import os import pytest import hashlib import tempfile from ruamel import yaml from tests.testutils import cli, generate_junction, create_element_size, create_repo from buildstream import _yaml from buildstream._yamlcache import YamlCache from buildstream._project import Project from buildstream._context import Context from contextlib import contextmanager def generate_project(tmpdir, ref_storage, with_junction, name="test"): if with_junction == 'junction': subproject_dir = generate_project( tmpdir, ref_storage, 'no-junction', name='test-subproject' ) project_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, name) os.makedirs(project_dir) # project.conf project_conf_path = os.path.join(project_dir, 'project.conf') elements_path = 'elements' project_conf = { 'name': name, 'element-path': elements_path, 'ref-storage': ref_storage, } _yaml.dump(project_conf, project_conf_path) # elements if with_junction == 'junction': junction_name = 'junction.bst' junction_dir = os.path.join(project_dir, elements_path) junction_path = os.path.join(project_dir, elements_path, junction_name) os.makedirs(junction_dir) generate_junction(tmpdir, subproject_dir, junction_path) element_depends = [{'junction': junction_name, 'filename': 'test.bst'}] else: element_depends = [] element_name = 'test.bst' create_element_size(element_name, project_dir, elements_path, element_depends, 1) return project_dir @contextmanager def with_yamlcache(project_dir): context = Context() project = Project(project_dir, context) cache_file = YamlCache.get_cache_file(project_dir) with, cache_file) as yamlcache: yield yamlcache, project def yamlcache_key(yamlcache, in_file, copy_tree=False): with open(in_file) as f: key = yamlcache._calculate_key(, copy_tree) return key def modified_file(input_file, tmpdir): with open(input_file) as f: data = assert 'variables' not in data data += '\nvariables: {modified: True}\n' _, temppath = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=tmpdir, text=True) with open(temppath, 'w') as f: f.write(data) return temppath @pytest.mark.parametrize('ref_storage', ['inline', 'project.refs']) @pytest.mark.parametrize('with_junction', ['no-junction', 'junction']) @pytest.mark.parametrize('move_project', ['move', 'no-move']) def test_yamlcache_used(cli, tmpdir, ref_storage, with_junction, move_project): # Generate the project project = generate_project(str(tmpdir), ref_storage, with_junction) if with_junction == 'junction': result =, args=['source', 'fetch', '--track', 'junction.bst']) result.assert_success() # bst show to put it in the cache result =, args=['show', 'test.bst']) result.assert_success() element_path = os.path.join(project, 'elements', 'test.bst') with with_yamlcache(project) as (yc, prj): # Check that it's in the cache assert yc.is_cached(prj, element_path) # *Absolutely* horrible cache corruption to check it's being used # Modifying the data from the cache is fraught with danger, # so instead I'll load a modified version of the original file temppath = modified_file(element_path, str(tmpdir)) contents = _yaml.load(temppath, copy_tree=False, project=prj) key = yamlcache_key(yc, element_path) yc.put_from_key(prj, element_path, key, contents) # Show that a variable has been added result =, args=['show', '--deps', 'none', '--format', '%{vars}', 'test.bst']) result.assert_success() data = yaml.safe_load(result.output) assert 'modified' in data assert data['modified'] == 'True' @pytest.mark.parametrize('ref_storage', ['inline', 'project.refs']) @pytest.mark.parametrize('with_junction', ['junction', 'no-junction']) def test_yamlcache_changed_file(cli, tmpdir, ref_storage, with_junction): # i.e. a file is cached, the file is changed, loading the file (with cache) returns new data # inline and junction can only be changed by opening a workspace # Generate the project project = generate_project(str(tmpdir), ref_storage, with_junction) if with_junction == 'junction': result =, args=['source', 'fetch', '--track', 'junction.bst']) result.assert_success() # bst show to put it in the cache result =, args=['show', 'test.bst']) result.assert_success() element_path = os.path.join(project, 'elements', 'test.bst') with with_yamlcache(project) as (yc, prj): # Check that it's in the cache then modify assert yc.is_cached(prj, element_path) with open(element_path, "a") as f: f.write('\nvariables: {modified: True}\n') # Load modified yaml cache file into cache _yaml.load(element_path, copy_tree=False, project=prj, yaml_cache=yc) # Show that a variable has been added result =, args=['show', '--deps', 'none', '--format', '%{vars}', 'test.bst']) result.assert_success() data = yaml.safe_load(result.output) assert 'modified' in data assert data['modified'] == 'True'