# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- $:.unshift File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__) require 'rubygems' require 'shellwords' require 'benchmark' RUBYGEMS_REPO = File.expand_path("tmp/rubygems") def safe_task(&block) yield true rescue false end # Benchmark task execution module Rake class Task alias_method :real_invoke, :invoke def invoke(*args) time = Benchmark.measure(@name) do real_invoke(*args) end puts "#{@name} ran for #{time}" end end end namespace :spec do desc "Ensure spec dependencies are installed" task :deps do {"rdiscount" => "~> 1.6", "ronn" => "~> 0.7.3", "rspec" => "~> 2.99.0.beta1"}.each do |name, version| sh "#{Gem.ruby} -S gem list -i #{name} -v '#{version}' || " \ "#{Gem.ruby} -S gem install #{name} -v '#{version}' --no-ri --no-rdoc" end end namespace :travis do task :deps do # Give the travis user a name so that git won't fatally error system("sudo sed -i 's/1000::/1000:Travis:/g' /etc/passwd") # Strip secure_path so that RVM paths transmit through sudo -E system("sudo sed -i '/secure_path/d' /etc/sudoers") # Install groff for the ronn gem system("sudo apt-get install groff -y") # Install the other gem deps, etc. Rake::Task["spec:deps"].invoke end end end begin # running the specs needs both rspec and ronn require 'rspec/core/rake_task' require 'ronn' desc "Run specs" RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new do |t| t.rspec_opts = %w(-fs --color) t.ruby_opts = %w(-w) end task :spec => "man:build" namespace :spec do task :clean do rm_rf 'tmp' end desc "Run the real-world spec suite (requires internet)" task :realworld => ["set_realworld", "spec"] task :set_realworld do ENV['BUNDLER_REALWORLD_TESTS'] = '1' end desc "Run the spec suite with the sudo tests" task :sudo => ["set_sudo", "spec", "clean_sudo"] task :set_sudo do ENV['BUNDLER_SUDO_TESTS'] = '1' end task :clean_sudo do puts "Cleaning up sudo test files..." system "sudo rm -rf #{File.expand_path('../tmp/sudo_gem_home', __FILE__)}" end # Rubygems specs by version namespace :rubygems do rubyopt = ENV["RUBYOPT"] # When editing this list, also edit .travis.yml! branches = %w(master 2.2) releases = %w(v1.3.6 v1.3.7 v1.4.2 v1.5.3 v1.6.2 v1.7.2 v1.8.29 v2.0.14 v2.1.11 v2.2.1) (branches + releases).each do |rg| desc "Run specs with Rubygems #{rg}" RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(rg) do |t| t.rspec_opts = %w(-fs --color) t.ruby_opts = %w(-w) end # Create tasks like spec:rubygems:v1.8.3:sudo to run the sudo specs namespace rg do task :sudo => ["set_sudo", rg, "clean_sudo"] task :realworld => ["set_realworld", rg] end task "clone_rubygems_#{rg}" do unless File.directory?("tmp/rubygems") system("git clone git://github.com/rubygems/rubygems.git tmp/rubygems") end hash = nil Dir.chdir(RUBYGEMS_REPO) do system("git remote update") if rg == "master" system("git checkout origin/master") else system("git checkout #{rg}") end hash = `git rev-parse HEAD`.chomp end puts "Checked out rubygems '#{rg}' at #{hash}" ENV["RUBYOPT"] = "-I#{File.expand_path("tmp/rubygems/lib")} #{rubyopt}" puts "RUBYOPT=#{ENV['RUBYOPT']}" end task rg => ["clone_rubygems_#{rg}", "man:build"] task "rubygems:all" => rg end desc "Run specs under a Rubygems checkout (set RG=path)" RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new("co") do |t| t.rspec_opts = %w(-fs --color) t.ruby_opts = %w(-w) end task "setup_co" do ENV["RUBYOPT"] = "-I#{File.expand_path ENV['RG']} #{rubyopt}" end task "co" => "setup_co" task "rubygems:all" => "co" end desc "Run the tests on Travis CI against a rubygem version (using ENV['RGV'])" task :travis do rg = ENV['RGV'] || raise("Rubygems version is required on Travis!") puts "\n\e[1;33m[Travis CI] Running bundler specs against rubygems #{rg}\e[m\n\n" specs = safe_task { Rake::Task["spec:rubygems:#{rg}"].invoke } Rake::Task["spec:rubygems:#{rg}"].reenable puts "\n\e[1;33m[Travis CI] Running bundler sudo specs against rubygems #{rg}\e[m\n\n" sudos = system("sudo -E rake spec:rubygems:#{rg}:sudo") # clean up by chowning the newly root-owned tmp directory back to the travis user system("sudo chown -R #{ENV['USER']} #{File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'tmp')}") Rake::Task["spec:rubygems:#{rg}"].reenable puts "\n\e[1;33m[Travis CI] Running bundler real world specs against rubygems #{rg}\e[m\n\n" realworld = safe_task { Rake::Task["spec:rubygems:#{rg}:realworld"].invoke } {"specs" => specs, "sudo" => sudos, "realworld" => realworld}.each do |name, passed| if passed puts "\e[0;32m[Travis CI] #{name} passed\e[m" else puts "\e[0;31m[Travis CI] #{name} failed\e[m" end end unless specs && sudos && realworld fail "Spec run failed, please review the log for more information" end end end rescue LoadError task :spec do abort "Run `rake spec:deps` to be able to run the specs" end end begin require 'ronn' namespace :man do directory "lib/bundler/man" Dir["man/*.ronn"].each do |ronn| basename = File.basename(ronn, ".ronn") roff = "lib/bundler/man/#{basename}" file roff => ["lib/bundler/man", ronn] do sh "#{Gem.ruby} -S ronn --roff --pipe #{ronn} > #{roff}" end file "#{roff}.txt" => roff do sh "groff -Wall -mtty-char -mandoc -Tascii #{roff} | col -b > #{roff}.txt" end task :build_all_pages => "#{roff}.txt" end desc "Build the man pages" task :build => "man:build_all_pages" desc "Clean up from the built man pages" task :clean do rm_rf "lib/bundler/man" end end rescue LoadError namespace :man do task(:build) { abort "Install the ronn gem to be able to release!" } task(:clean) { abort "Install the ronn gem to be able to release!" } end end desc "Update vendored SSL certs to match the certs vendored by Rubygems" task :update_certs => "spec:rubygems:clone_rubygems_master" do require 'bundler/ssl_certs/certificate_manager' Bundler::SSLCerts::CertificateManager.update_from!(RUBYGEMS_REPO) end require 'bundler/gem_tasks' task :build => ["man:clean", "man:build"] task :release => ["man:clean", "man:build"] task :default => :spec