# Cache Key Test Instructions # # Adding Tests # ~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Cache key tests are bst element files created created in such a way # to exercise a feature which would cause the cache key for an element # or source to be calculated differently. # # Adding tests is a matter to adding files to the project found in the # 'project' subdirectory of this test case. Any files should be depended # on by the main `target.bst` in the toplevel of the project. # # One test is comprised of one `.bst` file and one # '.expected' file in the same directory, containing the # expected cache key. # # Running the cache key test once will reveal what the new element's # cache key should be and will also cause the depending elements to # change cache keys. # # # Updating tests # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # When a test fails it will come with a summary of which cache keys # in the test project have mismatched. # # Also, in the case that the tests have changed or the artifact # versions have changed in some way and the test needs to be # updated; the expected cache keys for the given run are dumped to # '.actual' files beside the corresponding # '.expected' files they mismatched with, all inside # a temporary test directory. # # One can now easily copy over the .actual files from a failed # run over to the corresponding .expected source files and commit # the result. # # Pylint doesn't play well with fixtures and dependency injection from pytest # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name from collections import OrderedDict import os import pytest from buildstream.testing._cachekeys import check_cache_key_stability, _parse_output_keys from buildstream.testing.runcli import cli # pylint: disable=unused-import from buildstream.testing._utils.site import HAVE_BZR, HAVE_GIT, IS_LINUX, MACHINE_ARCH from buildstream.plugin import CoreWarnings from buildstream import _yaml # Project directory DATA_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "project",) # The cache key test uses a project which exercises all plugins, # so we cant run it at all if we dont have them installed. # @pytest.mark.skipif(MACHINE_ARCH != "x86-64", reason="Cache keys depend on architecture") @pytest.mark.skipif(not IS_LINUX, reason="Only available on linux") @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_BZR is False, reason="bzr is not available") @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_GIT is False, reason="git is not available") @pytest.mark.datafiles(DATA_DIR) def test_cache_key(datafiles, cli): project = str(datafiles) # Workaround bug in recent versions of setuptools: newer # versions of setuptools fail to preserve symbolic links # when creating a source distribution, causing this test # to fail from a dist tarball. goodbye_link = os.path.join(project, "files", "local", "usr", "bin", "goodbye") os.unlink(goodbye_link) os.symlink("hello", goodbye_link) # pytest-datafiles does not copy mode bits # https://github.com/omarkohl/pytest-datafiles/issues/11 os.chmod(goodbye_link, 0o755) check_cache_key_stability(project, cli) @pytest.mark.datafiles(DATA_DIR) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "first_warnings, second_warnings, identical_keys", [ [[], [], True], [[], [CoreWarnings.REF_NOT_IN_TRACK], False], [[CoreWarnings.REF_NOT_IN_TRACK], [], False], [[CoreWarnings.REF_NOT_IN_TRACK], [CoreWarnings.REF_NOT_IN_TRACK], True], [ [CoreWarnings.REF_NOT_IN_TRACK, CoreWarnings.OVERLAPS], [CoreWarnings.OVERLAPS, CoreWarnings.REF_NOT_IN_TRACK], True, ], ], ) def test_cache_key_fatal_warnings(cli, tmpdir, first_warnings, second_warnings, identical_keys): # Builds project, Runs bst show, gathers cache keys def run_get_cache_key(project_name, warnings): config = {"name": "test", "min-version": "2.0", "element-path": "elements", "fatal-warnings": warnings} project_dir = tmpdir.mkdir(project_name) project_config_file = str(project_dir.join("project.conf")) _yaml.roundtrip_dump(config, file=project_config_file) elem_dir = project_dir.mkdir("elements") element_file = str(elem_dir.join("stack.bst")) _yaml.roundtrip_dump({"kind": "stack"}, file=element_file) result = cli.run(project=str(project_dir), args=["show", "--format", "%{name}::%{full-key}", "stack.bst"]) return result.output # Returns true if all keys are identical def compare_cache_keys(first_keys, second_keys): return not any((x != y for x, y in zip(first_keys, second_keys))) first_keys = run_get_cache_key("first", first_warnings) second_keys = run_get_cache_key("second", second_warnings) assert compare_cache_keys(first_keys, second_keys) == identical_keys @pytest.mark.datafiles(DATA_DIR) def test_keys_stable_over_targets(cli, datafiles): root_element = "elements/key-stability/top-level.bst" target1 = "elements/key-stability/t1.bst" target2 = "elements/key-stability/t2.bst" project = str(datafiles) full_graph_result = cli.run(project=project, args=["show", "--format", "%{name}::%{full-key}", root_element]) full_graph_result.assert_success() all_cache_keys = _parse_output_keys(full_graph_result.output) ordering1_result = cli.run(project=project, args=["show", "--format", "%{name}::%{full-key}", target1, target2]) ordering1_result.assert_success() ordering1_cache_keys = _parse_output_keys(ordering1_result.output) ordering2_result = cli.run(project=project, args=["show", "--format", "%{name}::%{full-key}", target2, target1]) ordering2_result.assert_success() ordering2_cache_keys = _parse_output_keys(ordering2_result.output) elements = ordering1_cache_keys.keys() assert {key: ordering2_cache_keys[key] for key in elements} == ordering1_cache_keys assert {key: all_cache_keys[key] for key in elements} == ordering1_cache_keys