import os import re import sys import shutil import itertools import traceback import subprocess from contextlib import contextmanager, ExitStack from ruamel import yaml import pytest # XXX Using pytest private internals here # # We use pytest internals to capture the stdout/stderr during # a run of the buildstream CLI. We do this because click's # CliRunner convenience API (click.testing module) does not support # separation of stdout/stderr. # from _pytest.capture import MultiCapture, FDCapture from import IS_LINUX # Import the main cli entrypoint from buildstream._frontend.main import cli as bst_cli from buildstream import _yaml # Special private exception accessor, for test case purposes from buildstream._exceptions import BstError, _get_last_exception, _get_last_task_error # Wrapper for the click.testing result class Result(): def __init__(self, exit_code=None, exception=None, exc_info=None, output=None, stderr=None): self.exit_code = exit_code self.exc = exception self.exc_info = exc_info self.output = output self.stderr = stderr self.unhandled_exception = False # The last exception/error state is stored at exception # creation time in BstError(), but this breaks down with # recoverable errors where code blocks ignore some errors # and fallback to alternative branches. # # For this reason, we just ignore the exception and errors # in the case that the exit code reported is 0 (success). # if self.exit_code != 0: # Check if buildstream failed to handle an # exception, topevel CLI exit should always # be a SystemExit exception. # if not isinstance(exception, SystemExit): self.unhandled_exception = True self.exception = _get_last_exception() self.task_error_domain, \ self.task_error_reason = _get_last_task_error() else: self.exception = None self.task_error_domain = None self.task_error_reason = None # assert_success() # # Asserts that the buildstream session completed successfully # # Args: # fail_message (str): An optional message to override the automatic # assertion error messages # Raises: # (AssertionError): If the session did not complete successfully # def assert_success(self, fail_message=''): assert self.exit_code == 0, fail_message assert self.exc is None, fail_message assert self.exception is None, fail_message assert self.unhandled_exception is False # assert_main_error() # # Asserts that the buildstream session failed, and that # the main process error report is as expected # # Args: # error_domain (ErrorDomain): The domain of the error which occurred # error_reason (any): The reason field of the error which occurred # fail_message (str): An optional message to override the automatic # assertion error messages # Raises: # (AssertionError): If any of the assertions fail # def assert_main_error(self, error_domain, error_reason, fail_message=''): assert self.exit_code == -1, fail_message assert self.exc is not None, fail_message assert self.exception is not None, fail_message assert isinstance(self.exception, BstError), fail_message assert self.unhandled_exception is False assert self.exception.domain == error_domain, fail_message assert self.exception.reason == error_reason, fail_message # assert_task_error() # # Asserts that the buildstream session failed, and that # the child task error which caused buildstream to exit # is as expected. # # Args: # error_domain (ErrorDomain): The domain of the error which occurred # error_reason (any): The reason field of the error which occurred # fail_message (str): An optional message to override the automatic # assertion error messages # Raises: # (AssertionError): If any of the assertions fail # def assert_task_error(self, error_domain, error_reason, fail_message=''): assert self.exit_code == -1, fail_message assert self.exc is not None, fail_message assert self.exception is not None, fail_message assert isinstance(self.exception, BstError), fail_message assert self.unhandled_exception is False assert self.task_error_domain == error_domain, fail_message assert self.task_error_reason == error_reason, fail_message # get_tracked_elements() # # Produces a list of element names on which tracking occurred # during the session. # # This is done by parsing the buildstream stderr log # # Returns: # (list): A list of element names # def get_tracked_elements(self): tracked = re.findall(r'\[track:(\S+)\s*]', self.stderr) if tracked is None: return [] return list(tracked) def get_pushed_elements(self): pushed = re.findall(r'\[\s*push:(\S+)\s*\]\s*START\s*Pushing Artifact', self.stderr) if pushed is None: return [] return list(pushed) def get_pulled_elements(self): pulled = re.findall(r'\[\s*pull:(\S+)\s*\]\s*START', self.stderr) if pulled is None: return [] return list(pulled) class Cli(): def __init__(self, directory, verbose=True, default_options=None): = directory self.config = None self.verbose = verbose if default_options is None: default_options = [] self.default_options = default_options # configure(): # # Serializes a user configuration into a buildstream.conf # to use for this test cli. # # Args: # config (dict): The user configuration to use # def configure(self, config): if self.config is None: self.config = {} for key, val in config.items(): self.config[key] = val def remove_artifact_from_cache(self, project, element_name): cache_dir = os.path.join(project, 'cache', 'artifacts') if IS_LINUX: cache_dir = os.path.join(cache_dir, 'ostree', 'refs', 'heads') else: cache_dir = os.path.join(cache_dir, 'tar') cache_dir = os.path.splitext(os.path.join(cache_dir, 'test', element_name))[0] shutil.rmtree(cache_dir) # run(): # # Runs buildstream with the given arguments, additionally # also passes some global options to buildstream in order # to stay contained in the testing environment. # # Args: # configure (bool): Whether to pass a --config argument # project (str): An optional path to a project # silent (bool): Whether to pass --no-verbose # env (dict): Environment variables to temporarily set during the test # args (list): A list of arguments to pass buildstream # def run(self, configure=True, project=None, silent=False, env=None, cwd=None, options=None, args=None): if args is None: args = [] if options is None: options = [] options = self.default_options + options with ExitStack() as stack: bst_args = ['--no-colors'] if silent: bst_args += ['--no-verbose'] if configure: config_file = stack.enter_context( configured(, self.config) ) bst_args += ['--config', config_file] if project: bst_args += ['--directory', project] for option, value in options: bst_args += ['--option', option, value] bst_args += args if cwd is not None: stack.enter_context(chdir(cwd)) if env is not None: stack.enter_context(environment(env)) # Ensure we have a working stdout - required to work # around a bug that appears to cause AIX to close # sys.__stdout__ after try: sys.__stdout__.fileno() except ValueError: sys.__stdout__ = open('/dev/stdout', 'w') result = self.invoke(bst_cli, bst_args) # Some informative stdout we can observe when anything fails if self.verbose: command = "bst " + " ".join(bst_args) print("BuildStream exited with code {} for invocation:\n\t{}" .format(result.exit_code, command)) if result.output: print("Program output was:\n{}".format(result.output)) if result.stderr: print("Program stderr was:\n{}".format(result.stderr)) if result.exc_info and result.exc_info[0] != SystemExit: traceback.print_exception(*result.exc_info) return result def invoke(self, cli, args=None, color=False, **extra): exc_info = None exception = None exit_code = 0 # Temporarily redirect sys.stdin to /dev/null to ensure that # Popen doesn't attempt to read pytest's dummy stdin. old_stdin = sys.stdin with open(os.devnull) as devnull: sys.stdin = devnull capture = MultiCapture(out=True, err=True, in_=False, Capture=FDCapture) capture.start_capturing() try: cli.main(args=args or (),, **extra) except SystemExit as e: if e.code != 0: exception = e exc_info = sys.exc_info() exit_code = e.code if not isinstance(exit_code, int): sys.stdout.write('Program exit code was not an integer: ') sys.stdout.write(str(exit_code)) sys.stdout.write('\n') exit_code = 1 except Exception as e: exception = e exit_code = -1 exc_info = sys.exc_info() finally: sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdin = old_stdin out, err = capture.readouterr() capture.stop_capturing() return Result(exit_code=exit_code, exception=exception, exc_info=exc_info, output=out, stderr=err) # Fetch an element state by name by # invoking bst show on the project with the CLI # def get_element_state(self, project, element_name): result =, silent=True, args=[ 'show', '--deps', 'none', '--format', '%{state}', '--downloadable', element_name ]) result.assert_success() return result.output.strip() # Fetch an element's cache key by invoking bst show # on the project with the CLI # def get_element_key(self, project, element_name): result =, silent=True, args=[ 'show', '--deps', 'none', '--format', '%{full-key}', element_name ]) result.assert_success() return result.output.strip() # Get the decoded config of an element. # def get_element_config(self, project, element_name): result =, silent=True, args=[ 'show', '--deps', 'none', '--format', '%{config}', element_name ]) result.assert_success() return yaml.safe_load(result.output) # Fetch the elements that would be in the pipeline with the given # arguments. # def get_pipeline(self, project, elements, except_=None, scope='plan'): if except_ is None: except_ = [] args = ['show', '--deps', scope, '--format', '%{name}'] args += list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(zip(itertools.repeat('--except'), except_))) result =, silent=True, args=args + elements) result.assert_success() return result.output.splitlines() class CliIntegration(Cli): def run(self, *args, **kwargs): # Set the project_dir variable in our project.conf for # relative tar imports project_conf = os.path.join(kwargs['project'], 'project.conf') with open(project_conf) as f: config = config = config.format(project_dir=kwargs['project']) with open(project_conf, 'w') as f: f.write(config) return super().run(*args, **kwargs) # Main fixture # # Use result =[arg1, arg2]) to run buildstream commands # @pytest.fixture() def cli(tmpdir): directory = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'cache') os.makedirs(directory) return Cli(directory) # A variant of the main fixture that keeps persistent artifact and # source caches. # # It also does not use the click test runner to avoid deadlock issues # when running `bst shell`, but unfortunately cannot produce nice # stacktraces. @pytest.fixture() def cli_integration(tmpdir, integration_cache): directory = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'cache') os.makedirs(directory) if os.environ.get('BST_FORCE_BACKEND') == 'unix': fixture = CliIntegration(directory, default_options=[('linux', 'False')]) else: fixture = CliIntegration(directory) # We want to cache sources for integration tests more permanently, # to avoid downloading the huge base-sdk repeatedly fixture.configure({ 'sourcedir': os.path.join(integration_cache, 'sources'), 'artifactdir': os.path.join(integration_cache, 'artifacts') }) return fixture @contextmanager def chdir(directory): old_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(directory) yield os.chdir(old_dir) @contextmanager def environment(env): old_env = {} for key, value in env.items(): old_env[key] = os.environ.get(key) os.environ[key] = value yield for key, value in old_env.items(): if value is None: del os.environ[key] else: os.environ[key] = value @contextmanager def configured(directory, config=None): # Ensure we've at least relocated the caches to a temp directory if not config: config = {} if not config.get('sourcedir', False): config['sourcedir'] = os.path.join(directory, 'sources') if not config.get('builddir', False): config['builddir'] = os.path.join(directory, 'build') if not config.get('artifactdir', False): config['artifactdir'] = os.path.join(directory, 'artifacts') if not config.get('logdir', False): config['logdir'] = os.path.join(directory, 'logs') # Dump it and yield the filename for test scripts to feed it # to buildstream as an artument filename = os.path.join(directory, "buildstream.conf") _yaml.dump(config, filename) yield filename