#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2018 Bloomberg Finance LP # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library. If not, see . # # Authors: # Jim MacArthur """ FileBasedDirectory ========= Implementation of the Directory class which backs onto a normal POSIX filing system. See also: :ref:`sandboxing`. """ import os import shutil import stat import time from .directory import Directory, VirtualDirectoryError, _FileType from .. import utils from ..utils import link_files, copy_files, list_relative_paths, _get_link_mtime, BST_ARBITRARY_TIMESTAMP from ..utils import _set_deterministic_user, _set_deterministic_mtime from ..utils import FileListResult # FileBasedDirectory intentionally doesn't call its superclass constuctor, # which is meant to be unimplemented. # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called class FileBasedDirectory(Directory): def __init__(self, external_directory=None): self.external_directory = external_directory def descend(self, *paths, create=False): """ See superclass Directory for arguments """ current_dir = self for path in paths: # Skip empty path segments if not path: continue new_path = os.path.join(current_dir.external_directory, path) try: st = os.lstat(new_path) if not stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): raise VirtualDirectoryError("Cannot descend into '{}': '{}' is not a directory" .format(path, new_path)) except FileNotFoundError: if create: os.mkdir(new_path) else: raise VirtualDirectoryError("Cannot descend into '{}': '{}' does not exist" .format(path, new_path)) current_dir = FileBasedDirectory(new_path) return current_dir def import_files(self, external_pathspec, *, filter_callback=None, report_written=True, update_mtime=False, can_link=False): """ See superclass Directory for arguments """ from ._casbaseddirectory import CasBasedDirectory # pylint: disable=cyclic-import if isinstance(external_pathspec, CasBasedDirectory): if can_link and not update_mtime: actionfunc = utils.safe_link else: actionfunc = utils.safe_copy import_result = FileListResult() self._import_files_from_cas(external_pathspec, actionfunc, filter_callback, result=import_result) else: if isinstance(external_pathspec, Directory): source_directory = external_pathspec.external_directory else: source_directory = external_pathspec if can_link and not update_mtime: import_result = link_files(source_directory, self.external_directory, filter_callback=filter_callback, ignore_missing=False, report_written=report_written) else: import_result = copy_files(source_directory, self.external_directory, filter_callback=filter_callback, ignore_missing=False, report_written=report_written) if update_mtime: cur_time = time.time() for f in import_result.files_written: os.utime(os.path.join(self.external_directory, f), times=(cur_time, cur_time)) return import_result def import_single_file(self, external_pathspec): dstpath = os.path.join(self.external_directory, os.path.basename(external_pathspec)) result = FileListResult() if os.path.exists(dstpath): result.ignored.append(dstpath) else: shutil.copyfile(external_pathspec, dstpath, follow_symlinks=False) return result def _mark_changed(self): pass def set_deterministic_mtime(self): _set_deterministic_mtime(self.external_directory) def set_deterministic_user(self): _set_deterministic_user(self.external_directory) def export_files(self, to_directory, *, can_link=False, can_destroy=False): if can_destroy: # Try a simple rename of the sandbox root; if that # doesnt cut it, then do the regular link files code path try: os.rename(self.external_directory, to_directory) return except OSError: # Proceed using normal link/copy pass os.makedirs(to_directory, exist_ok=True) if can_link: link_files(self.external_directory, to_directory) else: copy_files(self.external_directory, to_directory) # Add a directory entry deterministically to a tar file # # This function takes extra steps to ensure the output is deterministic. # First, it sorts the results of os.listdir() to ensure the ordering of # the files in the archive is the same. Second, it sets a fixed # timestamp for each entry. See also https://bugs.python.org/issue24465. def export_to_tar(self, tarfile, destination_dir, mtime=BST_ARBITRARY_TIMESTAMP): # We need directories here, including non-empty ones, # so list_relative_paths is not used. for filename in sorted(os.listdir(self.external_directory)): source_name = os.path.join(self.external_directory, filename) arcname = os.path.join(destination_dir, filename) tarinfo = tarfile.gettarinfo(source_name, arcname) tarinfo.mtime = mtime if tarinfo.isreg(): with open(source_name, "rb") as f: tarfile.addfile(tarinfo, f) elif tarinfo.isdir(): tarfile.addfile(tarinfo) self.descend(*filename.split(os.path.sep)).export_to_tar(tarfile, arcname, mtime) else: tarfile.addfile(tarinfo) def is_empty(self): it = os.scandir(self.external_directory) return next(it, None) is None def mark_unmodified(self): """ Marks all files in this directory (recursively) as unmodified. """ _set_deterministic_mtime(self.external_directory) def list_modified_paths(self): """Provide a list of relative paths which have been modified since the last call to mark_unmodified. Return value: List(str) - list of modified paths """ return [f for f in list_relative_paths(self.external_directory) if _get_link_mtime(os.path.join(self.external_directory, f)) != BST_ARBITRARY_TIMESTAMP] def list_relative_paths(self): """Provide a list of all relative paths. Return value: List(str) - list of all paths """ return list_relative_paths(self.external_directory) def get_size(self): return utils._get_dir_size(self.external_directory) def __str__(self): # This returns the whole path (since we don't know where the directory started) # which exposes the sandbox directory; we will have to assume for the time being # that people will not abuse __str__. return self.external_directory def _get_underlying_directory(self) -> str: """ Returns the underlying (real) file system directory this object refers to. """ return self.external_directory def _get_filetype(self, name=None): path = self.external_directory if name: path = os.path.join(path, name) st = os.lstat(path) if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): return _FileType.DIRECTORY elif stat.S_ISLNK(st.st_mode): return _FileType.SYMLINK elif stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode): return _FileType.REGULAR_FILE else: return _FileType.SPECIAL_FILE def _import_files_from_cas(self, source_directory, actionfunc, filter_callback, *, path_prefix="", result): """ Import files from a CAS-based directory. """ for name, entry in source_directory.index.items(): # The destination filename, relative to the root where the import started relative_pathname = os.path.join(path_prefix, name) # The full destination path dest_path = os.path.join(self.external_directory, name) is_dir = entry.type == _FileType.DIRECTORY if is_dir: src_subdir = source_directory.descend(name) try: create_subdir = not os.path.lexists(dest_path) dest_subdir = self.descend(name, create=create_subdir) except VirtualDirectoryError: filetype = self._get_filetype(name) raise VirtualDirectoryError('Destination is a {}, not a directory: /{}' .format(filetype, relative_pathname)) dest_subdir._import_files_from_cas(src_subdir, actionfunc, filter_callback, path_prefix=relative_pathname, result=result) if filter_callback and not filter_callback(relative_pathname): if is_dir and create_subdir and dest_subdir.is_empty(): # Complete subdirectory has been filtered out, remove it os.rmdir(dest_subdir.external_directory) # Entry filtered out, move to next continue if not is_dir: if os.path.lexists(dest_path): # Collect overlaps if not os.path.isdir(dest_path): result.overwritten.append(relative_pathname) if not utils.safe_remove(dest_path): result.ignored.append(relative_pathname) continue if entry.type == _FileType.REGULAR_FILE: src_path = source_directory.cas_cache.objpath(entry.digest) actionfunc(src_path, dest_path, result=result) if entry.is_executable: os.chmod(dest_path, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXOTH) else: assert entry.type == _FileType.SYMLINK os.symlink(entry.target, dest_path) result.files_written.append(relative_pathname)