old_path = gem_path yield Gem.use_paths(old_dir, old_path) end end # Rubygems 1.8.20+ class MoreModern < Modern # Rubygems 1.8.20 and adds the skip_validation parameter, so that's # when we start passing it through. def build(spec, skip_validation = false) require "rubygems/builder" end end # Rubygems 2.0 class Future < RubygemsIntegration def stub_rubygems(specs) Gem::Specification.all = specs Gem.post_reset do Gem::Specification.all = specs end end def all_specs Gem::Specification.to_a end def find_name(name) Gem::Specification.find_all_by_name name end def fetch_specs(source, remote, name) path = source + "#{name}.#{Gem.marshal_version}.gz" fetcher = gem_remote_fetcher fetcher.headers = { "X-Gemfile-Source" => remote.original_uri.to_s } if remote.original_uri string = fetcher.fetch_path(path) Bundler.load_marshal(string) rescue Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError => e # it's okay for prerelease to fail raise e unless name == "prerelease_specs" end def fetch_all_remote_specs(remote) source = remote.uri.is_a?(URI) ? remote.uri : URI.parse(source.to_s) specs = fetch_specs(source, remote, "specs") pres = fetch_specs(source, remote, "prerelease_specs") || [] specs.push(*pres) end def download_gem(spec, uri, path) uri = Bundler.settings.mirror_for(uri) fetcher = gem_remote_fetcher fetcher.headers = { "X-Gemfile-Source" => spec.remote.original_uri.to_s } if spec.remote.original_uri, uri, path) end def gem_remote_fetcher require "resolv" proxy = configuration[:http_proxy] dns =, dns) end def gem_from_path(path, policy = nil) require "rubygems/package" p = p.security_policy = policy if policy p end def build(spec, skip_validation = false) require "rubygems/package", skip_validation) end def repository_subdirectories Gem::REPOSITORY_SUBDIRECTORIES end end # RubyGems 2.1.0 class MoreFuture < Future def initialize super backport_ext_builder_monitor end def all_specs require "bundler/remote_specification" do |stub| StubSpecification.from_stub(stub) end end def backport_ext_builder_monitor require "rubygems/ext" Gem::Ext::Builder.class_eval do unless const_defined?(:CHDIR_MONITOR) const_set(:CHDIR_MONITOR, EXT_LOCK) end remove_const(:CHDIR_MUTEX) if const_defined?(:CHDIR_MUTEX) const_set(:CHDIR_MUTEX, const_get(:CHDIR_MONITOR)) end end if Gem::Specification.respond_to?(:stubs_for) def find_name(name) Gem::Specification.stubs_for(name).map(&:to_spec) end else def find_name(name) Gem::Specification.stubs.find_all do |spec| == name end end end end if RubygemsIntegration.provides?(">= 2.1.0") @rubygems = elsif RubygemsIntegration.provides?(">= 1.99.99") @rubygems = elsif RubygemsIntegration.provides?(">= 1.8.20") @rubygems = elsif RubygemsIntegration.provides?(">= 1.8.5") @rubygems = elsif RubygemsIntegration.provides?(">= 1.8.0") @rubygems = elsif RubygemsIntegration.provides?(">= 1.7.0") @rubygems = elsif RubygemsIntegration.provides?(">= 1.4.0") @rubygems = else # Rubygems 1.3.6 and 1.3.7 @rubygems = end class << self attr_reader :rubygems end end