# # Copyright (C) 2017 Codethink Limited # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library. If not, see . # # Authors: # Jonathan Maw """ ScriptElement - Abstract class for scripting elements ===================================================== The ScriptElement class is a convenience class one can derive for implementing elements that stage elements and run command-lines on them. Any derived classes must write their own configure() implementation, using the public APIs exposed in this class. Derived classes must also chain up to the parent method in their preflight() implementations. """ import os from collections import OrderedDict from .element import Element, ElementError from .sandbox import SandboxFlags from .types import Scope class ScriptElement(Element): __install_root = "/" __cwd = "/" __root_read_only = False __commands = None __layout = [] # The compose element's output is its dependencies, so # we must rebuild if the dependencies change even when # not in strict build plans. # BST_STRICT_REBUILD = True # Script artifacts must never have indirect dependencies, # so runtime dependencies are forbidden. BST_FORBID_RDEPENDS = True # This element ignores sources, so we should forbid them from being # added, to reduce the potential for confusion BST_FORBID_SOURCES = True def set_work_dir(self, work_dir=None): """Sets the working dir The working dir (a.k.a. cwd) is the directory which commands will be called from. Args: work_dir (str): The working directory. If called without this argument set, it'll default to the value of the variable ``cwd``. """ if work_dir is None: self.__cwd = self.get_variable("cwd") or "/" else: self.__cwd = work_dir def set_install_root(self, install_root=None): """Sets the install root The install root is the directory which output will be collected from once the commands have been run. Args: install_root(str): The install root. If called without this argument set, it'll default to the value of the variable ``install-root``. """ if install_root is None: self.__install_root = self.get_variable("install-root") or "/" else: self.__install_root = install_root def set_root_read_only(self, root_read_only): """Sets root read-only When commands are run, if root_read_only is true, then the root of the filesystem will be protected. This is strongly recommended whenever possible. If this variable is not set, the default permission is read-write. Args: root_read_only (bool): Whether to mark the root filesystem as read-only. """ self.__root_read_only = root_read_only def layout_add(self, element, destination): """Adds an element-destination pair to the layout. Layout is a way of defining how dependencies should be added to the staging area for running commands. Args: element (str): The name of the element to stage, or None. This may be any element found in the dependencies, whether it is a direct or indirect dependency. destination (str): The path inside the staging area for where to stage this element. If it is not "/", then integration commands will not be run. If this function is never called, then the default behavior is to just stage the Scope.BUILD dependencies of the element in question at the sandbox root. Otherwise, the Scope.RUN dependencies of each specified element will be staged in their specified destination directories. .. note:: The order of directories in the layout is significant as they will be mounted into the sandbox. It is an error to specify a parent directory which will shadow a directory already present in the layout. .. note:: In the case that no element is specified, a read-write directory will be made available at the specified location. """ # # Even if this is an empty list by default, make sure that its # instance data instead of appending stuff directly onto class data. # if not self.__layout: self.__layout = [] self.__layout.append({"element": element, "destination": destination}) def add_commands(self, group_name, command_list): """Adds a list of commands under the group-name. .. note:: Command groups will be run in the order they were added. .. note:: This does not perform substitutions automatically. They must be performed beforehand (see :func:`~buildstream.element.Element.node_subst_list`) Args: group_name (str): The name of the group of commands. command_list (list): The list of commands to be run. """ if not self.__commands: self.__commands = OrderedDict() self.__commands[group_name] = command_list def __validate_layout(self): if self.__layout: # Cannot proceeed if layout is used, but none are for "/" root_defined = any([(entry['destination'] == '/') for entry in self.__layout]) if not root_defined: raise ElementError("{}: Using layout, but none are staged as '/'" .format(self)) # Cannot proceed if layout specifies an element that isn't part # of the dependencies. for item in self.__layout: if item['element']: if not self.search(Scope.BUILD, item['element']): raise ElementError("{}: '{}' in layout not found in dependencies" .format(self, item['element'])) def preflight(self): # The layout, if set, must make sense. self.__validate_layout() def get_unique_key(self): return { 'commands': self.__commands, 'cwd': self.__cwd, 'install-root': self.__install_root, 'layout': self.__layout, 'root-read-only': self.__root_read_only } def configure_sandbox(self, sandbox): # Setup the environment and work directory sandbox.set_work_directory(self.__cwd) # Setup environment sandbox.set_environment(self.get_environment()) # Tell the sandbox to mount the install root directories = {self.__install_root: False} # set the output directory sandbox.set_output_directory(self.__install_root) # Mark the artifact directories in the layout for item in self.__layout: destination = item['destination'] was_artifact = directories.get(destination, False) directories[destination] = item['element'] or was_artifact for directory, artifact in directories.items(): # Root does not need to be marked as it is always mounted # with artifact (unless explicitly marked non-artifact) if directory != '/': sandbox.mark_directory(directory, artifact=artifact) def stage(self, sandbox): # Stage the elements, and run integration commands where appropriate. if not self.__layout: # if no layout set, stage all dependencies into / for build_dep in self.dependencies(Scope.BUILD, recurse=False): with self.timed_activity("Staging {} at /" .format(build_dep.name), silent_nested=True): build_dep.stage_dependency_artifacts(sandbox, Scope.RUN, path="/") with sandbox.batch(SandboxFlags.NONE): for build_dep in self.dependencies(Scope.BUILD, recurse=False): with self.timed_activity("Integrating {}".format(build_dep.name), silent_nested=True): for dep in build_dep.dependencies(Scope.RUN): dep.integrate(sandbox) else: # If layout, follow its rules. for item in self.__layout: # Skip layout members which dont stage an element if not item['element']: continue element = self.search(Scope.BUILD, item['element']) if item['destination'] == '/': with self.timed_activity("Staging {} at /".format(element.name), silent_nested=True): element.stage_dependency_artifacts(sandbox, Scope.RUN) else: with self.timed_activity("Staging {} at {}" .format(element.name, item['destination']), silent_nested=True): virtual_dstdir = sandbox.get_virtual_directory() virtual_dstdir.descend(*item['destination'].lstrip(os.sep).split(os.sep), create=True) element.stage_dependency_artifacts(sandbox, Scope.RUN, path=item['destination']) with sandbox.batch(SandboxFlags.NONE): for item in self.__layout: # Skip layout members which dont stage an element if not item['element']: continue element = self.search(Scope.BUILD, item['element']) # Integration commands can only be run for elements staged to / if item['destination'] == '/': with self.timed_activity("Integrating {}".format(element.name), silent_nested=True): for dep in element.dependencies(Scope.RUN): dep.integrate(sandbox) install_root_path_components = self.__install_root.lstrip(os.sep).split(os.sep) sandbox.get_virtual_directory().descend(*install_root_path_components, create=True) def assemble(self, sandbox): flags = SandboxFlags.NONE if self.__root_read_only: flags |= SandboxFlags.ROOT_READ_ONLY with sandbox.batch(flags, collect=self.__install_root): for groupname, commands in self.__commands.items(): with sandbox.batch(flags, label="Running '{}'".format(groupname)): for cmd in commands: # Note the -e switch to 'sh' means to exit with an error # if any untested command fails. sandbox.run(['sh', '-c', '-e', cmd + '\n'], flags, label=cmd) # Return where the result can be collected from return self.__install_root def setup(): return ScriptElement