import os import pytest from buildstream.plugintestutils import cli # Project directory DATA_DIR = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'completions' ) MAIN_COMMANDS = [ 'artifact ', 'build ', 'help ', 'init ', 'shell ', 'show ', 'source ', 'workspace ' ] MAIN_OPTIONS = [ "--builders ", "-c ", "-C ", "--cache-buildtrees ", "--colors ", "--config ", "--debug ", "--default-mirror ", "--directory ", "--error-lines ", "--fetchers ", "--log-file ", "--message-lines ", "--network-retries ", "--no-colors ", "--no-debug ", "--no-interactive ", "--no-strict ", "--no-verbose ", "-o ", "--option ", "--on-error ", "--pull-buildtrees ", "--pushers ", "--strict ", "--verbose ", "--version ", ] SOURCE_COMMANDS = [ 'checkout ', 'fetch ', 'track ', ] ARTIFACT_COMMANDS = [ 'checkout ', 'delete ', 'push ', 'pull ', 'log ', ] WORKSPACE_COMMANDS = [ 'close ', 'list ', 'open ', 'reset ' ] PROJECT_ELEMENTS = [ "compose-all.bst", "compose-exclude-dev.bst", "compose-include-bin.bst", "import-bin.bst", "import-dev.bst", "target.bst" ] INVALID_ELEMENTS = [ "" "" ] MIXED_ELEMENTS = PROJECT_ELEMENTS + INVALID_ELEMENTS def assert_completion(cli, cmd, word_idx, expected, cwd=None): result ='.', cwd=cwd, env={ '_BST_COMPLETION': 'complete', 'COMP_WORDS': cmd, 'COMP_CWORD': str(word_idx) }) words = [] if result.output: words = result.output.splitlines() # The order is meaningless, bash will # take the results and order it by its # own little heuristics words = sorted(words) expected = sorted(expected) assert words == expected def assert_completion_failed(cli, cmd, word_idx, expected, cwd=None): result =, env={ '_BST_COMPLETION': 'complete', 'COMP_WORDS': cmd, 'COMP_CWORD': str(word_idx) }) words = [] if result.output: words = result.output.splitlines() # The order is meaningless, bash will # take the results and order it by its # own little heuristics words = sorted(words) expected = sorted(expected) assert words != expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("cmd,word_idx,expected", [ ('bst', 0, []), ('bst ', 1, MAIN_COMMANDS), ('bst artifact ', 2, ARTIFACT_COMMANDS), ('bst source ', 2, SOURCE_COMMANDS), ('bst w ', 1, ['workspace ']), ('bst workspace ', 2, WORKSPACE_COMMANDS), ]) def test_commands(cli, cmd, word_idx, expected): assert_completion(cli, cmd, word_idx, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("cmd,word_idx,expected", [ ('bst -', 1, MAIN_OPTIONS), ('bst --l', 1, ['--log-file ']), # Test that options of subcommands also complete ('bst --no-colors build -', 3, ['--all ', '--track ', '--track-all ', '--track-except ', '--track-cross-junctions ', '-J ', '--track-save ', '--remote ', '-r ']), # Test the behavior of completing after an option that has a # parameter that cannot be completed, vs an option that has # no parameter ('bst --fetchers ', 2, []), ('bst --no-colors ', 2, MAIN_COMMANDS), ]) def test_options(cli, cmd, word_idx, expected): assert_completion(cli, cmd, word_idx, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("cmd,word_idx,expected", [ ('bst --on-error ', 2, ['continue ', 'quit ', 'terminate ']), ('bst --cache-buildtrees ', 2, ['always ', 'failure ', 'never ']), ('bst show --deps ', 3, ['all ', 'build ', 'none ', 'plan ', 'run ']), ('bst show --deps=', 2, ['all ', 'build ', 'none ', 'plan ', 'run ']), ('bst show --deps b', 3, ['build ']), ('bst show --deps=b', 2, ['build ']), ('bst show --deps r', 3, ['run ']), ('bst source track --deps ', 4, ['all ', 'none ']), ]) def test_option_choice(cli, cmd, word_idx, expected): assert_completion(cli, cmd, word_idx, expected) @pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'project')) @pytest.mark.parametrize("cmd,word_idx,expected,subdir", [ # Note that elements/ and files/ are partial completions and # as such do not come with trailing whitespace ('bst --config ', 2, ['cache/', 'elements/', 'files/', 'project.conf '], None), ('bst --log-file ', 2, ['cache/', 'elements/', 'files/', 'project.conf '], None), ('bst --config f', 2, ['files/'], None), ('bst --log-file f', 2, ['files/'], None), ('bst --config files', 2, ['files/bin-files/', 'files/dev-files/'], None), ('bst --log-file files', 2, ['files/bin-files/', 'files/dev-files/'], None), ('bst --config files/', 2, ['files/bin-files/', 'files/dev-files/'], None), ('bst --log-file elements/', 2, [os.path.join('elements', e) + ' ' for e in PROJECT_ELEMENTS], None), ('bst --config ../', 2, ['../cache/', '../elements/', '../files/', '../project.conf '], 'files'), ('bst --config ../elements/', 2, [os.path.join('..', 'elements', e) + ' ' for e in PROJECT_ELEMENTS], 'files'), ('bst --config ../nofile', 2, [], 'files'), ('bst --config /pony/rainbow/nobodyhas/this/file', 2, [], 'files'), ]) def test_option_file(datafiles, cli, cmd, word_idx, expected, subdir): cwd = str(datafiles) if subdir: cwd = os.path.join(cwd, subdir) assert_completion(cli, cmd, word_idx, expected, cwd=cwd) @pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'project')) @pytest.mark.parametrize("cmd,word_idx,expected,subdir", [ # Note that regular files like project.conf are not returned when # completing for a directory ('bst --directory ', 2, ['cache/', 'elements/', 'files/'], None), ('bst --directory elements/', 2, [], None), ('bst --directory ', 2, ['dev-files/', 'bin-files/'], 'files'), ('bst --directory ../', 2, ['../cache/', '../elements/', '../files/'], 'files'), ]) def test_option_directory(datafiles, cli, cmd, word_idx, expected, subdir): cwd = str(datafiles) if subdir: cwd = os.path.join(cwd, subdir) assert_completion(cli, cmd, word_idx, expected, cwd=cwd) @pytest.mark.datafiles(DATA_DIR) @pytest.mark.parametrize("project,cmd,word_idx,expected,subdir", [ # When running in the project directory ('project', 'bst show ', 2, [e + ' ' for e in PROJECT_ELEMENTS], None), ('project', 'bst build com', 2, ['compose-all.bst ', 'compose-include-bin.bst ', 'compose-exclude-dev.bst '], None), # When running from the files subdir ('project', 'bst show ', 2, [e + ' ' for e in PROJECT_ELEMENTS], 'files'), ('project', 'bst build com', 2, ['compose-all.bst ', 'compose-include-bin.bst ', 'compose-exclude-dev.bst '], 'files'), # When passing the project directory ('project', 'bst --directory ../ show ', 4, [e + ' ' for e in PROJECT_ELEMENTS], 'files'), ('project', 'bst --directory ../ build com', 4, ['compose-all.bst ', 'compose-include-bin.bst ', 'compose-exclude-dev.bst '], 'files'), # Also try multi arguments together ('project', 'bst --directory ../ artifact checkout t ', 5, ['target.bst '], 'files'), ('project', 'bst --directory ../ artifact checkout --directory ', 6, ['bin-files/', 'dev-files/'], 'files'), # When running in the project directory ('no-element-path', 'bst show ', 2, [e + ' ' for e in PROJECT_ELEMENTS] + ['files/'], None), ('no-element-path', 'bst build com', 2, ['compose-all.bst ', 'compose-include-bin.bst ', 'compose-exclude-dev.bst '], None), # When running from the files subdir ('no-element-path', 'bst show ', 2, [e + ' ' for e in PROJECT_ELEMENTS] + ['files/'], 'files'), ('no-element-path', 'bst build com', 2, ['compose-all.bst ', 'compose-include-bin.bst ', 'compose-exclude-dev.bst '], 'files'), # When passing the project directory ('no-element-path', 'bst --directory ../ show ', 4, [e + ' ' for e in PROJECT_ELEMENTS] + ['files/'], 'files'), ('no-element-path', 'bst --directory ../ show f', 4, ['files/'], 'files'), ('no-element-path', 'bst --directory ../ show files/', 4, ['files/bin-files/', 'files/dev-files/'], 'files'), ('no-element-path', 'bst --directory ../ build com', 4, ['compose-all.bst ', 'compose-include-bin.bst ', 'compose-exclude-dev.bst '], 'files'), # Also try multi arguments together ('no-element-path', 'bst --directory ../ artifact checkout t ', 5, ['target.bst '], 'files'), ('no-element-path', 'bst --directory ../ artifact checkout --directory ', 6, ['bin-files/', 'dev-files/'], 'files'), # When element-path have sub-folders ('sub-folders', 'bst show base', 2, ['base/wanted.bst '], None), ('sub-folders', 'bst show base/', 2, ['base/wanted.bst '], None), ]) def test_argument_element(datafiles, cli, project, cmd, word_idx, expected, subdir): cwd = os.path.join(str(datafiles), project) if subdir: cwd = os.path.join(cwd, subdir) assert_completion(cli, cmd, word_idx, expected, cwd=cwd) @pytest.mark.datafiles(DATA_DIR) @pytest.mark.parametrize("project,cmd,word_idx,expected,subdir", [ # When element has invalid suffix ('project', 'bst --directory ../ show ', 4, [e + ' ' for e in MIXED_ELEMENTS], 'files') ]) def test_argument_element_invalid(datafiles, cli, project, cmd, word_idx, expected, subdir): cwd = os.path.join(str(datafiles), project) if subdir: cwd = os.path.join(cwd, subdir) assert_completion_failed(cli, cmd, word_idx, expected, cwd=cwd) @pytest.mark.parametrize("cmd,word_idx,expected", [ ('bst he', 1, ['help ']), ('bst help ', 2, MAIN_COMMANDS), ('bst help artifact ', 3, ARTIFACT_COMMANDS), ('bst help in', 2, ['init ']), ('bst help source ', 3, SOURCE_COMMANDS), ('bst help artifact ', 3, ARTIFACT_COMMANDS), ('bst help w', 2, ['workspace ']), ('bst help workspace ', 3, WORKSPACE_COMMANDS), ]) def test_help_commands(cli, cmd, word_idx, expected): assert_completion(cli, cmd, word_idx, expected) @pytest.mark.datafiles(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'project')) def test_argument_artifact(cli, datafiles): project = os.path.join(datafiles.dirname, datafiles.basename) # Build an import element with no dependencies (as there will only be ONE cache key) result =, args=['build', 'import-bin.bst']) # Has no dependencies result.assert_success() # Get the key and the artifact ref ($project/$element_name/$key) key = cli.get_element_key(project, 'import-bin.bst') artifact = os.path.join('test', 'import-bin', key) # Test autocompletion of the artifact cmds = [ 'bst artifact log ', 'bst artifact log t', 'bst artifact log test/' ] for i, cmd in enumerate(cmds): word_idx = 3 result =, cwd=project, env={ '_BST_COMPLETION': 'complete', 'COMP_WORDS': cmd, 'COMP_CWORD': str(word_idx) }) if result.output: words = result.output.splitlines() # This leaves an extra space on each e.g. ['foo.bst '] words = [word.strip() for word in words] if i == 0: expected = PROJECT_ELEMENTS + [artifact] # We should now be able to see the artifact elif i == 1: expected = ['target.bst', artifact] elif i == 2: expected = [artifact] assert expected == words