path: root/lib
diff options
authorDavid Rodríguez <>2019-06-11 12:48:34 +0200
committerDavid Rodríguez <>2019-07-24 21:43:07 +0200
commit0575baa6bb50264964c6c1896218e83ef7ed5025 (patch)
tree179418cb4559ddc971cf4f57bddf98b379e58239 /lib
parenta8874423f347efa52d69b332cc855def812e9b5b (diff)
Bump net-http-persistent to 3.0.1
* Adds an extra artifice task to vendorize new `connection_pool` dependency. * Cherry-pick's needed Windows fix not yet merged into master branch of `net-http-persistent`. * Update bundler usages to be compatible with the new version, and fix unit specs.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
12 files changed, 811 insertions, 440 deletions
diff --git a/lib/bundler/fetcher.rb b/lib/bundler/fetcher.rb
index 8118c2b2e7..7bda26770b 100644
--- a/lib/bundler/fetcher.rb
+++ b/lib/bundler/fetcher.rb
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ module Bundler
raise SSLError if needs_ssl && !defined?(OpenSSL::SSL)
- con = "bundler", :ENV
+ con = :name => "bundler", :proxy => :ENV
if gem_proxy = Bundler.rubygems.configuration[:http_proxy]
con.proxy = URI.parse(gem_proxy) if gem_proxy != :no_proxy
diff --git a/lib/bundler/vendor/connection_pool/lib/connection_pool.rb b/lib/bundler/vendor/connection_pool/lib/connection_pool.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fbcd26c765
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bundler/vendor/connection_pool/lib/connection_pool.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+require_relative 'connection_pool/version'
+require_relative 'connection_pool/timed_stack'
+# Generic connection pool class for e.g. sharing a limited number of network connections
+# among many threads. Note: Connections are lazily created.
+# Example usage with block (faster):
+# @pool = { }
+# @pool.with do |redis|
+# redis.lpop('my-list') if redis.llen('my-list') > 0
+# end
+# Using optional timeout override (for that single invocation)
+# @pool.with(timeout: 2.0) do |redis|
+# redis.lpop('my-list') if redis.llen('my-list') > 0
+# end
+# Example usage replacing an existing connection (slower):
+# $redis = Bundler::ConnectionPool.wrap { }
+# def do_work
+# $redis.lpop('my-list') if $redis.llen('my-list') > 0
+# end
+# Accepts the following options:
+# - :size - number of connections to pool, defaults to 5
+# - :timeout - amount of time to wait for a connection if none currently available, defaults to 5 seconds
+class Bundler::ConnectionPool
+ DEFAULTS = {size: 5, timeout: 5}
+ class Error < RuntimeError
+ end
+ def self.wrap(options, &block)
+, &block)
+ end
+ def initialize(options = {}, &block)
+ raise ArgumentError, 'Connection pool requires a block' unless block
+ options = DEFAULTS.merge(options)
+ @size = options.fetch(:size)
+ @timeout = options.fetch(:timeout)
+ @available =, &block)
+ @key = :"current-#{@available.object_id}"
+ @key_count = :"current-#{@available.object_id}-count"
+ end
+if Thread.respond_to?(:handle_interrupt)
+ # MRI
+ def with(options = {})
+ Thread.handle_interrupt(Exception => :never) do
+ conn = checkout(options)
+ begin
+ Thread.handle_interrupt(Exception => :immediate) do
+ yield conn
+ end
+ ensure
+ checkin
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # jruby 1.7.x
+ def with(options = {})
+ conn = checkout(options)
+ begin
+ yield conn
+ ensure
+ checkin
+ end
+ end
+ def checkout(options = {})
+ if ::Thread.current[@key]
+ ::Thread.current[@key_count]+= 1
+ ::Thread.current[@key]
+ else
+ ::Thread.current[@key_count]= 1
+ ::Thread.current[@key]= @available.pop(options[:timeout] || @timeout)
+ end
+ end
+ def checkin
+ if ::Thread.current[@key]
+ if ::Thread.current[@key_count] == 1
+ @available.push(::Thread.current[@key])
+ ::Thread.current[@key]= nil
+ else
+ ::Thread.current[@key_count]-= 1
+ end
+ else
+ raise Bundler::ConnectionPool::Error, 'no connections are checked out'
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ def shutdown(&block)
+ @available.shutdown(&block)
+ end
+ # Size of this connection pool
+ def size
+ @size
+ end
+ # Number of pool entries available for checkout at this instant.
+ def available
+ @available.length
+ end
+ private
+ class Wrapper < ::BasicObject
+ METHODS = [:with, :pool_shutdown]
+ def initialize(options = {}, &block)
+ @pool = options.fetch(:pool) {, &block) }
+ end
+ def with(&block)
+ @pool.with(&block)
+ end
+ def pool_shutdown(&block)
+ @pool.shutdown(&block)
+ end
+ def pool_size
+ @pool.size
+ end
+ def pool_available
+ @pool.available
+ end
+ def respond_to?(id, *args)
+ METHODS.include?(id) || with { |c| c.respond_to?(id, *args) }
+ end
+ def method_missing(name, *args, &block)
+ with do |connection|
+ connection.send(name, *args, &block)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/bundler/vendor/connection_pool/lib/connection_pool/monotonic_time.rb b/lib/bundler/vendor/connection_pool/lib/connection_pool/monotonic_time.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a9c4a27bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bundler/vendor/connection_pool/lib/connection_pool/monotonic_time.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Global monotonic clock from Concurrent Ruby 1.0.
+# Copyright (c) Jerry D'Antonio -- released under the MIT license.
+# Slightly modified; used with permission.
+require 'thread'
+class Bundler::ConnectionPool
+ class_definition = do
+ if defined?(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
+ # @!visibility private
+ def get_time
+ Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
+ end
+ elsif defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) && RUBY_ENGINE == 'jruby'
+ # @!visibility private
+ def get_time
+ java.lang.System.nanoTime() / 1_000_000_000.0
+ end
+ else
+ # @!visibility private
+ def initialize
+ @mutex =
+ @last_time =
+ end
+ # @!visibility private
+ def get_time
+ @mutex.synchronize do
+ now =
+ if @last_time < now
+ @last_time = now
+ else # clock has moved back in time
+ @last_time += 0.000_001
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Clock that cannot be set and represents monotonic time since
+ # some unspecified starting point.
+ #
+ # @!visibility private
+ private_constant :GLOBAL_MONOTONIC_CLOCK
+ class << self
+ ##
+ # Returns the current time a tracked by the application monotonic clock.
+ #
+ # @return [Float] The current monotonic time when `since` not given else
+ # the elapsed monotonic time between `since` and the current time
+ def monotonic_time
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/bundler/vendor/connection_pool/lib/connection_pool/timed_stack.rb b/lib/bundler/vendor/connection_pool/lib/connection_pool/timed_stack.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3fe1e04ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bundler/vendor/connection_pool/lib/connection_pool/timed_stack.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+require 'thread'
+require 'timeout'
+require_relative 'monotonic_time'
+# Raised when you attempt to retrieve a connection from a pool that has been
+# shut down.
+class Bundler::ConnectionPool::PoolShuttingDownError < RuntimeError; end
+# The TimedStack manages a pool of homogeneous connections (or any resource
+# you wish to manage). Connections are created lazily up to a given maximum
+# number.
+# Examples:
+# ts = { }
+# # fetch a connection
+# conn = ts.pop
+# # return a connection
+# ts.push conn
+# conn = ts.pop
+# ts.pop timeout: 5
+# #=> raises Timeout::Error after 5 seconds
+class Bundler::ConnectionPool::TimedStack
+ attr_reader :max
+ ##
+ # Creates a new pool with +size+ connections that are created from the given
+ # +block+.
+ def initialize(size = 0, &block)
+ @create_block = block
+ @created = 0
+ @que = []
+ @max = size
+ @mutex =
+ @resource =
+ @shutdown_block = nil
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns +obj+ to the stack. +options+ is ignored in TimedStack but may be
+ # used by subclasses that extend TimedStack.
+ def push(obj, options = {})
+ @mutex.synchronize do
+ if @shutdown_block
+ else
+ store_connection obj, options
+ end
+ @resource.broadcast
+ end
+ end
+ alias_method :<<, :push
+ ##
+ # Retrieves a connection from the stack. If a connection is available it is
+ # immediately returned. If no connection is available within the given
+ # timeout a Timeout::Error is raised.
+ #
+ # +:timeout+ is the only checked entry in +options+ and is preferred over
+ # the +timeout+ argument (which will be removed in a future release). Other
+ # options may be used by subclasses that extend TimedStack.
+ def pop(timeout = 0.5, options = {})
+ options, timeout = timeout, 0.5 if Hash === timeout
+ timeout = options.fetch :timeout, timeout
+ deadline = Bundler::ConnectionPool.monotonic_time + timeout
+ @mutex.synchronize do
+ loop do
+ raise Bundler::ConnectionPool::PoolShuttingDownError if @shutdown_block
+ return fetch_connection(options) if connection_stored?(options)
+ connection = try_create(options)
+ return connection if connection
+ to_wait = deadline - Bundler::ConnectionPool.monotonic_time
+ raise Timeout::Error, "Waited #{timeout} sec" if to_wait <= 0
+ @resource.wait(@mutex, to_wait)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Shuts down the TimedStack which prevents connections from being checked
+ # out. The +block+ is called once for each connection on the stack.
+ def shutdown(&block)
+ raise ArgumentError, "shutdown must receive a block" unless block_given?
+ @mutex.synchronize do
+ @shutdown_block = block
+ @resource.broadcast
+ shutdown_connections
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns +true+ if there are no available connections.
+ def empty?
+ (@created - @que.length) >= @max
+ end
+ ##
+ # The number of connections available on the stack.
+ def length
+ @max - @created + @que.length
+ end
+ private
+ ##
+ # This is an extension point for TimedStack and is called with a mutex.
+ #
+ # This method must returns true if a connection is available on the stack.
+ def connection_stored?(options = nil)
+ !@que.empty?
+ end
+ ##
+ # This is an extension point for TimedStack and is called with a mutex.
+ #
+ # This method must return a connection from the stack.
+ def fetch_connection(options = nil)
+ @que.pop
+ end
+ ##
+ # This is an extension point for TimedStack and is called with a mutex.
+ #
+ # This method must shut down all connections on the stack.
+ def shutdown_connections(options = nil)
+ while connection_stored?(options)
+ conn = fetch_connection(options)
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # This is an extension point for TimedStack and is called with a mutex.
+ #
+ # This method must return +obj+ to the stack.
+ def store_connection(obj, options = nil)
+ @que.push obj
+ end
+ ##
+ # This is an extension point for TimedStack and is called with a mutex.
+ #
+ # This method must create a connection if and only if the total number of
+ # connections allowed has not been met.
+ def try_create(options = nil)
+ unless @created == @max
+ object =
+ @created += 1
+ object
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/bundler/vendor/connection_pool/lib/connection_pool/version.rb b/lib/bundler/vendor/connection_pool/lib/connection_pool/version.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b149c0e242
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bundler/vendor/connection_pool/lib/connection_pool/version.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+class Bundler::ConnectionPool
+ VERSION = "2.2.2"
diff --git a/lib/bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/faster.rb b/lib/bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/faster.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e5e09080c2..0000000000
--- a/lib/bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/faster.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-require 'net/protocol'
-# Aaron Patterson's monkeypatch (accepted into 1.9.1) to fix Net::HTTP's speed
-# problems.
-class Net::BufferedIO #:nodoc:
- alias :old_rbuf_fill :rbuf_fill
- def rbuf_fill
- if @io.respond_to? :read_nonblock then
- begin
- @rbuf << @io.read_nonblock(65536)
- rescue Errno::EWOULDBLOCK, Errno::EAGAIN => e
- retry if [@io], nil, nil, @read_timeout
- raise Timeout::Error, e.message
- end
- else # SSL sockets do not have read_nonblock
- timeout @read_timeout do
- @rbuf << @io.sysread(65536)
- end
- end
- end
-end if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
diff --git a/lib/bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb b/lib/bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb
index 7cbca5bc06..0d4bb350dd 100644
--- a/lib/bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb
+++ b/lib/bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb
@@ -1,12 +1,7 @@
require 'net/http'
- require 'net/https'
-rescue LoadError
- # net/https or openssl
-end if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' # but only for 1.8
-require 'bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/faster'
require 'uri'
require 'cgi' # for escaping
+require_relative '../../../../connection_pool/lib/connection_pool'
require 'net/http/pipeline'
@@ -38,7 +33,7 @@ autoload :OpenSSL, 'openssl'
# uri = URI ''
-# http = 'my_app_name'
+# http = name: 'my_app_name'
# # perform a GET
# response = http.request uri
@@ -70,13 +65,17 @@ autoload :OpenSSL, 'openssl'
# Here are the SSL settings, see the individual methods for documentation:
# #certificate :: This client's certificate
-# #ca_file :: The certificate-authority
+# #ca_file :: The certificate-authorities
+# #ca_path :: Directory with certificate-authorities
# #cert_store :: An SSL certificate store
+# #ciphers :: List of SSl ciphers allowed
# #private_key :: The client's SSL private key
# #reuse_ssl_sessions :: Reuse a previously opened SSL session for a new
# connection
+# #ssl_timeout :: SSL session lifetime
# #ssl_version :: Which specific SSL version to use
# #verify_callback :: For server certificate verification
+# #verify_depth :: Depth of certificate verification
# #verify_mode :: How connections should be verified
# == Proxies
@@ -154,7 +153,7 @@ autoload :OpenSSL, 'openssl'
# uri = URI ''
# post_uri = uri + 'create'
-# http = 'my_app_name'
+# http = name: 'my_app_name'
# post = post_uri.path
# # ... fill in POST request
@@ -201,9 +200,18 @@ class Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent
HAVE_OPENSSL = defined? OpenSSL::SSL # :nodoc:
+ # The default connection pool size is 1/4 the allowed open files.
+ if Gem.win_platform? then
+ else
+ DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE = Process.getrlimit(Process::RLIMIT_NOFILE).first / 4
+ end
+ ##
# The version of Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent you are using
- VERSION = '2.9.4'
+ VERSION = '3.0.1'
# Exceptions rescued for automatic retry on ruby 2.0.0. This overlaps with
@@ -248,31 +256,31 @@ class Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent
http = new 'net-http-persistent detect_idle_timeout'
- connection = http.connection_for uri
+ http.connection_for uri do |connection|
+ sleep_time = 0
- sleep_time = 0
+ http = connection.http
- loop do
- response = connection.request req
+ loop do
+ response = http.request req
- $stderr.puts "HEAD #{uri} => #{response.code}" if $DEBUG
+ $stderr.puts "HEAD #{uri} => #{response.code}" if $DEBUG
- unless Net::HTTPOK === response then
- raise Error, "bad response code #{response.code} detecting idle timeout"
- end
+ unless Net::HTTPOK === response then
+ raise Error, "bad response code #{response.code} detecting idle timeout"
+ end
- break if sleep_time >= max
+ break if sleep_time >= max
- sleep_time += 1
+ sleep_time += 1
- $stderr.puts "sleeping #{sleep_time}" if $DEBUG
- sleep sleep_time
+ $stderr.puts "sleeping #{sleep_time}" if $DEBUG
+ sleep sleep_time
+ end
# ignore StandardErrors, we've probably found the idle timeout.
- http.shutdown
return sleep_time unless $!
@@ -281,7 +289,9 @@ class Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent
attr_reader :certificate
+ ##
# For Net::HTTP parity
alias cert certificate
@@ -291,12 +301,23 @@ class Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent
attr_reader :ca_file
+ # A directory of SSL certificates to be used as certificate authorities.
+ # Setting this will set verify_mode to VERIFY_PEER.
+ attr_reader :ca_path
+ ##
# An SSL certificate store. Setting this will override the default
# certificate store. See verify_mode for more information.
attr_reader :cert_store
+ # The ciphers allowed for SSL connections
+ attr_reader :ciphers
+ ##
# Sends debug_output to this IO via Net::HTTP#set_debug_output.
# Never use this method in production code, it causes a serious security
@@ -310,11 +331,6 @@ class Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent
attr_reader :generation # :nodoc:
- # Where this instance's connections live in the thread local variables
- attr_reader :generation_key # :nodoc:
- ##
# Headers that are added to every request using Net::HTTP#add_field
attr_reader :headers
@@ -369,7 +385,9 @@ class Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent
attr_reader :private_key
+ ##
# For Net::HTTP parity
alias key private_key
@@ -383,14 +401,14 @@ class Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent
attr_reader :no_proxy
- # Seconds to wait until reading one block. See Net::HTTP#read_timeout
+ # Test-only accessor for the connection pool
- attr_accessor :read_timeout
+ attr_reader :pool # :nodoc:
- # Where this instance's request counts live in the thread local variables
+ # Seconds to wait until reading one block. See Net::HTTP#read_timeout
- attr_reader :request_key # :nodoc:
+ attr_accessor :read_timeout
# By default SSL sessions are reused to avoid extra SSL handshakes. Set
@@ -418,17 +436,33 @@ class Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent
attr_reader :ssl_generation # :nodoc:
- # Where this instance's SSL connections live in the thread local variables
+ # SSL session lifetime
- attr_reader :ssl_generation_key # :nodoc:
+ attr_reader :ssl_timeout
# SSL version to use.
# By default, the version will be negotiated automatically between client
- # and server. Ruby 1.9 and newer only.
+ # and server. Ruby 1.9 and newer only. Deprecated since Ruby 2.5.
+ attr_reader :ssl_version
+ ##
+ # Minimum SSL version to use, e.g. :TLS1_1
+ #
+ # By default, the version will be negotiated automatically between client
+ # and server. Ruby 2.5 and newer only.
+ attr_reader :min_version
+ ##
+ # Maximum SSL version to use, e.g. :TLS1_2
+ #
+ # By default, the version will be negotiated automatically between client
+ # and server. Ruby 2.5 and newer only.
- attr_reader :ssl_version if RUBY_VERSION > '1.9'
+ attr_reader :max_version
# Where this instance's last-use times live in the thread local variables
@@ -436,16 +470,21 @@ class Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent
attr_reader :timeout_key # :nodoc:
- # SSL verification callback. Used when ca_file is set.
+ # SSL verification callback. Used when ca_file or ca_path is set.
attr_reader :verify_callback
+ # Sets the depth of SSL certificate verification
+ attr_reader :verify_depth
+ ##
# HTTPS verify mode. Defaults to OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER which verifies
# the server certificate.
- # If no ca_file or cert_store is set the default system certificate store is
- # used.
+ # If no ca_file, ca_path or cert_store is set the default system certificate
+ # store is used.
# You can use +verify_mode+ to override any default values.
@@ -478,8 +517,12 @@ class Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent
# proxy = URI 'http://proxy.example'
# proxy.user = 'AzureDiamond'
# proxy.password = 'hunter2'
+ #
+ # Set +pool_size+ to limit the maximum number of connections allowed.
+ # Defaults to 1/4 the number of allowed file handles. You can have no more
+ # than this many threads with active HTTP transactions.
- def initialize name = nil, proxy = nil
+ def initialize name: nil, proxy: nil, pool_size: DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE
@name = name
@debug_output = nil
@@ -494,26 +537,30 @@ class Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent
@idle_timeout = 5
@max_requests = nil
@socket_options = []
+ @ssl_generation = 0 # incremented when SSL session variables change
@socket_options << [Socket::IPPROTO_TCP, Socket::TCP_NODELAY, 1] if
Socket.const_defined? :TCP_NODELAY
- key = ['net_http_persistent', name].compact
- @generation_key = [key, 'generations' ].join('_').intern
- @ssl_generation_key = [key, 'ssl_generations'].join('_').intern
- @request_key = [key, 'requests' ].join('_').intern
- @timeout_key = [key, 'timeouts' ].join('_').intern
+ @pool = size: pool_size do |http_args|
+ Net::HTTP, http_args, @ssl_generation
+ end
@certificate = nil
@ca_file = nil
+ @ca_path = nil
+ @ciphers = nil
@private_key = nil
+ @ssl_timeout = nil
@ssl_version = nil
+ @min_version = nil
+ @max_version = nil
@verify_callback = nil
+ @verify_depth = nil
@verify_mode = nil
@cert_store = nil
@generation = 0 # incremented when proxy URI changes
- @ssl_generation = 0 # incremented when SSL session variables change
@verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
@@ -522,9 +569,6 @@ class Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent
@retry_change_requests = false
- @ruby_1 = RUBY_VERSION < '2'
- @retried_on_ruby_2 = !@ruby_1
self.proxy = proxy if proxy
@@ -550,6 +594,15 @@ class Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent
+ # Sets the SSL certificate authority path.
+ def ca_path= path
+ @ca_path = path
+ reconnect_ssl
+ end
+ ##
# Overrides the default SSL certificate store used for verifying
# connections.
@@ -560,92 +613,55 @@ class Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent
- # Finishes all connections on the given +thread+ that were created before
- # the given +generation+ in the threads +generation_key+ list.
- #
- # See #shutdown for a bunch of scary warning about misusing this method.
- def cleanup(generation, thread = Thread.current,
- generation_key = @generation_key) # :nodoc:
- timeouts = thread[@timeout_key]
+ # The ciphers allowed for SSL connections
- (0...generation).each do |old_generation|
- next unless thread[generation_key]
+ def ciphers= ciphers
+ @ciphers = ciphers
- conns = thread[generation_key].delete old_generation
- conns.each_value do |conn|
- finish conn, thread
- timeouts.delete conn.object_id if timeouts
- end if conns
- end
+ reconnect_ssl
# Creates a new connection for +uri+
def connection_for uri
- Thread.current[@generation_key] ||= { |h,k| h[k] = {} }
- Thread.current[@ssl_generation_key] ||= { |h,k| h[k] = {} }
- Thread.current[@request_key] ||= 0
- Thread.current[@timeout_key] ||= EPOCH
use_ssl = uri.scheme.downcase == 'https'
- if use_ssl then
- raise Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent::Error, 'OpenSSL is not available' unless
- ssl_generation = @ssl_generation
- ssl_cleanup ssl_generation
- connections = Thread.current[@ssl_generation_key][ssl_generation]
- else
- generation = @generation
- cleanup generation
+ net_http_args = [, uri.port]
- connections = Thread.current[@generation_key][generation]
- end
+ net_http_args.concat @proxy_args if
+ @proxy_uri and not proxy_bypass?, uri.port
- net_http_args = [, uri.port]
- connection_id = net_http_args.join ':'
+ connection = @pool.checkout net_http_args
- if @proxy_uri and not proxy_bypass?, uri.port then
- connection_id << @proxy_connection_id
- net_http_args.concat @proxy_args
- else
- net_http_args.concat [nil, nil, nil, nil]
- end
+ http = connection.http
- connection = connections[connection_id]
+ connection.ressl @ssl_generation if
+ connection.ssl_generation != @ssl_generation
- unless connection = connections[connection_id] then
- connections[connection_id] =*net_http_args)
- connection = connections[connection_id]
- ssl connection if use_ssl
- else
- reset connection if expired? connection
+ if not http.started? then
+ ssl http if use_ssl
+ start http
+ elsif expired? connection then
+ reset connection
- start connection unless connection.started?
- connection.read_timeout = @read_timeout if @read_timeout
- connection.keep_alive_timeout = @idle_timeout if @idle_timeout && connection.respond_to?(:keep_alive_timeout=)
+ http.read_timeout = @read_timeout if @read_timeout
+ http.keep_alive_timeout = @idle_timeout if @idle_timeout
- connection
+ return yield connection
rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED
- address = connection.proxy_address || connection.address
- port = connection.proxy_port || connection.port
+ address = http.proxy_address || http.address
+ port = http.proxy_port || http.port
raise Error, "connection refused: #{address}:#{port}"
rescue Errno::EHOSTDOWN
- address = connection.proxy_address || connection.address
- port = connection.proxy_port || connection.port
+ address = http.proxy_address || http.address
+ port = http.proxy_port || http.port
raise Error, "host down: #{address}:#{port}"
+ ensure
+ @pool.checkin net_http_args
@@ -653,12 +669,11 @@ class Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent
# this connection
def error_message connection
- requests = Thread.current[@request_key][connection.object_id] - 1 # fixup
- last_use = Thread.current[@timeout_key][connection.object_id]
+ connection.requests -= 1 # fixup
- age = - last_use
+ age = - connection.last_use
- "after #{requests} requests on #{connection.object_id}, " \
+ "after #{connection.requests} requests on #{connection.http.object_id}, " \
"last used #{age} seconds ago"
@@ -682,26 +697,23 @@ class Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent
# maximum request count, false otherwise.
def expired? connection
- requests = Thread.current[@request_key][connection.object_id]
- return true if @max_requests && requests >= @max_requests
+ return true if @max_requests && connection.requests >= @max_requests
return false unless @idle_timeout
return true if
- last_used = Thread.current[@timeout_key][connection.object_id]
- - last_used > @idle_timeout
+ - connection.last_use > @idle_timeout
# Starts the Net::HTTP +connection+
- def start connection
- connection.set_debug_output @debug_output if @debug_output
- connection.open_timeout = @open_timeout if @open_timeout
+ def start http
+ http.set_debug_output @debug_output if @debug_output
+ http.open_timeout = @open_timeout if @open_timeout
- connection.start
+ http.start
- socket = connection.instance_variable_get :@socket
+ socket = http.instance_variable_get :@socket
if socket then # for fakeweb
@socket_options.each do |option|
@@ -713,25 +725,11 @@ class Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent
# Finishes the Net::HTTP +connection+
- def finish connection, thread = Thread.current
- if requests = thread[@request_key] then
- requests.delete connection.object_id
- end
+ def finish connection
- rescue IOError
- end
- def http_class # :nodoc:
- if RUBY_VERSION > '2.0' then
- Net::HTTP
- elsif [:Artifice, :FakeWeb, :WebMock].any? { |klass|
- Object.const_defined?(klass)
- } or not @reuse_ssl_sessions then
- Net::HTTP
- else
- Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent::SSLReuse
- end
+ connection.http.instance_variable_set :@ssl_session, nil unless
+ @reuse_ssl_sessions
@@ -754,55 +752,9 @@ class Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent
# Is the request +req+ idempotent or is retry_change_requests allowed.
- #
- # If +retried_on_ruby_2+ is true, true will be returned if we are on ruby,
- # retry_change_requests is allowed and the request is not idempotent.
- def can_retry? req, retried_on_ruby_2 = false
- return @retry_change_requests && !idempotent?(req) if retried_on_ruby_2
- @retry_change_requests || idempotent?(req)
- end
- if RUBY_VERSION > '1.9' then
- ##
- # Workaround for missing Net::HTTPHeader#connection_close? on Ruby 1.8
- def connection_close? header
- header.connection_close?
- end
- ##
- # Workaround for missing Net::HTTPHeader#connection_keep_alive? on Ruby 1.8
- def connection_keep_alive? header
- header.connection_keep_alive?
- end
- else
- ##
- # Workaround for missing Net::HTTPRequest#connection_close? on Ruby 1.8
- def connection_close? header
- header['connection'] =~ /close/ or header['proxy-connection'] =~ /close/
- end
- ##
- # Workaround for missing Net::HTTPRequest#connection_keep_alive? on Ruby
- # 1.8
- def connection_keep_alive? header
- header['connection'] =~ /keep-alive/ or
- header['proxy-connection'] =~ /keep-alive/
- end
- end
- ##
- # Deprecated in favor of #expired?
- def max_age # :nodoc:
- return + 1 unless @idle_timeout
- - @idle_timeout
+ def can_retry? req
+ @retry_change_requests && !idempotent?(req)
@@ -824,9 +776,9 @@ class Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent
# <tt>net-http-persistent</tt> #pipeline will be present.
def pipeline uri, requests, &block # :yields: responses
- connection = connection_for uri
- connection.pipeline requests, &block
+ connection_for uri do |connection|
+ connection.http.pipeline requests, &block
+ end
@@ -959,18 +911,17 @@ class Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent
# Finishes then restarts the Net::HTTP +connection+
def reset connection
- Thread.current[@request_key].delete connection.object_id
- Thread.current[@timeout_key].delete connection.object_id
+ http = connection.http
finish connection
- start connection
+ start http
rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED
- e = "connection refused: #{connection.address}:#{connection.port}"
+ e = "connection refused: #{http.address}:#{http.port}"
e.set_backtrace $@
raise e
rescue Errno::EHOSTDOWN
- e = "host down: #{connection.address}:#{connection.port}"
+ e = "host down: #{http.address}:#{http.port}"
e.set_backtrace $@
raise e
@@ -991,52 +942,56 @@ class Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent
retried = false
bad_response = false
- req = request_setup req || uri
+ uri = URI uri
+ req = request_setup req || uri
+ response = nil
- connection = connection_for uri
- connection_id = connection.object_id
+ connection_for uri do |connection|
+ http = connection.http
- begin
- Thread.current[@request_key][connection_id] += 1
- response = connection.request req, &block
+ begin
+ connection.requests += 1
- if connection_close?(req) or
- (response.http_version <= '1.0' and
- not connection_keep_alive?(response)) or
- connection_close?(response) then
- connection.finish
- end
- rescue Net::HTTPBadResponse => e
- message = error_message connection
+ response = http.request req, &block
+ if req.connection_close? or
+ (response.http_version <= '1.0' and
+ not response.connection_keep_alive?) or
+ response.connection_close? then
+ finish connection
+ end
+ rescue Net::HTTPBadResponse => e
+ message = error_message connection
- finish connection
+ finish connection
- raise Error, "too many bad responses #{message}" if
+ raise Error, "too many bad responses #{message}" if
bad_response or not can_retry? req
- bad_response = true
- retry
- rescue *RETRIED_EXCEPTIONS => e # retried on ruby 2
- request_failed e, req, connection if
- retried or not can_retry? req, @retried_on_ruby_2
+ bad_response = true
+ retry
+ request_failed e, req, connection if
+ retried or not can_retry? req
- reset connection
+ reset connection
- retried = true
- retry
- rescue Errno::EINVAL, Errno::ETIMEDOUT => e # not retried on ruby 2
- request_failed e, req, connection if retried or not can_retry? req
+ retried = true
+ retry
+ rescue Errno::EINVAL, Errno::ETIMEDOUT => e # not retried on ruby 2
+ request_failed e, req, connection if retried or not can_retry? req
- reset connection
+ reset connection
- retried = true
- retry
- rescue Exception => e
- finish connection
+ retried = true
+ retry
+ rescue Exception => e
+ finish connection
- raise
- ensure
- Thread.current[@timeout_key][connection_id] =
+ raise
+ ensure
+ connection.last_use =
+ end
@http_versions["#{}:#{uri.port}"] ||= response.http_version
@@ -1056,7 +1011,6 @@ class Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent
finish connection
raise Error, message, exception.backtrace
@@ -1090,45 +1044,15 @@ class Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent
- # Shuts down all connections for +thread+.
- #
- # Uses the current thread by default.
- #
- # If you've used Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent across multiple threads you should
- # call this in each thread when you're done making HTTP requests.
+ # Shuts down all connections
- # *NOTE*: Calling shutdown for another thread can be dangerous!
+ # *NOTE*: Calling shutdown for can be dangerous!
- # If the thread is still using the connection it may cause an error! It is
- # best to call #shutdown in the thread at the appropriate time instead!
+ # If any thread is still using a connection it may cause an error! Call
+ # #shutdown when you are completely done making requests!
- def shutdown thread = Thread.current
- generation = reconnect
- cleanup generation, thread, @generation_key
- ssl_generation = reconnect_ssl
- cleanup ssl_generation, thread, @ssl_generation_key
- thread[@request_key] = nil
- thread[@timeout_key] = nil
- end
- ##
- # Shuts down all connections in all threads
- #
- #
- # Do not call this method if other threads are still using their
- # connections! Call #shutdown at the appropriate time instead!
- #
- # Use this method only as a last resort!
- def shutdown_in_all_threads
- Thread.list.each do |thread|
- shutdown thread
- end
- nil
+ def shutdown
+ @pool.shutdown { |http| http.finish }
@@ -1137,9 +1061,14 @@ class Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent
def ssl connection
connection.use_ssl = true
+ connection.ciphers = @ciphers if @ciphers
+ connection.ssl_timeout = @ssl_timeout if @ssl_timeout
connection.ssl_version = @ssl_version if @ssl_version
+ connection.min_version = @min_version if @min_version
+ connection.max_version = @max_version if @max_version
- connection.verify_mode = @verify_mode
+ connection.verify_depth = @verify_depth
+ connection.verify_mode = @verify_mode
@@ -1168,8 +1097,10 @@ application:
- if @ca_file then
- connection.ca_file = @ca_file
+ connection.ca_file = @ca_file if @ca_file
+ connection.ca_path = @ca_path if @ca_path
+ if @ca_file or @ca_path then
connection.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
connection.verify_callback = @verify_callback if @verify_callback
@@ -1189,11 +1120,12 @@ application:
- # Finishes all connections that existed before the given SSL parameter
- # +generation+.
+ # SSL session lifetime
+ def ssl_timeout= ssl_timeout
+ @ssl_timeout = ssl_timeout
- def ssl_cleanup generation # :nodoc:
- cleanup generation, Thread.current, @ssl_generation_key
+ reconnect_ssl
@@ -1203,7 +1135,34 @@ application:
@ssl_version = ssl_version
- end if RUBY_VERSION > '1.9'
+ end
+ ##
+ # Minimum SSL version to use
+ def min_version= min_version
+ @min_version = min_version
+ reconnect_ssl
+ end
+ ##
+ # maximum SSL version to use
+ def max_version= max_version
+ @max_version = max_version
+ reconnect_ssl
+ end
+ ##
+ # Sets the depth of SSL certificate verification
+ def verify_depth= verify_depth
+ @verify_depth = verify_depth
+ reconnect_ssl
+ end
# Sets the HTTPS verify mode. Defaults to OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER.
@@ -1229,5 +1188,6 @@ application:
-require 'bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent/ssl_reuse'
+require 'bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent/connection'
+require 'bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent/pool'
diff --git a/lib/bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent/connection.rb b/lib/bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent/connection.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a57a5d1352
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent/connection.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# A Net::HTTP connection wrapper that holds extra information for managing the
+# connection's lifetime.
+class Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent::Connection # :nodoc:
+ attr_accessor :http
+ attr_accessor :last_use
+ attr_accessor :requests
+ attr_accessor :ssl_generation
+ def initialize http_class, http_args, ssl_generation
+ @http =*http_args)
+ @ssl_generation = ssl_generation
+ reset
+ end
+ def finish
+ @http.finish
+ rescue IOError
+ ensure
+ reset
+ end
+ def reset
+ @last_use = Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent::EPOCH
+ @requests = 0
+ end
+ def ressl ssl_generation
+ @ssl_generation = ssl_generation
+ finish
+ end
diff --git a/lib/bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent/pool.rb b/lib/bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent/pool.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9af0b328b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent/pool.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+class Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent::Pool < Bundler::ConnectionPool # :nodoc:
+ attr_reader :available # :nodoc:
+ attr_reader :key # :nodoc:
+ def initialize(options = {}, &block)
+ super
+ @available =, &block)
+ @key = "current-#{@available.object_id}"
+ end
+ def checkin net_http_args
+ stack = Thread.current[@key][net_http_args] ||= []
+ raise Bundler::ConnectionPool::Error, 'no connections are checked out' if
+ stack.empty?
+ conn = stack.pop
+ if stack.empty?
+ @available.push conn, connection_args: net_http_args
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ def checkout net_http_args
+ stacks = Thread.current[@key] ||= {}
+ stack = stacks[net_http_args] ||= []
+ if stack.empty? then
+ conn = @available.pop connection_args: net_http_args
+ else
+ conn = stack.last
+ end
+ stack.push conn
+ conn
+ end
+ def shutdown
+ Thread.current[@key] = nil
+ super
+ end
+require 'bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent/timed_stack_multi'
diff --git a/lib/bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent/ssl_reuse.rb b/lib/bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent/ssl_reuse.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b6b789f6d..0000000000
--- a/lib/bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent/ssl_reuse.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-# This Net::HTTP subclass adds SSL session reuse and Server Name Indication
-# (SNI) RFC 3546.
-# This class is an implementation detail and is subject to change or removal
-# at any time.
-class Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent::SSLReuse < Net::HTTP
- @is_proxy_class = false
- @proxy_addr = nil
- @proxy_port = nil
- @proxy_user = nil
- @proxy_pass = nil
- def initialize address, port = nil # :nodoc:
- super
- @ssl_session = nil
- end
- ##
- # From ruby trunk r33086 including
- def connect # :nodoc:
- D "opening connection to #{conn_address()}..."
- s = timeout(@open_timeout) {, conn_port()) }
- D "opened"
- if use_ssl?
- ssl_parameters =
- iv_list = instance_variables
- SSL_ATTRIBUTES.each do |name|
- ivname = "@#{name}".intern
- if iv_list.include?(ivname) and
- value = instance_variable_get(ivname)
- ssl_parameters[name] = value
- end
- end
- unless @ssl_context then
- @ssl_context =
- @ssl_context.set_params(ssl_parameters)
- end
- s =, @ssl_context)
- s.sync_close = true
- end
- @socket =
- @socket.read_timeout = @read_timeout
- @socket.continue_timeout = @continue_timeout if
- @socket.respond_to? :continue_timeout
- @socket.debug_output = @debug_output
- if use_ssl?
- begin
- if proxy?
- @socket.writeline sprintf('CONNECT %s:%s HTTP/%s',
- @address, @port, HTTPVersion)
- @socket.writeline "Host: #{@address}:#{@port}"
- if proxy_user
- credential = ["#{proxy_user}:#{proxy_pass}"].pack('m')
- credential.delete!("\r\n")
- @socket.writeline "Proxy-Authorization: Basic #{credential}"
- end
- @socket.writeline ''
- Net::HTTPResponse.read_new(@socket).value
- end
- s.session = @ssl_session if @ssl_session
- # Server Name Indication (SNI) RFC 3546
- s.hostname = @address if s.respond_to? :hostname=
- timeout(@open_timeout) { s.connect }
- if @ssl_context.verify_mode != OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
- s.post_connection_check(@address)
- end
- @ssl_session = s.session
- rescue => exception
- D "Conn close because of connect error #{exception}"
- @socket.close if @socket and not @socket.closed?
- raise exception
- end
- end
- on_connect
- end if RUBY_VERSION > '1.9'
- ##
- # From ruby_1_8_7 branch r29865 including a modified
- #
- def connect # :nodoc:
- D "opening connection to #{conn_address()}..."
- s = timeout(@open_timeout) {, conn_port()) }
- D "opened"
- if use_ssl?
- unless @ssl_context.verify_mode
- warn "warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session"
- @ssl_context.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
- end
- s =, @ssl_context)
- s.sync_close = true
- end
- @socket =
- @socket.read_timeout = @read_timeout
- @socket.debug_output = @debug_output
- if use_ssl?
- if proxy?
- @socket.writeline sprintf('CONNECT %s:%s HTTP/%s',
- @address, @port, HTTPVersion)
- @socket.writeline "Host: #{@address}:#{@port}"
- if proxy_user
- credential = ["#{proxy_user}:#{proxy_pass}"].pack('m')
- credential.delete!("\r\n")
- @socket.writeline "Proxy-Authorization: Basic #{credential}"
- end
- @socket.writeline ''
- Net::HTTPResponse.read_new(@socket).value
- end
- s.session = @ssl_session if @ssl_session
- s.connect
- if @ssl_context.verify_mode != OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
- s.post_connection_check(@address)
- end
- @ssl_session = s.session
- end
- on_connect
- end if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
- private :connect
diff --git a/lib/bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent/timed_stack_multi.rb b/lib/bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent/timed_stack_multi.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..280997e32a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent/timed_stack_multi.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+class Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent::TimedStackMulti < Bundler::ConnectionPool::TimedStack # :nodoc:
+ def initialize(size = 0, &block)
+ super
+ @enqueued = 0
+ @ques = { |h, k| h[k] = [] }
+ @lru = {}
+ @key = :"connection_args-#{object_id}"
+ end
+ def empty?
+ (@created - @enqueued) >= @max
+ end
+ def length
+ @max - @created + @enqueued
+ end
+ private
+ def connection_stored? options = {} # :nodoc:
+ !@ques[options[:connection_args]].empty?
+ end
+ def fetch_connection options = {} # :nodoc:
+ connection_args = options[:connection_args]
+ @enqueued -= 1
+ lru_update connection_args
+ @ques[connection_args].pop
+ end
+ def lru_update connection_args # :nodoc:
+ @lru.delete connection_args
+ @lru[connection_args] = true
+ end
+ def shutdown_connections # :nodoc:
+ @ques.each_key do |key|
+ super connection_args: key
+ end
+ end
+ def store_connection obj, options = {} # :nodoc:
+ @ques[options[:connection_args]].push obj
+ @enqueued += 1
+ end
+ def try_create options = {} # :nodoc:
+ connection_args = options[:connection_args]
+ if @created >= @max && @enqueued >= 1
+ oldest, = @lru.first
+ @lru.delete oldest
+ @ques[oldest].pop
+ @created -= 1
+ end
+ if @created < @max
+ @created += 1
+ lru_update connection_args
+ return
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/bundler/vendored_persistent.rb b/lib/bundler/vendored_persistent.rb
index 7670b83992..045a761dac 100644
--- a/lib/bundler/vendored_persistent.rb
+++ b/lib/bundler/vendored_persistent.rb
@@ -20,13 +20,15 @@ require_relative "vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent"
module Bundler
class PersistentHTTP < Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent
def connection_for(uri)
- connection = super
- warn_old_tls_version_rubygems_connection(uri, connection)
- connection
+ super(uri) do |connection|
+ result = yield connection
+ warn_old_tls_version_rubygems_connection(uri, connection)
+ result
+ end
def warn_old_tls_version_rubygems_connection(uri, connection)
- return unless connection.use_ssl?
+ return unless connection.http.use_ssl?
return unless ( || "").end_with?("")
socket = connection.instance_variable_get(:@socket)